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I would vote for Biden even if he was in a vegetative state to prevent the Republicans from gaining power

Being the supreme leader in a vegetative state for 4 years is nothing compared to thousands of years for the God Emperor in Warhammer 40k, so what are we even talking about? The point is that the Democrats behind him can make the correct choices to prevent the chaos chuds from ruining everthing, and destroying the world, and that's what really matters.


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I would vote Biden cuz i hate Vatziggers

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this is exactly my thinking too, if i was an american citizen i would vote for him just for this one thing

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What's astonishing for me personally, is that my politics, morals align with trump on 80% of shit, and despite his crassness and vulgarity, the actual IRL policies and legislation he pushed in his term was things I would support.

I literally would have voted for Trump in the 2016 election, and literally would have voted for him in the 2020 election.

But in this r-slurred specific scenario, in this moment in time in 2024, with this obscene magatard yank wingcuckery where fricking conservacucks are pro-russia, I would be pushed on this one issue for Biden in this specific election.

Even if I think Biden's admin is full of woke buttholes, and Biden himself is a senile zombie, even if i had to endure the mockery of democrat wokeness and insanity, I would not abide in letting the Ukrainians out to dry, even if nobody would ever thank me

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What's astonishing for me personally, is that my politics, morals align with trump on 80% of shit

Trump has no morals nor scruples or politics beyond being the center of attention and being President just for the sake of it. The GOP has policies, Donald Trump does not, he is a narcissist grifter using the GOP as a means for power so he employs a conservative rhetoric (for instance he panders to evangelicals despite being probably an atheist at heart lol) and follows stuff like judicial appointments based on the party's recommendations. His foreign policy is atrocious, just dull "America First" isolationism which is unsuitable for a global superpower like the United States. The way he handled his cabinet was extremely amateurish, incompetent and unprofessional. He's pretty much a sorrowful joke of a statesman.

At least for me voting for someone like Trump is acceptable only against candidates like Bernie Sanders, RFK Jr or other kinds of leftist loonies.


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>narcissist grifter

What politician isnt?

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The GOP has policies, Donald Trump does not

I am once again asking !chuds and !nonchuds alike to read Playboy's March 1990 interview with Donald Trump. His policies are far more consistent than people give him credit for. He also had more foresight than people give him credit for, though that's declined with age and... Well, you'll see it in his own words. :marseytrump:

Note: You should really read the whole thing, but here's a particularly relevant portion:

What were your other impressions of the Soviet Union?

I was very unimpressed. Their system is a disaster. What you will see there soon is a revolution; the signs are all there with the demonstrations and picketing. Russia is out of control and the leadership knows it. That's my problem with Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand.

You mean firm hand as in China?

When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak ... as being spit on by the rest of the world—

Why is Gorbachev not firm enough?

I predict he will be overthrown, because he has shown extraordinary weakness. Suddenly, for the first time ever, there are coal-miner strikes and brush fires everywhere--which will all ultimately lead to a violent revolution. Yet Gorbachev is getting credit for being a wonderful leader--and we should continue giving him credit, because he's destroying the Soviet Union. But his giving an inch is going to end up costing him and all his friends what they most cherish--their jobs.

Besides the real-estate deal, you've met with top-level Soviet officials to negotiate potential business deals with them; how did they strike you?

Generally, these guys are much tougher and smarter than our representatives. We have people in this country just as smart, but unfortunately, they're not elected officials. We're still suffering from a loss of respect that goes back to the Carter Administration, when helicopters were crashing into one another in Iran. That was Carter's emblem. There he was, being carried off from a race, needing oxygen. I don't want my President to be carried off a race course. I don't want my President landing on Austrian soil and falling down the stairs of his airplane. Some of our Presidents have been incredible jerk-offs. We need to be tough.

A favorite word of yours, tough. How do you define it?

Tough is being mentally capable of winning battles against an opponent and doing it with a smile. Tough is winning systematically.

Sometimes you sound like a Presidential candidate stirring up the voters.

I don't want the Presidency. I'm going to help a lot of people with my foundation--and for me, the grass isn't always greener.

But if the grass ever did look greener, which political party do you think you'd be more comfortable with?

Well, if I ever ran for office, I'd do better as a Democrat than as a Republican--and that's not because I'd be more liberal, because I'm conservative. But the working guy would elect me. He likes me. When I walk down the street, those cabbies start yelling out their windows.

Another game: What's the first thing President Trump would do upon entering the Oval Office?

Many things. A toughness of attitude would prevail. I'd throw a tax on every Mercedes-Benz rolling into this country and on all Japanese products, and we'd have wonderful allies again.

Would you rescue our remaining hostages in Lebanon?

Number one, in almost all cases, the hostages were told by our Government not to be there. If a man decides to become a professor at Beirut University, when he was told not to be there, and that person is captured—

He deserves it?

You feel very bad for him, but you cannot base foreign policy on his capture. With that being said, when they killed our Colonel Higgins, I would have retaliated militarily immediately. I would have hit something vital to them. And hit it hard. In any other case, I would let the takers of hostages know that they'd have one week to return that hostage. And after that week, all bets would be off. You would not have any more hostages taken, believe me. Weakness always causes problems.

Do you think George Bush is soft?

I like George Bush very much and support him and always will. But I disagree with him when he talks of a kinder, gentler America. I think if this country gets any kinder or gentler, it's literally going to cease to exist. I think if we had people from the business community--the Carl Icahns, the Ross Perots--negotiating some of our foreign policy, we'd have respect around the world.

What would President Trump's position on crime be?

I see the values of this country in the way crime is tolerated, where people are virtually afraid to say "I want the death penalty." Well, I want it. Where has this country gone when you're not supposed to put in a grave the son of a b-word who robbed, beat, murdered and threw a ninety-year-old woman off the building? Where has this country gone?

What would be some of President Trump's longer-term views of the future?

I think of the future, but I refuse to paint it. Anything can happen. But I often think of nuclear war.

Nuclear war?

I've always thought about the issue of nuclear war; it's a very important element in my thought process. It's the ultimate, the ultimate catastrophe, the biggest problem this world has, and nobody's focusing on the nuts and bolts of it. It's a little like sickness. People don't believe they're going to get sick until they do. Nobody wants to talk about it. I believe the greatest of all stupidities is people's believing it will never happen, because everybody knows how destructive it will be, so nobody uses weapons. What bullshit.

Does any of that fuzzy thinking exist around the Trump office?

On a much lower level, I would never hire anybody who thinks that way, because he has absolutely no common sense. He's living in a world of make-believe. It's like thinking the Titantic can't sink. Too many countries have nuclear weapons; nobody knows where they're all pointed, what button it takes to launch them. The bomb Harry Truman dropped on Hiroshima was a toy next to today's. We have thousands of weapons pointed at us and nobody even knows if they're going to go in the right direction. They've never really been tested. These jerks in charge don't know how to paint a wall, and we're relying on them to shoot nuclear missiles to Moscow. What happens if they don't go there? What happens if our computer systems aren't working? Nobody knows if this equipment works, and I've seen numerous reports lately stating that the probability is they don't work. It's a total mess.

And how would President Trump handle it?

He would believe very strongly in extreme military strength. He wouldn't trust anyone. He wouldn't trust the Russians; he wouldn't trust our allies; he'd have a huge military arsenal, perfect it, understand it. Part of the problem is that we're defending some of the wealthiest countries in the world for nothing.... We're being laughed at around the world, defending Japan—

Wait. If you believe that the public shares these views, and that you could do the job, why not consider running for President?

I'd do the job as well as or better than anyone else. It's my hope that George Bush can do a great job.

You categorically don't want to be President?

I don't want to be President. I'm one hundred percent sure. I'd change my mind only if I saw this country continue to go down the tubes.

More locally, one of your least favorite political figures was Mayor Ed Koch of New York. You two had a great time going after each other: He called you "piggy, piggy, piggy" and you called him "a moron." Why do you suppose he lost the election?

He lost his touch for the people. He became arrogant. He not only discarded his friends but was a fool for brutally criticizing them. The corruption was merely a symptom of what had happened to him: He had become extremely nasty, mean-spirited and very vicious, an extremely disloyal human being. When his friends like Bess Myerson and others were in trouble, he seemed to automatically abandon them, almost before finding out what they'd done wrong. He could think only about his own butt--not the city's. That was dumb: The only one who didn't know his administration was crumbling around him was him. Power corrupts.

You probably have more power than Koch did as mayor. And you're getting more of it all the time. How about power's corrupting you?

I think power sometimes corrupts--"sometimes" has to be added.

The biggest changes between 1990 and 2016 were changes in the country and the world, not changes in Trump. Running as a Republican rather than a Democrat because they became the party of working-class men, putting tariffs on China rather than Japan because they became the East Asian economic powerhouse threatening American industry, etc. Trump's actual attitude towards governance and perspective on policy hadn't changed a bit. He even unknowingly predicted his own downfall in 2020 when he described what would happen to Mikhail Gorbachev and what had happened to Ed Koch. :marseytrumpitsover:

You're welcome to disagree with Trump's policies (Lord knows I do), but the suggestion he doesn't have any just isn't true. It's something the Democratic Party and their affiliated media outlets came up with because it was easier than trying to understand him, and people have been parroting it ever since. :marseynpc2:

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I don't want my President landing on Austrian soil and falling down the stairs of his airplane


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It's remarkable how close his thinking parallels with those presidents from Truman till Kennedy where they thought a nuclear war was not something abstract like today's presidents. It could definitely happen.

But even more remarkably it also mirrors most of the realist leaders of today like Putin, Modi, Netanyahu (or whoever might their replacments be), that just because nuke possessing countries won't escalate to firing nukes randomly, doesn't mean an escalation to a hot war between two nuke capable countries would not happen (India - Pakistan '98) (India - China 2020), (Iran - Israel).

He would have made an amazing war theorist.


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But but but Trump BAD! :marseysoycry:

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This is simultaneously true.

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good example of Trump Derangement Syndrome right here !chuds !nooticers

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@nuclearshill is usually pretty level headed and cogent, but I don't read shit by non-Americans on what US military policy should be unless they're ukro/vatnik r-slurs, armenian dogs/azer goat frickers, or IDF/Hamas competing ethnic cleansers because they're at least entertaining and have useful on the ground experience from a contemporary war.

Full enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine and the re-incorporation of Panama as a protectorate is a prerequisite to me caring, and that's not going to happen. @Redactor0 I'm now sexually harassing you for an opinion

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Monroe Doctrine

It's just like my Starslop! :marseysoypoint:



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MFW I read fictional, satirical, imperialist, starslop propaganda and find myself genuinely inspired and convinced


Brain broke long ago, but I'll make do :marseyschizowave:

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I blame Paul Verhoeven for all of this..


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I don't really know what to do with Europe. It would be bad for both sides if we just suddenly left. But the situation we've had for the last 70 years (my parents' generation, my generation, the generation after that) where we pay for their defense in exchange for nothing needs to end. Maybe make a deal with some country that's more on our wavelength like Poland so we can have some bases there in exchange for protection.

In Asia we need to be doubling down on all the alliances we made from WW2 and the Korean War to deal with China. Especially we need to put massive resources into building up the Philippines (I still can't spell that). I'm pretty sure that even if I didn't have personal reasons for wanting to protect it, that country is the key to all of Asia. It's right in the middle of everything, it's got lots of land, lots of harbors, lots of people who like America and especially like the US military. Why in the heck aren't we making this the first priority of our foreign policy?

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Especially we need to put massive resources into building up the Philippines

Lmao I was worked up about the Flips and the nine-dash line last night. Panama beating the US men's team fired up the "double the fleet tonnage" in me

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Full enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine and the re-incorporation of Panama as a protectorate is a prerequisite to me caring, and that's not going to happen.

I argued for that lmao. Everyone wins with a !americas free of commies.

Yeah, I'm a foreigner that's why I didn't even bother watching the debate. I just gave an honest opinion answering to another foreigner @kaamrev then I woke up today and got like 30 notifications on it lol, wingcucks accusing me of TDS :marseyxd:

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>His foreign policy is atrocious, just dull "America First" isolationism which is unsuitable for a global superpower like the United States


The only people who claim their country can be a superpower by being isolationists are r-slurs:

Rome and Britain became empires by good foreign policy (local governance and Pax Romana), Wakanda isn't real and Serbia won't become a world power by fighting with all their neighbors and making everything around them shittier.

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America's retreat from global affairs will just empower China and Russia. But America Firsters r-slurs don't care for that, that's why Foreign Policy should never be "democratized", the general public is simply too stupid to be trusted on geopolitical matters.

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lol this is a good bait account (I hope)

you should change your name to neocon/neolib shill

!chuds !neolibs

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Nah. US has lost mandate of heavens and now zealots are going nuts

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That's what it was

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Maybe. US intervention could've also made things much worse. It's like creating a bunch of Vietnams or North Koreas around the world. Seems really dumb because "China or Russia might do the same thing." Okay, let them. Peak hubris was invading Iraq a second time and believing that they could install a democracy. That's the pinnacle of the US's foreign policy as of late. It's r-slurred and made things worse.

The only recent foreign intervention by the US which made sense was the first US-Iraq war. No "regime change." And the US got most of the Arab states to foot the bill.

Tell me. How did invading Libya and killing Gaddafi make the world better off? Aren't they still in a civil war? Last I checked they were torn into three factions. Very productive. :marseyclapping: Let the weapons flow to more radicals too, but at least China and Russia didn't do that themselves.

Invading Afghanistan was a fun one too. The Soviets learned well (and oh no they invaded a country! That should be the US's job!) It was so pointless. It knocked the Afghanis back another 20 years, and they ended up with the Taliban. Let them have the Taliban. Who cares? Expand hum int resources drastically, make connections, and pay them to capture and give you bin Laden instead. Or just dump resources into long-range drone strikes and missile strikes. (Of course, the funniest thing was finding bin Laden in Pakistan--a country the US has given billions too).

US foreign policy after the 90s has been a on a tremendously stupid losing streak.

!historychads, !chuds, !anyone who cares about foreign policy! :marseybottom:

@JollyJihad, argue with me. :marseyatsume:

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I'm not referring to military intervention. Isolationism (pre-1940s) implied cutting off from world affairs but you don't need to use military action to protect it, the mere existence of NATO and the pacific treaties with Japan and South Korea protect those countries. Same with trade deals like NAFTA.

The America First isolationists favored cutting any sort of material aid to Britain in 1940 for instance and they do the same with Ukraine, that's the sort of stuff which is not applicable in the modern world where the US is a global superpower.

Military action should indeed be used with caution but there's no need to retreat from world affairs, there are many ways to influence it.


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Just nuke anyone who starts mouthing off.

Especially euros

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Overthrowing Gaddafi was stupid, at least the way we did it. But everyone these days forgets that he funded terrorism all over the world. The whole concept of terrorism as we know it owes a lot to Gaddafi and the groups he supported. None of his terrorists pulled off a 9-11 but it doesn't mean they weren't trying. He put a heck of a lot more money into it than all the Islamic fundamentalists.

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But everyone these days forgets that he funded terrorism all over the world

:marseynerd3: Actually, the US removed him from their 'state sponsors of terrorism' list in 2008.



It also mentions how well he steered away from funding terrorism as early as 2003!

There were foreign policy articles raving about how well a dictator can be swayed by non-interventionist means. He was a shining example to other dictators of the Middle East. Aaaaand, the US destroyed all of that by invading him, so may as well go hard.

Like I said, US foreign policy has increaingnly become counter-productive.


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US foreign policy after the 90s has been a on a tremendously stupid losing streak.

You don't need to invade anything. It's really easy. All you do is wait for Russia/China to go full r-slur, give Ukraine/Taiwain enough firepower to bleed them dry and you're all good.

As for terrorism, you get the frick out of the Middle east and you let them kill each other while they forget about you. Maybe you drone strike the odd idiot that starts planning too much.

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Shut up, ya dumb b-word.

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I agree with you on intervention outside the Americas, but we've got two big, frick-off oceans and too many uppity latinx that have decided they should be able to partner with China in our backyard.

I'll get drunk later and come back to argue as a Bush era neo-con

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Are you drunk yet? :marseygossip:

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Let Ivan and Chang drink the poisoned chalice of empire. Their own history is riddled of the monumental failure it entails. :marseyevil:

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Neo-cons don't live in reality

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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Russia is barely a regional power at this point so they'll keep poking their neighbors regardless of who wins. Their only mistake was straying from central Asia, which the West doesn't honestly care about, and messing with Ukraine instead since that's a little to close for Europe's liking. Georgia really got shafted on that one.

China though is another story and that would be a huge mistake not to confront their ambitions.

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Russia is a great power in decay, their economy is weak and their demographic outlook is bad. But a wounded snake is not a harmless one, they'll continue to be a pain in the butt in the short term.

China is the biggest long term threat to the Western World, almost all of Africa is now under their sphere on influence and they have a growing one in LATAM.

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If you argue like that the general public is too stupid to be trusted on any matter (true)

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If you're so anti-Democracy why do you care if China or Russia is empowered other than for an ingroup affinity for the West?

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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I said Foreign Policy, not domestic policy.

Foreign policy making requires long term thinking, a state policy which can last for years and not be subjected to abrupt change every 4 years.

Domestic policy is completely different and requires societal discussion.

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Foreign policy making requires long term thinking, a state policy which can last for years and not be subjected to abrupt change every 4 years.

Tell that to Woodrow Wilson

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It's not completely different, often there are foreign policies that impact domestic policy, and domestic policies that impact foreign policy. Trade, immigration, migration, treaties on citizenship, disarmament, trade secrets and intellectual property etc.

Nothing in this world is capable of being in a vacuum. Keeping state neutrality because you don't trust domestic or foreign policy leadership with making good choices is actually good policy, because why go into Iraq and Afghanistan if we're just going to blow it after spending 20 trillion cool ones?

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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Because I am American and the weak should fear the strong

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Where are the Roman and British Empires now?

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Dead after they ignored domestic affairs. You need both.

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True about his cabinet selection and being disorganized, he said he would've given weapons to Ukraine earlier, rather than Obama's blankets. Of course, that's his word, and I don't have the data on arms shipments to Ukraine from 2020-2024.

He does have a "don't frick with me" persona that's good for geopolitics and more aggressive types. Biden is as intimidating as a wet blanket.

The main thing that has me voting against Democrats is all the legal but gray area bullshit they throw on Trump starting with Russiagate and still ongoing. It strikes me as tampering with the result of the 2020 election, and it's a shit strategy for a liberal democracy in a first world country. Just take the L and work harder for the next presidential election. If they didn't pull all that shit, which contributed partly to his disorganization, I wouldn't be considering a vote this around.

!neolibs, the funny thing about the tariffs was that Biden never lifted them. They were dumb for Trump to do, but still

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Trump has no morals nor scruples or politics beyond being the center of attention and being President just for the sake of it.


This is why all BPDmaxxers should vote for Trump

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:redlight: wingcuck alert :redlight:

for instance he panders to evangelicals despite being probably an atheist

he panders! who else would do something so sick and depraved?

oh right: every single fricking politician in the history of the universe!

The way he handled his cabinet was extremely amateurish, incompetent and unprofessional.

True tbh.

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I used to think I was a rightoid, before rightoids both in the US and europe 100% pivoted to the lowest uneducated r-slurs, 5th columnists, oligarchs :marseycry:

!boomers was it always this bad, or was I just too young to notice? Was Bush, Saint Thatcher and the rest of the gang this bad too?

Admittedly I haven't really followed US politics. :marseyautism:

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reminds me of my boomer father and uncles whom are avid environmentalists and preservationists,

but because of hippies and Greens, it's like pivot their worldview in disgust to be contrarian, and now completely deny the very notion of climate change, to combat global warming hysteria

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now completely deny the very notion of climate change

why misrepresent your own family? Obviously the "climate changes" no one would deny that. They likely have an issue with the idea of AGW and the thousands of failed predictions of catastrophe. Plus when they were kids they were told about "global cooling" and warned that the planet would freeze over, when ppl realized that was bull now they are told the opposite.

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Plus when they were kids they were told about "global cooling"

they weren't told that if they were kids at the time.

unlike today, where half the school year is dedicated to the holocaust and the other half to global warming, back then global cooling was not part of the curriculum.

there were a dozen research articles and a dozen popular science articles about this theory.

50 years later, wingcucks retcon history to claim this was a wide-spread narrative, comparable to global warming in the 90s and later. which it never was.

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It's dumb too, there are so many ways to attack the r-slurred environmentalists without going all in on rightoid delusions. Just go out and enjoy hunting and shit while dumping on the environmentalists for screwing up nuclear power and starving the third world by being anti-GMO.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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It wasn't this bad. Romney was the nominee in 2012 and he was a totally normal conservative. It's funny back then Romney even said Russia was the greatest security rival of the US and Obama had some zinger about the Cold War calling and wanting its foreign policy back, and all the lib media ate it up. It's crazy how everything has been turned on its head.

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Feel like shit, just want him back


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you went the opposite direction. you should have been a libtard when you were young, THEN you understand that rightoids are correct when you grow up !chuds

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"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain."

"If you're a conservative when you're 25 and a liberal by the time you're 35, then you're just some kind of r-slurred cute twink"

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"If you're a conservative when you're 25 and a liberal by the time you're 35, then you're just some kind of r-slurred cute twink BIPOC"

My favorite LBJ quote

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Take it up with Churchill he's the one the quote is falsely attributed to :shrug:

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Honestly I'll support whichever party seems to uphold the standards of meritocracy, open competitive markets and democracy better. I don't care about cultural issues at all, I don't think that's the states responsibility. :marseythumbsup:

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I'll support whichever party seems to uphold the standards of meritocracy

so definitely not the democrats

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Not everyone has to get it wrong.

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Reagan and Bush you can disagree with a lot but at least they didn't want to betray the country like Republicans now. That's something that really only came with Trump. Before him, loving Russia was considered, you know, kind of left-wing. But Trump praised Putin, Xi Jinping, etc. and the MAGAtards instantly threw away any principles they pretended to have and went full communist.

The Russians had funded a few politicians in the US before that, like Ron Paul, but they were always fringe weirdos until Trump.

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Rightoids would have gladly gone to war ahead of the stars and stripes but the dems replaced the American flag that patriots fought and died under with a symbol for brown people and butt cute twinkry.

Did you r-slurs really not see this coming?

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:chudseethe: Noo... Stop waving that flag! I love Russia now! Trump needs my financial support! :chudseethe:

:cha#dleftoid: :marseyl#gbtflag3:

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symbols are meaningless

you're lost

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You're the one simping for straggotry on rdrama.net

TW: scary rainbow :marseyprideflag:

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They don't love russia, they just hate (You)

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The Stars and Stripes also represent those people though?

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Redactor is a TDS sufferer? Lmao wtf I thought u were based

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I am based. Based on the principles our Founding Fathers laid out.


The reason I hate left-wing bullshit so much is that used to be my side before they went woke. So I hate them for destroying our country and stabbing me in the back too.

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Good then it's not too late for you. Trump is the spitting image of Benjamin Franklin, maybe even him reincarnated.

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Benjamin Franklin would never take a mistress as young as Stormy Daniels. GILFs only. :marseywalllove::marseywalllove::marseywalllove:

My dear Friend,

I know of no Medicine fit to diminish the violent natural Inclinations you mention; and if I did, I think I should not communicate it to you. Marriage is the proper Remedy. It is the most natural State of Man, and therefore the State in which you are most likely to find solid Happiness. Your Reasons against entring into it at present, appear to me not well-founded. The circumstantial Advantages you have in View by postponing it, are not only uncertain, but they are small in comparison with that of the Thing itself, the being married and settled. It is the Man and Woman united that make the compleat human Being. Separate, she wants his Force of Body and Strength of Reason; he, her Softness, Sensibility and acute Discernment. Together they are more likely to succeed in the World. A single Man has not nearly the Value he would have in that State of Union. He is an incomplete Animal. He resembles the odd Half of a Pair of Scissars. If you get a prudent healthy Wife, your Industry in your Profession, with her good Œconomy, will be a Fortune sufficient.

But if you will not take this Counsel, and persist in thinking a Commerce with the S*x inevitable, then I repeat my former Advice, that in all your Amours you should prefer old Women to young ones. You call this a Paradox, and demand my Reasons. They are these:

1. Because as they have more Knowledge of the World and their Minds are better stor'd with Observations, their Conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreable.

2. Because when Women cease to be handsome, they study to be good. To maintain their Influence over Men, they supply the Diminution of Beauty by an Augmentation of Utility. They learn to do a 1000 Services small and great, and are the most tender and useful of all Friends when you are sick. Thus they continue amiable. And hence there is hardly such a thing to be found as an old Woman who is not a good Woman.

3. Because there is no hazard of Children, which irregularly produc'd may be attended with much Inconvenience.

4. Because thro' more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion. The Commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your Reputation. And with regard to theirs, if the Affair should happen to be known, considerate People might be rather inclin'd to excuse an old Woman who would kindly take care of a young Man, form his Manners by her good Counsels, and prevent his ruining his Health and Fortune among mercenary Prostitutes.

5. Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part: The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.

6. Because the Sin is less. The debauching a Virgin may be her Ruin, and make her for Life unhappy.

7. Because the Compunction is less. The having made a young Girl miserable may give you frequent bitter Reflections; none of which can attend the making an old Woman happy.

8[thly and Lastly] They are so grateful!!

Thus much for my Paradox. But still I advise you to marry directly; being sincerely Your affectionate Friend.

"Frick old bitches. If they're too ugly, put a bag on their head." ~ Benjamin Franklin, the only based straggot in history. :marseypaperbaglove::marseypaperbaglove::marseypaperbaglove:

Unless !historychads know of another? 'cause I'm pretty sure it's just our boy here. :marseyfranklinpat:

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I don't know enough about Benjamin Franklin to deny this.


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Woke is an honest reaction to the unhumanness of the world. They can't help being r-slurred, having spawned from an r-slured world.

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what a childish view of politics.

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My formative years were the 90s, I can't support a party that hates people on the basis of their race and gender and passes laws that enforce discrimination on that basis.

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This is really the defining issue for me. Trump clearly wants to leave NATO and let the russoids ZOV their way across Europe.

It's a shame the dems have to be the big tent party and pander to commies who won't vote for them and how they prop up a genuine corpse, but Biden's as close to a !neolibs victory as it's going to get

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The Russoids couldn't zerg their way through an empty parking lot, which is what Ukraine basically was at the beginning of the war and Trump wanting to leave NATO is standard TDS hysteria from when he correctly told Eurocucks to start honoring their treaty obligations and bump spending.

Still, if he wins I hope the MIC wines and dines him enough to keep sending weapons to Ukraine. I want to see a T-34 destroyed by a Javelin.

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Would you even want to use a Javelin for a T-34? There's been like 50 years of armor and anti-armor advancements between them. The M72 LAW would destroy them for 200x less the cost.

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Even a single 5.56mm is more valuable than the russian life it will extinguish.

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Would you even want to use a Javelin for a T-34?

Yes, because overkill is hilarious.

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lol u don't think Ukraine is really gonna win this conflict do you? Don't you see the writing on the wall?

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nobody will "win."

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There is probably a Ukrainian rump state around at the end of the war and if theyre lucky its like 75% of the size of 2013 Ukraine. Compared with being ruled by Russiggers that is a huge win.

Long term all Slav countries are fricked except the Western Slavs

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I don't care what happens to Europe, they can deal with their own affairs.

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they can deal with their own affairs.

They can't and that's the problem.

Americans have no idea how much of the current global order and peace is thanks to the US projecting power, the "multipolar world" which the isolationists aspire to return was a violent one filled with wars.

America retreating means weaker countries being fed to the vultures.

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I think we have a pretty good idea and I'm tired of paying the bill for other countries to spit in our face.

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Don't think the US does it out of charity.

The EU countries are strong, reliable US partners, not just diplomatically but economically as well.

Isolationism means empowering China while weakening the US. Since the end of the WW2 the US has been atop the free world, during the Cold War the US enforced the Monroe Doctrine because having hostile regimes in your backyard is a dangerous thing. With allies you can trade and mutually benefit while enemy regimes surrounding you will simply cut you from the rest of the world damaging your economy while they get stronger.

Are the EU countries failing in certain aspects? Yes, they should for instance provide 2% of their GDPs for their militaries as required by NATO, it's unfair for the US to do 90% of the heavy lifting. But it's something that can be talked and both parts would benefit from a new agreement.

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Are the EU countries failing in certain aspects? Yes, they should for instance provide 2% of their GDPs for their militaries as required by NATO

so what is your real point of contention? That is all Trump asked for and its more than reasonable

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Send more planes b-word

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17278347330109043.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17280569636770003.webp

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You're paying the bill to keep valuable markets open, r-slur.

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Markets for gay s*x and abortions. That's all Europeans care about :marseyeyeroll:

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Weak countries don't deserve to exist

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What is weakness?

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be careful or you might choke on it

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>the "multipolar world" which the isolationists aspire to return was a violent one filled with wars.

I don't see the problem as long as they keep it in their countries.

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If your globalist empire collapses your wealth will be significantly diminished

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17278347330109043.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17280569636770003.webp

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These r-slurs are seemingly oblivious to the facts that the US is so rich in the first place, because it can leverage it's efficiency through open markets and free trade.

They seemingly thing in a mercantile world those evil rich people will just love everything, while Bubba in bumfrick Alabama could keep his relatively cushy factory job.

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They never keep in in their countries.

Multipolar world led to WW1 and WW2

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"They can deal with their own affairs" is exactly how an empire falls.

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Empire is Overrated.

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Burgers might change their tune when there's an eastern commie hegemony, Europe is half Russia and half Balkanized, and the U.S. is full of people saying "we'll be a superpower again if we just adopt $R-SLURRED_IDEOLOGY"

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Russia had to back off their main thrusts into Ukraine before western aid arrived in any real amount. I'm all for continuing to turn Ukraine into a Russian graveyard, but there's zero chance they actually try to take on NATO, especially now.

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Have you seen the state of a modern europoor?

I hope russoids r*pe them to death

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The Somalis are already doing that

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Rightoid !macacos support each and every single Drumpflermort and Amerimutt MAGNeurodivergent policy, except for their fricktarded trend of peepeesucking Russia, a prostitution and alcoholism-ridden Soviet LARPing shithole who funds third-world lef:marseytrain2: shitholes like Venezuela, North Korea, China, Cuba, and Islamic theocracies that !latinx and South African Rightoids hate, so of course the South American, African, and Asian rightoids fricking despise Russia, and this is their major beef and schism with the GOP and other rightoids in Europe.

In here, the LGBTQIAP2S+ university soyjaks with hammer and sickles in their Twitter bios are the ones with a boner for Putin and smashing muh Western Fascist Imperialism genociding le heckin Global South :soyjaktantrum:, while in the US, it is the opposite demographic who cucks out to Russia, just change the word "Nazi Imperialism" with "Woke Globalism" and there you go :marseyxd:


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!grillers if they weren't so r-slurred all the time, I would congratulate the Russkies on how well they cynically manipulate wingcucks around the world...

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It's simple, despite not being communist anymore Russia inherited the USSR's allies, so they put their propaganda machine to help pink tide leftoids in latin america, simping and making apologia for Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Bolivia.

In Europe it is the far-right who is fond of BASED and TRAD Russia (which is how the Russian Nationalists in power unironically see themselves) so I guess their true colors are the ones shown in Europe and the US.

!neolibs !anticommunists

In other words, for it's LATAM allies Putin is the closest thing they have to Lenin and for Eurorightoids Russia cucks (RN, Fidesz, AfD) he is BASED Tsar Vladimir I

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this is all part of the grift.

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>Russia Today

Biggest commie propaganda outlet in LATAM besides maybe Telesur !latinx !macacos those of you who speak spanish/portuguese check RT in those languages and the comment sections, the most braindead leftoid boomers and anti-westerncels comment on there.

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the most braindead leftoid boomers and anti-westerncels comment on there.

oh, so an average /r/Brasil day

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Should be:

Russia in the US

Russia in Latin America (a part of the west)

If anyone thinks Russia, Chingchongland, Iran, et al aren't taking part in information warfare by manipulating r-slurs (80% of the global population) idk what to tell you

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Brazil's relationship with Russia is complex. Bolsonaro wasn't fond of them, but he wasn't willing to torpedo our trade relations for virtue signaling (our agriculture relies a lot on Russian fertilizer) and I remember the media calling Bozo a Putin simp for that.

Meanwhile Lula actually blamed Ukraine and played a "le both sides" as some conciliatory bullshit.

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I mean take a look at how political culture in the US diverges from the rest of the world, in South America, Africa, and Asia, the pro-Russia crowd are overwhelmingly the "anti-imperialist" Commies and corrupt "Social Democrats" who think that Ukrainians are Nazis and Russia is carrying on the legacy of the USSR against Western Imperialism and Fascism, meanwhile, the Brazilian/thirdie "Putin will save the White race from globohomo degeneracy" rightoid crowd are a tiny irrelevant minority mainly secluded to literally who imageboards and telegram groups that no one gives a frick about, they tend to mainly speak in English and congregate together with American rightoid and Western European populists, because they are the only rightoids in the world who support Russia.

Here is a video by Ian Neves, the most famous Brazilian commie breadtuber who looks like this https://i.rdrama.net/images/16923152399824817.webp (no, he has not :marseytrain2:ed out yet) where he and his blue haired tranime avatar LGBTQIAP2S+ groomercord crowd spend their entire time pooping on Ukraine and shilling for Russia, while in the US, the blue hair LGBTQIAP2SBIPOC+ tranime avatar crowd are the ones who shit on Russia and spam SLAVA OINKRAINE 24/7!

This also reminds me of a video I cannot find right now, it was some Russian escort e-thot model cosplaying a Soviet soldier saying how much she loves Arab men :marseyxd:, this propaganda piece is directed towards the third-world shitholes, and there was also another vid of a Russian rural tradwife washing her clothes in a farm near a church, this latter one is directed towards the Amerimutt crowd, Russia simultaneously tries to pivot towards leftoids and rightoids depending on who they are sending a message to :marseyhorseshoe:

!neolibs !chuds !macacos !latinx !anticommunists @kaamrev

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Modern Russia is currently in this weird position where they're no longer communist but inherited the Soviet Union's client states (Cuba for instance). So they throw a bone at them not because they're commies, but because it helps maintain their global influence.

It's a shame really because post-USSR Russia could benefit enormously from good economic and trade relations with Europe and the US, but Putin is keen on reviving some sort of tsarist autocracy, pan-slavism, Russian nationalism. He's convinced the US and Europe are against Russia and that they're working to undermine Russia's interests.

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it's fitting though, because russians are completely r-slurred and their own politics don't even make sense internally


https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Putin is keen on reviving some sort of tsarist autocracy, pan-slavism, Russian nationalism.


He's convinced the US and Europe are against Russia and that they're working to undermine Russia's interests.

They are though

Anyways Russians need to suffer more if we want a revival of sovlfvll Russian literature, they had it too good the last few decades.

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Pan-Slavism is a codeword for Russian imperialism.

>all Slavic nations are equal except Russia #1 and we own you

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I thought Metro 2033 was preddy gud

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Russia could benefit enormously from good economic and trade relations with Europe and the US, but Putin

But America is against it.

see e.g. pipelines :marseymushroomcloud:

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e-thot model cosplaying a Soviet soldier saying how much she loves Arab men

Natural outcome after Dubai potty training.

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I am searching for it hold on lol it is too much fricking funny and eye-opening, I think that the title was in Arabic, something like "المرأة الروسية تحب العراق"

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except for their fricktarded trend of peepeesucking Russia, a prostitution and alcoholism-ridden Soviet LARPing shithole

Somebody sounds bitter. Did a Russian girl break your heart?


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Russian :marseytelegram: foids :marseyblobbygirl: only date good men

@BWC can attest.

I don't think :marseyphilosoraptor: a Russian :marseygleb: foid can ever give him heart :marseytedsimpflirt: break

Glory to Russia! :marseysaluteussr:

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!marseyartists back me up here. that russian Marsey is an AI work aint it?

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where are these rightoids that supposedly love russia so much?

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the face of a man who appreciates bread

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It's literally just you. You are the only one that believes this, I don't know where you are getting you get your information but you are incorrect.

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lolwat? where are the rightoids that love russia?

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You are the only one I have ever met that believes this. I've literally never seen a rightoid that likes Putin or Russia. You are clearly making this up.

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Russia did not make any territory gains while Trump was president. They, along with Iran and China, ran roughshod when Biden and Obama have been president. Saying Trump is pro-Russia has no semblance of truth to it

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Only the r-slurred nothing burgers are actually pro-Russia- the Russia apologetics from MAGA leaders is mostly along the lines of 'I am the only one who knows how to handle russia'


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I have the best plan, believe me folks, many people are saying my plan will bring us peace before I enter office :marseytrump: :marseykneel:

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Neither party is leaving the Ukrainians out to dry. It's difficult to describe the size of the American military industry but if the US isn't fighting or funding a war, those companies start to go broke, lose talent, etc.

The Ukraine war is basically a stimulus that gives them all the money of a small war without the cost of American lives. Most of the politicians against it are just doing it for political points (criticizing war is an American pass time).

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Being from South Africa and seeing what's happening there, I imagined you'd be more based than that (demographic change).

Besides I think Trump would be more likely to end the Ukraine/Russia forever war sooner than Biden, and thus stop more deaths from occuring.

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I don't fully grasp the relevance?

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Saving some (many?) Ukrainians is admirable, but saving the US from turning into a third world due to mass immigration is even more important, and Trump is more likely to help that cause than Biden.

So I'm surprised you'd vote for Biden because of that.

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Trump often differs from the MAGA base, remember how it was popular to be pro-Assad in 2015-17 on the dissident right and left, yet Trump wanted to kill him?

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Unless you're a Uke, why would you support stuff that destroys your society to save a corrupt NATO puppetstate?

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Cuz God hates Ziggers, and im a good Christian

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Jewhova hates everybody and wants them to serve Israel, so why bother pleasing him?

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Letting Russia subjugate another country is actually good for the west bro.

Sometimes you wonder if rightoid wingcucks are genuienly this r-slurred or paid shills, because nobody can possibly be this stupid.

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What do you want America to do about it? Nuke them? Ukraine was never going to win this war dummy

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Ukraine was never going to win this war dummy

Doesn't seem like it, so far.

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Wow Europoors really are r-slurred

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Oh sorry was this performance supposed to be the great might of the Russian military?

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So, how much are we benefiting from this now? Just another 3 years, bro. NATO countries are losing a hub for bioweapons labs, money laundering, and child porn.

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How does the existence of Czechoslovakia benefit me? Just let Hitler take it, I only care about France.


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If they completely destroyed their societies to stop Hitler, what would be the point?

NATO kept trying to box Russia in on spite of agreements, kept talking war with them, and even pointed missiles at their country. I don't blame Russia for invading, especially when you consider the Ukraine kept bombing the Russia part of the countries for 8 years leading up to this. Many bad things our governments do that drag our societies down are done there. I'd rather Russia get Eastern Ukraine if our real enemies are hindered, even a little bit.

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If they completely destroyed their societies to stop Hitler, what would be the point?

What the frick are you even talking about lmao

NATO kept trying to box Russia in on spite of agreements, kept talking war with them, and even pointed missiles at their country.

NATO and the EU tried to build closer relationship with Russia all through the 90s, they closed their eyes when Russia invaded Georgia in 2008, and did it again when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. It didn't even agree to send any heavy weapons into Ukraine before Russia tried to completely occupy it.

I don't blame Russia for invading, especially when you consider the Ukraine kept bombing the Russia part of the countries for 8 years leading up to this.

It was Ukrainian territory, that the russians occupied, after attacking Ukraine and kept shooting at Ukrainian position from it, after returning fire and breaking every attempt at a ceasefire.

You are either a demoralized r-slur who acts like I'm sure some parisian did on the eve of 1939, thinking after all these appeasements Hitler will surely stop or just a zigger, idk which one is worse and I don't really care anymore either, you are probably just baiting anyways.

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the US benefits from expanding NATO, which is why Russia starts wars to prevent it.

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We just do worse and worse at home. When do we start to benefit?

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you don't know how much worse things could be without it.

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Weak countries get consumed by stronger countries. It's the natural state of things and a sign of a healthy balance of power

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Inshallah 🙏 you ever find your way over here, I will frame you for immigration fraud.


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Return my 30k dc and I'll vote biden for you w photo proof

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Same, standing up to the bullshit of vatziggers is one of the most important factors I would vote for someone.

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Trump is very malleable

He'll get in office and CIA/NSA show him satellite /Intel shit of all the stuff they are doing in Ukraine and he'll look up to the generals like a kid and listen to their insistence on bucking Russia. All that will happen is he'll whine about money while the US war machine continues at full speed.

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i'll cope and pray this is the case, because Putin and Ukraine are literally in an endurance show-off explicitly to last just until this November yank election

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I know, that's why I consider DeSantis way more dangerous than him, and I was very happy that DeSantis did bad in the primary.

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It's rude to discount the monumental boost in the high heeled men's shoe industry his primary run produced. He changed an entire industry overnight simply by existing. That's how fabulous he is.

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Nah, DDR has a mancrush on Putin

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Trump also is obsessed with appearing strong and assertive. Putin will have to play tough guy now. The context of their relationship has changed. Trump will get into office and he'll have to come up with a 'solution' and everyone will be like "just fund them for another year while Russia runs out of shit and then we'll have a better negotating hand" etc. Then it will never stop for 4yrs.

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That is what he did with Afghanistan. Just keep it going because he didn't know what else to do.

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Russia's been running out of shit for years, while Ukraine needs so much stuff to replace stuff they already received that western nations are running low on their own supplies. I don't think Russia's going to run out of stuff anytime soon.

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Russias also losing armour at like 20-1 to Ukraine, they run multiple armoured assaults daily where they lose 2 IFVs and a tank while one might get away unharmed x2-3 + lots of rear FPV strikes, while Russia will post a single video of a Ukraine armoured getting hit by a lancet + some random vehicles or an MRAP.

Anyone paying attention to OSINT documentation can see that this dynamic is not sustainable for either party. Both can continue with Russias war economy and NATOs huge amounts of money.

But only one side needs to show progress. Ukraine merely has to survive.

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Now the Ukraine only needs to survive? That's some goalpost moving. These same people telling us all this are the same ones insisting the Ukraine was having these amazing victories with 17-year-old models becoming snipers who kill 150 Russians within a week of getting their first sniper rifle. Surely these guys are telling you the truth now.

Also, losing a quarter of your territory is a massive loss, even if you survive in the end. What if the US lost the entire East Coast in a war? Would that not matter?

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Russia's already fielding tanks from the 50's and civilian vehicles to move troops around. They'll never 'run out' since they had stupidly vast reserves of old Soviet gear, and even as that runs low they'll just attempt smaller assaults to stretch that out.

While Europe is probably running low on some stuff (thanks to their decades of under spending) Russia has been so messed up that a direct NATO confrontation is unthinkable for them, which was the whole point. I would love for Ukraine to win the war, but the West's goal was to bleed Russia dry of modern military equipment and if the war ended tomorrow, that's been done. I doubt any Western power is willing to commit the forces necessary to guarantee actually winning this thing, and that includes Trump and Biden.

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The West is losing control of previously conquered countries to nogs and guys who live in mud huts in recent years. It's hard to believe they're in a position of strength here, especially when you consider the Marvel-tier propaganda going on earlier in the war. A bunch of countries joined BRICS, the petrodollar is ending, and a good chunk of Ukrainians are dead or fled the country. France also lost control over Niger, and is losing control over Africa, and can't do anything but give up. Whatever plans they had are r-slurred beyond belief.

Besides, that fancy western equipment must be shit if they lose to 70 year old tanks in Russia and to guys with old weapons and Hiluxes elsewhere.

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Ah, you're one of those types. Because the US did its dumb shit in Afghanistan and Iraq (basically hang around for decades without a concrete plan which is sadly the norm) and eventually got tired of it and left, that must mean they lost to a bunch of hut dwellers and are in actuality really, really weak.

US Losses over 2 decades:

Iraq - 4,431

Afghanistan - 1,922

That's called a bad week for Russia who, 3 years later, still hasn't taken over 1/4 of their poor as frick neighbor and is rolling out equipment from the 50's. If Russia won the war tomorrow, this showing is still hilariously bad, not to mention a disaster for their military readiness going forward. Keep on :marseycope:'ing

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truth nuke

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It's proven in the Steele Dossier. He paid hookers to pee on Obama's hotel bed!

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Isn't that fake news? Or just the tape was fake?

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It's just (always has been) hearsay.

Trump being bizarrely capitulous to Putin fueled the rumor.

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Trump being bizarrely capitulous to Putin

when did that happen?

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it's as true as all of Russiagate

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dude bussy :marseyquadsconfused: lmao

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It is. Just like how Trump loving Russia is a conspiracy theory Democrats spent years promoting. Ukraine was completely safe under Trump while Putin took territory while Obama and Biden were in office.

This doesn't even mention the Afghanistan disaster or how Biden capitulates to China and Iran. Biden's foreign policy record dating back 30 years might be the single weakest thing about him

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I hope you're right, but I wouldn't be too sure about this.

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Never bet against the US love for war, they love it more than Russia

Obama said he'd end the Iraq/Afghanistan war, pretty strongly. Then all he did in office was the surge and massively expanding the black war with drones strikes and CIA shit...

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go be poor somewhere else zigger

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>t. :marseytrain:

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LMAO, your country was cucked by BIPOCs.

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Oh no, you got me wrong. I love that you and all the other Afrikaners are forced to live in a pro-Russian country.

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And yours was cucked by albanians, which is even more embarassing. :marseyxd:

(Along with croats, b*snians and so on, but let's just focus on the funniest one)

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And your country was cucked by us in WW1, so how pathetic are you?

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Serbia was wiped out.

Luckily the western powers you are so ungrateful to rescued you.

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LMAO, we cucked you with an army way smaller than yours. You had to get Bulgarians to attack us in order to stand a chance. And your empire was still destroyed after that, while Yugoslavia continued to exist.

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Cucked you

Serbia disappeared off the map by 1915? Luckily the USA, Britain and France came to rescue you, be grateful to your betters :marseysaluteusa:

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More dead ziggers = more happiness in the world

I support happiness

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This seems to be a popular view lol same

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But it doesn't matter who is going to win. Biden needs to end it before election to get it as democratic victory, Trump need to prolong it until he wins the election to call it republican victory. If Biden loses democrats start pushing to continue the fight since they won't want to give this victory to Trump.

Objectively the results of this election will play zero roles.

Zelenskyy wants now to just give Russian part of Donbas it controls and get back Kherson and Zaphorozie.

But why would Russia leave positions it solid controls and last year even easily owned spring counteroffensive?

Putin says he wants full control of his oblast (it's just offer he knows Zelenskyy won't fulfil even tho from historical pov it will be lucked as very good one for Ukraine just like we now look at 2022 peace offer)

Trump wants to freeze the front

Russia again have no reason to agree on this

So it's a dead end

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