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New footage :marseybigfoot: of the savages who attacked airport :marseynosuchcases: cops confirms that they totally deserved :marseybattered: it

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Fricking coppers using their faces and noses to hurt this poor victims hands


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Jesus christ there are way too many bongs defending these dudes beating on cops. Bongland is fricked, not even the TERFs can save them

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The cops here are leftist trash, they get what they deserve lol

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UK newspapers are soying out hard over this one

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99.999% of the victims of police "brutality" deserve a swift execution in addition to their their well-earned beating.

I will always back the boys in blue :#marseysalutecop:

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Keep yourself safe bootlicker cute twink. Die die die

Tyrant pig fricker euro cute twinks like you deserve a shallow grave. God bless the Constitution, God bless America. All pigs are bastards

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HailVictory has a :marseytrain: moment

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I hope you get r*ped you to death you cute twink commie cop hating junkie. You would sit and masturbate while BIPOCs frick your wife if she didn't force you to wear a chastity cage 24/7


how fricking dare you you cute twink BIPOC :#marseykys2:

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>rdrama beefing with guns drawn


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Neurodivergent :marseysnappyautism: people with guns :marseyflirt:

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They frick hard

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There's a fat gut and atrophied arms behind that photo.

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Fat gut? I'm an American :#marseyagree:

Atrophied arms? :#marseydisagree: wouldn't be much point in bearing them.

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Also slick grey skin which serves as a powerful insulator against the artic's frigid waters.

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Commie. You're calling me a commie? A pig sucking authoritarian euro cute twink is calling a PATRIOT a COMMIE? keep yourself safe with that women's purse gun right now. You hard the constitution so you must be a euro

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Gimmick account posting is so legit gay, pls keep yourself safe for real

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His opinions on literally everything else are 100% correct. It's so sad :#marseycrying:

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The Constitution is no gimmick. Your a gay guy

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You don't back the blue, and cop haters sure as heck ain't white. In my books that means the only color we have left is RED YOU COMMIE FRICK. Shouldn't you be over in Ukraine getting blown up by drones or something?

It must remind you of the one your wife shot you with last time you tried to get out of the cuck chair before she & the bull were done you cuckold cute twink

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Kill you're self, gay guy

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Learn how to spell you retarted cuckold BIPOC cute twink

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Gay guy alert

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At least my boywife doesn't frick other men

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shut up and post your gun already

I need to compare them

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I carry one of my p7s except for 10mm in the woods for work

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Holy shit even your taste in guns is patrician

I kneel to you and to suck a hero officer's peepee :#marseykneel:

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I was no officer I work for a living

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Which? I have 18 guns

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Are you a toddler or something?

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Hope you're ready to get gunmogged too :#marseyblowkiss:

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I respect his opinions in other matters so i figured he'd earned better than a keltec

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!eurochads this man is not doing a bit - be on your guard. Sleep with a mobile phone under your pillow so you can call a gendarme if he attacks you in the night.

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lmao cute twink

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Keep yourself safe

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Kamala is your queen!

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Huh so it turns out they weren't just innocent peaceful Muslims getting stomped on by an evil regime? That must be a first.

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based cops keeping the plebs in line like they deserve to be


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Keep yourself safe bootlicker

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Commie :marseyhissing:

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heh, sounds like you're in need of more bread and circuses plebeian

:#marseyloaf: :#marseyelephant2:

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Can't believe that you of all people would simp for violent muslims

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Wouldn't call them based, those ahem... people roughed them up quite a bit.

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Thats what happens when the poors dont fear or respect you.

You get swung on.

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That's what happens when you eat too many burgers, too many donuts, don't train, don't exercise and don't get into serious fights often.

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or when you're female :marseyplugged:

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>It's crazy how much a clip taken completely out of context can sway the public opinion one way without any consideration for the events leading up to it.

Have a shred of journ*listic integrity challenge (impossible)

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!besties !trolls !illuminati Go bully :marseyslutshaming: this cute twink, call him a little :marseyunicorn: b-word, a keyboard :marseyalt: warrior, a fat cute twink. Make him cry.

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lol literally :soysnooseethe:

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I'd love to see him get into a fight :marseyevilgrin: and then try this kitty shit


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Totally deserved it.

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Keep yourself safe bootlicker

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If any member of the public had a "spike in adrenaline" and kicked a man in the head and then stamped on him, they'd be arrested. It's not an excuse

If any member of the public handcuffed someone and locked them up in a secure compound they'd be arrested as well

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Hasn't happened to me yet

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why is this website so pro cop? yall really are all little cute twinks

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I'm mostly anti sandBIPOC.

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How do we counter the kkkracka kkkop menace

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idk but im tired of them. how are u anti fed but pro police

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Excuse me, but this is a pro kamala website.


hillary 2024!

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keep yourself safe

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The guy being violent prior to the arrest doesn't really change anything

The police still can't stamp on someone's head when they're submitting on the ground.

He got tazed he's not submitting.

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and it happened so quick I don't think the stomper knew it. Not to mention there's a million youtube videos of dudes getting tazed and walking through it due to drugs or adrenaline

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they weren't treated as badly as they should have been.

and since they aren't white and it's the UK, they'll be free without any punishment.

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:chudmuslim: neighbor said frick the constabulary, frick gender norms, frick you your silly butt bong society and frick your weak butt airport.


Hating on a motherlover, claiming authority over their ability to travel Allah's earthly kingdom and shit.

I'm sorry, but I know based when I see it. :marseyindignant:

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Lmao the outnumbered muzzie totally destroyed the worthless bong cops, the most fragile one then became a hero - only kicked him when he was down and possessed no threat

:marseybongcop: :marseylaughpoundfist:

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Send them back to pakistan :marseyinshallah:

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not. brutal. enough.

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Keep yourself safe bootlicker

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Hmm I can't play the vid for some reason, I'm stuck with this guy's dumb puckered face like in the thumbnail

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yeah it keeps lagging for me too

there's so much blurring happening, I can't actually determine anything new, so I'll stick with my original decision that muzzies deserve it

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uhm all i see is a man who is already restrained and on the ground being BRUTALLY ASSAULTED by a jackboot thug #ACAB #SayHisName #GeorgeFloyd

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would have been less drama if they just shot them lmao

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Lady kkkops are so fricking useless lmbo

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Lol the fricking CNN guy looks like a mannequin that came to life. If you were doing one of those word association exercises and someone asked you to describe this guy in one word, you'd say "disconcerting".

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I hope they lost whatever remaining teeth they had left

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