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[๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] What the heck happened to the Star Wars community?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

No one hates Star Wars more than die hard Star Wars fans. I'll never understand it.ย  (9)

Im an r-slur but they care (-2)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Well, people lost their minds because of a black stormtrooper. Everything kinda just went downhill from there.You want to know what happened and why everything is so divided? Look in a mirror. Too many people spending too much time focusing on things they hate. (-8)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

I honestly believe that Disney is actively astroturfing subreddits. (10)

You can't imagine people liking a thing you dislike? (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Honestly yeah, the internet really just creates an echo chamber. (4)

The Internet should never have existed.I love the six Star Wars films. And to me, the Disney products are bad. Not because of Rey, Finn, Rose Tico, the Witches or because I'm a C.H.U.D.Disney Wars is bad because the writing is awful. The characters are awful. The poor respect for the source material is noticeable. The continuity errors are laughable. Disney just doesn't understands or cares for Star Wars. And I might sound like a gatekeeper, but neither do the "fans" like the one from the image above.And neither do the Youtubers that focus on spreading hate just for click and views. Being mad about something, anything, is more easy to do than do just debate about the merits of a work.Apathy is worse than hate. It's best to just ignore the Acolyte and whatever bad Disney Wars product comes out later. (6)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

The show is FINE, its not the scum of the earth trash you guys are saying it is. Being real, its so unremarkable that this much discourse about it is just stupid. I have enjoyed The Acolyte, and i have shared said opinion with most of my friends and they agree. I also got death threats on twitter for having the audacity to have a different opinion on the show. If you don't like it, fine, live your life. But saying the show killed your grandma because of whatever nitpicky problems you've found with it this week, is simply insulting to film and tv criticism in general. if you genuinely hate the show that much, than don't watch, and move on with your life. (-3)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Disney shills can't argue the merits because by any standard the acolyte is bad.It cost a fortune but looks cheapWriting is bad, story makes no senseBreaks loreTerrible fight choreographyPoor acting from most of the castThey know all this so all they can do is hurl insults and hope you go away, but that's never worked since they started in 2016. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Optimal_Cause4583

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ(+0๐Ÿฎ)

Number of comments: 14

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

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:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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Starwars was ruined by millenial girlbosses and soy men who have cannibalized a once successful franchise and made it about themselves.

Nu-StarWars is preachy, with terrible writing AND acting. Worst of all, it's completely bland, with the message being "anything made by white men is bad and we need to remind them of that" or my personal favorite, "THIS WASN'T MADE FOR YOU."

They don't seem to have any understanding of what made the originals great and instead shame and condemn the fans who criticize their dogshit movies and shows. Fans WANT Star Wars to be good, they don't want to hate a frqnchise many of them enjoyed for decades prior, but no amount of wokescold news articles will convince the oldschool fans that this shit isn't terrible.

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It's not just Star wars, it's fricking everything.


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16929533000123532.webp https://i.imgur.com/UoxpAza.gif

Bros i just fricking can't any longer

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>oh nooo an attractive black woman! In a james bond movie! The west has fallen! :chudseethe: !nonchuds

Nevermind Halle Berry was already in a 007 movie decades ago

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Halle Berry is so light skinned you can mistake her for a Latinx.

She doesn't count.

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Halle berry wasnt 007 though. They had black Bond girls back in like the 60s

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bond movies don't count

they've been adding black people to bond movies for longer than i've been alive

in live and let die, bond was like the only white person


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>Get gay r-slurs to produce your shit

>Its gay and r-slurred

:marseypikachu2#: :marseymanysuchcases#:

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If it was gay and r-slurred rdrama would love it

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Like the Expanse!







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The expanse is great stfu.

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If the Expanse is so great then explain why Holden isn't getting pinned down by Amos so Naomi can peg him. :marseyindignant:

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Cause James is Holden Amos so Amos can get bussy blasted instead

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Would be greater if they cut out naomi

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I like the part where Holden tells anus that he likes his pretty little bonnet

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Starwars was ruined the moment an ewok appeared on screen.

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At least that movie gave us slave bikini Leia. I understand the desire to peddle merch to the kiddies, just throw me a frickin bone, people.


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Just put rey in a thong.

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That flat b-word?

I'd rather have Oscar Isaac or Adam Driver in a thong.

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Literally oppression

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Those scenes were still pre-ewok. Star Wars was still good at that exact point in time.

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Yeah, Han's rescue was pretty good, the movie fell off after that

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I still don't understand why George added a random music video in the middle of Jabba's Palace.

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Wasn't that disney adding "BLACK VOICEStm"?

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That happened in like '97 zoomer

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Women in bikins are problematic. They're explicitly made for the male gaze (and no, no woman has EVER willingly wore a bikini of her own volition)

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Star Wars was never good !kino you know I'm right

The original trilogy is just a lazy mish-mash of random scifi tropes and christian and medieval england myths

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The first film is good

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First two are good, third one is mid because of scenes and characters made to maximise toy sales (ewoks)

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The original trilogy is just a lazy mish-mash of random scifi tropes and christian and medieval england myths

This is why it's comfy kino :marseychudneet:

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>scifi tropes

In the 70's? lol what fricking scifi was that?

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The license and tie in black hole that is Star Wars isn't even affected by Ewoks.

Literally by the time Ewoks show up every single marketable object in the franchise has already been on screen.

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I'd actually say it was when Yoda showed up sounding like fricking grover from sesame street.

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:taywhat: B-word, he was voiced by Frank Oz himself.

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Star Wars survived Ewoks, it survived the prequels, it survived all the cheesy shit It died when it started wokescolding

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women and manchildren have no need for a mysterious bildungsroman, as they are their infantilised reaction to reality

the venn diagram of star wars fans and those who use "adulting" is a circle

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Star Wars is The Boys but for spaceshitters not smart enough for real sci-fi or real fantasy which at least was written by people who had some knowledge of STEM or the humanities

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>real scifi

Recommendations pls? Kino ones

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probably 2001 or the day the earth stood still

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Frick ive already seen them. I need good new scifi (that isnt the expanse)

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Why are you acting like Star Wars fans were ever not just a bunch of fat losers arguing about minute details, this is a neurodivergent film series that accepts neurodivergent people of all political ideologies

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>space capeshit was ever good


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No one hates Star Wars more than die hard Star Wars fans. I'll never understand it.

Ugh those stupid fans. When will they learn? How dare they not enjoy the slop being fed to them by a global megacorp.

Don't ask questions just consume product and get ready to consume next products.

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Don't ask questions just consume product and get ready to consume next products.

Wasn't this quote literally created in reference to nu-star wars?

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I need more Nerd Crew in my life.

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I actually like that they ended it. They made their point, and that was it. The right time to end. The lesson neither the people they made fun of with it, nor pedowood suits seem capable of learning.

I dont interact with that kind of content at all, but from my outside view it also kind of seems like that style of content largely disappeared since nerd crew.

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Well, people lost their minds because of a black stormtrooper.

Wingcucks dont care, but thats just not true. /Pol/ types of course seethed, but overall there was pretty little controversy about the black dude.

In general there were fairly neutral to slightly optimistic expectations to the first disney starshit. The sneed and everything only really became big later.

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I bravely rated the 2015 star wars (can't remember the title lol) a 5/10 at the time. It was as good as lazy rehash nostalgia bait could get.

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im sorry but "nobody was wrong as ki adi mundi" betrays a level of knowledge about star wars where you cant hold that over someone's head as proof youre better than them. this proves sam kriss' point that a nerd is just someone who likes bad things, there's no greater identity to it

that's like if i said return of the jedi sucks because the death star would fall right on endor and some nerd tried to prove im an idiot by saying "erm actually it's the FOREST MOON of endor", so you admit you like a bad movie and you admit you have neurodivergent knowledge of it in the name of pwnage. give me a break

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Is it even possible for moons to have forests? Sciencechads, is it possible for a moon to have a better atmosphere than the planet it orbits?

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I don't even remember seeing the planet Endor is supposed to orbit. Do they just randomly call it a moon?

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Absolutely possible

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Is it even possible for moons to exist??????

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Forests, yes but it would have the same features as earth plus not too much radiation from its planet

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The evil twin cut her hair with a lightsaber in order to impersonate the good twin. This show is r-slurred.

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I thought that sub was super anti woke but they're acting like they don't understand

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That is the prowoke sub lol, the chudsub is /r/saltierthancrait lol

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>star wars community

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Woman have to be literally perfect or be condemned to stripped of their last name, referred only as Joanne and denied any authority. They don't want to understand because any empathy would prevent them from hating her, from wanting to destroy her life and cause her immense suffering, they have to completely dehumanize and satanize her otherwise they might have any level of sympathy. It's legitimately pathetic the expectation for the work of an amateur artist to not have a corpus of birthmarks on it, to not be a product of the society and life which it was created within.

They have totally forsaken any level of introspection and understanding because it would be politically inconvenient, they want to live within a simplistic world of good and evil with all grey causing a mental breakdown. They're complete mongrels of the soul, choosing to refuse anything which could allow for emotional development because it would be mildly uncomfortable.



Im an r-slur but they care:

Well, people lost their minds because of a black stormtrooper. Everything kinda just went downhill from there.You want to know what happened and why everything is so divided? Look in a mirror. Too many people spending too much time focusing on things they hate.:

You can't imagine people liking a thing you dislike?:

The Internet should never have existed.I love the six Star Wars films. And to me, the Disney products are bad. Not because of Rey, Finn, Rose Tico, the Witches or because I'm a C.H.U.D.Disney Wars is bad because the writing is awful. The characters are awful. The poor respect for the source material is noticeable. The continuity errors are laughable. Disney just doesn't understands or cares for Star Wars. And I might sound like a gatekeeper, but neither do the "fans" like the one from the image above.And neither do the Youtubers that focus on spreading hate just for click and views. Being mad about something, anything, is more easy to do than do just debate about the merits of a work.Apathy is worse than hate. It's best to just ignore the Acolyte and whatever bad Disney Wars product comes out later.:

The show is FINE, its not the scum of the earth trash you guys are saying it is. Being real, its so unremarkable that this much discourse about it is just stupid. I have enjoyed The Acolyte, and i have shared said opinion with most of my friends and they agree. I also got death threats on twitter for having the audacity to have a different opinion on the show. If you don't like it, fine, live your life. But saying the show killed your grandma because of whatever nitpicky problems you've found with it this week, is simply insulting to film and tv criticism in general. if you genuinely hate the show that much, than don't watch, and move on with your life.:

Disney shills can't argue the merits because by any standard the acolyte is bad.It cost a fortune but looks cheapWriting is bad, story makes no senseBreaks loreTerrible fight choreographyPoor acting from most of the castThey know all this so all they can do is hurl insults and hope you go away, but that's never worked since they started in 2016.:


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>The Internet should never have existed.I love the six Star Wars films. And to me, the Disney products are bad. Not because of Rey, Finn, Rose Tico, the Witches or because I'm a C.H.U.D.Disney Wars is bad because the writing is awful. The characters are awful. The poor respect for the source material is noticeable. The continuity errors are laughable. Disney just doesn't understands or cares for Star Wars. And I might sound like a gatekeeper, but neither do the "fans" like the one from the image above.And neither do the Youtubers that focus on spreading hate just for click and views. Being mad about something, anything, is more easy to do than do just debate about the merits of a work.Apathy is worse than hate. It's best to just ignore the Acolyte and whatever bad Disney Wars product comes out later. (6)

oh yeah well i think it's well-written and wonderfully acted. i only hate it because i'm racist and queerphobic.


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