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rDrama will now hear the case of u/blacknaerys v. Drama Klansmen

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Yes. Many African immigrant women are very sweet and feminine from experience (8)

And yet they still face similar barriers in the west. (-2)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Guessing it has something more to do with than just estrogen (14)

Estrogen is what makes women. It's the core of femininity. It's the opposite of testosterone. But what more does it have to do with than estrogen ? (-7)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

You haven't seen the "vast majority" of African Americans. You think Africans are phenotyoically diverse? African Americans are even more diverse. They are literally a mixture of various African ethnic groups, Native American ethnic groups, and European ethnic groups - with each individual having a varying amount but some how you think you can generalize the features across them?A more nuanced statement would be "on average African Americans have relatively wider noses". Not necessarily bulbous - that is a trait that is common amongst every ethnic group. (6)

I have eyes to observe🤷‍♂️ (-3)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

It's because of racism and perpetuated during slavery. That is also where black women wearing head wraps/bonnets came from. White women( specifically white slave owner's wives) were so incredibly angry about their husbands raping the slaves and their husbands "falling in love" with the slaves that they perpetuated a lot of stereotypes about black women being ugly/masculine/pathetic/etc that perpetuate into beauty standards today. We see this in the laws that had to be created to prevent white women from killing female slaves and murdering slave children that were fathered by white men. This is also where the stereotype of the black jezebel came in because they are inherently more feminine which translates into their high fertility. But during spaces times their hair was often cut or butchered in some ways because the slave masters would claim their "beauty tricked" them into raping them.It was further created by the welfare queen stereotype of black women being "loose/loud/ and obno... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Estrogen is what makes women. It's the core of femininity. It's the opposite of testosterone. But what more does it have to do with than estrogen ? (-7)

"Femininity" is just crab mentality. Crabs in a bucket will attempt to pull down crabs escaping, people who see no way of escaping will often pull other's of their group down or attempt to curry favor with those in power by helping to pull other's down. Statistics show women who have undergone female genital mutilation as children are more likely to enforce female genital mutilation onto other young girls including their daughters.Foot binding started because of one king with a fetish but continued to exist for hundreds of years because of a combination of men finding it attractive and women bending themselves to please along with mother's and grandmother's who had suffered the same fate breaking and binding their daughters feet.I've known a lot of women who brag about how much they can endure and go without such as agreeing to s*x acts they don't want, claiming they're okay with their husband or boyfriend cheating, that they "understand" when he's abusive. My brother who I don't ta... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

This is really only an issue with black American women, not black women in general. In my experience i tend to like non-American black women more than American black women. I think its the culture that makes many black American women come off as masculine and unappealing to many men. Feminine black women are everywhere. (9)

This is straight up racist as heck. No, we are not "masculine". And it's been a disgusting stereotype for centuries. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/blacknaerys

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

See linked thread for context.

/u/blacknaerys herself has joined us, per the email thread here:

and inexplicably used her university email to verify her account here, but that's neither here nor there.

I'm actually not sure what this trial is over, no one but the bot mentioned her, and it only did so once. But she'd like the thread taken down nonetheless, and as we always do for any moderation decisions, we are putting it to You The People. Please welcome @blacknaerys who will be posting her case for the prosecution which I will pin to this thread. I warn you, she's an academic, so I don't suspect the defense has much of a chance here once she gets going. You may change your verdict at any time within the next 48 hours as the case plays out.


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Lol, I believe I understand this site a bit more. And likely from the crowd here, you guys aren't gonna delete anything, am I right? Because why would someone link my comment to this site all because I said Black women weren't masculine in another thread and how is that defensible?

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Nothing you say will ever be deleted

You could write :marseychudnotes: an essay on why black :marseyblops2chadcel2: women :marseyblops2chadcel: should :marseynorm: use white :marseyalbino: men as slave labor to mine uranium so that you could nuke the moon and it would :marseymid: be stickied to the front :marseyviewerstare: page.

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It's a pretty diverse crowd here and we the administrators are always willing to perform takedowns and bans should an affronted foreigner (outside user) come make a compelling case.

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You know, @Aevann is kinda on a anti chud tear these days, and many of the commenters posted naughty wrongthink outside of chudrama. Probably earned themselves a chudding right now and we see where the ban goes in 48

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I can promise if the poll for ban them all wins, they will all be banned probably permanently because it would be dramatic

!metashit prove me wrong

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He's absolutely telling you the truth.

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length of the ban? hmmmm

presidential clemency? hmmmm

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Good luck, I'm behind 7 proxies

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there are a lot of redditors here you'd probably fit right in

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there are a lot of redditors here

You'll never guess what the r in rdrama stands for.

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rancho cucamonga

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It's a necessary evil to have Reddit brained people here.

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Please stay, we need more people of color to provide more diverse perspectives here. :marseywave2:

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I miss Penny. She always complimented my snake plants and cats.

She was one of the good ones :marseypennylove::marseypennylove::marseypennylove:

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What's up big mama, you want to make some mulatto babies with me? I'll buy you a Castle in Bourgogne.

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What's up big mama


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Mods here are bigger kitties than you think.


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butt you just typed that and it didnt get deleted :marseyhmm:

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Someone did however.

Notice how voter number 2 isn't listed. Carp and @R*pevann work in the shadows in this thread

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You've been here since the first week, you know how shadowbans work

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I never knew that shadowbanned persons could still vote howeverbeit. Give me a name, who was it?

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Unrelated, but Is there a badge for people who are certified rich irl? Like how there's a thin badge and s*x haver badge?

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Yeah, use hard enough and there's like 10 badges

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Rich by normal people standards or rich by Reddit standards

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Why you ban that guy? He always posted cool videos.

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Maybe if you (a) let Blaclkwomen, be as masculine or non-masculine as they like wirhout judgnent and (b) were consistent in capitalizing the "b" in Black, then maybe people wouldnt think you were a racist trying to cover their tracks? The internet never forgets, maybe just get a new username and start over?

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A). The problem isn't about what individual Black women do, it's about the fact that people call us masculine as a default. And it is meant as an insult. B). That has nothing to do with the discussion at hand and I'm not bashing Black women so there is no tracks to cover.

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>implying theyre a Black womxn to cover their tracks

so I guess youre just gonna double down by doing digital Black face?!

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Foreign black women are still very feminine.

I think Black American women were bred for the fields and so they have accrued many masculine features over generations, like square jawlines and the storage of excessive fat in their bodies. :marseyitsover:

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Forced breeding of that variety takes longer than the time period in which slavery was legal .

There isn't evidence of conditions in especially the northern half of the US being much more masculine producing than Africa, aka harsheness

3. Forced breeding of that variety didn't even occur.

Conclusion: you are r-slurred

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They domesticated foxes in less time.

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@TheGoodTheBadTheBussy isn't even a biologist but has big opinions over things they never touched in real life. :marseyfacepalm: Typical ignorant behavior.

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well I mean, whether they forced them or not, they probably didnt take the small petite ones from Africa to begin with.

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That was their first mistake

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They took whoever lost their local wars, it's a huge :#marseyl: to be a kang in the Americas

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>There isn't evidence of conditions in especially the northern half of the US being much more masculine producing than Africa, aka harsheness


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Its always the face that gets me. Every time I see a black woman like this the immediate "would" kicks in until the face brings out the "nevermind."

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A few years ago back on reddit :marseygold: /r/drama banned :marseyaisha: like 90% of all subscribed or active users as a joke. Banning is absolutely on the table, especially since they'd deserve it

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If you hate transgenders, you can join us !transphobes :marseyshy:

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um Why would we delete you :marseyconcerned:

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So true queen :marseycard:

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Are you a chick? You ever been with a white boy?

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So you are a mayo :marseynotes: :marseynotes:

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I got pinged here but don't have much to say other than hey.

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You're completely missing the point.

Look at these cute marseys.

:#marseybow: :#marseyexciteddance: :#marseyinabox:

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:#marseydance: :#marseypusheen2: :#marseypretty:

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You're right. There are plenty of beautiful black women.

Also America's greatest contemporary Olympic athlete is a black woman (Biles).

Stand your ground and speak your truth.

Also, just in the future don't use your uni email for dodgy websites set up a personal Gmail or smth lol

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Thank you. And yeah that was silly on my part.

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!metashit she's back! :#marseysoypoint:

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Try this site if you ever need to register somewhere with a bs email you'll never need again :marseynerd3:

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We don't even require an email lol

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What is your opinion on black women dating nonblack men? Also are you single?


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I bet you're fine af in real life. Any woman who campaigns against the masculine stereotype of black women is obviously tired of being unjustly lumped in with the Lesley Jone's of the world. You seeing anyone?

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This is like arguing with a foid. Don't waste your time.

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No email address required. @blacknaerys thoughts on this?

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@blacknaerys the post got taken down, look!

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This is a website for sarcastic shitposting that tries to not take politics too seriously. If they did delete the thread it would be because it was funny, not because they respected your wishes.

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that tries

And fails

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This site is awful, but it's the fun kind of awful (like when you drink too much and go home with a guy you probably shouldn't - sorry Kara, these boys ain't loyal - but then it turns out he makes pancakes) as opposed to reddit that is the other kind of awful like an all-day corporate awareness retreat.

(BTW, my username was forced on me as a "joke")

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Stfu, honkey.

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:marseycry: :marseymayo:

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have you seen Get Out? RUN RN WOMAN. these people snatch the bodies of Black people

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Because it's transphobic to use estrogen level to denote femininity

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Hey baby, maybe this horrific invasion of your privacy is really a blessing in disguise? How would you like to create a brand new persona named BLEACHEDnaerys? I'd be happy to lend my assistance...hahaha just joking...:marseyunless:

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actually the GUILTY vote (your side) is getting close to the NOT GUILTY vote (the racists), so if you get more people to sign up here and vote for you, you'll win and the thread will be deleted/racists banned (or maybe GUILTY will pull through without new users, it's only 10 votes away as I type this)

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And likely from the crowd here, you guys aren't gonna delete anything, am I right?

The site is mostly satire, and so the funniest and most dramatic outcome will hopefully win (which is how it should be in a true democracy). Bonus points if the rightoid menace gets banished to the shadowrealm in the process :chudsmuggenocide: . I also suggest making your case using as many :marsey:s as possible.

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Carp is hitler

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Carp wishes he had a drop of Jewish blood in him

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