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Abortion is a grave moral evil, science demonstrates that life begins at conception and !Catholics have correctly opposed the practice of all forms of child sacrifice from the beginning (Didache ~80AD).

Your moral reasoning is confused and inconsistent, which is both typical and regrettable of rdramatards. Killing children is fricked up. :marseysadge:

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Welcome back @Corinthian, I missed you.


If someone is braindead their body is still alive, their heart is beating, and their body is still a life, yet the person is already gone. This why it's not only "life" that is needed.

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There's a hurricane currently over Luzon !pinoypride so it's whatever I can't really go out and form a life apart from you r-slurs but I do genuinely enjoy that you engage with me on what I think is an honest level(?) rather than just doing the insincere :marseychud: strategy of "winning" by getting the other person to lose their cool a la sjw-freakout content from decades past.

Your argument is one that !Catholics bioethicists have considered and the soyience is faulty and debated.

Moreover, there is a growing number of cases which demonstrate we cannot accurately diagnose brain death in the first place. The case of Jahi McMath, who was declared brain dead in 2013 at the age of 13, received substantial media attention. After being assigned a death certificate by the state of California in December 2013 following a declaration of brain death, Jahi lived another four and a half years before "dying again" in New Jersey. Medical evidence is conclusive that Jahi was never actually brain dead.

I genuinely propose that all human life is inviolably, equally endowed with the dignity and likeness of God. I think you hold that principle (minus God) in your own ethics, and I encourage you with 100% sincerity to examine the priors and science that would challenge your notions of what constitutes "life". :carpholyspirit:

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So is it murder to pull the life support when someone is declared brain dead?

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Well the equivocation fails: all human life requires gestation during a period of dependance on a woman. Your own life included, even if you want to reject the personhood of those around you.

The term "brain death" is not found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. But a statement from St. John Paul II has asserted that, if properly diagnosed, the complete and irreversible cessation of all brain function seems a valid way to assess with moral certainty that a person has died.

Moral certainty, St. John Paul II has said, "is considered the necessary and sufficient basis for an ethically correct course of action."

Inasmuch as science can accurately ascertain "brain death" (debatable, most of the posters here would qualify as you know) there is a secondary consideration: do regular medical measures ensure their continued life? If yes, we are morally obligated to care for them. If they require permanent ventilation and exterior life support, it is indeed a moral grey area. But regardless, the equivocation of standards is not a reasonable one. A braindead adult will not naturally develop to a healthy one, a fetus will.

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Brain death is like just death lol, their hearts may be beating but their minds are permanently gone, is not like being in coma

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By that logic :marseycheckmate: newborns aren't a life

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omg! Fetal brain activity starts after 12-14 weeks

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There's brain :marseymindblown: activity in coma patients too lol

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coma and brain death aren't the same thing

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Fair enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: they're usually used synonymously

Still disagree :marseyyesandnosuperspeed: with the premise though

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