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Read the screenshot in the actual trial update pin.

The prosecution withdrew her case. Mr. Westfallen wins trials in their opening hours through the sheer power of his massive brain.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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She never said that she withdraws her case she just doesn't want to interact with the site anymore, completely understandable since it's such a cesspool.

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Quad I know you are 3rd world r-slur but if you don't show up to court the opposition wins by default.

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Someone just needs to step up and represent her in her absence.

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I volunteer as long as I can include product placements for premium Sysco-brand products.

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So what's you're saying is, if i am on trial for murder, I just need to have the prosecution murdered the day of the trial?

They don't show, I'm home free?


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The prosecution is the US state itself in criminal court :marseythinkorino: It's not a civil suit :marseygiveup:

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carp really has been like "yeah lets turn rdrama into the_donald 0.5" lately

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!transphobes you win. You even turned ticktocktrain against us.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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lmao someone actually commented 2 days ago :roflmao: :marseyoctopus2: how did that redditor even come across that post after almost a week :marseytrollolol: !chuds


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This is genuinely the best strategy for :marseytrain:s. American rightoids absolutely love having a token house negro on their side. When Project 2025 enacts :marseytrain: gas chambers the ones who make themselves into outspoken internet/media personalities advocating for how :marseytrain: gas chambers are actually a good thing WILL be spared.

!cuteandvalid take note

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Rightoids don't respect simps, I will stick to my guns and look them in the eye, and they will not harm me or my kin

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i think this might convince them that ur one of them; they'll notice the rifle before they'll notice a bulge

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🎶this is muh rifle, this is muh gun🎶

🎶this is for fighting, this is for kids🎶



jewish lives matter

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As long as you arent a sperg ill hide you bb

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I've been trying to push xhim off the site so xhe touches grass and secures gainful employment :derpwhy:

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This doesn't look unreasonable to me. I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby country bars. It's the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),

"You know what? She ain't so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody's rioting, and we're standing up on the world stage again. Can't believe I'm saying this but Ol' Oakland Kam's got my vote this year."

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of "Yes sir" and "Darn Straight" from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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my heart is telling me Good luck??? :marseydramautist: :marseyautism:

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If a downie can get a job, that fat butt train can get a job!


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Transgirls are welcome in the_donald 0.5"

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come let's hug each other while...


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Wouldn't it be better, if jesus was also a cat?


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No because it spoils his perfection but go off i guess

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Cats are perfect too. Marsey is perfect, it won't ruin Jesus's perfection.

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!metashit, new carp image just dropped.



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When are you gonna start watching Big Brother season 2 :#marseyexcited:

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Every time you sidevote me it gets delayed another two weeks.

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Okay now we're even :#marseythumbsup: go watch king

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S6 is better @CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM doesnt know anything about rigged reality television game shows

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Season 6 starts off really good but it kinda falls off in the second half. Good taste though :#marseythumbsup:

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S2 is too dated it's hard to watch tbh. Evel Peepees first season is great too

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Tbh I never got the "too dated" thing. Video quality is pretty much the same between 2 and 6. I think the 2001 vibes are super nostalgic too.

I like Big Brother 8 as well. Didn't like the America's Player twist but Peepee was funny as frick despite only harassing the foids and weaker male contestants

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Carp help :marseysadcat:

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Check the adminmail or w/e it's called

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Everytime I see you shill this garbage I'm going to review bomb it with a new account.



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:#marseyrentfree: keep coping and seething cute twink! As if I care about the critical reception to a reality show! :#marseylaugh:

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Your recommendations will fall on deaf ears after I'm done with this dumb shit.


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I guess you wouldn't know this, but grown adults who don't constantly seek validation and can form their own opinion don't have any need to check reviews on movies and TV shows. I've never checked one in my life. Enjoy your pseudo-intellectual slop, midwit :#marseycheers:

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>read the



!teaparty, do not believe his lies.

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A victim of a crime can't be the prosecution. The state did not have an official to represent the charges and so no trial occurred.

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Maybe in your country

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jewish lives matter, especially mel brooks

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I'd like to remind y'all that all str8 dramamoids should've been aborted :meow: !moidmoment

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Straight dramamoids? :marseyconfused:

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Ugh I wish they didn't exist too :(

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17216722539929736.webp you being right or wrong doesn't matter because you are a fascist that banned me from /r/drama

!followers downmarsey this fascist

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DEATH :marseycarpocide: TO QUAD



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that's rude :marseycry:

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U the best person here bb

Don't give in to their hate

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Thank you so much. :marseyhearts:

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Abortion is a grave moral evil, science demonstrates that life begins at conception and !Catholics have correctly opposed the practice of all forms of child sacrifice from the beginning (Didache ~80AD).

Your moral reasoning is confused and inconsistent, which is both typical and regrettable of rdramatards. Killing children is fricked up. :marseysadge:

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Welcome back @Corinthian, I missed you.


If someone is braindead their body is still alive, their heart is beating, and their body is still a life, yet the person is already gone. This why it's not only "life" that is needed.

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There's a hurricane currently over Luzon !pinoypride so it's whatever I can't really go out and form a life apart from you r-slurs but I do genuinely enjoy that you engage with me on what I think is an honest level(?) rather than just doing the insincere :marseychud: strategy of "winning" by getting the other person to lose their cool a la sjw-freakout content from decades past.

Your argument is one that !Catholics bioethicists have considered and the soyience is faulty and debated.

Moreover, there is a growing number of cases which demonstrate we cannot accurately diagnose brain death in the first place. The case of Jahi McMath, who was declared brain dead in 2013 at the age of 13, received substantial media attention. After being assigned a death certificate by the state of California in December 2013 following a declaration of brain death, Jahi lived another four and a half years before "dying again" in New Jersey. Medical evidence is conclusive that Jahi was never actually brain dead.

I genuinely propose that all human life is inviolably, equally endowed with the dignity and likeness of God. I think you hold that principle (minus God) in your own ethics, and I encourage you with 100% sincerity to examine the priors and science that would challenge your notions of what constitutes "life". :carpholyspirit:

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So is it murder to pull the life support when someone is declared brain dead?

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Well the equivocation fails: all human life requires gestation during a period of dependance on a woman. Your own life included, even if you want to reject the personhood of those around you.

The term "brain death" is not found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. But a statement from St. John Paul II has asserted that, if properly diagnosed, the complete and irreversible cessation of all brain function seems a valid way to assess with moral certainty that a person has died.

Moral certainty, St. John Paul II has said, "is considered the necessary and sufficient basis for an ethically correct course of action."

Inasmuch as science can accurately ascertain "brain death" (debatable, most of the posters here would qualify as you know) there is a secondary consideration: do regular medical measures ensure their continued life? If yes, we are morally obligated to care for them. If they require permanent ventilation and exterior life support, it is indeed a moral grey area. But regardless, the equivocation of standards is not a reasonable one. A braindead adult will not naturally develop to a healthy one, a fetus will.

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Brain death is like just death lol, their hearts may be beating but their minds are permanently gone, is not like being in coma

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By that logic :marseycheckmate: newborns aren't a life

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omg! Fetal brain activity starts after 12-14 weeks

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There's brain :marseymindblown: activity in coma patients too lol

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coma and brain death aren't the same thing

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Fair enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: they're usually used synonymously

Still disagree :marseyyesandnosuperspeed: with the premise though

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You're back

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This is why Catholics should be barred from the judiciary.

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:marseyshook: A kangaroo.... in MY kangaroo court?

Everyone knows carp's vote counts as 100,000 :marseyroo:

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>He expected democracy in a carp kangaroo court

oh nononono :marseyxd:

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His abortion sperging was on point. Personally i consider abortion literally killing a baby, but I'm prochoice anyway because I'm okay with that. And it's fricking frustrating that the average foid and low T male cant just admit what they're advocating for

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Good for him tbh

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This is the attitude that keeps dictators in power.

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Sir, this is a drama :marseydramaddictrentfree: forum.


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Ma'am, drama forums are exactly like Star Wars, and Star Wars accurately reflects the real world.


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Yes, ma'am, it is my honor.


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She rekeitad herself, refusing to continue to be at trial

literally, Good

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Break the mop and say the n-word to spite the fish.

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Sorry, mods = gods

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QuadNacra is a mod to tho

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Both things are gay


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This is just like when Kronos fought Ouranos :soyjakwow:

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When will you become QuintNacra?

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idk, never though about it

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The complainant dropped her suit. Case dismissed r-slur.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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I voted without reading. We should hold weekly or monthly "executions" of users. I've been saying that for a while. Carp please just permanently ban people for sport to appease the drama gods. Start with me.

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This, but with grass awards.

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typical LIBTARD DUMBOCRAT carp ignoring what the majority wants to instead do what he wants. :hmph:

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Shut up with your mopey bullshit. 'Cels have it better than anyone else. The average moid is literally controlled by his peepee his entire life. Francis E. Dec, Esq. was essentially right about the Frankenstein Controls, but those controls are foids. Any sexhaver you meet is basically an automaton. They exist for no reason other than their next frick, and spend all their time, money, thought, etc. chasing foids for that purpose. This prevents them from ever amounting to anything or having a will of their own.

Bowing to the mad deadly femoid gangster kitty god is actually impossible for 'cels, unless you're the most pathetic simp to ever exist or something. Because of this, we are the only free men on Earth.



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I don't understand any of this, nor do I want to.

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Carp insisted from the beginning that the votes aren't real. Though it would be funnier if they were

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We simply need to all treat it as if they were real, and then they suddenly become real and binding.

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Is that a heckin Star Wars reference?? :marseysoylentgrin:

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Yes, padawan.


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Btw the padme actress is so shit

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Go back to your groomercord server

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