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Nothing ever happens :marseyitsover: BIDEN IS DEAD.








Also lol:




Is he dead?



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ok so ITS HER TURN AND THATS THE TEA but go off i guess

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Come on man

If he does I get the day off

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Uh do they already have the black umbrellas prepped and out?

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Future president Kamala is just going for a routine staff meeting. It is election season, this is a nothingburger, except WOW my Queen looks so presidential!


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@collectijism know a guy that used too kick it with montel. Apparently she can deep throat like a porn star

Trans lives matter

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Honestly thats the kind of perseverance we should look for in a president. Drumpf has probably never deep throated in his life. Sad!

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Well he's tried but Putin's tiny peepee barely gets past the teeth!


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:#marseyeyeroll2: :#tayclap2:

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Future totalitarian dictator :marseybegging:

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Totalitarian? Future President Harris is a Liberal! She has stood up for the rights of Womxn and minorities since she got into politics! I will tolerate none of this rightoid nonsense that the DNC would select an illiberal, undemocratic Leader of the Free World.

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So if Kamala becomes president she's in for the next four years? How does this work?

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just for the remainder of the term and of course the next 4 years when she beats trump

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I don't think we should even risk it. Imagine the optics of americas first black female president only lasting a couple of months. We should postpone the election

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A war will do the trick.

First war time black female president!

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showed up late and left early. BPT prezzy

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Speedrunning brown leaders in and out of office is the in thing this year


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Does it count as a term or can she still serve 2 more terms afterwards?

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The cutoff is half a term I think. So she could run for reelection twice at this point.

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She can serve 2 more terms like LBJ could have

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iirc it's the latter

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When crackers die, I smile.

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The first woman president will not be voted in. Eternally Unearned. I think i just had a small enlightening and glimpsed a law of the universe.

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It's beyond poetic lol DEI is a universal constant

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Truly you can suck peepee to the tippy top

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Do you think she sucked Biden's peepee? Can he even get hard anymore?

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She gave the poor guy a heart attack!

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Black Gurl Magic :#marseykween:

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Why would rightoid grifters be the ones getting the inside scoop about a bombshell like this instead of, y'know, democrats?

Other leaks that turned out true tend to be released through moderate sources like NYT or WaPo that a staffer would actually talk to. No Biden aid is gonna tell such a bombshell to loomy Loomer or Charlie tinyface.

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Every right wing conspiracy theory has turned out to be true. What are you talking about?

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Name one

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That public bathrooms are stealing urination information and selling them to the Chinese

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Besides it obviously just being dramatic attention farming, dems apparently didn't realize what repubs knew for the last few years: Biden was slipping.

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Everyone knew, it was just seeing whether people cared. Like how Trump is a p-dophile, everyone knows, but he can get away with it

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Called it,

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Ai voice

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Aww man the "confirmation" is the easiest thing to spoof :marseyxd:

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If I can't see him talking it doesn't count.



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How do we know Biden hasnt been AI for thebpast two years?


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:marseyagreesuperspeed: This has been a chudspiracy since the microphone optical illusion incident

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physically heard from him

Who is writing this shit? ESLs?

You don't "physically" hear from someone.

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sound waves are physics :marseyindignant:

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That doesn't look anything like Joe Biden. He doesn't even have long hair


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they are just messing with r-slurred magas at this point by having him call in :xd:

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It was literally AI

Black lives matter

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The signature comparison that someone else made a thread on is also pretty weird. I don't think he died, because that would be too funny, but something is off.

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presidents have used autopens for ages https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autopen

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He might be losing his marbles with the stress from Covid. Could be delirious. He clearly wasn't consulted on this transfer of power if he's still not made a public appearance.

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Maybe hes just gay?

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lol ur gay.

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I see the conspiracy theorists have reacted to leftoids moving in on their turf

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The game is changing.



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Because pandering to people besides his white male base went so well for him last time.

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Extremely ballsy gamble to "too tough on crime" a Dem after 2020. :marseythinkorino:

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I suspect he will have targeted ads to black communities describing Kamala's prosecutorial work and contrasting it with his criminal justice reform.

But his message to the general electorate should be that Kamala is a radical with the most left-wing voting record in the Senate. She bailed out looters during the BLM riots. She sympathizes with border crossers and calls them 'asylum seekers' instead of economic migrants. Thus, she's too radical for America

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Is criminal justice reform when you have a meeting with Kim Kardashian?

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This would be the 4d chess move, yeah

I think he is using all his brainpower to come up with a snappy nickname that rhymes with "Kamala", though

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Kommie Kamala

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Ooh that's good :marseynotes:

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He's fine

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Now that is pretty weird. I presume at least Blinken was there to meet him? I can't imagine no prominent officials greeting a foreign leader, especially from a country like Israel.

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Sorry sweaty we have more important things going on rn

Call you later


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He's going to be devastated when someone tells him that he's dead.

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Detective Boobert is on the case:


The funny thing is, if it was actually announced that Biden is dead and Kamala is pres, rightoids would instantly switch to "Biden is alive, wake up NPCs"


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:#marseydoctor: 'my patient is alive' // 'source??' :!#ethot:
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>Trump gets an attempted assassination

>Biden is actually dead

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Bidens spiritual force is unstoppable

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I'm not going to be able to sleep now


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Is Biden's ghost haunting you?

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you can sleep. biden isn't dead or dying.

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if you weren't so DC poor we could make a bet but... :scoot:

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You are dramaphobic which is worse than being poor

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no fun

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Feel better with gibs.


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What if the Trump shooter was sent by Biden and Biden is dead/dying from a Trump retaliation :marseyscream: :marseyschizowall:

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u look so good i'd suck on ur daddy's peepee

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"he's not suffering from COVID symptoms any longer"


also that building is known as a "mall", people usually go there to purchase things


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also that building is known as a "mall", people usually go there to purchase things

:marseydisagreesuperspeed: No way, nobody goes to those to shop, not voluntarily

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I went 2 weeks ago. L move

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women do

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!transphobes new deets on the failed assassin dropped

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1. I believe this

2. The first foid president didn't even need to get elected

3. We live in a society

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the wording of this article is weird:


Harris pays tribute to Biden in first public remarks since launching campaign

between this and the caputol hill flags being at half staff...


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between this and the caputol hill flags being at half staff...

well that proves it. they are trying to keep this thing secret so of course they'd do something like that!

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next they'll go on twitter and tell people he's dead. it's the perfect cover!

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its like when the pope dies and the vatican releases weird color smoke and rhen the press freak put for a few hours/days until an official statement comes out. That, butt if it could be even more :gay:

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dd you know they pick a new pope by having people pick pickled eggs from a jar and whoever gets the black egg is the pope

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i didnt butt that made me think of




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He dead. We all know who killed him - :marseyairquotes: Kamala Harris :marseyairquotes: , who'll pull off the mask and reveal her real identity at inauguration


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Hildawg and Donald will have a cool fight with Samurai swords at the first debate. Trump reveals he's been taking nanomachines to counter Hildawgs assassin training she received under the cruel tutelage of Pai Mae

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Isnt there another queen you forgot about.


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