
EFFORTPOST Mr Beast Burger - Goyslop review :marseyburger: :marseynotes: :marseychonker2:


Greetings, fellow dramatards :marseywave2: . When Mr. Beast burgers first launched, I, like any other functioning adult, didn't give a shit. But ever since they announced he was planning to sue the dark kitchen he partnered with for this venture—and in turn, they were suing him back :marseynoyou:—I developed this morbid curiosity to try them. Recently, with all the drama surrounding Mr. Beast, I decided that if I wanted to try them, it would be now or never, before this affront to all fast food finally goes where it belongs: the grave.

I'll try to keep this brief but informative :marseyreportercnn:.


This was my order:

  • 1 Beast Style Burger

  • 1 Nashville Hot Chicken Tender Sandwich

  • 1 Beast Style Fries

  • 1 Chocolate Cookie

It's a lot of food :marseychonker:, but worry not, I just wanted to get one of all my fast food favorites since I don't think I'll be ordering this shit ever again in my life :marseyno:. Hopefully, it'll be worth it to save half of each thing for tomorrow, rather than throwing it all out... and speaking of being worth it... :marseystocksupdown:


I know prices might change depending on the region, so I will add a similar McDonald's order for comparison. On this order, I spent... $9.99 for a Beast Style Burger, $6.79 for the Beast Style Fries, $9.49 for the Chicken Sandwich, and $2.99 for the cookie. That is a grand total of...

$29.26!! :marseypikachu2: (+ delivery fees)

That is fricking insane :marseycalebhammer:. For comparison, a similar McDonald's order would cost me $18.60 (Quarter Pounder: $5.95, McCrispy: $5.60, Basket of Fries: $4.05, 2 Cookies: $3.00).

Mr. Beast is 57.3% more expensive than Mickey D's :marseymerchant:.

Jesus. But I'm sure it'll be worth it, right? :marseyexcited:

The Food


It came wrapped up in this cute bag.


Something I found really cool were these safety seals which indicate if your delivery guy tried to steal some of your fries :marseyrobber:.


I gotta be honest, I love it. It's cute branding, and it made me feel like as long as the food is good, I didn't get THAT ripped off.

Taking out the items was easy, and they all came individually wrapped too. Another good thing :marseyfluffy:.


I actually had to wait a good 15 minutes before starting to unwrap my meal since I got busy. Again, credit where credit is due, the food was still pretty hot when I got to it. Didn't even have to pop it into the microwave.


Now, the moment we've all been waiting for... how does it look? :marseycuriouslook:


Ok, two things immediately jump to mind:

  • This looks really good :marseylickinglips:

  • This looks COMPLETELY different from what I saw on their menu and many social media posts :marseyrofl:.

I don't know if I got unlucky (or lucky :marseywink:) or if they just gave up and now deliver whatever the frick the dark kitchen is making for themselves (as this comment wisely pointed out).

I guess I am a little disappointed that I won't get the raw meat burger experience I was promised :marseysulk:. But enough sulking, let's give them a try.


Beast Style Burger


To me, it looks really good... but does it taste good? ...

Yes! Well :marseyexcited:... kind of :marseysad:. The patty is pretty tasty, the buns are good if nothing special, the cheese is not bad quality, which is always a risk with these types of ventures, and the mayo-ketchup ratio is good. I honestly can't find a single thing to complain about, other than there's nothing special about it :marseyshrug:.

It's not THE BEST burger I've had, but it's not bad. Here, I'll give a list of how other burgers compare in my mind, along with this one, so you can get a feel of my preferences:

  • Wendy's Baconator: 10/10. The absolute pinnacle of fast food. I love it, and I've never had a bad one.

  • Quarter Pounder: 8/10. Pretty good. Not as good as the Baconator, but a solid option that plays in its own field.

  • Burger King: No idea. It's trash, all of it.

  • Whataburger: 6/10. Not a fan. They are a little dry for my taste.

Now, what would I score this one? :marseyhmm:...

  • Beast Style Burger: 7/10.

As I said, it's not bad at all, but really, even if you ignore the price (which is a big fricking if), it still gets outclassed by a Quarter Pounder. Overall, not a bad experience, but I'm pretty sure it's a far cry from what a lot of people got to taste.

The one thing that I guess is a constant are the ingredients, and this burger is condiment HEAVY. It has a good amount of mayonnaise :marseymayo:, which I never add to my burgers. Despite it not being bad, the reality is that once you account for its price, it's just not worth it at all... let's see how everything else fares.

Nashville Hot Chicken Tender Sandwich


I'll be honest. This one looks a lot less impressive than the burger :marseydisagree:. It's just 2 pieces of chicken and some lettuce. I actually prefer chicken sandwiches to burgers, but it's rare for a burger chain to nail them. I usually order mine from Wingstop. Is this one even close to the supreme Wingstop Louisiana :marseylouisiana: or Cajun sandwiches?

  • Nashville Hot Chicken Tender Sandwich: 5/10.

Nope. Not at all.

I'll explain my scoring system a little, to make my opinion on this one a bit clearer. Anything between 1 and 3 is something I would NOT EAT, even if freely available. A 4 I might consider if I'm starving and won't be able to eat anything else for a good 3 or 4 hours.

Between 5 and 6, you'll find all the things that I am willing to eat FOR FREE. Meaning that I would never, in a million years, order them for myself, but if I attend an event or someone's party and that's what they have, sure, whatever, it's better than nothing. This falls squarely there. It was extremely forgettable and a waste of money, if I'm honest. NEXT.

Beast Style Fries

These are weird :marseythinkorino:. They're just regular fries but with caramelized onions, American cheese, pickles, mayo, ketchup, and mustard. Not bad, I guess, but again, really condiment heavy. To me, this just highlights how much this food was targeted for babies and little kids. No adult needs this much shit added to their fries to enjoy them :marseybeanmonocle:.

* Beast Style Fries: 6/10.

Now, for the last part, dessert :marseyicecream:




It was not even a fricking cookie. They gave me a brownie. EXTREMELY sugary, but not dry. 4/10.

That's it! I hope you enjoyed my food review c:

!goyslopenjoyers @lain

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no heckin way

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holy shit

trans lives matter

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That's the person who is cooking op's meal

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That's the person who is cooking op's meal

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This neighbor diddling his food with chopsticks :#marseyemojirofl:

Kino btw :#marseyclappingglasses:



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Thank you :D

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This looks really good

:#marseydisgusted: do burgers really?

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It does look good :marseyindignant:

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Neighbor that burger looks like it fell down a few times and then the delivery guy backed his car up over it. The patty looks disgusting too, like its made from powder (it probably is). And the fries arent visible because of all the unnecessary shit poured over them, but they are most likely soggy and suck too.

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I hardly ever get delivery because I live in the city, but for delivered burgers and fries, that appearance is the best it can possibly get.

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It looks vile. Especially the fries. The shear amount of condiments makes me want to vomit

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reflection doxed

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I swear I'm really scared someone like moon metropolis will find out where I live from the prices or something. Autism is scary :#marseyeyelidpulling:

:marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter:

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Challenge accepted. :#pepehacker:

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I got that same shark kitten off of Amazon for my 5 year old niece last Christmas.

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>learns about marsey :marseyshark: at a young age

future :marseydramautist:

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Yeah, I'm guessing it's a top seller or something because I just got it recommended to me randomly one day when looking at my offers, lol.

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And you bought it up like the good goy-plushie enjoyer you are... Such a hylic move.

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@MoonMetropolis discuss

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He's my frend c:

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The biggest hint I noticed is the places you compare to, which puts you somewhere in Texas/Oklahoma probably.

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What the frick is even going on here? lmbo


omg cute :marseyblush:

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They look like vomit, but I swear, they are not bad :marseyexcited:

omg cute :marseyblush:

I bought it specifically because of Marsey :marseyshark:

:marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter:

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Where'd you get it from? I need it

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Amazon! It was between 6 and 10 bucks, can't remember

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cute cute cute :#tayscrunch:

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>Wendy's Baconator: 10/10. The absolute pinnacle of fast food. I love it, and I've never had a bad one.

Is it really that good when compared to others? I wish that I remember eating at Wendy's when I was in the USA a decade ago, apparently I loved it so much that I completely forgot what it tasted like, even though me and my Favela friends are like 80% sure that we ate there at some point :marseysadge:, but well, as a diagnosed turbo-neurodivergent I much prefer crispy chicken tendie burger instead! :autism: :marseyautismchonker: :autism:

Also I know that the topic is fast food, but I also am really curious to see how the "hand-crafted" (is that how you call it?) burgers at individual restaurants taste like, when reading up about the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas, ledditors stated that gimmick-aside, the food is extremely bland, and other Vegas restaurants have much better !burgers :amerimuttdance: !goyslopenjoyers

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The Baconator is by far the best goyslop assembly line burg.

Places like Five Guys or more local chains, and especially mom & pop places do better burgs but they're not in the same league. Wendy's is a quintessential goyslop experience

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is there any chance you end up in the USA again?

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Not any time soon, however, when/if I ever travel to the USA again, we shall organize an irl meetup and post pics of our hookup. :marseysmug:

https://media.tenor.com/UMnDkVRbK44AAAAM/herman-cain-smile.gif !metashit !followers !r-slurs

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upPeepeeed :petergriffinyes:

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Tell me where :marseydrama: and when so i can bomb it. :marseyexcited:

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If the restaurant has a gimmick that isn't "the food is good", it's shit.

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Is preferring crispy another symptom of neurodivergence?

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No but being a weirdo about food texture in general is

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Are all chefs neurodivergent?

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Wendy's is wayyyyyyyy less consistent than McDong's IME, but when it's good, it's really good. The baconator is probably one of the harder menu items for the employees to screw up (it's a really simple burger) so it's probably more likely to be good than most of the other stuff they serve.

Maybe I've just been surrounded by poorly managed Wendy's for the past few years but there were times when it was 50/50 on whether they'd get the order right and serve food that was still at least warm. I say this as someone that really likes their food when it's made correctly.

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Best dining out burgers in my experience are your local dive bar where its still like $7-10, or $4-6 on burger night with a 5-7oz patty, cheese, and some basic condiments.

My local watering hole's burger night is $5 and I get a black-and-blue (cajun + blue cheese) with grilled onions, pickles, mayo/mustard.

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Also I know that the topic is fast food, but I also am really curious to see how the "hand-crafted" (is that how you call it?) burgers at individual restaurants taste like,

We have so many good restaurants :marseyguyfieri: covers multiple restaurants an episode across 47 seasons. Here in San Antonio we have a week for burger places with deals and only about 1/3 of places participate and it's still a solid list of places. Honestly have at least 10 really good burger spots here.

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Is it really that good when compared to others?

To me, yes. If I had to choose a single fast food chain (including pizza, burgers, tacos, burritos, whatever) I would go for Wendys. The only reason I don't eat there daily is because I don't wanna be a mega :marseychonker: . In fact I barely even go, but whenever I do, I feel that meat high that leaves you in bed for the whole afternoon. So fricking good :marseychefkiss:

I wish that I remember eating at Wendy's when I was in the USA a decade ago, apparently I loved it so much that I completely forgot what it tasted like,

If you ever visit USA again, make your soul a favor and go for a baconator. You'll love it. Add some chili for good measure

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:#marseybreadcrumbing: !slots100

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I remember getting one and it was 50 percent grizzle.

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When it comes to fast food restaurants, people really :marseythinkorino2: underestimate how much of an impact :marseyventi: just different :marseyvenn3: franchises can have.

Different cooks, different :marseyvenn3: standards, all that shit.

I've had Wendy's twice in my life, same burger, first :marseywinner: time was great, second :marseygunnut: time was not good at all.

But burgers :marseyamericanpearlclutch: in America :marseysaluteconfederacy: at restaurants are not in any way different :marseydumbcomparison: from burgers :marseyamericanpearlclutch: in other countries, with the exception of old restaurants that keep doing a specific old old recipe, which can be a lot of fun

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Darn neighbor how much do you weigh?


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Way less than what this post would make you think :D

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No !thin badge sooo :#marseyxdoubt:

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As a fat guy, I enjoyed this post. Kino food review, do it again sometime!

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Thank you :marseyexcited:

I probably will c:

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>Whataburger: 6/10. Not a fan. They are a little dry for my taste.

frick off r-slur.

Honey BBQ Chicken Strip Sandwich is divine.


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Carls > whataburger


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Wtf is a carls

Do you mean hardees?

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delete this rn.

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5 Guys > whatever your gay butt shit is

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:marseysoypoint2: THEY GIVE YOU SO MANY FRIES

It's mediocre, overpriced burgers plus a gallon of half-cooked fries


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I'll fight whataburgeans to the death :marseypunching#:

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come to Texas. I'll club you to death.

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Didn't whataburger sell out to some conglomerate that makes it's money by lowering quality and riding off reputation? I loved their patty melts but i havent eaten there in a few years

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I trust you on this Kkkong

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I mean, I love Whataburger and everyone is entitled to an opinion, but saying Whataburger is dry is just objectively false. @Roll try Whataburger again and I'll give back the coins I stole

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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I just might :3

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Wtf is that shit in the middle? It looks like a pile of pickles and ketchup and cheese sauce.

None of that food looks good. I would feel incredibly ripped off with that order?

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Those middle ones are the fries. Definitively the most decadent item on the menu, but they are not bad, I swear

None of that food looks good. I would feel incredibly ripped off with that order?

Wait until you see the price :marseypoor:

:marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter:

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Pile of pickles, ketchup and cheese. I don't see any fries.

You really are a goyslop enjoyer. Everything looked like garbage.

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!jannies effortpost

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Thanks :marseyhearts2:

:marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter: :marseypizzacharacter:

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How is this an effort post? A few pictures of goyslop counts?

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in addition to text and pictures, there's videos with music and plushies

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If that counts as an effort post pizzajill's vlogs should also be effort posts.

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nah they also have a minimum text requirement and must use APA format

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So this one doesn't qualify?

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No it doesn't appear not unqualified.

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>These are weird :marseythinkorino:. They're just regular fries but with caramelized onions, American cheese, pickles, mayo, ketchup, and mustard. Not bad, I guess, but again, really condiment heavy. To me, this just highlights how much this food was targeted for babies and little kids. No adult needs this much shit added to their fries to enjoy them :marseybeanmonocle:.

Do kids want a bunch of shit on their fries tho? I feel like most kids are neurodivergent and wouldn't wanna have onions and pickles slathered on their salty potato sticks

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I've never had fries with that much stuff added.

!goyslopenjoyers thoughts? Are overloaded fries for adults or for kids?

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It's decent bar food to share or sometimes fair food but I can't say I'd eat it anywhere else.

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Agree with you that it's for children, however I have a place near me with fries that have cheese, pulled pork, and jalapenos on it and I love that shit.

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I like that same shit, do you live near Frankfurt? :marseykaiser:

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Leafs have poutine, enjoyed by hockey-cels of all ages, which is fries covered with gravy, cheese curds, and other optional toppings.

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Bit late to the punch, butttttttt.... :marseyeff:

IMO, loaded fries are fine to have, as long as they are the main focus of your meal, rather than as an excessive side. I mean, people are known for putting stuff like stews or roast meats on top of a bed of potatoes (mashed, roasted, boiled, etc) before, since them starchy thangs are a great pairing with other savory foods - so, naturally, it's not too far of an extension to eat fries that are topped with a whole bunch of stuff on it.

But here's the thing: fries were created to be either a relatively light snack (so there's no need to overdo it besides basic stuff like salt and maybe a sauce on the side), or as side dishes, to compliment whatever you are eating (like burgers, chicken, or something else) to provide a counterbalance to the dominant flavors of the dish without being overpowering or otherwise, stealing the focus. Loaded fries, with all of the meats and cheeses and sauces and whatnot, will very much go against both intentions, being too heavy to enjoy as a quick snack and being too decadent to eat alongside a sandwich - so, as a result, its extravagant nature means that its best purpose is to make for the main course - i.e. being the focus of your meal, rather than a complimenting side (unless, of course, you are either hungry or just plain gluttonmaxxing).

TL;DR - Loaded fries are fine when you eat them by itself, but not as much if you try to eat them like normal fries alongside another main menu item (unless you're starving or just plain fat)

Hope this helps! :marseynerd:

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I absolutely agree with you :marseyagreesuperspeed:

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This is one of the worst posts I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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