This is Olympics and sport

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Wait when did blu buddha :marseythirdeye: appear

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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During the train dances in the middle of their satanic mock of the Last Supper.

And it's supposed to be Dionysus.

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Edit: your comment :marseysoypointdubz:

does good writing :marseyschizonotes: zoom in with precision or provide an interpretative framework framework at a distance?

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Sorry typing mistake. Dionysus/Bacchus

Charming mythological figure

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Can't argue that dude knew how to party

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What are the Christian, mormon, calvinist and lutheran takes on Bacchanalia?

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Mormons absorbed the Carolingean era Catholic pressure on Germanic people that their gods were all just demons posing as gods.

I guess the same was done to the Roman and Greek pantheons.

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Yes, but IT WAS ALL ADS :#marseyaaatremblegenocide:

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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this is some monkeys paw orgy

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I keep going back to watch segments of the 2012 Bong opening ceremony and France basically loses all clout forevermore after this.

You can't be the most arrogant race on earth claiming you do the best food, art, architecture, etc. basically the cultural centre of western civilisation and then produce this.

Like just forget all of French history and put on a minstrel show peppered with celebrations of vulgarity.

France is over and now the whole world knows. This is why Macron called that surprise election -- if he'd waited until after this, the far right would have won.

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Seeing how dead inside Macron looked during the Drag shitshow, you might be right about this bottom line.

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Seeing how dead inside Macron looked during the [anything]

well yeah he always looks like that. Dude hasn't looked happy since he was groomed by his wife

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You can see his eyes glow when he hugs carribean boytoys :marseywholesome:

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They are better looking tho

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Wife (male)

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His stocking ripped. Theres another video showing it during his dance

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We need Jesus

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IVPITER :macronarmscrossed: threw the most materialistic, tacky, modernist celebration in recent memory, topped off with a rousing globalist speech that actually included the phrase 'There is no Global South' in front of an Eiffel Tower lightshow.

Nah, I'm pretty sure this is a hedonist W !neolibs !accelerationists !goyslopenjoyers

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Dionysius also embodies madness :marseysmug:

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IN MOViE :marseybraveheart: '2001


ON PLANET :marseymars: JUPiTER

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Factcheck: This claim is 100% true.

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@jesus they callin u bb

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When you'll get Allah soon

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The greeks are big mad :marseyrage: about that, which by the way is big hypocrisy as the modern olympics as a whole is a billion dollar capitalist appropriation of a shitshow since the ancient olympics had only olive leaves as a prize and it wasn't a spectacle of this kind. But the modern orthodox greeks are way too emotionally attached to the simulacrum of their culture to even be able to see that. I'm very happy to see them seethe :chudseethe: like that.


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Greeks are the last people to be mad about :marseyyass:, since they have been the bottom since 1453.

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Add them to the bottom list, as well, since they got fricked by :marseythroatsinging:, :marseyturkroach:, :marseymutt:, :marseybong:, and :marseydeux: while still pretend they are among the best

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Seems like that intro ceremony is triggering the chuds, I love it.

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Literally me :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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The libs have gotten really good at rolling coal, and it's making the chuds nervous

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This is EXACTLY like the United Auto Workers

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The part with queer threesome was a bit much

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that's a hole in torn spandex. it isnt available in such detailed quality

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>Uh, excuse me sir-


>right, ma'am your balls are hanging out

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