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[๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Why are black women perceived to be masculine when they have the highest estrogen out of all races ?


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Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Yes. Many African immigrant women are very sweet and feminine from experience (8)

And yet they still face similar barriers in the west. (-2)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Guessing it has something more to do with than just estrogen (14)

Estrogen is what makes women. It's the core of femininity. It's the opposite of testosterone. But what more does it have to do with than estrogen ? (-7)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

You haven't seen the "vast majority" of African Americans. You think Africans are phenotyoically diverse? African Americans are even more diverse. They are literally a mixture of various African ethnic groups, Native American ethnic groups, and European ethnic groups - with each individual having a varying amount but some how you think you can generalize the features across them?A more nuanced statement would be "on average African Americans have relatively wider noses". Not necessarily bulbous - that is a trait that is common amongst every ethnic group. (6)

I have eyes to observe๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ (-3)

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It's because of racism and perpetuated during slavery. That is also where black women wearing head wraps/bonnets came from. White women( specifically white slave owner's wives) were so incredibly angry about their husbands raping the slaves and their husbands "falling in love" with the slaves that they perpetuated a lot of stereotypes about black women being ugly/masculine/pathetic/etc that perpetuate into beauty standards today. We see this in the laws that had to be created to prevent white women from killing female slaves and murdering slave children that were fathered by white men. This is also where the stereotype of the black jezebel came in because they are inherently more feminine which translates into their high fertility. But during spaces times their hair was often cut or butchered in some ways because the slave masters would claim their "beauty tricked" them into raping them.It was further created by the welfare queen stereotype of black women being "loose/loud/ and obno... (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Estrogen is what makes women. It's the core of femininity. It's the opposite of testosterone. But what more does it have to do with than estrogen ? (-7)

"Femininity" is just crab mentality. Crabs in a bucket will attempt to pull down crabs escaping, people who see no way of escaping will often pull other's of their group down or attempt to curry favor with those in power by helping to pull other's down. Statistics show women who have undergone female genital mutilation as children are more likely to enforce female genital mutilation onto other young girls including their daughters.Foot binding started because of one king with a fetish but continued to exist for hundreds of years because of a combination of men finding it attractive and women bending themselves to please along with mother's and grandmother's who had suffered the same fate breaking and binding their daughters feet.I've known a lot of women who brag about how much they can endure and go without such as agreeing to s*x acts they don't want, claiming they're okay with their husband or boyfriend cheating, that they "understand" when he's abusive. My brother who I don't ta... (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

This is really only an issue with black American women, not black women in general. In my experience i tend to like non-American black women more than American black women. I think its the culture that makes many black American women come off as masculine and unappealing to many men. Feminine black women are everywhere. (9)

This is straight up racist as heck. No, we are not "masculine". And it's been a disgusting stereotype for centuries. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/blacknaerys

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White women( specifically white slave owner's wives) were so incredibly angry about their husbands raping the slaves and their husbands "falling in love" with the slaves that they perpetuated a lot of stereotypes about black women being ugly/masculine/pathetic/etc that perpetuate into beauty standards today.

:quote: slave masters wives said black women were ugly. that's why people think they look manly! :quote:

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if it wasn't for those few hundreds wives saying black women were ugly she wouldn't look like a man! SHE'D BE A SUPER MODEL!

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If there's any sociological cause it's that "black culture" as designed by liberals is historically centralized around "uplifting" black men. And a hyperdefensive culture works out a lot better for men than for women. That's why black women just culturally copy what black men are praised for by liberals (rap, s*x obsession) and why they've copied white women (weaves). Given that media connection with blackness and masculinity, it may result in people automatically seeing black features (big nose etc) as more masculine. There's also some studies (though they'll never show them in this context) that black people appear as bigger to the public (both by black and white people) when they show a white and a black man of exactly the same size.

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It's not that deep bro, they just look like gorillas. Do you think men care about social issues when we decide if someone's hot or not lol

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:#taylaugh: :hesepsteinyouknow#:

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Young black kids are also way stronger than the white kids until it levels out with age. Maybe in Africa young kids had to have better survival odds vs lions or something, so muscles developed earlier

They are also inclined to be athletes so in better shape when younger

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>Maybe in Africa young kids had to have better survival odds vs lions

:marseydisagree: I can't believe people are still perpetuating this pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo.

The truth of the matter is that in the ghetto black kids have better survival odds by being able to run from other black kids and also being able to jump and join the NBA. That's the true evolutionary pressure, ask any biologist.

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is this the biggest cope of 2024 so far?

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most historically literate kang

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Female buckbreaking

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Yes. Many African immigrant women are very sweet and feminine from experience


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passport bro hands wrote that comment

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Maybe, but any African immigrant is way easier to be around than African Americans. Even Africans online say the same thing.

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They're pretty cool, all the ones I met in college or grad school are more aligned with upper middle class mayos than lunchtime rowdies

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Because most of them grew up rich in Africa and see themselves as civilized. My Ethiopian friend I met in college had maids growing up

Contrasting the Somalis who get in as refugees and dominate crime in Toronto/London/Minnesota.

Only a few countries/minorities there have it bad enough to qualify. Basically when you frick up your country bad enough you get a free ticket to do it in other countries, no questions asked

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Somalis are the worst of both worlds in that not only do they turn the places they immigrate to into shitholes but a lot of them have the audacity to have a superiority complex and be racist towards other blacks.

Which makes no sense, African immigrants like Nigerians are more successful economically, academically, and athletically. African Americans are more culturally relevant and are better athletically too. Like what do Somalis have to be arrogant about?

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Cute foids

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When the Cushtic genes hit they do hit really nicely ngl.

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All the BIPOCs I met in college :marseygrad: were fricking :marseytom: r-slurred :marseydisabled:

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You haven't interacted with african immigrants to india, you wouldn't say that if you did

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Yeah, but Indians are poor tho, so it makes sense.

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Not trying to be racist, but in my experience, rich Indians in America are way better to deal with than poor Indians in India. Same with poor African immigrants in any third world country, you end up with the worst of the worst. It's more about class than race.

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Not trying to be racist, but in my experience, rich Indians in America are way better to deal with than poor Indians in India.

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:#t: :#h: :#i: :#s:

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Stop eating cow shit and drinking cow piss.

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Pahjeets have been doing the same thing to other countries for so long so crying about Africans doing the same thing is hilarious.

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If you're immigrating to india you're already fricked. Immigrating to america is for the top tier

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imagine migrating TO india

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I'm a man of extremes. I like black women but only the ones who are charcoal black, like Sudanese chicks

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if she had a peepee she would be better than any mayo

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Even her gum is fricking chocolate flavoured

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BWAHAHAHAHA he did a trans genocide and didn't even know it :marseytrans2:

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hmmm... but Trains happily take HRT so why would they be bothered by gender differences cause by hormones?

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some trains don't want to and if you think hormones/blockers are needed to transition, you're a "transmedicalist" aka literally a nazi

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when they have the highest estrogen out of all races

This doesn't sound quite right and I googled it and the results seem pretty sketch. It's a combination of "black women are discriminated against by the Olympics by testosterone rules", forum/question threads like this all about how black women don't actually have more testosterone because some white women have a lot, and studies after 2015 ish about how black women technically don't. With a few smattered studies pre 2015 ish just saying black women have more testosterone.

I guess you could still have the most estrogen even with the most testosterone.

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The "black women" who were "discriminated against" in the olympics :marseymentalgymnastics2: for having "high testosterone" were black :marseyrat: men with small :marseytiny2: peepees and normal :marseyregular: male testosterone :marseysoycrytremble: levels. They thought :marseymindblown: they were women :marseydarkfoidretard: because they came from shithole countries with r-slurred :marseyretard4: doctors and no understanding of prenatal care or the treatment of rare genetic diseases.



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They weren't men with small peepeees, they actually had female external genitalia. But due to that genetic disorder instead of ovaries they had testosterone producing internal mystery gonads instead of ovaries.

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Semenya and all the males like him have functional testicles, not stripe gonads. No vagina, no vulva, no ovaries, no uterus, just a short :marseyprincesszeldatotk: dead-end flesh :marseyhannibal: pocket called a psuedovagina. He has nothing in common with a woman.


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Oh, neat. How does the pseudovagina work without a vulva?

They still didn't have peepeees so I'm claiming victory here :#marseyindignant:

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It's weird how a lot of blacks in first world countries with first world medical care dominate sports.


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They knew well enough to give him a boy's uniform for school, I heard

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Testosterone and estrogen aren't oppositional to each other, in fact they directly rise and fall proportionally. For example, dosing test will cause your body to raise its estrogen production to compensate. So it follows that if they have the highest estrogen, they likely have the highest testosterone as well

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As is tradition

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actually brahmins have the highest testosterone and get the hottest pussi

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I'm :marseytrain:maxxing on both pills. I'll be the biggest squared jawed chad with the biggest tits

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I love how only like 3% of people have slaves and most of America probably rarely saw blacks but somehow everyone knows about ancient white on black masculine insults.

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kanye west makes up 1/330 millionth of the population yet you want me to believe billions know who he is


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They're loud, fat and ugly. Or so the stereotype goes.


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Yes but they will also violently defend their children more than white woman so more motherly = more feminine

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Racism, standards of beauty, and stereotypes. But to me, Black women are very beautiful and feminine. I've been a Black woman all my life and have been around other Black women, and rarely have I met what is considered a stereotypical Black woman. To be honest, I've seen more of that from other women.


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is this not literally proving ywnbaw, even biofoids cant escape it

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by the year 2100, we will have answered the question of what is a woman with the answer that women are not real and should be disregarded :marseywholesome:

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Estrogen is what makes women. It's the core of femininity. It's the opposite of testosterone. But what more does it have to do with than estrogen ?

Therefore if I inject estrogen into my veins I will become MORE WOMAN


That's just science; how things work

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Lol they are being dismissive because the data only holds true for "younger women", then equalizes post wall therefore it's invalid. Also they take issue with him using survey responses of thousands of people as an objective measurement when it's just like their opinion

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when it's just like their opinion

Thats literally all of psychology, why are they mad about it lmao

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Yeah it was a pretty accurate study but because it did a heckin racism he essentially got ostracized from the scientific community.

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if you read his wiki he got recruited by this other university, by another academic who got in trouble for writing a book about how young girls become trans due to social trends in 2003 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Michael_Bailey

chuds unite

He got harassed by multiple trans activists:

While Conway compared his work to Nazi propaganda, and Andrea James, a Los Angeles-based transgender advocate and consultant, posted pictures of his children (taken when they were in middle and elementary school) on her website with sexually explicit captions

NYTimes wrote an article on attacks on academic freedom because of it, the good old days

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more black :marseymilesdavis: women :marseyblops2chadcel: in america :marseyfrontiersman: are fat.

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that means per capita they are probably #1 in the world :#marseyawardretard:

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Arabs have overall fat levels to match burgers, and since they cover up their foids and lock them inside they're the only race where it's woman that are much more likely to be fat

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I once slept with a hot feminine Ethiopian chick AMA

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Ethiopia has some good ones


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blackface taylor swift

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Please God

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The one I banged had CRAZY hair

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Even AI knows they look like gorillas, bro

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Love blk women Im a certified muddiver

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most likely to consider parenting as their main priority. They are also most likely to protect their children. Also most likely to find parenting rewarding

What in the heck is this person talking about? How do you even measure or compare those "statistics"?

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They watch tv shows

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I am a 49 year old black man My wife left me 12 years ago and my 2 daughters twerk in the background of DaBaby music videos and my sons a 6 9 piece of shet that can't even do basketball. Instead he spends money on white women on the internet. I am losing money because I got fired from my construction job for having s*x with another builder on site. This is my situation and this is why I am on rdrama.net



And yet they still face similar barriers in the west.:

Estrogen is what makes women. It's the core of femininity. It's the opposite of testosterone. But what more does it have to do with than estrogen ?:

I have eyes to observe๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ:

It's because of racism and perpetuated during slavery. That is also where black women wearing head wraps/bonnets came from. White women( specifically white slave owner's wives) were so incredibly angry about their husbands raping the slaves and their husbands "falling in love" with the slaves that they perpetuated a lot of stereotypes about black women being ugly/masculine/pathetic/etc that perpetuate into beauty standards today. We see this in the laws that had to be created to prevent white women from killing female slaves and murdering slave children that were fathered by white men. This is also where the stereotype of the black jezebel came in because they are inherently more feminine which translates into their high fertility. But during spaces times their hair was often cut or butchered in some ways because the slave masters would claim their "beauty tricked" them into raping them.It was further created by the welfare queen stereotype of black women being "loose/loud/ and obno...:

"Femininity" is just crab mentality. Crabs in a bucket will attempt to pull down crabs escaping, people who see no way of escaping will often pull other's of their group down or attempt to curry favor with those in power by helping to pull other's down. Statistics show women who have undergone female genital mutilation as children are more likely to enforce female genital mutilation onto other young girls including their daughters.Foot binding started because of one king with a fetish but continued to exist for hundreds of years because of a combination of men finding it attractive and women bending themselves to please along with mother's and grandmother's who had suffered the same fate breaking and binding their daughters feet.I've known a lot of women who brag about how much they can endure and go without such as agreeing to s*x acts they don't want, claiming they're okay with their husband or boyfriend cheating, that they "understand" when he's abusive. My brother who I don't ta...:

This is straight up racist as heck. No, we are not "masculine". And it's been a disgusting stereotype for centuries.:



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