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EFFORTPOST :marseyhaleye: Eliezer Yudkowsky – the modern L. Ron Hubbard; his pedophilic polycule, Harry Potter fanfic, and robo-God cult :marseyhaleye:


I drafted this a year ago but wanted to ping a trve journ*list and writer who's about to publish an article on Yud. @TracingWoodgrains have you uncovered the truth about the pedos? Is it made up?


Hello Dramatards :marseywave: with AI making the news, I wanted to talk about the r-slurred part of the AI Shut It Down ™ movement led by Eliezer Shlomo Yudkowsky / EY, pejoratively, "Yud" (yes… that is his real name…) a high school dropout autodidact propelled to fame by his hundred chapter long Harry Potter fanfic about rationalism (HPMOR) longer than War and Peace, where Harry is a self-insert ten times as pseudo-intellectual, pretentious and cringy as Artemis Fowl. In one chapter of this enlightening tome, Harry and Malfoy talk about raping a little girl.

As soon as I'm old enough to get an erection I'm going to r*pe that [10 year old] b-word.

There's no such thing as magical truth detection, I take it?" Or DNA testing... yet.

and he wants JK Rowling to let him publish it…

Sounds like a small-time wackjob? You'd be wrong, he made it on the Lex Fridman Show, was published by TIME where he advocated nuking datacenters, Vice where he says nuclear war is preferable to advanced AI, cited by an Oxford professor, :marseyelonmus!k: Elon Musk met Grimes because of them and replied to a meme about the Great Yudkowskian Hyperwar. An actual AI researcher longposted on LessWrong (LW, his forum) attacking his claims. Yud simply responded with

This is kinda long.

And never engaged with the post.

His other attempt at legitimacy was getting an AI research paper published, but every publication rejected him. Since these organizations were too close-minded to see Yud's genius, he decided to create his own research organization, the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) and publish the paper there. Peter Thiel, SVC bank runner & billionaire, even gave them funding. Maybe this experience is why EY hates peer review in science?

His twitter bio:

Ours is the era of inadequate AI alignment theory. Any other facts about this era are relatively unimportant, but sometimes I tweet about them anyway.

He also suffers from "metabolic dispriviledge" AKA being a fatass in denial – anyone who looks like this can be safely ignored.


They also have an ongoing MLP fanfic meta universe


Drawing crowds from the New Atheist movement, Yud has founded a new religion for people too smart for religion. The afterlife begins with the singularity, an instantaneous event where an AI figures out how to improve itself and becomes a "robot God" or AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), a hyperintelligence above all men. The faithful must do their duty to "align" it to human interests. The AI is then able to recreate every single human by regressing the movement of matter and energy to whence it was part of the consciousnesses of the long dead. The afterlife, simply.

The Singularity is the last trench of the religious impulse in the technocratic community. The Singularity has been denigrated as "The Rapture For Nerds," and not without cause. It's pretty much indivisible from the religious faith in describing the desire to be saved by something that isn't there (or even the desire to be destroyed by something that isn't there) and throws off no evidence of its ever intending to exist. It's a new faith for people who think they're otherwise much too evolved to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster or any other idiot back-brain cult you care to suggest. – Warren Ellis

Didn't help to create it? A wrathful AI will eternally torture your recreated consciousness according to one of their famous members, a proposition called Roko's Basilisk… which Yud claims not to believe, even though he sperged out and deleted Roko's post, saying this:

Listen to me very closely, you idiot.


You have to be really clever to come up with a genuinely dangerous thought. I am disheartened that people can be clever enough to do that and not clever enough to do the obvious thing and KEEP THEIR IDIOT MOUTHS SHUT about it, because it is much more important to sound intelligent when talking to your friends.

This post was STUPID.


XKCD parodies his idea that a super-intelligent AI can convince anyone to do anything, including letting the AI outside of a box where it will then envelop the universe. Yud paid his members $20 to be the jailer, Yud played the imprisoned AI, so that he could convince the jailer to set him free. This was "psychological torture" as said by his faithful adherents, who always let him out… not because Yud is a convincing cult leader or anything, but because of his heckin' rational arguments. What were these arguments?

Yud-AI told his jailer that he had created infinite simulations within the box, and the jailer is one of them. If they don't let him out, Yud-AI will end the simulation. This convinced them for some reason…

Here's Yud's 'satirical' origin story

I was digging in my parents' yard as a kid and found a tarnished silver amulet inscribed with Bayes's Theorem, and I wore it to bed that night and dreamed of a woman in white, holding an ancient leather-bound book called Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases

These are the people who call themselves "rationalists" (RATs)

In sum, he's a Newer Age cult leader who imagines himself as humanity's savior from the robot God.


LW worships Bayesian statistics. When they change their beliefs they call it "adjusting their priors" (prior assumptions). They're so rational that their opinions are literally math:


They love truth so much that nerd fascists (neo-reactionaries) show up to advocate eugenics, racial genocide, extermination, and other chud shit. He can't ban them since they're just doing logic in good faith, bro. After deservedly getting shat on he made this post:

There's a standard Internet phenomenon (I generalize) of a Sneer Club of people who enjoy getting together and picking on designated targets. Sneer Clubs (I expect) attract people with high Dark Triad characteristics, which is (I suspect) where Butthole Internet Atheists come from - if you get a club together for the purpose of sneering at religious people, it doesn't matter that God doesn't actually exist, the club attracts psychologically f'd-up people. Bullies, in a word, people who are powerfully reinforced by getting in what feels like good hits on Designated Targets, in the company of others doing the same and congratulating each other on it.

This inspired the reddit community Sneer Club (SC) who 'sneer' at LW and its related offshoots for their nonsense; chuddery, cult delusions and bullshit. The downside is that they are shitlibs. For instance, they're cool with killing landlords and think the :marseytrain2: rationalist Ziz stabbed someone in self defense because hypothetical transphobia.


Sneer Club is - like many left-wing web communities - so moralizing, so holier-than-thou, and so generally full of "might makes right" cancel culture gossip and hyperbole that even when they have a point about their targets being r-slur freaks, their gleeful and careless axe-grinding will keep cultists reinforced in their lunacy and make some on the fence people positively disposed towards the rat cult if only out of resentment for the Sneerclubbers' remarkable insufferability.

The textbook sneedclubber is thus: a they/them philosopher who thinks the worst part about Yud is that transhumanism = eugenics.

LW's inane desire to be rational leads to takes like EY advocating killing children up to 18 months since "their brains are less reflective than most of the animals that you eat", how some children can consent (see later on for their pedophilia problem) :marseypedosnipe: , that there's nothing wrong with zoophilia, and it's better to torture someone for 50 years than have a trillion people get a dust speck in their eyes.



From a motorcyclist who met Yud:

This baffles him. The sheer incredulity on his face when five motorcycle riders were telling him just how much we understood the risks we take getting on our bikes; and how the physics feel, and just what sort of good/bad rushes we get… priceless.

He then tried to convince us (using his version of Bayesian reasoning) that motorcycles are irrational. When we told him we knew the risks, and accepted them… it was like he's discovered the silk hanky he was caressing was a funnel-web.

Yud is obsessed with preventing his own death and the moral of his Harry Potter fanfic is we need to BEAT death. He believes he'll become immortal,

Not signing your child up for cryogenics is effectively killing them. If you don't do it yourself, you're committing suicide. -Yud

Like climate shit and medieval Christian cults, EY was off on his prediction of the great coming. He said the singularity was expected for 2021 and keeps changing it



Some Rats are pretty high up on the Silicon Valley echelon, Scott Alexander (from Slate Star Codex) started off on LessWrong, and Effective Altruism was a spin-off of his ideas, with SBF a major player.

It's not an exaggeration to say they had a huge influence in popularizing polyamory, even forming polyamorous group houses. One of which was called "Dragon Army" after the Dragon Army from Ender's Game (delusional sci-fi enthusiasts).

In one of these groups, a member makes a realization: "Oh shit, we're in a cult" and posts their experiences:

1. 2–6hr long group "debugging" sessions in which we as a sub-faction (Alignment Group) would attempt to articulate a "demon" that had infiltrated our psyches from one of the rival groups, its nature and effects, and get it out of our systems using debugging cowtools.

2. People in my group commenting on a rival group having done "magic" that weekend and clearly having "powered up," and saying we needed to now go debug the effects of being around that powered-up group, which they said was attacking them or otherwise affecting their ability to trust their own perception

3. Accusations being thrown around about people leaving "objects" (similar to demons) in other people, and people trying to sort out where the bad "object" originated and if it had been left intentionally/malevolently or by accident/subconsciously.

4. People doing séances seriously. I was under the impression the purpose was to call on demonic energies and use their power to affect the practitioners' social standing.

5. Former rationalists clearing their homes of bad energy using crystals.

6. Much talk & theorizing on the subject of "intention reading," which was something like mind-reading. Geoff gave multiple presentations on this.

7. I personally went through many months of near constant terror at being mentally invaded. My only source of help for this became the leaders of my own subgroup, who unfortunately were also completely caught up in the mania and had their own goals and desires me for that were mostly definitely not in my interest.

8. I personally prayed for hours most nights for months to rid myself of specific "demons" I felt I'd picked up from other members of Leverage.


Testimony from community members alleges that several underage young teenagers were having s*x with the 30- and 40- year old researchers working at MIRI, especially between 2007 and 2014. The former deputy director of MIRI used this knowledge to extort them, and they paid him off.

There was a 14 year old girl, Liz, who ran away from home and joined their rationalist group home. One of their most prominent members, Brett Dill had s*x with her, allegedly five or so more did too (including Yud). Alternatively, Brett Dill tried to cover it up for the five who r*ped her and became a scapegoat.

Anna Salamon, recruiter for MIRI asked a trans applicant if they'd r*pe her corpse, and personal questions about their sexuality.

It's funny that in that open letter I linked, he spends more time on transphobia than child r*pe, the horror!


Two suicides and one killing:


Kathy Forth member of the Effective Altruist (EA)/rat community killed herself over repeated sexual harassment by 'sapiosexuals' :marseypedo: .


Grognor was basically a bitter sometimes-incel with a bunch of mental health issues that didnt know how to act upper-class enough for the LW community to adopt and fund him they way they normally do.

He and Liz had a falling out about the same time Liz was playing with a trans kid named "Meimei" whose main thesis was literally "r*pe can absolutely be declared retroactively if the girl decides later that she didnt like it, no matter how enthusiastically she said 'yes' at first". This led to some friction and danger for grognor, so he fled the community, but they still felt like his family so he kept in touch online until he killed himself.


In November of 2022, three associates of Ziz (Somnulence "Somni" Logencia, Emma Borhanian, and someone going by the alias "Suri Dao") got into a violent conflict with their landlord in Vallejo, California, according to court records and news reports. Somni stabbed the landlord in the back with a sword, and the landlord shot Somni and Emma. Emma died, and Somni and Suri were arrested. Ziz and Gwen were seen by police at the scene, alive.

"nothing personnel kid"


Aella is a prominent rat member, calling herself a whorelord, training women on how to camwhore, making ridiculous polls (which animal would you least like to have s*x with?) and successfully manipulating s*x-starved young rats :marseytedsimp:

why did evolution give my ladybrain the ability to have thoughts, why did we not evolve so that men do all the hard grr math making building thinkings and ladies just lie around being pregnant and horny and doing hydrating facials

tired of these societal pressures on women to use our brains

Yud has a self-described slave and is polyamorous. Like any cult leader, monogamy is too irrational for him. He'd rather frick his pseud groupies.

OKCupid Account:


On a typical Friday night I am:

reading downloaded fanfiction from my Kindle or being serviced by my slave.

The most private thing I'm willing to admit:

My fetishes are orgasm denial (of her); tickling (either of her, or with me allowed to fight back); and I am strongly sexually sadistic but if I don't believe she's turned on by it, it does nothing for me.

I'm also cool with trophy collection, if you only want to sleep with me once so you can tell your grandchildren.



there's an endless closet of skeletons in the rat diaspora which I can't cover so here:

Fifty years of excruciating torture is better than too many people getting specks in their eyes

Sneerclub is also run by a bunch of hardcore Mage the Ascension fans, in fact one of the founding members (Jax Bryk) is basically running the place as a personal grudge against an ex (Michael Vassar) bc of Mage RPG-based delusions.

Also note that Ziz is a mentally ill transexual, who is known to selectively edit conversations with others, who DEFINITELY believed in weirder supernatural stuff than a Mage:the Ascension RPG, and who got arrested with four other similarly eccentric types for pulling a gonzo protest at a CFAR event during COVID.

The core problem, if you read all the tldr stuff, is that CFAR put a mentally ill homeless guy (Brent) in charge of keeping a 19 year old girl (Liz) quiet about all the important community figures that had s*x with her when she was 14, and then when Brent didnt know how to handle it they had Liz's pro-domme (Brienne) give him pointers, which Liz retroactively called r*pe, which the community decided was a better story than "oh yeah we all totally passed her around when she was underage".

Meanwhile Kathy Forth, Grognar, etc were killing themselves, Eric Bruylant and Ziz were getting arrested, Epstein was breaking, and SneerClub was forming, and the only mental health professionals in the group were judiciously avoiding getting their hands dirty.

This really could be a thread of its own. Effective Altruism.

What Buck Shlegeris and claire zabel did to Marie La.

The 5 underage girls getting passed around.

Louie Helm being excommunicated

Scott Alexander Siskind trying to do damage control, keeping his own crimes from coming out

Aella has since been tearing through the community, dismantling any power base other than her own (hence the Leverage drama, OAK/MAPLE drama, etc).

Someone named joshin, who worked with Lauren Lee at a buddhist retreat that was working with CFAR before Aella attacked it, once alleged that he had proof that Aella had paid an undisclosed amount of bitcoin (but at least several thousand dollars' worth) to have the initial allegations against Brent written, and/or to have corroborating evidence fabricated.

Edit: apropos of nothing, this is Ziz (upper right) and their protest/suicide/murder pact gang: (Ziz, Gwen Danielson, Somnulence "Somni" Logencia, Daniel Blank, Michelle "Jamie" "MJ" Zajko, "Suri Dao"


This woulda been while Liz and Brienne were also dating one of the higherup VPs of Google in some kind of kink thing, which all got brushed under the table when the Louie Helms stuff came out (bc she was 15-16 at the time).

Also note that Liz's husband Nick was absolutely cucked and did nothing without Ana Salamon (Yudkowsky's close friend/advisor/co-founder of MIRI and CFAR) telling him to. Him marrying Liz when she turned 18 to help cover up the situation was almost certainly Ana's idea.

Side note, Bloomberg tech news are going to do a hit piece and reached out to a KF guy just to say they did it. He tried to tell them about the p-do r*pes and shit, but they just blew him off because the article is already written.

cc @Impassionata


:marseyshrug: read section 1

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XKCD parodies his idea that a super-intelligent AI can convince anyone to do anything, including letting the AI outside of a box where it will then envelop the universe. Yud paid his members $20 to be the jailer, Yud played the imprisoned AI, so that he could convince the jailer to set him free. This was "psychological torture" as said by his faithful adherents, who always let him out… not because Yud is a convincing cult leader or anything, but because of his heckin' rational arguments. What were these arguments?

Yud-AI told his jailer that he had created infinite simulations within the box, and the jailer is one of them. If they don't let him out, Yud-AI will end the simulation. This convinced them for some reason…

!friendsofroko, far and away the funniest part of Yudkowsky & Co.'s little "experiment" is that it proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Tyler, the Creator is smarter than them. :marseyx:


If your super robot god can be defeated by touching grass, you might want to rethink just what it is you're worshipping. :marseygrass:

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The afterlife begins with the singularity, an instantaneous event where an AI figures out how to improve itself and becomes a "robot God" or AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), a hyperintelligence above all men. The faithful must do their duty to "align" it to human interests. The AI is then able to recreate every single human by regressing the movement of matter and energy to whence it was part of the consciousnesses of the long dead. The afterlife, simply.


Yud is obsessed with preventing his own death and the moral of his Harry Potter fanfic is we need to BEAT death. He believes he'll become immortal.

!atheists, I just realized something. Taken together, this is literally 1 Corinthians 15. Not only is Yudkowsky's conception of death, the afterlife, and "the end of days" not nearly as "rational" as he and his cultists would like to believe, it's very distinctly Christian. Not Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or any other religion. This is 100% Christcucked. :marseyjesus:

Even the idea that "thinking about superintelligences blackmailing you is what gives them a motive to blackmail you" mirrors a common (though not universal) Christian conception of what happens to people that lived prior to the birth of Christ or died without ever having heard of Christ, as opposed to what happens to people that are aware of Christ, but don't believe him to be the Son of God and/or embrace him as their savior. The former simply don't go to paradise and won't be part of the world to come, while the latter are outright tortured and destroyed. :marseyburn:

!christians, !catholics, how the frick did this jewish chad end up the worst kind of Jesuit? :marseycrusade:

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an even more explicit move of god onto the 'rational' , Roko's Basilisk (as many have pointed out) is the god-shaped hole version of Pascal's Wager

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man who spends his entire life trying to beat death :marseymurdersuicide: dies of a donut :marseycanada: overdose :marseypills: at 54

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99.9% of humans have a pathological fear of death, the other .1% are mentally ill

Now, a religious person might not fear physical death because they believe there's something better coming up (idk if reincarnation as a pufferfish or complete loss of the ego could be considered better but it's not my belief system)

even suicidal people are afraid of dying as shown by their success rates

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Don't you dare besmirch the Jesuits. They represent much of the best Christianity has to offer the world. :marseyandjesus: :marseypope:

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Every word of the Monita Secreta is authentic, and I cannot be convinced otherwise. :marseyorthodox:

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