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It's delusional.

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t. childless leftoid maggot

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Let's not pretend rightoids have children either. Mormons and the amish don't count.

It's mostly centrists having kids. Leftoids tend to be too weird and rightoids too subhuman

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t. :#soysnooseethe:


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Childless leftoid EQUAL CITIZEN you mean.

Raising children is necessary labor for the security of the state and party, but people have already determined that restricting voting to state favored party members is commie gobbletygook.

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Have you heard of Germanic Democracy? Is that commie?

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Germans are Nazis and Nazis are socialists and socialists are commies

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Nazis can run a functional society

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!Metashit, did anyone else notice that @Aevann upmarseyd the comment saying that "Nazis can run a functional society"?


Aevann, are you pro-Nazi? :hitlerapproved:

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He's from Egypt. He probably has a mural to Rommel. He's a chud through and through.


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Egyptians are Aryans

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It's nice too see he doesn't believe Jewish lives matter

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>Nazis can run a functional society

Every single neurodivergent r-slur who writes this on the internet would have been sent to a concentration camp for being a degenerate tranime gooner and/or an untermensch mutt with autism and anti-social personality disorder.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721948836787172.webp !historychads !nonchuds

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Trans women are women in the same way that urinal cakes are cakes.

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Sounds like a win to me

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That proves the point innit?

Jewish lives matter

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What's your point? I was making a comparison to communism, where the degenerates would wind up in a camp and everyone else was starving too.

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Nazis can run a functional society right into the ground!

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honey the entire nazi government ran on plunder from the areas they recently conquered, they were always going to run out of supplies (and they literally did) when they ran out of shit to plunder

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Isn't the whole basis of communism literally the seizure of assets :marseyxd: !anticommunists

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They were also in a war with everybody. Commies just starved their people out for decades straight.

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Nazis can run a functional society


See: World War II.

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Say, when did the Nazis come to power, and when did WWII start?

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>An antisemite is also r-slurred on many issues


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>Every Western country is scrambling to serve Israel atm and is siccing the law on protests with 3rd world brutality

>Israel has to get free stuff and every president swears to serve them

>Billionaires will debank you or work to prevent your future employment for criticizing Israel

Surely these people don't have an outsized influence over our societies, and never exploit us.

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!jannies I caught another chud! This is one is praising Nazis!

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How am I praising something by saying

Thing sucks. Other Thing is not as bad as Thing just by working.


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>socialize the economy

>throw Jews out of business, replace them with g*rmans

>country is r*ped into 2 pieces 12 years later

>get rid of all the wingcuck chud parts of naziism

>keep the parts that literally any other ideology could do

>call it liberalism

>richest country in Europe by 1991

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>Childless leftoid EQUAL CITIZEN you mean.


This interpretation of the 14th amendment ends progressive taxation, sheparding the greatest country towards a balanced budget amendment

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To a bugman it is

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Shut up commie

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Maybe people who don't have any reason to care about the future of the country shouldn't control it

Is it delusional?

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I've always felt that shaniqua and her 70 children should have a bigger voice than the childless math professors.

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Almost airtight rebuttal, but shaniqua is black so she doesn't count :marseythumbsup:

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that's why land owner needs to be a requirement as well. If you don't have any skin in the game, don't play

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Obviously the system should be that only if you're married and have at least one biological kid, you get to vote. So no single moms, homosexuals, incels, etc. Anyway, a math prof that failed to reproduce must not be very smart :marseygiggle:

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A lot of dinks in my hometown from ivies lol.

I think their vote should still count more than cletus :marseysneed: and Isabella :marseyjaguarwarrior: because they popped out 40 kids each

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It's not one vote per kid, 1 or 40 doesn't matter, how do you not get this? "DINKs" are cute twinks anyway, let them have their travels and furbabies but keep them the heck away from politics :marseyindignant:

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>how do you not understand this

Didn't read or listen to whatever he was saying.

>high iq dinks should be kept away from politics

I'm pretty sure that most online rightoids are single income no kid BTW.

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