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Trump is officially the gayest president.

!fellas remember to blow your bros.....a kiss.

At least Biden is still a stagdog.

Also Madison Cawthorn.

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Madison Cawthorn is the ultimate :#marseyretardchad:

We need a disabledr-slurchad

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:marseydisabled::marseyabbott: :mar!seyjoe:

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Yeah, these cripples are totally gay and shit. But we need to have emojis about how they're actually chads right now.

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Combine them. The smiling :marseysillytime: marsey :marseyunithecat: is a happy :marseypresents: lil twink. Family :marseyjoe: guy guy has chad butt chin.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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So what, now you're saying all Italians are gay?

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One of the issues I have in Europe is that my gaydar just doesn't work, half the men could be clocked as a gay from 100 yards

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Oh! You've just discovered the fun game people have been playing since the 90s, 'Gay or Eurotrash?'

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no, your gaydar is working fine

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Nah, only white people are "gay." BIPOCs are "down low."

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I really want him back as President. Another 4 years of comedy gold.

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I'd rather not pay more for consumer goods and have my 401k tank every other week based on his r-slurred tweets.

R-slur already tanked my tsm position.

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The economy was better and your 401k was better and everything was far cheaper. U live under a rock?

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The economy has been better under biden lmao holy smokes you guys are r-slurred.

The market has been at record highs all of bidens term.

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The market is performing but it's very brittle right now, and in any case, its performance is not reflected in the cost of living of regular consumers.

Incidentally, this 'strong' market is a timebomb - stocks are heavily overpriced and oversubscribed, the Hindenburg signal is in place and that predicts an imminent market crash, we're seeing a lot of localized market volatility happening in short waves now, and so much of the market performance is riding on a small group of tech companies - concentrating the fortunes of the whole market like this is incredibly unhealthy. Shit's not nearly as good as it seems just glancing at the 24 month index trend. When things start to fall apart (and the absolutely will, this is inevitable), it's going to be bad, certainly worse than the last big market crash in terms of consequences for regular consumers.

As for cheap consumer goods? They've been cheap because China's using them as a trade weapon, they flood foreign markets with cheap, heavily CCP subsidized products and kill domestic industry while creating reliance on China, and they're trying to do exactly this with electric cars now.

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"The market" btw lmao what a frickin cope

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By like every metric lmao

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*public market

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My 401k already bounced back double from the covid slump. What rslur financial firm are you using?

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R-slur will tank the markets every other week and increase the costs of consumer goods. Why would i ever want his butt in office.

Look at what he did to tsm.

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I'm pretty sure Biden failing to stop the Russia-Ukraine war tanked my 401k more than anything Trump ever did in office (not counting covid)

!highrollers how are your retirement plans doing? Were they better under Trump or Biden?

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Absolute bullshit. Pizza you have TDS.

Is it an ego thing with u people

Or what

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Donald trump legit just tanked tsm with his r-slurred bullshit.

Trade wars increase the cost of consumer goods, yes or no?

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No he didn't.


Consumer goods are more expensive than ever rn noob

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How the frick did he not tank tsm?

Also do trade wars increase the cost of consumer goods?

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Dont frickin worry about tsm lmao. Who gives a shit and it will bounce back. Whatever your attributing to him almost is certainly a lie since you've been wrong on every prediction you've ever made.


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Does this mean the strags will stop screaming about being put into trains from project 2025?

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In the past it wasn't gay to kiss a man

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It's only gay because of blacks

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It's still not

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Well, sure. If you rub your peepee on your homie's lips in good faith, it's one of the straightest things in the world. If you rub your peepee on your homie's lips in bad faith, you're an icky cute twink queer. Everyone knows that.

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I think in Saudi it's gay to hold female hand bad straight holding man hand.

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I'd totally frick Madison cawthorn

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I have a reality show pitch. We give Madison Cawthorn and Hunter Biden 3 kilos of blow and a party van. They drive across the country partying together, healing the partisan divide.

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too bad ypu wont catch him at the bathhpuse orgy anymore. :marseyrain:


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Imagine trying to kill the next president, failing, getting your head ventilated, and just before the CIA dumps your corpse into the Atlantic, Hulk Hogan dunks and dabs on you in character in front of the entire country.

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Psych horror movie about a helpless old man who can barely understand the world around him being manipulated by the deep state to commit atrocities and humiliate him on a world stage when

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I think :marseynoooticer: thats the plot of Beau is Afraid

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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It both really isn't and kinda is.

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Beau is afraid he will have to say 2 more sentences.

I think you have it reversed.

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And your parents ain't getting paid for your job :marseycry:

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DDR losing 80% of his black voterbase after they catch him being this zesty :marseytar#iqitsover:

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You forgot about the important Buck Block

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That's the 20%

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They will vote for him on the down low though

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Being secure in your sexuality means you can be the president of America and blow kisses to your bro.


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Wow, homophobic!!!!

It's not ALWAYS gay to blow your homies a kiss

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The guy with HH initials is a Trump supporter


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Straggots can't even blow a kiss to their bro cause everything has to be gay.

All gonna die alone and depressed due to lack of love and touch. And that's a good thing.

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after his 90 minute speech and the entirety of the RNC convention, I'm not entirely sure that bullet didn't actually hit part of his head

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It turned him into Quentin Tarantino where his movies are way too long and overwritten because he has too much clout for anyone to tell him to trim it down.

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There is a legit change, the kiss of death. Anyone watching along can't honestly tell it was staged.

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That face and smile after the kiss is extremely homosexual 🤣

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I genuinely think he struggles to show emotion lol. Like his default emotional setting is neurodivergent ceo.

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Clearly you've never :marseyitsover: felt a brothership with a homie.

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My president!!! :marseysalutepride:

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I remember being in school :marseygrad: when I saw that gif for the first :marseywinner: time and my friends :marseysnoohug: convinced me that was his mom.


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Schoolkid lore was so wild. I got convinced I was r-slurred :marseycrayoneater: because my hands :marseyshrug: are bigger than my face.

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lol, I remember that happening way back in the 80s. It was "if your hand is bigger than your face, you're r-slurred." Then they put their hand over their face to check and you smack their hand so they get a little bonk on the nose and feel like an r-slur for falling for it. :marseyxd:

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Libs are straights pretending to be gay, cons are gays pretending to be straight

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:#marseychefkiss: :y#::e#::s#:


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You gotta grab them by the bussy.

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>personally demanded that the GOP stop being homophobic :marseyhatecrime: and they obeyed

>Publicly flirt :marseyhearts: with Alpha :marseygega: Male Hulk Hogan

>Narcissist attention :marseyselfharm: seeker :marseyselfharm: reality tv star

Yep, certified homosexual. Guess :marseyshrug: I have to vote for him now

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He only assaults women so people won't think he's gay

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has had multiple model wives and yet isn't famous for how much he is fricking women in his life.

Yep. This guy is gayer than a kiwi punch bowl with a dildo floating in the middle.

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Yes, he's a bisexual. Cope and seethe now straggot.

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Men cant be bi

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Wrong traps are both gay and straight, therefore liking traps makes you bisexual

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Trump is the first gay and BIPOC president :#marseydarktrump:

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If he's from outer space we're saved

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That guy fricks (women and men)

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Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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I need context

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The RNC is rife with hookers.

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For the right price, this one will let you stick almost anything in his mouth.

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Frick, man. What a chad.

:!marseykneel: :marseydisabled: :marseykneel:

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>Trump is officially the gayest president.

Wasn't there a Netflix documentary recently that unequivocally proved that the gayest president was Lincoln?

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What's funny is we almost certainly already had a gay president but he wasn't good enough. James Buchanan fans on suicide watch

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James Buchanan was hetro. Some suspect William R. King may have been homosexual, but even if was, his crush on James went unrequited.

That's why lesbians sponsor everything James Buchanan, because these 19th century bosom buddies had a dead bedroom

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Trump is a diva so xhe is gayer.

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These cute twinks cannot conceive that there :marseycheerup: are people ok with homosexuality :marseynyanlgbt: who'd bat an eye at chopping off children's genitals, it's nerf or nothing with these BIPOCs.

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The top 5 gayest guys in no particular order except the last one:

Long time friend group since like high school 15+ years later.

Dudes that worked at a restaurant together.

Military bros that were stationed together.

Guys on a traveling/competitive youth/minor league sports team or similar.

Actual Gays.

Only one of these groups seems to be ok with your above statement. And even then it's probably 75% of the time.

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Far fewer than 75% of actual gays are okay with the push to trans children. I think it's max 50% and thay number drops dramatically as you move away from the 18 - 25 age group i.e. college campuses.

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!commenters look at the updates.

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Libs when they see an ounce of broffection between males - :#faggot:

Libs when they see an ounce of muscle or ripped figured male - CONSERVATIVE :soycry: + also somehow :#faggot:

lib males when every time they get beaten the frick down by a conservative male - :#snoosurprise:


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Anything that reminds me I'm weak and have no friends is gay!

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Really makes you think 🤔

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He's just paying respect to the goat

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I'll give memes like this credit when they acknowledge that women were sounding the alarm, not men. Even with all the handmaidens supporting the male-led transcult, it has always been women sounding the alarm. It took men having their sports-perving ruined by ball-havers in skimpy women's uniforms for them to start caring, and from there, figure out that ethics are a credible angle to protest against this incursion on their happy boner time. They trail behind us and try to claim credit for our own work, framing it as the Rational Men besting the Stupid Women who are Out Of Control.

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:#clueless: lol

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Tbf it's Hunk Hogan who wouldn't:marseyadmire:

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Spiritual :marseytrain2:. Very valid.

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:marseysaluteussr: doing just as I ordered him to.

He's getting a raise.

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I wish I were :marseytabletired2:

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I literally cannot even fathom what kind of sad, angry little 20 something year old sociopath you'd have to be to actually write something like that out and post it onto a public forum about something incredibly heart wrenching for fun and entertainment. Bless you.


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