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  • usernaw : unironic choooodposters supporting riots :marseyhorseshoe: :marseyblm:
  • Frank_Williams : Kristallnacht millenia of the chuds we love white people yes we're funded by putin why does that mat

:marseychud: are currently setting fire to a refugee hotel in Rotherham

Disgraced former Scottish leader and racist Humza wants the army to be sent in

Antifa chickened out and ran away

>We stayed strong

I personally am shocked that the people of Rotherham don't have a positive opinion of immigrants or the police



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It's only slightly peaceful. To really be peaceful, they need to get some TVs out of this and smash some small business windows and trash their space.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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>chuds literally trying to burn an entire building full of people


>DAE BIPOCs looting is le bad??? upsorens to the left!

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"Refugee hotels" shouldn't even exist. They should :marseynorm: be sent on a cargo ship back to africa..

This should :marseynorm: keep happening :marseybongoukraine: until there :marseycheerup: are no more refugee hotels

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I mean, yeah most refugees should be sent back

But acting like stealing TVs from Target is worse than burning a hotel full of folks is crazy mental gymnastics

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Burning a hotel full of browns is objectively a social goid

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Burning :marseyfirehead: down a Target owned :marseydarkpizzashill: and operated by productive members of society :marseyevilgrin: is worse than burning :marseyfirehead: down a free hotel for foreign criminals who don't even speak wypipo :marseymayosnipe: languages


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not if there are people inside. that's fricked up.

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It's ok they have insurance

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They refused to get the vaxx tho :#tayshrug:

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They could just go outside?

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Xir thinks there to stupid to walk outside. Bipoc lovers really are racist lol.

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>it's over, dramatard! for i have depicted you as the soyjak!

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Worse, a redditor

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Darn you're actually leaving multiple comments too lmao stay mad

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>u-u mad bc 2 replies

>literally sperging/moralstragging all over the thread like a front page redditeur


Funny thing is I actually agree with you. It's just that you're a reddit brained cute twink and you need to go back

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How else do you think it's going to get done? Go back to reddit BIPOC lover

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Learn to read you r-slurred cute twink

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I did and you have a shit BIPOC lover take

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If that's what you understand from my comment then you're an absolute mongoloid

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"Bawwwww be NICE to the child killing BIPOCs and just send them away!!"

People have been trying that for ages, it didn't work. Time to roast the c*nts.

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Uh, yeah? When Whites riot it's usually for a good reason, except when it's a cause I don't agree with

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What's the probs? Insurance will pay for it all surely so no biggie.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Insurance will import replacement nogs too

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Every life is irreplaceable:marseyindignant:

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This but literally :#marseydarkxd:

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What's happening in the UK isn't good but let's not pretend that if it were a bunch of muzzie girls that got stabbed to death at dance class by a white kid that the muzzies wouldn't be doing the exact same thing. The only difference is that instead of the state crying about the far right they'd be taking a knee and saying how necessary it is to understand the pain of POC living in UK and how society needs to do better to protect refugees and end racism and give out more gibs.

People are sick of it. They're sick of the state not listening to them and pretending like everything is fine by importing people from abroad over and over again.

This is what was always going to happen and unless the people in charge actually do something and listen to their people it's only going to get worse.

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I'm not saying their anger isn't justified I just think it's funny how all the turbochuds are jumping on the occasion to draw comparisons to BIPOC riots and trying to diminish what's happening when they've spent the past few decades acting like this is the behavior of the lesser races.

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It worked for the lesser races, didn't it?

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completely different. rioting with sympathetic media, politicians and police hits very differently

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After 1 million white children got r*ped I stopped giving a frick about when anything bad happens to Muslims.

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That's fair, not sure how it relates to my comment tho

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>Well, some swarthoids did some bad stuff before so better kill all non-whites (sorry Celts), just like the lord intended

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mass violence is the price we pay for exotic cuisine.

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>dramatard: smug comment

>dramaredditor: :#soysnooseethe:

:#marseymanysuchcases: :#scott:

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>dramatard: smug comment

>dramaredditors: reeeeee downmarsey downmarsey call the whaaaambulance we're not seething you're seething

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This is burning in good faith

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>Acting like BIPOCs never burned anything

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Did I say that? :marseyconfused:

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This stolen valor. All I'm saying.

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Darn that doesn't address shit about what you're replying to !downmarseyrs

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>BIPOCs riot because they eat fried chicken and think they're the best dancers

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Get fricked, chud. Wakanda forever.

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Back to reddit, BIPOC lover

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You pointed out how r-slurred I was, better own you on my alt!


Actual Redditor behavior

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!nonchuds chudtards owned again

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How many dramatards have slid into your dms because they fell for your "subtle" foid (female) larp?

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If anyone did wouldn't you have heard about it by now? !metashit can attest

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Grue slides into other people's DMs, usually.

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Grue dm'd me "I NEED peepee" once but ignored my follow up questions :marseycry:

Trans lives matter

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xer ex? :giggle:

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lol, cute twink

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>burning people alive is okay because a schizo went on a killing spree


People in the other thread were right. Rightoids are just jealous that BIPOCs get to throw a tantrum and they don't

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People in the other thread were right. Rightoids are just jealous that BIPOCs get to throw a tantrum and they don't

Yea what's up with that I thought progressives fought for equality, but suddenly only whites aren't allowed to set buildings on fire in protest? Like wtf

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Wh*tes do not deserve rights.

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Whites won't get replaced without a fight sorry commie you're butt buddies and their ideals will side with police in the end and be taken out with the rest of the fascist trash

Trans lives matter

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I really don't give a shit about any of that

It's just hilarious seeing chuds using the exact same tactics leftoids do when they go overboard i.e. "what about the catholic priests diddling kids huh?"

Except in this case it's even worse because you r-slurs are acting like property damage is worse than a mass murder attempt lol

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@collectijism think whites have had enough being victimized and targeted because they are seen as weak. Soon you're kind will all die off childless and the strong whites will be the only ones left. At 5% of the worlds population we are spread the furthest and are being run of our homeland. The answer will be a new Christendom where white cucks like you will serve us tea in an all white opera house where we will rewatch this time in our history and antifa and commies like you will take you're place among the ballerinas and tenors on stage as a dying breed of racialized radicalized fools that picked the wrong side cause you though it would win.

Trans lives matter

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About that--

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:

The equality of men rests essentially on their dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it: "Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of s*x, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God's design."

The equality of men rests essentially on their dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it: "Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of s*x, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God's design."

Moral judgments on racism, based on equality, are consistent: "any theory or form whatsoever of racism and racial discrimination is morally unacceptable"; and "racism is not merely one sin among many, it is a radical evil dividing the human family..."

Jesus tells the Good Samaritan storyβ€” one of his three "great parables"β€”to answer "Who is my neighbor?" His response addresses entrenched divisions between Jew and Samaritan and sets the stage for the unity of "one Lord, one faith, one baptism" (Eph. 4:5). This unity admits "no inequality on the basis of race or nationality, social condition or s*x..."


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I know that Wigna:!marseytrain:s only use religion as a rebellious counterculture symbol because redditors and libs hate Christianity and all religion as a whole, but come on, if you are a Christian Neo-Nazi (recent trend because pre-2010 the majority of them were Neo-Pagans), then why not be a part of some form of Christian Identity, Anglo-Israelite, or Mormon Fundamentalist sect, who are explicitly Whites-only religions, and they even believe that non-Whites are demons who cannot be saved?, like, being a Wigna:marseytrain2: who chose Catholicism of all denominations as his identity is just :marseyitsallsotiresome:, being completely unaware that by now the majority of Catholics are non-White, and Africa is the continent with the fastest number of Christians. !catholics !christians

@collectijism @HailVictory1776

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Jesus tells the Good Samaritan storyβ€” one of his three "great parables"β€”to answer "Who is my neighbor?"

Jesus Christ is my neighbor!

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lol this is a good bit

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Because it's not a bit

Trans lives matter

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That was only the last straw, just like with G Floyd and decades of police violence.

The anger about violent/r*pey foreigners and the system that protects them has been growing for decades. The r*pe gangs were a big thing already 15 years ago, and the refusal to do anything about them for and the coverup of the topic.

As the fall of the soviet union has shown, no amount of dystopian oppression can prevent the eventual boiling over. People will modify their behavior to avoid reprisals, but: die Gedanken sind frei.

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Difference is that the purported oppression of american blacks by the police is a progressive hoax. Hardly any unarmed black criminals are shot by police, and white people are treated worse by cops per capita for obvious reasons

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the not-seething of leftards

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>30+ downmarseys

the not-seething of rightards

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!jannies Appaling r*cism on !!!

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Uff, you got him executed.

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Frick you and all the other atomwaffen rejects pooping up this site.

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>Master race

>Acts the same as BIPOCs

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We all came from Africa :marseywink:

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That--that's im-pos pub mufuggin mub dib po mo BIX NOOD


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This but unironically

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White people riot because a BIPOC killed 3 white children and stabbed 8 more at a dance class

Don't forget the added context of spending decades bending over backwards to pretend this isn't happening while people gradually lose patience.

Heck, it took a couple hundred years before Europe finally started the crusades to push invading Muslims back out of Europe too.

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White people riot because a BIPOC killed 3 white children and stabbed 8 more at a dance class

And the gov tried covering it up, only telling people he was a african after they started attacking arabs in the street

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this riot also has to do with paki groomer gangs in rotherham

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The recent killings are actually the least of what has been happening.

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You're both palestinian lives matter fools.

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Well now it's officially a peaceful protest! Do they got a gang member taking over a city block?

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Is @arsey a trailer trash herself?

The 8-Ball Says: My sources say no.

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Techhhhhhhnically, my parents were dirt poor when I was born and lived in a trailer for like 2 years in Miami, soooo I am trailer park trash fo sho.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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God bless you bootstrapping motherlover

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To really be peaceful, they need to get some TVs out of this and smash some small business windows and trash their space.

they are doing that tho?

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I see that now! I only know about bong shit from rdrama but truly don't care because it doesn't affect me. So unless it gets posted here, I filter it out of my nice sunny Sunday.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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There was a small business that got got, but mostly they burning residences

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