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:!marseybutterfree: Bluesky has bullied a Black intellectual off the platform, or the snake eats its tail :marseyouroboros:


Jamelle Bouie, a prominent writer and popular early member of bluesky, who has faced criticism on bluesky for his connections to the NYTimes, has de-activated his account.


First and foremost, there's a list of evil bullies, which is coincidentally a list of insane ideologues :marseytranspearlclutch:

The immediate casus belli here is that a former book review editor turned opinion writer did a transphobia in the NYT. :marseysouthernbelle5:


You need to be logged in (this will be a theme), but here's a big post. You know exactly what the replies are like:

:marseylaptopangry2: pamela paul really might be one of the worst motherlovers alive, she writes shit specifically to get cited in conservative lawsuits to ban gender affirming care

I have never heard of this chick so I looked her up on Wikipedia. Shockingly, I don't believe her first marriage to Bret "Bedbug" Stephens or her book, "The Starter Marriage and the Future of Matrimony," qualifies her to know a goddarn thing about transgender healthcare.

Bouie wrote about how trans genocide is bad and trans people decided to get mad at him for working for Transmisia Inc. Typical reaction to him blocking someone:

i love writing about a minority group i dont belong to and then responding to extremely tame criticism from a member of that group like this

There's a million sad posts like:

I see the fricking nimrod caucus on here has run off another prominent Black figure. awesome work guys :marseysoytan:

ah good job everyone, you fricked up and bullied jbouie off the platform. One of the very few reasonable voices of authority on this site. this is why we can't have nice things

Frick every single one of you who bullied Jamelle Bouie from this app. What the heck is wrong with you?

Some people are happy with themselves tho :smugtranstwitter:

burn down nyt btw. jbouie ur column sucks shit and ur an intellectual coward. frick that piece of shit rag

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720849803759135.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17208498045026708.webp

Or conflicted:

:marseybluecheck: The thing I do for a living is criticize the NYT for their transgender coverage. I do not support anyone calling for Jamelle Bouie or any other trans supportive writer to quit. Unfollow me if you like. End of.

I mean, the way they're going I would like to see the NYT run out of business, so I would like to see Bouie get a different job to not get caught up in that, but I'm not gonna support going after someone for being the one bright light in a dark place.

:marseybluecheck: 100 percent this

This is super scattered but ~everyone is using this as an opportunity to get sad about bullies and have a meta-chat about the platform, so search around:

there's a problem on this site that i don't think anyone is ready to talk about, including me, but it's been pretty obvious from the beginning and has only been getting worse

P.S. this is probably a nothingburger, reports are in that he deactivated for normal reasons:

I don't want to speak for Jamelle, but I literally just saw him at his podcast thing at the Metrograph and he mentioned that he deactivated in advance of going on vacation. People are making a whole lot of assumptions right now.

This is good but also the fact that so many black people have been run off this site the immediate instinct is to believe that happened again is TELLING. Y'all preach inclusivity and coalition building but you don't even come close to practicing what you preach. White echo chambers are bad actually! :marseypearlclutch:

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Jack deserves this.

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Funnily enough, they bullied Jack off a few months ago :chudspingenocide:

Jack Dorsey has left the board of Bluesky. The unexpected announcement came after a question on Twitter if he was still on the board, which he answered with a simple 'no'. At that point, no announcement had been made yet, which came soon after. Dorsey says that he left the board because according to him, Bluesky 'went in the wrong direction'. He had not been actively involved with Bluesky for a while, as an indication of his noninvolvement, developer Paul Frazee said he has never met with him. Shortly after, Dorsey gave an extensive interview where he discussed his thoughts on Bluesky more. He has been more involved in Nostr, and in the recent shareholder letter of Block, where Dorsey is CEO, Block says they are working on integrating Nostr into more of their products (with TIDAL announcing a first small integration recently). For some more analysis:

Jack did get quite butthurt about how "common" people took away his chud paradise

But what happened is, people started seeing Bluesky as something to run to, away from Twitter. It's the thing that's not Twitter, and therefore it's great. And Bluesky saw this exodus of people from Twitter show up, and it was a very, very common crowd. :!chudconcerned:

This tool was designed such that it had, you know, it was a base level protocol. It had a reference app on top. It was designed to be controlled by the people. I think the greatest idea — which we need — is an algorithm store, where you choose how you see all the conversations. But little by little, they started asking Jay and the team for moderation cowtools, and to kick people off. And unfortunately they followed through with it. :marseyjanny2:

That was the second moment I thought, uh, nope. This is literally repeating all the mistakes we made as a company. This is not a protocol that's truly decentralized. It's another app. It's another app that's just kind of following in Twitter's footsteps, but for a different part of the population. :marseywords:

Everything we wanted around decentralization, everything we wanted in terms of an open source protocol, suddenly became a company with VCs and a board. That's not what I wanted, that's not what I intended to help create. :marseyjerkofffrown:

And of course this is a great and honourable event

trans women are honored founders of the Bluesky community; the community that bullied Jack Dorsey off this site, & off the board that owns this site, which might be the greatest act of community service that has ever occurred.

!codecels remember to never let anyone capable of maintaining eye contact anywhere near your pet projects

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I love that you just can't go anywhere popular on the internet without r-slurs pooping it up.

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Specifically of the AGP variety

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In this case it appealed to neurodivergent wingcucks, who are either rightoids turbochuds or AGP lunatics. Both will shit up a website incredibly fast.

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Lmao what a weasely article that exemplifies the merger between peak corporate doublespeak and leftoid cries for maximal censorship and control.

It's funny how the "paradox of tolerance" concept was taken by libs/leftoids to mean they should just immediately censor and lock down any platform they can get their hands on. Especially in the context of them celebrating Dorsey being kicked off for not pissing and pooping his pants over Elongated MusKKKrat 24/7, cause him being a dumb little centrist in the first place that wanted to tolerate the dumbass Twitterfugees was the reason he got ousted. The Paradox of Tolerance is about not tolerating people who seek to destroy and subvert platforms for free speech and open discussion in the first place, instead of being about maximizing censorship to protect le marginalized voices and shit.

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They love the paradox of tolerance but never post the full excerpt.

Specifically, they always leave out the bit where Popper actually defines "intolerance" as "those who begin by denouncing all argument, and meeting words with pistols and fists" :marseythinkorino:

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the host of that podcast

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17208435536987762.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720843584851394.webp

NYT did a piece on them

The "Maintenance Phase" podcast interrogates the science behind health food trends, fad diets and popular nutritional advice.

+the 2 researchers they noted (trans versions of Trace)


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17208435287030458.webp (before https://i.rdrama.net/images/17208435293521135.webp )

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lmao this pooner reported the Wi Spa incident as a hoax and got MAD that she had to update her article after it turned out to be real :marseypoonerretard: :marseylaughpoundfist: i'm so gonna trust that fact check


!transphobes one of the classic :marseytranscope: incidents

it was so funny when the perp turned out to be a known s*x pest :marseymanysuchcases:

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Lol "i never said it was a hoax, i only said it probably was a hoax"

:#marsey1984: i never said war is peace, i only said war is probably more peaceful than peace

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"I mean sure there's video evidence, but I don't trust my lying eyes when it contradicts what I want to be true"

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Wi Spa riots?

oooh whats this? where is the video hes talking about?

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I'm driving

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:#marseysteerchingchong: :#marseyoppenheimer:

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Serial :marseybateman: s*x offender :marseytrain: :marseyterfrentfree: flashes young :marseyzoomerimplosion: girls :marseyblops2chadcel2: at a spa (which he'd previously been kicked out of for doing the same thing). Commies come to his defense because he's a :marseytrain:.

Normal people and rightoids protest :marseypibblelivesmatter: outside :marseytouchgrass: of WI spa. Commies find isolated people and then beat the shit out of them as a group. Next day more rightoids show up to prevent themselves from getting outnumbered.

Cops are there :marseycheerup: because they know there :marseycheerup: will be a fight. There :marseycheerup: are some force :marseyjetbombing: on firce scuffles but cops break them up. Commies engage in more opportunistic beatings (of journos, rightoids, pretty :marseyglam: much anyone who isnt a commie) but eventually decide to just fight :marseyflamewar: Cops. They hit cops with sticks, pepper :marseyflakes: spray, IEDs, but eventually lose and get arrested.

Commie DA doesn't press :marseysquished: any charges against commies.

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!effortposters this doesn't qualify for the flair I think :marseyhyperthonk: but here's some words :marseylongpostglow: words :marseylongpost2: words :marseypop2:

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Anything with words is efforposts to me :marseyembrace:

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boomers hate the NYT just for criticizing Dark Brandon but @pizzashill told me no one likes him or something

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These people deserve each other so much :marseyrejecthug: Seeing them voluntarily lock themselves in their asylum and constantly test each other down is super satisfying to watch

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:smugtranstwitter#: x :transtantrum#:


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stupid black ape deserved it :#marseyjam:

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list of evil bullies:

a former book review editor turned opinion writer did a transphobia in the NYT:

here's a big post:

pamela paul really might be one of the worst motherlovers alive, she writes shit specifically to get cited in conservative lawsuits to ban gender affirming care:

i love writing about a minority group i dont belong to and then responding to extremely tame criticism from a member of that group like this:

burn down nyt btw. jbouie ur column sucks shit and ur an intellectual coward. frick that piece of shit rag:

The thing I do for a living is criticize the NYT for their transgender coverage. I do not support anyone calling for Jamelle Bouie or any other trans supportive writer to quit. Unfollow me if you like. End of.:

I mean, the way they're going I would like to see the NYT run out of business, so I would like to see Bouie get a different job to not get caught up in that, but I'm not gonna support going after someone for being the one bright light in a dark place.:

there's a problem on this site that i don't think anyone is ready to talk about, including me, but it's been pretty obvious from the beginning and has only been getting worse:

I see the fricking nimrod caucus on here has run off another prominent Black figure. awesome work guys:

ah good job everyone, you fricked up and bullied jbouie off the platform. One of the very few reasonable voices of authority on this site. this is why we can't have nice things:

Frick every single one of you who bullied Jamelle Bouie from this app. What the heck is wrong with you?:


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