foids daydream about cvte nerdy avtists, this makes ugly nerdy autists cry that they must be lying

how shocking that everyone agreeing is a le based masculinity gigachad :marseypoggers:

so much cope about cavill lmao who wants to bet these incels aren't taking at least 5 showers a day :xd:

etc :marseylaying:

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would you listen to me yap about my nerdy little interests :marseyshy2:

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what interests?

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why weakly typed languages are bullshit

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Is this a linguistics thing or a codecel thing

Because the first could be interesting and the second should send you to a work camp

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It's a codecel thing (he's basically saying python sucks but I bet he uses it anyway)

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what's a weekly typed language :marseycrayoneater:

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codecel stuff

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Imagine if you told someone to add "one" to 2, and instead of saying "no you r-slur do it right" they gave you back the text "twoone"

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so you can just write whatever you want as long as it makes r-slur sense?

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You're right and you should say it

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I legit hate them so much bro.


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how closely do you resemble Henry Cavill?

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that's me

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Both appeared in film with an S on their chest. Pretty much the same thing, right?

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I'm listening

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Only if i get some hot peepee afterwards :marseydickeddown:

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As an attractive dude with shitass nerd interests, it's always amusing watching the most repulsive people imaginable blame their hobbies on being perceived as unattractive.

Like dude literally take a shower, cut your hair, and build a proper wardrobe. I know you think Boba Fett is Le epik win! But you have no excuses for wearing a screenprinted tshirt when you're 25.

Step 2 is learning to lie to foids continuously, but technically that's also step 0.

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Also don't be a fatass

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People who wear printed star wars Ts need much more than a bath and a wardrobe change

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By the age of 25 it should be obvious to anyone that dye sublimation is a superior method to screen printing. :marseyindignant:

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For the general :marseyarthurwatts: consumer maybe, but I prefer my buttons completely unmarked so that no one else can figure :marseyfunko: out how to use my stuff.


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Yea thank god I'm decent looking. I don't really have cool interests, not like it matters.

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I had my ex (god I miss her/him) ask me multiple times to explain Fourier analysis because of this meme. Also did single slit diffraction with a windows slit to make a rainbow out of moonlight. It worked for me. :marseyshrug: !math !physics Chads stay winning

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literally noone cares

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I care :marseyindignant:...wait :marseydepressed:

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You dated guys and girls?

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I'll date you if you're cute :marseyteehee:

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i think the tweet is false, because when u like someone you will just put up with them and ive seen women on twitter who'd retweet this kinda shit also talk about how horrible autists are for being too into shit. however comma: this is so pathetic, to beat themselves up because twitter women lie is ridiculous because like i said finding a woman who likes to hear you talk is so darn easy. mine loves hearing me talk because we have similar interests and i listen to her talk about her favorite manga and anime because thats what a relationship is. these people are like aliens whove never talked to anyone offline

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I think it's just one of those things that if you like someone, hearing them talk passionately about something that excites them is rly cute. while if you aren't attracted to them then them droning on is just going to be annoying and boring

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if you like someone, hearing them talk passionately about something that excites them is rly cute

Explicitly admitting this is conditional tends to break some foids' realities and of course is a difficult concept to lazy, neurodivergent men who pretend to need to hear it explicitly first.

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there's so many men confused bc they think rambling is what's attractive and I just don't get what's so confusing about it

it's like finding any other attribute attractive. if you're into Latinx or blondes or whatever there's obviously going to be many blondes/Latinx that you don't find attractive, as well as non blonde/latinx that you do like. it's just a characteristic that to you increases their rating

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and I just don't get what's so confusing about it

Lazy lazy neurodivergent autism bending phrases so the autist can be lazy and a number of foids that double down on stuff like this in some weird attempt to not seem shallow or something.

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anyone who pretends not to be shallow at all is lying :shrug: for the vast majority of people physical characteristics will be what initially draw you to someone, then if they're funny and interesting you take it further

autists hear foids say "I like guys who are funny and interesting" and then cope endlessly bc obviously it's impossible that chad is either of those things :marseybearblanket:

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foids don't realize i'ts conditional is because they just don't see men they aren't attracted to.

like at all :marseyghost: they're invisible

that conditional is alreaty baked into how they function in the world.

guys that they alreaty like, thus would be willing to listen to ramble, are the only ones that actually exist in their universe

it's like a fish trying to understand the concept of water. that's why it breaks them

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You both sound like redditors. These guys need to settle for reddit girls.

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>nooooo if you aren't overweight with bad hygiene you aren't a real nerd

Not my fault that foids find my mild autism attractive because I work out and shower at least weekly.

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I don't see you making a thread dedicated to defending obese men.

Just sayin.

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I genuinely enjoy hearing about the dude I'm seeing's interests, especially when it gets super technical.

I might not understand the complexities of fly fishing and weights and weather patterns, but if he can tolerate me rambling about etymology, I can surely try to figure it out. :marseydramautist:

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:

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yeah it's genuinely v cute :cryingatcuteness: the less comprehensible the better :marseyautismlove::marseyautismlove::marseyautismlove:

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chicks.. want to hear me talk about.. quantum chromodynamics...

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I mean, only if you don't have anything interesting to say about flavor symmetry. :marseyslurp:

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Hi ladies, I'm




>cold and calculating

>about to tell you what these 109 countries have in common, and why each one expelled them

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You can talk to women about linux all day if you make it interesting and human etc. Most nerds just wordswordswords information dump about the linux networking modules or something which sends everyone to sleep

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I may be a bit of a sperg, but even I know not to lead off on the first date explaining the nuances of Nabih Berri's relationship with Hezbollah. It's not that hard to get interested in k-dramas, k-pop, reality TV, figure skating, dog breeds, etc. Stuff she may not care that much about but it at least sounds like a fricking human being. I guess it never occurs to them that they could actually learn to like one of these things, and then sperging out about their new hobby would actually make them less of a basement-dweller.

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What do you mean nobody wants to listen to my nonsensical rambling for an hour?

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i mean it is kind of a lie. women don't want to listen to some dude talk about star wars lore or dungeons and dragons.

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All the seething about Henry Cavill, he's mentioned before that his nickname at school was "Fat Cavill" because he was pudgy. It was only later on that he dieted and got in shape, and then for movies he had to get that kind of physique.

So yeah, he was exactly that kind of nerd back then, and still is, just that his job meant he had to get fit and stay fit.

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I punched her in the face. She was a disgusting person to look at and smelled, and she's obviously an entitled, ignorant redneck. It was easy, because she kept saying 'I'm doing a PhD, I'm doing a PhD!', and I just kept replying, "Yes, we all know that, but what are you doing? What is your degree in? Are you going to get another one?" She kept saying "I'm doing a PhD" over and over.

And in the end I walked out and said, "Enjoy the rest of your stay here, redneck."


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I'm working on my yapping to women skills. (I'm neurodivergent and can't carry a conversation)

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Just to pl a bit, but working in tech it's hilarious to me that most of the principal Devs I encounter (the pinnacle of nerdiness above and beyond all others) are all 6'4 eurochads with blonde hair and blue eyes however the senior/lead level Devs all look like your typical Redditors.

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