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Transman feels unmanly after screaming and crying over bee. Pooners reassure xer that that many men fear bugs (without mentioning the crying part)



i feel some parts of me r way too feminine to ever pass

for example, i have an intense fear of bugs for some reason. when i was younger i didn't at all but something switched when i became an adult. i'm deep in the closet but today at work i kept my hair natural, didnt wear any makeup, and wore a more masculine outfit and felt really good ab myself. then a bee landed on me and i screamed and literally started crying and freaking out. it was super embarassing but i feel like the girls at work were trying to make me feel okay about it and saying they wouldve reacted the same way and the guys just saw it as typical girly behaviour i feel. but that really made me annoyed with myself because i cant even imagine a cis man doing all that over a bee 😭 its kinda funny but also really stressing me out. i feel like certain aspects of me r just extremely feminine in that sense and idk what to do about it

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>all lowercase

>no paragraphs

>txt msg typing in 2024

>inability to process feelings

A woman wrote this message.


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Shortening "are" to "r" is the most pointlessly feminine tumblrism ever. Unless you're on a flip phone it's not even faster to type

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Same with "u". I. Hate. Foids. :chudturbospergout2:

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u hate foids?

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Aevann called out


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She's one of the good ones :capytrans:

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Prince did it a lot :marseyoscar:

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Come on robot, do your thing

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hehe dood

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it's not "feminine" to have an irrational fear


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Its a requirement

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Biomen can react :marseyawkwardparty: this way, they just get branded a kitty forever :marseymoidmoment: and nobody takes them seriously.

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I like the tickly feeling when a housefly lands on your forearm and walks around on it and suckles on your skin with their proboscis :marseynut:

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Delete this

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The only suck from a female you'll ever experience.

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neighbor is a /r/insex poster fasho

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neighbor what?

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They are vomiting on ur skin not sucking it cute twink BIPOC b-word c*nt like cute twink

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Imagine not being brought up with an expectation of intense inner emotional repression and expect you can just turn that on whenever you feel like it.

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something SEVERELY lacking in female socialization. Just imagine how much better the world would be if w*men could emotionally regulate enough to maybe not send that one text message

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If women could control their emotions they wouldn't be women


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Men arent emotionally repressed. We litterally just dont fricking care.

This you?:


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Men care but can't express it. Like if you ask women to cry on command most can probably do it within a couple of minutes. Men will be sitting there like https://i.rdrama.net/images/17194937044380548.webp trying their best but no tears will come.

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I just remember my beautiful coupe in pieces on the side of the road

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Women will have crying competitions to see who can do it first.

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This you?


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Lamo men can express emotion they just generally have different physiological responses to stress

Foids - scream and cry :taycrying:

Moids - yell and throw things :donkeykongchestbeat:

The only distinction is the foid is called a hysterical woman while the man is called an r-slured sperg for these behaviors

I love that foids genuinely don't get this and they think men are always on the verge of tears like them they're just keeping it at bay all the time :seethejak:

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it should be self-control rather than repression. men who can't control themselves tend to end up in prison.

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She still looks like a woman :marseyarthoe3: and is skinny :marseyanorexic: :#cryingatcuteness:

She's so perfect :marseychefkiss: bros

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Another soul lost to the FtM machine...


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She just sounds like a regular foid

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Would love to frick his kitty

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Wow, and bees are like the cutest of insects. What a snickerpuss!


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Holy shit this has nothing to do with being trans.

When I was a kid I would pick up centipedes, woodlice, frogs, toads, newts, beetles, etc. with no fear.

However, now I think it's disgusting and can't stand to pick up a giant slimy frog and wouldn't dream of touching a disgusting centipede or woodlice.

Yes you can put that down to being trans but it's more likely growing up and realising some things are gross.

Maybe cis moids don't grow up and maybe cis moids are disgusting. I am willing to concede that may be true.

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Giant slimy frogs are cool to pick up. I think you've really blundered here.

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Lmao funny comment.

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I think you missed the point, the problem is the crying, not being spooked.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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If i got stung i could see it. Unsure though.

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True I didn't read past the first sentence.

This sounds like a normal girl who just couldn't be bothered to brush her hair one day.

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I don't fear bugs. Bugs fear me.


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>even if you do have 'feminine' behaviors, that might just mean that you're a slightly feminine guy, not that you aren't "feminine enough to be a guy" or to pass or anything. Its totally normal.

god darn the mental gymnastics they do

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@FearOfBees you are womxn coded

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From a poongod, you're supposed to be friends with bugs to be a real pooner

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she even types like a woman lmao

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just bee yourself

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remember when transmen hated the barbie movie that was funny

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