If you think mask mandates are unpopular, you are literally Hitler (featuring Taylor Lorenz)




"Mask mandates are the same as accessibility features :marseywomanmoment2:"






Always the Omnicause lmao


Honestly this is my favorite type of response because like, nobody is stopping immunocompromised people from buying high quality N95s or respirators and protecting themselves. Frankly, it's patronizing to those people to act like everyone else should take care of them.


Okay this is true


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The left eats its own


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How difficult is it for someone just say "you're arguing from the wrong perspective. You might be correct about lack of popularity, but you're wrong about using that as a basis for your platform."

Wow so hard, and I'm functionally r-slurred.

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Because it's not about rationality cute twink, emotional reasoning is obvious to anyone with the moral fiber required to be a good person

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So everything is gay all of the time and always will be

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How would you feel in 2030 if you didn't wear a mask in 2020?

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Impossible. I'd be dead.

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But I'm not a Republikkkan

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Honestly this is my favorite type of response because like, nobody is stopping immunocompromised people from buying high quality N95s or respirators and protecting themselves. Frankly, it's patronizing to those people to act like everyone else should take care of them.

These Twitter types largely do not care about the end results of protecting themselves. They care about the validation of โ€œbeing a good fricking personโ€ and that's largely what the mask represents to them.

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its a power fantasy thing

they get off on forcing other people to bend to their will over arbitrary bullshit

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:marseyhesright: power fantasy and religious totem all in one. For a brief period they thought they had TOTAL SHITLIB VICTORY, with even many !chuds bending to the shot and masking (puebloods rise up :marseystrong:). But once it became more socially acceptable to stop all that bullshit, all but the most diehard shitlibs dropped it almost immediately. That especially drives them into frothing, apoplectic rage, as they see it as defeat being snatched from the jaws of victory. Suddenly, their whole worldview came violently crashing down, and they could no longer just blame MAGA chuds. The cog dis has broken their minds, and they haven't (and probably won't) recovered :taylorlorenzcrying:

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So the "shitlibs" took Trump's vaccine as some kind of 3D chess move to... I dunno...?

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If you recall the long lost, far ago time of 3.5 years ago, many liberals and celebrities were outright saying they didn't want to take the Trump vaccine, unless the soyince said it was kosher. Here's videos of Biden and Harris saying as such:

To call it the "Trump vaccine" is "technically" true, but asinine. Shitlibs weren't falling over themselves to vaxxmaxx until Fauci gave it his seal of approval. Once the software update dropped, then came the demands that everyone be vaxxed . Only the most diehard covidians still hold onto this, but don't act like a few years is some long period that we should all just forget about the bullshit they inflicted on the whole country. !chuds

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oh look, coof revisionism by a nonchud on rdrama

!chuds !nooticers thank @Bix for educating this demon, now shame him

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You almost have to admire the chutzpah to try to revise something that is in the recent living memory of all but the youngest or most mentally impaired people; it's some real "we were never at war with Oceania" type shit. While we're expected to care deeply about "injustices" that are decades or even hundreds of years old, the world's largest psyop should go unremarked upon and totally forgotten. Saint Floyd's "martyrdom" predates the videos I posted, and the "insurrection" is contemporary, and we all know darn well they will be trotted out forever as long as they're politically expedient.

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We respect our disabled :marseydisabled: vets :marseyboomer: here on rdrama, punk. :marseysalutearmy:

He was injured in the line of fire (slipped performing the simplest of tasks after falling into ill health shitposting/drinking himself to death) and he has more medals of honor :#marseyeffortpostnow: than you ever will.

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i could stand to learn more of this lore

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Based Putin forcing the next Current Thing onto western neolibs

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I think it's just a refusal to take the L. They can't accept the reality that all the anti-maskers/anti-lockdown people didn't die off en masse. The only way to keep their high ground is to constantly live in this delusion that covid is killing everyone.

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the more arbitrary the more power fantasying!

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Youre literally killing grandma. The vaccienes are 100% effective and those africans would have died anyway if we didnt shut down the economy. Also the pandemic had nothing do with the inflated economy but if it did it was Trumps fault anyway.

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I don't know what being "ratio'd" means, but I do know that anyone who talks about it probably should be killed.

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Used to mean a tweet that got more responses than likes, a good indicator that you made a ton of people angry. :marseyraging:

Now it means a reply tweet that got more likes than the post it's replaying to which doesn't mean anything about the original tweet. :marseydepressed:

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Both of those definitions are still true today

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what's the goal in acting like ur geriatric and don't understand all this newfangled kidspeak

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It's not acting. I'm not terminally online like the majority of users on this site. I don't use twitter, or most social media. I don't follow e-celebs, I've never watched anything on youtube that wasn't DIY or movie clips. The only thing I come here for, is to laugh at dumb shit that people who spend their entire lives on the Internet do and say.

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don't believe u. bussy carp :marseytrain: marsey bardfinn incel wojak r-slur zoz janny

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 58 minutes and 54 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

We've got Bardy fever! today we have mentioned our favorite mod 22 more times than usual!

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How are they still talking about mask mandates like it's 2020

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I think they were under the impression that they would seasonally rotate in and out forever, especially during the winter when practically everyone gets sick. I don't think any of them expected everything to go back to normal as if none of it ever happened. This lady pissed them off by pointing out something they all know already but haven't come to accept yet.

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I don't think any of them expected everything to go back to normal as if none of it ever happened.

tbh that part still creeps me out

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We went from โ€œit's the most deadly virus in historyโ€ to โ€œseasonal fluโ€ in just a year. Wild stuff

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>Ugly people still want mask mandates


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...poor and disabled people for saying that it's easier to kill them off, along with all the other vulnerable groups, so we don't have to deal with them. Unlike the disabled, I will remain healthy and young forever.

Where's the lie?

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The lie is the implication that masks would do anything to help the disableds

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lol i tried to check this on twitter and i'm blocked by taylor lorenz and have no idea why or when that happened


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It's because you followed or interacted with a chud account like stonetoss or something and got put on a list, maybe more than one, idk what the threshold is for those lists

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the block feature should truly be removed for public figures.

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Imagine the fingers that typed this up in 2024 :brookslaugh:


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Where's :taylorlorenzcrying: ?

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Edit bipoc. Now I look r-slurred :marseysad:

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Sorority squatting with some :marseytrain:s as of friday.


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The trans woman could be any one of them :clueless:

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Wow she's cute :marseyembrace: Taylors not bad either :marseysmug2:

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Maskcels can get fricked

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The nice thing about mask debates in 2024 is that they make a great wedge against leftoid safetyism in general. Whenever you're asked to do some stupid bullshit out of "respect" of someone else's feelings or whatever, ask whether OP is still wearing masks in 2024 and if not why not. Then use the exact same arguments for why people should not demand random shit of you.

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His test results were 100% stragginosis, and a partial Tardination of the Brain Ganglia. The boards verdict is repeated quadrasperg alignments.



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Can someone explain (with some markups) what "ratio'd" means? I get that it has do with the stuff at the bottom of the X tweet.

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At the beginning it meant that having more comments than likes means that a tweet is controversial and not that good despite the engagement. Now it can also mean that one tweet has more likes than another, therefore it's more appreciated by the masses.

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they changed the definition in front of my eyes

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Do any of them have a real disability or is it all "chronic Lyme disease" and "fat white woman who can't work for some reason?"

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You know the answer

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Google tells me that textiles were invented 27,000 years ago. It's crazy that we only found out in 2020 that they can protect you from diseases. Think of all the lives lost to disease throughout history cause no one ever thought to put cloth over their face

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>still whining about covid

At this point she's obsessed herself out of relevance. :marseygiggle:

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I am personally manifesting Taylor Lorenz having her mouth unceremoniously and swiftly coughed in by 1 thousand homeless BIPOCs. Imagine how differently her life would have turned out if she wasn't born butt-ugly. :10inbongland#: :taylorlorenzcrying#:

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Now do condom mandates

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Not that wide a net

Lmao these people really think that "being inclusive of my group" = "catering to my specific group at the expense of every other one"

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