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hey, i've seen this one before


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This was my screenshot lol (I photoshopped the furry pfp onto it to make extra sure it went viral)

Good to see it still floating around

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Furry traitor smh!!

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I'm not a furry

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this one got in the news i'm not the impostor i promise

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if your argument starts with "technically it's not real child porn" you've already lost

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When they say "technically not cp" you respond with "Fine. Art depicting children drawn by p-dophiles for p-dophiles."

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:marseyagree: Outlaw anime NOW

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If I watch gay hentai I'm gay

If I watch scat porn I'm probably Indian

But no uhh actually people who watch animated CP aren't pedos chud the kids aren't real. :soyreddit#talking:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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That's such bullshit. Watching beastiality porn doesn't make me a white woman.

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I think they already lost just by being furries in the first place

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You know, I thought loli artists were kind of based for exercising their mildly degenerate form of self expression when I thought loli shit was just lewd megumin art. But then I learned about toddler con and now I think they all belong in the chipper.

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Please choose one of the following as a thought experiment

  • goon cave plastered with toddlercon guro

  • r*ped and murdered IRL actual toddler

Which is better?

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Option three:


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the later is morally worse but both are beyond the pale in civil society

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Yeah tbh if I were at the point of having a toddler con good cave I'd probably just rope

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The second cause the toddler probably dressed in a provicative manner (diapers etc) and thus wanted it

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I always found that amusing with furries. Cub, Loli or Shota is too far. But literally disemboweling someone or having s*x with a corpse is perfectly fine? Bestiality? Incest? Hard R? Like, Furries almost behave like closet psychopaths..... and a lot usually are.

"He has no rules, No bounderies. He doesnt flinch at r*pe, disemboument, or saying the hard R"

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:marseyturnedon: :marseybeheading:


:marseyderp: BIPOC


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People constantly jack off to r*pe porn and aren't considered male feminists but I jack off to gay porn a few dozen times and suddenly I'm considered gay smh

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@CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM bad news bro...

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Don't group @CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM in with furries or pedos you cute twink b-word

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don't group me in with people i'm clearly in a group with

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Zoochads are not furries

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>don't lump the guy who spammed everyone with 'p in with pedos


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I wish House Furry did a better job documenting furry drama. There's gotta be so much that most of us will never naturally encounter. Every once in a while I see people arguing about "Burned Furs" or "Protogent" out in the wild internet and I'm curious as to what they're talking about (but not enough to actively seek out an answer.)

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Kiwifarms does a much better job. There are some dedicated furry posters there. the fact that the furry community does a terrible job policing their own makes the drama flow.

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Protogent I don't know

Sibe used to be a reliable way to start furry slapfights too https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Evil_Sibe

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Burned Furs is decades old drama.

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e621 has has mild drama on and off for a while but the jannies :nazimod: are usually quick to ban people who complain. The lefty furries cannot handle anything that doesn't promote their enemies in a negative light.

Actually funny Trump :marseytrump:drawing?

  • Multiple "frick fascism" :marseyhitler: comments

Absurd Zootopia :marseybunny: :marseyfursona: comic that's obviously trolling?

  • Smugly whine about the author being conservative :marseyhitler: and how Zootopia is a sacred cow.

Kiwifarms :marseykiwi: kiwi?

  • Regurgitated wikipedia information and nazi accusations.

Mods :marseyjanny: being cute twinks?

  • Smug mod responses and bans. :soysnooseethe:

I would say I'm surprised but it seems theres a lefty authoritarian :marseylibleft: subculture that bullies the rest of furrydom. :marseyfurry: :marseyfurry2: :marseycatgirl5: :marseybutt2:

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Absurd Zootopia :marseybunny: :marseyfursona: comic that's obviously trolling?

Smugly whine about the author being conservative :marseyhitler: and how Zootopia is a sacred cow

!furries never forget…


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721350861227261.webp ewes did this :marseydisagree:

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I liked how the villain of Zootopia was basically a crybully, uwu smol bean.

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Kiwifarms :marseykiwi: kiwi?


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What I think is r-slurred about E621 is you will get banned for perving on the drawings. "Omg she's so hot, I want to frick her tight butt so bad!" will get you banned.

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People who comment on porn shouldn't be banned

They should have a death squad kick down their door

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disagree, porn is too funny sometimes

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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It's a good thing I don't comment!

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There are so many of those. The slightest misinterpreted comment from the wrong janny will get you banned.

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Of course degenerates go to the tolerant side, since without unhealthy amounts of tolerance these people wouldn't be allowed to exist

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Ah…I still remember the Martha Speaks Incidient of 2022…

…good times :marseyboomer:

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What image? Theres no martha speaks image. :fakejannieban:

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You don't understand, she's actually 5000 years old ...


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>I always found that amusing with furries. Cub, Loli or Shota is too far.


>But literally disemboweling someone or having s*x with a corpse is perfectly fine? Bestiality? Incest?

The normalgroid fears his fetishes. The furchad controls them like wild beasts in a fighting pit and releases them for his own amusement.

>Hard R?


>Like, Furries almost behave like closet psychopaths..... and a lot usually are.

!furries won again

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sometimes, i let the beasts out


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what is cub?

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*cube porn. @Shellshock accidentally a letter.

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:#marseypapercraft: :!#marseynut:

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@Jewdanksdad downmarseyd me for being anti child porn :#marseyhmm:

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Theres a subculture in the furry community called diaperfur and then diaper cub after that.

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Have you never seen a furry on the internet?

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I thought this was gonna be a post about how furries hacked disney.

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Often times what's young is deemed based on proportions and that's harmful to specific artstyles.

Specific artstyles like...?


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First they came for the child porn and I said nothing...

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as you shouldn't

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Then they came for me and there was noone to stand with me πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

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Cub is a reoccuring issue in furry spaces and mods generally refuse to enforce it properly because they're not willing to put a ban on large popular fanart fandoms that contain underage characters as it represents such a big percentage of users (sonic being the major one, but also ninja turtles, beastars, pokemon/digimon, five nights at freddy's, undertale, and a huge number of video game and cartoon characters like spyro, midna, link etc)

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ok but arbitrary 'is the character canonically underage' is rslured

its about what's actually being depicted

are you drawing it as an adult or not? if not :marseywoodchipper2:

"shes actually 1000 year old demon" is just as rediculous as "she's only 17 in the show you sick frick" :marseysoycrytremble: if its a drawing of adult :marseyindignant:

anyway even having to talk abt this is discusting and e621 has chosen to not only allow this stuff but actually hide it from unloggedincels and ban people for complaining for years

they are complicit. he literally says "this was a hard decision to make" ???? really? this was a moral conundrum? and the only reason you're folding now is because of outside pressure?

these people are scum. I wouldn't be surprised if all of them at the top were cunnyseurs :marseydisgust:

just like real life concentrations of power :marseyhmm:

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That's (B)ifferent :marseyindignant:

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whats a cunnyseur

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The avg anime enjoyer,

a Connoisseur d'cunny

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Jesus, I only just put together Five Nights At Freddy's furry nonsense with the plot from the franchise, because I only saw the film.

Furries remain vile. :marseymanysuchcases:

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Yeah all those robots are dead six year olds

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No. "Cub" is not stuff like sonic. It's little kids and toddlers getting fricked in the butt.

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I do wonder what caused this change?

They talk about it early in the shadman(noted smashmouth loli drawer) thread on the farms (I think :marseynull: is the one to chime in with it) , The US has some of the broadest :marseyfreezepeach: laws in the world, "loli" or drawn CP have never AFAIK been subject to a major court case but in theory are protected under the first amendment (there is also something called the miller test I'm not sure how the content would rate).

you could say it is because of advertisers for places like reddit, but that's not the case here? maybe it's AWS restrictions?

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now is judy hopps a loli? she has the body type and I've been cranking my hog to her since zootopia came out

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Shes female so yes

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she's under 200 lbs so yes

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>petite anime woman (adult)


>petite anime woman (child)


(They're the same thing. :marseyshrug: )

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Those who are mad should use their jobs to shut down the internet in protest

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!furries is it possible to be a furry without being a p-dophile?

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Yes, you can be a zoophile too

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Sophie Labelle seething rn :marseywitchtriggered:

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What's even worse is that they hide the fact they host cp unless you make an account.

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the motto of TQ+ is :quote: what do you mean no children!? :quote:

i swear it's all they ever say

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Furries almost behave like closet psychopaths..... and a lot usually are.

There is no such thing as a mentally stable furry. Ever.

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well they're all homos

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>typing in the "child" tag and not being disguised with yourself


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I didn't even know this was a thing. I use a blacklist.

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do not frickikng add "laughing out Ioud" to the end of a comment like that. watch your mouth. be thoughtful how you sling around what you think is meaningless internet slang that insn't meaninglesr to other people. Intention doesn't matter, how your message is received matter.

You just laughed at spreading naziism.




Why banned explicit posts with young humans and humanoid creatures but still allowed explicit posts with cubs?:

I always found that amusing with furries. Cub, Loli or Shota is too far. But literally disemboweling someone or having s*x with a corpse is perfectly fine? Bestiality? Incest? Hard R? Like, Furries almost behave like closet psychopaths..... and a lot usually are. :

This sucks, we need a new loli page :

User sad that lots of Nintendo characters were hit by the ban:

Oh no cp got banned oh nooooo :


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Those are all 5000 year old cubs.

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and as always, the ones screaming the loudest in support of the ban have skeletons in the closet


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