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why im voting for joe biden/joe biden's replacement


  • idiotic tax cuts for the rich. here is an accountant (knows more than I do) bitching about plans (before it was passed), here is the wikipedia, here is a summary about why it sucks. Note that it expires in 2025, at which point taxes will shoot back up. the US eroded its tax base with the law, and making the cuts indefinite would mean the us loses even more money. its not sustainable. the law was designed with the assumption that it would frick over the 2025 administration (which in 2017 republicans assumed would be Dems) because taxes will shoot up (and thus be their fault). the net result from all of this? +$500 to net household income, considered statistically insignificant. but the 1% got a nice cut.

  • under trump, the federal reserve overplayed its hand. they had QE running even though the markets were good (bad idea), then when markets went to shit (covid) they had no recourse (because they hand was already played) except inflating the shit out of everything. Biden became president during the midst of this, but it's a well-known economic fact that there is Nothing You Can Do during an inflationary recession. I will repeat it for those of you in the back: economists don't have cowtools to deal with inflationary recessions. the outcome we got was the best we could have, inflation was a lot worse in other countries.

  • trump wants to put a blanket tariff over ALL imports (terrible idea), wants a weaker dollar (say hi to inflation)

  • absolute disaster for the national debt (source)


military and global affairs

  • abused the state dept to fabricate and push anti-vaccine propaganda in the Phillipines (reuters) in an effort to combat the Phillipines buying vaccines from China (the US's were too expensive). Biden shut it down after he found out about it (was kept on the dl)

  • a long, long list of ways that trump has fricked over us troops

  • the whole first indictment

  • always lets putin get what he wants

social issues

i will reference project 2025 in this section

  • trump set up concentration camps for immigrant children, then "lost" 1488 of them... where i have i seen that number before? (ap news)

  • make abortion flat-out illegal

  • rollback trans ppl in the military

  • roll back s*x discrimination protections on gay and transgender people (page 584)

  • define trans people as child s*x pests: "Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women." (page 5)

  • "It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimesโ€”particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children" (page 554)

  • taken together, it seems as though they are paving the way to outlaw existing as a transgender person (possibly through the death penalty)

  • redefine public transit as to include ride sharing: "A better definition for public transit (which also would require congressional legislation) would be transit provided for the public rather than transit provided by a public municipality." (page 635)

  • reduce funding for public transit (more for personal automobiles) and remove federal funding for city transit -- instead, funding would have to go thru state govts who then do what they want rather than straight to the cities

  • get rid of the dept of education, fda

he is a p-dophile

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17214279340416808.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17214279341528032.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17214279347070208.webp


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I don't think the government should have high tax rates. The government is shitty at deciding what to spend money on with little exceptions. :marseydownvote:

I trust people to spend their money how they see fit, not have some unelected bureaucrat waste it. :marseyrecycling:

(Chuds, Commies and Neolibs DONT trust you to make your own decisions! :marseywink: !grillers )

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!neolibs don't support high taxes! At least not the rdrama neolibs as we were banished from /r/neoliberal since the heretics (succs) took over

We still support "sin taxes" though.

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All taxes are sinful

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Without taxes you wouldn't be making a living though

A reforma tributรกria facilitou o seu trabalho?

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Nรฃo, na maior parte ela modificou o trabalho dos contadores, o meu trabalho รฉ depois que eles jรก cagaram com algo.

Apesar que eu tenho escrito pareceres recentemente, mas รฉ sรณ o trabalho de se manter atualizado.

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Didn't you personally say carbon taxes are a good idea :marseyconfused:

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Yes, but you gotta present a carbon-free alternative first, it's not fair to carbon tax the population for using vehicles that run on gas while those are the most widespread option (EV are still quite expensive) and while there's no public transport alternative for instance.

This has more to do with combating climate change. But generally neolibs will support "sin taxes" like sugar, alcohol and fat taxes to discourage alcoholism and obesity.

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I totally agree! That's why I'm voting for Biden.


Biden did a helluva lot better job than trump on not wasting taxpayer dollars on stupid shit. The problem is that Trump is cutting taxes for the rich WITHOUT reducing spending, meaning that YOU will be left to pick up the slack when the coffers run dry. It has never been about keeping your dollar out of the hands of money-grubbing bureaucrats but instead about making American society subsidize the super rich.

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isnt neoliberalism all about big government making sure the economy goes brrr

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/r/neoliberal is fond of big government but historical neoliberals were not. Is more about efficient technocratic government but it still leans heavily in favor of markets.

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>efficient technocratic government

:#marseylaughpoundfist: :#marseyrofl: :#marseykekw: :#marseywheeze: :#platylol: :#marseygarfieldrofl:

jewish lives matter

!chuds where tf were you when neolibstrags pushed a planned economy

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Neolibs were copperheads in 1860s

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They love using taxes to "nudge" your spending decisions.

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Hey since you're covering taxes for rich people can you cover my taxes too? :marseybegging:

just send it to my dramacoin address, thanks :marseythumbsup:

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