Being anti-cousin marriage is simply a way to be biggoted against Muslims, it's that simple. It causes literally no problem for anyone except the biggots it triggers. :marseyniqabpearlclutch: If you hate cousin marriage, you will fricking hate Palestine and should take that flag out of your screen name. :marseyflagpalestinegenocide:


Fake news :marseyjam:

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Cousin marriage is the key to the infinitely respawning Palestinian clone army


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More like

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Begun, the clone jihad has :marseyyoda:

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Columbus literally promised this to the Spanish crown when he discovered the new world

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Was he just describing all the :marseycherokee: nativussy there was to be had or was he actually proposing they be recruited into the army?

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Also because I like receipts, here's the money quote from his letter to the crown from the first voyage:

I was informed that there is another island larger than the aforesaid Hispana, whose inhabitants have no hair; and that there is a greater abundance of gold in it than in any of the others. Some of the inhabitants of these islands and of the others I have seen I am bringing over with me to bear testimony to what I have reported. Finally, to sum up in a few words the chief results and advantages of our departure and speedy return, I make this promise to our most invincible Sovereigns, that, if I am supported by some little assistance from them, I will give them as much gold as they have need of, and in addition spices, cotton and mastic, which is found only in Chios, and as much aloes-wood, and as many heathen slaves as their majesties may choose to demand; besides these, rhubarb and other kinds of drugs, which I think the men I left in the fort before alluded to, have already discovered, or will do so; as I have delayed nowhere longer than the winds compelled me, except while I was providing for the construction of a fort in the city of Nativity, and for making all things safe.

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Oh no no no certainly not the army, just taxpayers and gold miners and blanket weavers.

And yup he was mentioning that first neat trick

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Everyone who knows anything has known for a very long time that while individual cousin marriages aren't a problem, systemic ones are since mutational load compounds.

The issue being that if you allow cousin marriages you don't end up with the odd cousin marriage but groups that engage in systemic cousin marriages.

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mutational load


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i curse my forefathers for closing this path to me forever. its my cross to bear.


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Can I have your cousin's phone number?

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Lol someone has a hot cousin

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at least no one can accuse me of fetishising foreign women since id prefer doing it in-house :marseyexcited:

i mentioned i have no sense of smell before. i theorize that its blocking the evolutionary pheromone safeguards :marseythinkorino:

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BBC posting at mayos aside, I think like 90% of all races prefer their own sexually, the few who don't are just magnified cause it outrages most. Might be different for minorities everywhere. Just load up different country's xvideos frontpage and check, its almost all local porn even where production quality is markedly inferior(India, Africa or Latin America). Oh and I guess seamonkeys exclusively watch JAV :marseyshrug: Only porn I've seen out of those places is sexpat made :marseysick: and they're always the pastiest whites for some reason.

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of course SEAmonkeys would be the one expection, unless its all mayos watching it too(i sense ESL teacher shenanigans)

your lizard brain wants something close, but not too close :marseylizard:

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you gotta keep your options open :marseysmirk:

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>The issue being that if you allow cousin marriages you don't end up with the odd cousin marriage

This only goes for muslim scum and other thirdies. Most countries have permitted cousin marriage in the past precisely because it wasn't systemic

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It was pretty darn systemic in Europe until the Catholic church rooted it out. The sheer cultural disgust they managed to associate with the practice lingers to today, being enough to dissuade any large scale practice of it.

Regardless of whatever evil shit the Catholic church may have done that single policy and its impact more than makes up for it.

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>It was pretty darn systemic in Europe

10-20% of medieval european (christian) marriages were consanguine - between cousins removed by less than four degrees. The Romans banned cousin marriage in their time.

Muslims today will marry first cousins with one another and uncles with nieces at a rate of 55%

You underestimate how sick, literally and spiritually, all muslims are

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Trump wants to trust that twitter person too

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nobility has always been exempt from these rules

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lisan al gaib

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Don't have you a goat to merry? :marseyblackphillip:

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Have a lot of hall using the chadjak to describe an Arab lol

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That's not true, it's also a way to be bigoted against gypsies :marseyindignant:

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Another high IQ group!

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Are there any romani who aren't thieves or, at best, overly pushy shopkeepers?

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A few but they are rare. I had a gypsy family live across the hall from me and they were nice. Still had seven children but they were quiet, clean, let their kids go to school etc. They moved a few years ago, probably bought a larger apartment, but they were good neighbors as far as I cared :marseyshrug:

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>Muslims - we want to make r-slur deformed mangled kids and eventually go extinct

>Christians and Hindus - we hate you, so we'll stop you from doing that

I'm having a hard time grasping who's the bigger r-slur here

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and eventually go extinct

If only :marseytabletired:

Pakis are fastest growing major country in Asia at least and they are also the most inbred.

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If they are the most inbred, shouldn't they also be the most stupid ie you don't have to worry about them? And you already have a well defended wall against them so they just can't pour in

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A pack of feral dogs are still dangerous even if you're smarter than them :marseytrans:

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Why is that marseytrans :marseyconfused2:

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>it's totally a harmless retriever dog racist :marseyindignant:

>it's totally a woman terf :marseyindignantturn:

Not sure, but that was probably the idea

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Marsey is a cat. That's a dog. They transitioned to be a dog. That's the joke

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But consider :marseyrock:

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So your solution is to try and pet the feral dogs?

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Yep, dogs only attack if you pet them just like blacks only get violent if you scream BIPOC :marseysmughips:

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Feral dogs will attack you no matter what you do, r-slur. Either gas them or shut up

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That's the point r-slur, muslims are still dangerous even if they are inbred in the same way feral dogs are dangerous :marseyannoyed:

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So what's your point then?

Discuss coolly about the dangers of inbreeding with them?? Because that's what the twitter r-slurs and OP are doing (even resorting to Soyence, le heckin experterinooos said!!!)

You acknowledge that's not going to work

That's like the most giga r-slurred take. At least my point was to let them do whatever they want and create as many genetic deficiencies in their offspring as possible

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You don't need to be high iq to vote yourself into getting British nuclear tech and then dropping it on NYC to fulfill allah's desires or something

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it can still be a problem if they have the support of lizard people who love nothing more than enabling r*pe gangs.

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They have nukes

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Yet some Bongos :marseyflagbangladesh: suck their peepee, even as they massacred thousands of them in 1971. IMO, they are even more r-slurred.

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The number of babies born with birth defects in Bradford is nearly double the national average, research conducted in the city has shown.

The study found this was largely because of marriages between first cousins in the Pakistani community.

Consanguineous marriage accounted for nearly a third of abnormalities in a study of more than 11,300 babies.

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Fake news dirty kaffir


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The future is bleak in Britain.

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Drop the PS5 and the ANIME on them, worse than a nuke.

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This is why I oppose nuking the middle east, if Anime is what Japan created I shudder to imagine what the Arabs would make.

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That's why you don't stop at just 2 nukes. It's like an antibiotic treatment regimen. You don't cut it short :#psychojak: :#marseynukegoggles:

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Turbo Furrieism :marseyyikes: @Kang-PrimeTimeline

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im immune to radiation :#twerkingfurry3:

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I thought Cousincest wasn't really that big of a taboo in Japan?

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Blow a load in your cousin for GAZA :marseypalestineflag: :marseypalestineflag: :marseypalestineflag:

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take that flag out of your screen name


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Lol I have to post this again

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This is one of the most depressing things I've ever seen.

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There's no bigger blackpill than the IQ pill, and there's no greater privilege than having an IQ >85.

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What if we replaced cousin marriage with hot cousin marriage only?

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Fricking your hot cousin has always been ok.

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The lengths shitlibs go to in order to virtue signal about [CURRENT THING]

Watch science become a bigoted anti-BIPOC tool of the patriarchy again

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Someone confirm if it's a troll

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Seems legit

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"Few risks seen" if this is the first cousin marriage in the family.

Keep having cousins marrying cousins for several generations, you'll see it crop up. You see the same thing in small populations that don't marry outside the group, e.g. the genetic risks of Tay-Sachs disease:

>The disease is rare in the general population. In Ashkenazi Jews, French Canadians of southeastern Quebec, the Old Order Amish of Pennsylvania, and the Cajuns of southern Louisiana, the condition is more common. Approximately 1 in 3,600 Ashkenazi Jews at birth are affected.

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People itt are focused on genes, but the strongest argument I've seen against cousin marriage is that it reduces assimilation in immigrant communities. Cousin marriage is a way to strengthen the bonds of extended family groups, which can then practice regressive cultures more easily across generations.

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Pretty sure its bait and its good bait lol

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im gonna caste woman she is food

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she loves me !incels lololol

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frick no

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You having a stroke bb? :marseycheerupretard:

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she is gone for the weekend and im drunk :sadeyes:

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I had brandy recently on the beach, I liked the taste a lot. Booze cruised :marseysteer: with a moderate buzz I liked it so much, was sweating bullets everytime I saw a traffic police and wondered if they'd have a breathalyzer. But traffic in north goa is like city traffic so nothing to worry about anyway lol. Its congested to frick and this is the off season. Everyone having a car with two lane country roads everywhere is a solid wrecker, I'd hate driving there in season.

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Sure, we need more of :marseygi#garetard: in this world.

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And no it does not cause birth defects, that is colonialist mythology used to enforce Western practices on colonized people.

Is this a troll account? lmao

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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it's spelled "bigot" you fricking morron.

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she cute, !bharatiya why aaaaa

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Yeah I would need to be with her fricking her brother and her father.

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…Didn't westerners marry their cousins up until about 100 years ago?

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:10inbongland#: I consent

I consent :muttobese#!:

:chudturbospergout2#: I DON'T

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Of course a Pakistani defends perversion.

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Even if there were no birth defects it fricks up the social structure bigtime

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