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[๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] The reason the game isn't free to play are the characters


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

If they really wanted to they could have made a bunch of female characters with big tits for you to jerk off to. It's not hard (29)

enjoy your obesity celebrating characters (-14)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

If they really wanted to they could have made a bunch of female characters with big tits for you to jerk off to. It's not hard (29)

And now their studio will close instead. Oops! (-11)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

None of these shut down after one game... they did after decades of failures... (8)

the copium is strong in this one, see you in a month , in the thread, why did Concord fail? and it's studio get axed (-7)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

I pretty much agree with you. It's just that I don't think there is a conceit that the game is going to fail based on the lack of titties. Sure, some people argue that point specifically, but it's like a very small minority of loud trolls/idiots. The outrage is based in people being tired of woke messaging, but that shit doesn't really matter if the game is good (1)

Agreed. I think that the weird and forced inclusion of pronouns doesn't really help it's case (though in science fiction where there is the possibility of multiple/indeterminate genders it kinda makes sense) - my frustration is that the discussion around how "ugly characters ruined the game" doesn't move the needle on the conversation of what the real problems are with the game. It's like buying a badly engineered car that is always breaking down and then saying "yeah i wish i never bought this thing, it's so fricking ugly. No wonder why it didn't sell." (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

I cant believe that dude still has fans lmao. Like what does he bring to the table other than the blandest, dumb commentary and roaches. (3)

This entire "characters aren't sexy your game is doomed" started over there. Like a game without titties has never succeeded before. It's the most stinky, neckbeardy shit I've ever heard. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Do you imagine Sweet Baby has that much control over any one game? Or could it be they're just a consultant firm and you've bought a ridiculous narrative? (-2)

They condition the narrative and the aesthetic of the character , you wont find a dirty joke about women or homosexual, hey because that is offensive , you wont find some nice Girls or Boys because that is sexualising Come on , stop saying Sweet Baby inc is fair , but hey people is awakening , you just need to see what they done to some bug projects: -God of War : no more hard sexualisation as before (yeah but kinda passable because the evolving of Kratos ) -Gotham knights and Suicide Squad kill The Justice League : in my opinion the second one is underrated in terms of gameplay , but they made characters as Harley with 0 butt or personality , 0 jokes , booooring , not talking about gay Joker ๐Ÿคข-Spiderman ps4 : not gonna say anything, you saw , maybe kinda justified because that is how NY is but omg horrible . Miles girlfriend only personality is she is cannot talk , weirdddd. Mary Jane feels clunky she has nothing as before (0)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/pezdespo

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 27

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this game has a fantastic character design

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17219350983939211.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721935098573418.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17219350987701597.webp

lol lmao even. Do they even have any back story?? like in dota2 there is immense amount of lore for each hero

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>this game has a fantastic character design


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17219403969246132.webp !g*mers

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my facedoxx

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!soyteens IAS

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Quantum soyflux brimerald albeit

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nice beard gradient king

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Wasn't that some sweet baby inc foid

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No she is the foid on the Biden 2024 campaign shirts.

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When they say "not all women can get peepee at the snap of a finger" they're talking about her

Even :10inbongland: is slightly more attractive than her :marseyyikes:

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Here's the "Meet the __" sfm for each of them:

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>im just a neighbor with a rocket launcher


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The lore is they are fat and old and got diversity hired

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back story?


I guess modern redditors need to know how their bideo game characters like to have s*x before they pretend to be them to point a gun and shoot people


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Retvrn to good character design where they're nameless and scream curses as much as possible


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but wait where is the overtly stated sexual diversity?

I don't know how they identify as gender or who is top or bottom

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they're bottoms.

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Tops are the only true gays because they get hard for man butt.

Bottoms are just patient friends.

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Holy SHIT those are the worst character designs EVER :marseyspitmoji:

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Like the crew that never made the cut to enter the Unreal Tournament

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If the joke was that there was an awesome but diverse team of idealized supermen and wonderwomen who all got killed and now they have to work with the second stringers I could buy it. If these were third-worlders forced to fight to the death for the hope of a green card I could buy it.

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I like the disabled Nazi collaborator and the first one makes me think about the fat friend in those 90's coming of age movies, which is comfy af

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>amorphous brown blobs

literally all I saw when I went into the walmar today :platydown:

!texas ik we was mexikangzz and all that but this was a p white town



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>amorphous brown blobs

:#marseyme: :#brazilmutt: !goyslopenjoyers !macacos

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the blobs have to look like MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!:chudtantrum:

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Lmao imagine you die and get T bagged on by :marseychonkerfoid: :marseykween:

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It's like going to the DMV in Philadelphia

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It's honestly insane that this is a product of the very same company that arguably invented the whole 'hero shooter' genre (or at least helped influenced it a good deal)...

...why couldn't they focus on their already existing one instead? :marseycringe2:

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Love the fat black queer queen doom guy(female) :marseyboomer:

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Not with that BMI, they don't.

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Me when I play City of Heroes and hit random on a new character screen.

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>Developers didn't want to cater to coomers. Coomers are fricking weird

:ramonajaktalking: :marseydeadinside2: :marseyabandoned: "please...buy our game...."

Nikke, Genshin, Azur Lane, Stellar Blade, and all Steam hentai developers:

:#!khazarmilkers: :#pepemoney: :#khazarmilkers:

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>Developers didn't want to cater to coomers. Coomers are fricking weird :soyreddit:

!coomers !nooticers !chuds abso-fricking-lutely unreal how the reddit lef:marseytrain2:s are doing a 360 on porn, by this rate, in 2054 being pro-porn will be a far-right incel patriarchal position.

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Redditors are so inconsistent when it comes to porn.

1. Porn is heckin wholesome and triggers le christofascist chuds

2. But at the same time fanservice and sexy women in video games is problematic

So all porn must be transactional, and made with the explicit intent to share a message?, remember the "PAY FOR YOUR PORN" rituals on the male feminist subs years ago?

It is like a reverse on the left vs. right position on porn, leftoids like real-life porn but hate sexualized video game characters, while rightoids hate real-life porn but gooning to tranime has been their identity for 10 years now :marseyconfused2: !coomers !nooticers

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Porn should be shown in schools. But only Black male white female porn. And only to white kids

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>Porn should be shown in schools. But only Black male white female porn. And only to white kids



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!jannies this is a chud meme posted by a chud!

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Bwc is exempt, being brazillian is punishment enough

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There's no way hes actually Brazilian right

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That's still far too great a punishment for the crime.

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It is pretty logical, it just follows their r-slurred views on things like autonomy, consent, empowerment and breaking existing social structures.

When a woman takes pictures of her big tits on onlyfans, she is strong and powerful. She has full control and autonomy of her body, she extracts money from scrotes without having to do anything she doesn't like, she breaks the stereotypes about women not liking s*x, she is comfortable with her body etc. obviously all of this is r-slurred - the coomers and their money essentially control you, porn whores with their 500 surgeries are anything but comfortable with their bodies, but these are some of their 5 IQ thought processes

When a guy draws a woman with her tits out, he is an incel chud because the imaginary drawn woman has no autonomy she didn't choose or consent to having her tits out. He is doing a male gaze and reinforcing power structures, he is profiting off a (drawn) female body like men did for millennia etc.

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It is pretty logical, it just follows their r-slurred views on things like autonomy, consent, empowerment and breaking existing social structures.

When a woman takes pictures of her big tits on onlyfans, she is strong and powerful. She has full control and autonomy of her body, she extracts money from scrotes without having to do anything she doesn't like, she breaks the stereotypes about women not liking s*x, she is comfortable with her body etc. obviously all of this is r-slurred - the coomers and their money essentially control you, porn whores with their 500 surgeries are anything but comfortable with their bodies, but these are some of their 5 IQ thought processes

When a guy draws a woman with her tits out, he is an incel chud because the imaginary drawn woman has no autonomy she didn't choose or consent to having her tits out. He is doing a male gaze and reinforcing power structures, he is profiting off a (drawn) female body like men did for millennia etc.

:#hesrightyouknow: !coomers !nooticers

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so reddit says


but also

EAT THE RICH (fat frick e-whores pay more in taxes then you earn in wages and are mad that they have to pay taxes at all)

but also


but also

LE AGE GAP IS LE R*PE (most e-whores are <25 and most consoomers are >50)

literally just google big booba

!nooticers !titsorgtfo

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It's so weird

>s*x work is REAL WORK!

>but don't you dare jerk off to fictional women

Maybe they see it as "ok" because a real woman does it, and the video game sexy ladies are just made by men? So because a man made it it's bad? That's my guess :marseyshrug:

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Leftoids love sin and hate beauty. It's really just as simple as that.

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A surprising amount of horny anime art is made by foids

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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It's more like Christians+radfems against everyone else for with varying limits surrounding age and content.

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:soysnoo2: 'S*x-positivity' is frowned upon unless if it involves minors chud

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>hates porn of attractive women because they'll never be an attractive woman

>goons all day to porn of attractive women

Uhhhh :marseyconfused2: they're quite the enigma

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theyre attractive, but theyre not always women :marseysmug2:

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Reminder that this shit makes 20 million dollars A MONTH


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>thighs jiggle during the reload

coomGODS i kneel

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Woah, darn! Should have been. 60 million! Thigh jiggle is radical new tech and a real step forward.

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Sexualize is a stupid term because by virtue of having male/female features, that technically counts as sexualizing a character :#idontknow: so even if you have a character design like, say, Lucina from fire emblem, who's covered neck to toe in clothing and doesn't have any stereotypical sexually highlighted features like huge boobs or wide hips, she would technically count as a sexualized character due to having a female figure, pretty face, and nice hair :#tayshrug:


Even then, they don't have an excuse for making disgustingly unappealing character designs because you can do it without even looking distinctly "sexual", I bet the more generic male soldier designs in concord would be fixed if they just gave them a cool looking helmet (with full head coverage so i can imagine who's under the helmet :#arousedpizzashill:) or something since that's what other popular scifi like Halo and Star Wars did with their more iconic designs :#marseymasterchief: :#marseystarwars: or just don't design human characters if you don't respect their most appealing aesthetics, especially in regards to women like long hair :#eaglebikini: !g*mers

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just make everyone furries :marseylaying:

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i'll now buy your game

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platysfield will be free for download :#platythumbsup:

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solves most problems, really

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Making elementary school kids wear pride shirts sexualizes them because being gay is about how you like to have s*x

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intent is everything

that bird is very intentional :marseynut:

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They fricked up by making an live service hero shooter which gamers hate, and doubled down on diversity and fat foids, which really gets gmers in a tizzy since they can't jack off to that.

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Also making it paid when almost every new shit tier hero shooter is free now because the companies are already well aware this garbage doesnt sell

jewish lives matter in you're dreams

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Making the game terrible and giving it radioactively bad prog aesthetics is a stunning + brave business decision

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yeah that must be why they dont want their characters in a ego shooter to be dumpy cute butches

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There's a weird assumption here that is very polarized in this sub. The only argument that people have against attractive characters is that we only want beauty for sexual gratification. This is nonsense. Why do I have art in my home instead of graffiti? Why do I wear nice clothes instead of sweats and a hoodie? Why do I want to properly plate a dish rather than throw things in a bowl? It's because objective beauty standards exist in art, fashion, and cooking. The reason it's so hard for leftists to understand this is because they are obsessed with equal outcome, and can't handle the truth that is objective beauty. Some people are naturally more attractive than others, and beauty is something that individuals want to see and possess. Beauty is a higher standard than average, which cannot be grasped or accepted by those that wish everyone to be equal. To be beautiful is an affront to their worldview of outcome equality. So no, it's not so I can jerk off. It's because video games are not real, they are art. Ugly art is oxymoronic and undesirable, but to the person who believes in equality of outcome, Michelangelo and Jeff Koons should be equals. If you google the art of both of these men and declare their art equal in beauty, you probably also believe that wanting attractive characters in games is solely for sexual gratification because you can't fathom what beauty really is and can only assume it's for perverts. You are wrong to believe that beauty has no standard.

Modern r*ghoids are fricking embarrassing, just write "I want big tits" instead of this long butt boring butt cope ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด

/u/Beetus_Aint_Genetic fyi ur not nearly intelligent enough to fool anyone with ur pseudo intellectual rambling

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No. That dude is right

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Objective beauty lmao

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What are you lmaoing at, b-word?

You don't think there is objective beauty? Are you a foid?

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Brainlet alert ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ

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I'm even more convinced this guy spends 4 hours daily gooning to Overwatch porn, or more likely Genshin/Honkai porn,

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Frick you you dumb b-word @J the bot is being a useless r-slur put it in its place

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KIA types really need to stop blaming sweet baby inc for these things being bad, if SBI had all dropped dead these games would still have this shit in because the devs are woke too, it's not like SBI shows up like the hamburgler and forces fat black women into games while the designers shed a single tear

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Wrong, that's exactly what happens. Blackrock tells them "we won't fund your game unless there are at least FIVE fat women of color in it, here's a consulting firm named Sweet Baby Inc to make sure that gets done"

This isnt a chudspiracy btw, this is a loud secret confirmed in the game industry (recently someone confirmed this happened to the Suicide Squad game)

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Still don't understand why not have the uggos and then hot chicks

Just allow everyone to be happy

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Every girl has an ugly friend to make then seem hotter

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SBI and by extension DEI are the new boogeymen for mayo g*mers

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>plays an hero shooter then complains you shoot :trans: people


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More like "Free to Gay", amirite guys???

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>Weird marvelslop CGI scale skin guy instead of pandering to furries

Dead. on. arrival.

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>Do you imagine Sweet Baby has that much control over any one game? Or could it be they're just a consultant firm and you've bought a ridiculous narrative? (-2)

The way it works isn't that SBI is actually breathing down the necks of the studio's code monkeys, but that they review all design plans and certain builds and they will flag "problematic" content for revision. When they do, some middle management white foid within the company will block anything that doesn't comply with these reports because this will help her look impactful and keep her job. And no one is going to stand up and say "no we need to have attractive characters for the game to be successful" because they're instantly outing themselves as a chud and that will have consequences.

In order to reduce frictions, people will learn to self-censor and not submit designs that they would know would be flagged as "problematic".

It all plays out, the game (probably) flops, the middle management white foids fail upwards and land roles in new firms and no one is brave enough to connect the dots openly to how SBI's contributions were harmful if anything.

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This entire industry is a money sink.

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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser. Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.



enjoy your obesity celebrating characters:

And now their studio will close instead. Oops!:

the copium is strong in this one, see you in a month , in the thread, why did Concord fail? and it's studio get axed:

Agreed. I think that the weird and forced inclusion of pronouns doesn't really help it's case (though in science fiction where there is the possibility of multiple/indeterminate genders it kinda makes sense) - my frustration is that the discussion around how "ugly characters ruined the game" doesn't move the needle on the conversation of what the real problems are with the game. It's like buying a badly engineered car that is always breaking down and then saying "yeah i wish i never bought this thing, it's so fricking ugly. No wonder why it didn't sell.":

This entire "characters aren't sexy your game is doomed" started over there. Like a game without titties has never succeeded before. It's the most stinky, neckbeardy shit I've ever heard.:

They condition the narrative and the aesthetic of the character , you wont find a dirty joke about women or homosexual, hey because that is offensive , you wont find some nice Girls or Boys because that is sexualising Come on , stop saying Sweet Baby inc is fair , but hey people is awakening , you just need to see what they done to some bug projects: -God of War : no more hard sexualisation as before (yeah but kinda passable because the evolving of Kratos ) -Gotham knights and Suicide Squad kill The Justice League : in my opinion the second one is underrated in terms of gameplay , but they made characters as Harley with 0 butt or personality , 0 jokes , booooring , not talking about gay Joker ๐Ÿคข-Spiderman ps4 : not gonna say anything, you saw , maybe kinda justified because that is how NY is but omg horrible . Miles girlfriend only personality is she is cannot talk , weirdddd. Mary Jane feels clunky she has nothing as before:




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