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Sexpat :marseylongpost: posts a reality check to r/ameriexit. Disabled gender :marseytransattentionseeker: studies majors and soys freaking :soysnooseethe:out about le project :2::0::2::5: take umbrage.




Yeah thanks for reminding me that countries are practicing eugenics in their immigration policy.

I dont think ill ever get to leave the us... Im a trans woman, cptsd, anxiety, bipolar, I hit my head when I have meltdowns, I have a few trade skills but it doesn't fricking matter since I seem too mentally unwell to work anyway...

Guess ill just fricking rot in the US...i wished someone would shoot me dead


Then leave this sub as you're neither American nor trying to exit ✌🏼


I just dont understand the urge so many people here have, upon seeing a scared american doing their best looking for any glimmer of hope they could get out, to call them selfish egoists with no respect for other countries. I'm sure there are people coming at it like that, but it's rarely the people i see asking for help. disabled people, people with interests in culture, people who haven't had the opportunity to acquire "useful" skills - they deserve respect too. i wish some of you would actually consider whether they're being selfish or if you just look down on them for their circumstance, because thats how it reads


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>i wished someone would shoot me dead

Hey, good news: she's in the best country in the G20 for getting shot dead for no good reason! :marseypatriot:

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Unfortunately you typically have to leave mom's basement to get shot.

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Not if you antagonise moms boyfriend enough

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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if she was really committed to dying she'd jist go down to thebinner city and shout the g*merword. People like this tho arwnt really suicidal their whole existence is "calling for help" which is wokie speak for beinga parasite :marseyattentionseeker:

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I choose that bear. :marseydumptruck:

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At least I'll die doing what I loved: pathetically throwing myself at a mute beast that would rather murder me than betray an ounce of affection.

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Chubby chaser :marseycringe:

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Polar bear but his fur is brown.

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Netflix polar bear

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lern2learn https://academic.oup.com/mspecies/article-pdf/doi/10.2307/3503828/8069917/145-1.pdf

Fur color varies among white, yellow, grey, or almost brown, depending on season and light conditions.

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fake news. polar bears r white

>north polians


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She could go north and then get :marseymaid: its probably less painful

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You have a significantly better chance getting approved for MAID in Canada than you do getting shot in burgerstan. I think these people need to be moving to Canada

But Canada tends to only let in brown people, so maybe get the shoe polish out

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FBI crime statistics aren't based enough to track whether or not the gunshot killings were for good reason :chuditsover:

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someone please go there and comment this

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>no good reason


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Bait idea: subreddit for people excited to move to the USA when DDR is restored to the seat of power.

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Its unironically filled with lantix ppl.

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Latinx do love their machismo.


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Even better.

On god those latinx and sexy Indian dudes who hate illegals are some of the most value producing ppl you can have in your country.

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Trump will ban DEI and make being homosapiens illegal! #MAGA

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I hit my head when I have meltdowns,



US needs to start a federal program to dump these worthless layabouts onto other countries

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needs one of these

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Time to pay Cuba back for emptying their prisons and asylums and putting them on boats to Florida.

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...The first wave of :marseytrain2:s and woke harpies nearly devastated Cuba.

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The bay of pigs has never been so literal.

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Start bussing them to Nunavut

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Unironically someone should point out they can move to Svalbard without papers.

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There was some goon on SA that had a thread about living and working in a McMurdo in Antarctica as like a janitor or handyman or some shit.

They pay food and lodging and it's kinda like a deployment

Actually it would probably be good for most of them now that I think about it

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The program, and McMurdo especially have gotten substantially worse in the last 20 years, as they've hired more women and attention seekers

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I think you need to be pretty skilled for a posting like that

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Forklift operators in Alaska were getting $25-33 according to the only Alaskan I know. Maybe Antarctica pays more or at least lets you nab a penguin.

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Not really, I worked with the USAP for a decade.

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Can you send me a letter of rec? I wanna go.

I pinky-promise that I totally won't wont try to smuggle Emperor penguins back to the US.

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You can live with me if you want

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Can I store multiple emperor penguins I stole liberated from Antartica with you?

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you used to have to be an expert in some discipline or outstanding in some other way since there weren't many ice breakers and so it was hard to get supplies for a lot of personnel down there (this is why at one point some russky had to literally perform an appendectomy on himself because they could only afford to send one doctor:commiebrainlet:)

now there's literal cruise ships that go down to Antarctica lmao

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Ayy nuna, vut bussin frfr ong?

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:#pepezoomerhair: :#marseytrollgun:

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What?! That's barbaric! Just harvest them for organs.

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If only we had a Rimworld Marsey

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I was thinking :#soymad:

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onto other countries

Why bother with other countries when we're bordered by two perfectly good oceans?

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I am a fan of sending them off on a barge, too

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It's called American immigrants in Mexico.

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I made a post talking about how badly I wanted to leave and how scared I was of this country's and my childrens' future and I mentioned I was currently unemployed as I stay at home with two small children (Daycare is too expensive here and I have a master's in international studies and the career I planned to have would have involved frequent travel so I'm not pursuing that now that I have two toddlers)...several people responded with comments like "what makes you Americans think any country just wants to take care of you? What would someone like you who doesn't even work in your own country, an unused degree, and nothing of value possible have to offer another country? What makes you more special than anyone else in Europe?"

And then when I didn't make up some bullshit about why I'm more valuable than anyone else in an entire continent (I feel like that's an insane question) they called me entitled, lazy, ignorant and persistently argued with me about whether I had googled anything about moving.

So, I guess I just want to say thank you for this perspective because jeez I did not anticipate that kind of response at all.

unemployed with kids, it's a mystery why countries aren't falling over each other to let them in and leech off their welfare!

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The worst thing about Reddit (well maybe not the worst but it's up there) is that none of them will do the slightest amount of research into any topic, and will only rely on what they're told by other r-slurred redditors. It takes like 30 minutes to research "how can I move to Europe" or wherever you're trying to go. Governments have guides written in plain English. If you can't even bother with that much, how are you even going to figure out how to get a passport, anyway?

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I remember using reddit back when I was in college and my college's subreddit was flooded with these kinds of basic questions. Just like basic shit about course registration and the like which you can probably find online and, barring that, you can get accurate answers to by just calling up the office. Or even just walking in, in person.

So many people are totally fricking helpless and can't answer basic questions for themselves.

Shit like "will the dining halls be open during thanksgiving week?" when the website for the dining halls has the holiday schedule front and center.

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I didn't feel bad about being a drooling state school r-slur until I accessed the school forum for the first time and found out exactly what kind of person I attended the same school as :marseydepressed:

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I get targeted ads about taking techjobs in Iceland. The pay difference is fricking lulzy. Think it was like 70k euros or something for a position that a burger in silicon valley could easily get 200k+ in.

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Which part of Iceland was it? In the capital city or the few major cities there are in :marseyflagiceland: ? Add to that that you would have to pay around 45% of your income in income taxes because you would be a high earner and the highest cost of living throughout all Europe because almost everything needs to be imported from :marseyflagcanada: :marseyflagus: :marseyflaguk: and :marseyflagdenmark:

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I only saw Reykjavik for the jobs postings.

I honestly thought Iceland was just ReykjavΓ­k was the sole major city of Iceland.

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You would not be wrong as pretty much ReykjavΓ­k alone hosts 50% (150,000) of the total population. Add that the municipalities nearby in and the peninsula located in the southwest (where the International airport is located) and you have a total of 80% of the population (220,000) living in that region alone. The second largest city of Iceland is Akureyri and hosts around 27,000 people, and has similar industries to the ones in the capital region, as well as a university and an airport

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I dont think they have cities outside Reykjavik

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I mean it depends on what your definition of city is but one of the most important municipalities outside the capital region around Reykjavik, (which comprises of the entire west region other than the vvestfjords) is Akureyri, which is in the north, with a population of 20,000, having its own airport and university, and if you add the neighboring regions around it, it compounds to around 30,000-35000 of the population, making it 10% of the total population of the island

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20k is a town not a city bb sorry


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Maybe one day people will get woke to the degree question - namely that it opens doors for your career but means absolutely frickall if you don't have relevant experience.

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She got a degree so she could ✨travel✨ lmao

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A masters in "international studies"

:marseyemojirofl: :marseyemojirofl: :marseyemojirofl:

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Literally studying foreign peepee

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"I have a useless degree that means I would have to travel to pursue a career but I don't want to travel because I stay at home with my small kids so I have no job, how dare people try to get me to engage with reality?" If she doesn't have a spouse/partner who is working, how is she supporting herself? If she wants to emigrate to another country, either she needs to have a job lined up, or be married/living with someone who has such a job.

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Also, SAHM is only full time until they're in school. At that point, you can do a part time job at least to keep yourself sharp. Quite a few of the married moms I know have good side businesses as bookkeepers or consultants that they do 1-2 days a week that pay for holidays and a couple designer items, because they're competent and go-getting

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I hope we see a huge influx of seething burgers in the next year who start posting about how much they hate living in their new country

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lol they ain't going anywhere

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A girl can hope


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I look forward to you finding them and making effortposts about them :marseydance:

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Where the frick would they even go? Any wealthy country will require them to either prove the existence of a large savings account or be on the short list for skilled workers. No one's taking refugees from the US. They're going to catch on pretty quickly that the "open borders" they keep hearing about on the news don't actually apply to them.

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Die vreemde neger komt weer langs, oh god, ze hebben chocolade, snel laat Sigismund ons vluchten voordat ze ons uitnodigen om ervan te eten en maar door te dwalen over gestolen huid, linkshandige goden en vreemd gekleurde varkens!

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neger, waar de frick heb je het over?

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