
I googled "F16" to find Reddit :marseyplace2: seethe :marseyfluffyannoyed: about the crash, what I found :marseymimic: is openly tolerated Pedophilia :marseyfrenchvan: on a 100k sub called r/teensmeetteens

I would :marseywood: Link some examples but honestly just fricking :marseytom: Go there :marseycheerup: yourself, it's literally :marseyme: all over the frontpage, on a 100 fricking :marseytom: thousand large :marseyslimegreen: subplebbit and the Admins :marseybongojanny: are doing NOTHING.

remember, /r/drama got banned :marseyaisha: but these BIPOCs can just continue to roll. Some screenshots I guess.


16 year old girl, obviously naked :marseymisatolewd2: though nothing "explicit" is shown, doing Ahegao :marseygunnut: face...


500 Up votes, up for 10 months, obvious :marseybaitschrodinger: pedophilia :marseyfrenchvan:


13 year old doing yoga poses I guess, 70 comments, still up.

I don't even wanna show anything :marseycoleporter: else cause frick me what the fricking :marseytom: heck. AND OF COURSE THEY HAVE A GROOMERCORD :marseynoyoufellowpedo: PINNED :marseypin: AT THE TOP


And look at their fricking :marseytom: Subreddit pic, WITH THE FRICKING :marseytom: :marseytrain2: :marseyvargfinnselfdefense: AND LGBT FLAG YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS UP


!chuds we need to genuinely do something :marseysmugface: about these open Pedos and their 6 figure :marseypop: subreddit, if anyof you have any idea how to report these cute twinks to the feds (I am not American) or maybe forward this to some non r-slurred :marseykindness: Journos to expose Peddo Reddit :marseybardfinnrefresh: leaving this be, please :marseybeanpleading: suggest it in the comments. I'm genuinely fuming.


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Dms of a 16 year old girl on that subreddit, this shit just stays open for some reason.

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35 year old cute twink :marseyhomofascist: larping as 17 in 14 year olds dms, asking if he ever jerked off

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17249470451414585.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17249470453293607.webp

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:#marseypikachu2: genderconfused enbies are actually 14yos with no concept of gender and s*x? No...

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LMAO, i feel bad for these pedos, they have 0 rizz

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all pedos are like this

when women say that scrotes go after r-slurred teenagers bc they can't get women their own age, pedos cry that it's post wall cope bc they want to distract from the truth

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teenage girls do be extremely r-slurred though :marseyfoidretard:

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So are adult women

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kids in general are r-slurred :marseyshrug:

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pedos cry that it's post wall cope

>broken clock dot heic :#marseyclock:


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:#marseyfrozenchosenchokespal: :#stabler:


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All women are p-dophiles :marseypipe:

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Of course @jesus agrees with p-dophiles

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Pedos are by and large incredibly r-slurred -- like, actually developmentally disabled territory. Maybe it's a case of the non-r-slurred pedos not directly DMing kids over reddit or falling for obvious pedobaiters, but I digress.

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Are pedos r-slurs because they're pedos or are r-slurs pedos because they're r-slurs

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Hahaha bet you couldn't rizz up a 14yo r-slur boomer

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>i feel bad for these pedos

!pedohunters :#stoningshit:

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Get off it, dude.

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off what

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Off this whole p-do accusation thing. He's weirdo s*x pervert, as are all Brazilians, so the hyperfocus on p-do stuff just comes across as projection.

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Read the highlighted text here

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if this would've happened to me as a teen, I think it could've turned my life around and made me a normal guy

!incels could she have fixed you?

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Whaaa everyone's consenting

It's non raping p-dophiles non contact

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I'm 15 and have no BF hbu

I'm also 15 and have no BF

:#marseywitch2talking: :#!marseywitch2talking:

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Different 16 year old

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Alexa, how can I become the Pol Pot of p-dophiles

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If there was an IRL version of Dexter I'd be fine with him doing all the killing he wanted if he was just luring these "people" to their deaths.

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Everyone in these chats needs to go on the woodchipper. Yes, even the kids. :marseydisgust:

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We at !jinxthinkers already knew the truth about kids


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depends how old even are you


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Amazing how you can clock a :marseytrain2: by their writing


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OwO! glomps on u What do you mean~

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To be fair if we were in 2012 I would think that was a biofoid

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Well yeah that's what the neurodivergents are imitating :marseysmug2:

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Seriously? I have been online since 2000 & there were no biofoids in 2003

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Katy teh penguin of doom?

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Glomp doesn't just clock trains, it also ages them at like 30 years old.

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I thought :marseymindblown: glomp was a furry :marseypanda2: thing.

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It's a mid 2000s WoW girl thing

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I didn't scroll down past the first :marseywinner: post cause I swear to God this better :marseygenetakovic: be a Honeypot :marseybee: and I don't want to end up on a list

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That person is absolutely 30+

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He posted these to /r/teenagersbuthot a subreddit I was horrified to see exists :marseydisgust: :marseywoodchipper2:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17249502642434502.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17249502646503468.webp

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I know the "Reddit Lies" Twitter guy gets tips from here. The problem is that gets the story labeled as fake chud outrage bait.

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The problem is that gets the story labeled as fake chud outrage bait.

Probably because he's r-slurred and falls for fake chud outrage bait all the time

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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I've DMed him real stuff but he doesn't post it.

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That's the double edged sword of wingcucks.

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What a way to find out an F-16 crashed.

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/r/KongsAgainstTERFs was banned for this :#platycryreal:

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This is a serious reply if you're interested in reporting p-do shit to an organization that does actually investigate reports.


This is managed by National Center for Exploited and Missing Children.

It's a non-federal group organization that is in a weird space because despite not being a federal org it is designated by the US Government as the official reporting place for p-do shit online. When they get reports they investigate and if further action is warranted they reach out to whatever relevant law enforcement agency should be involved with the details of their investigation.

This approach is probably the best you can do if you want to at least try and get something actually investigated. One down side is that it wouldn't result in any sort of public announcement so if you wanted to get Reddit under public scrutiny for them allowing this kind of shit it would probably be better to try and get actual media reporting on this stuff. That's how Reddit FINaLLY banned the well known p-do sub /r/jailbait after ignoring it for YEARS. Anderson Cooper did a report about it on CNN and wouldn't you know it, Reddit immediately moved to ban the subreddit. They did that after years of not only allowing it, but actively working with the mods from that subreddit. Old users will know the lore better, but I think the p-do mods name was violentcrez or something like that. Here's an article I read a long time ago about this pathetic piece of shit: https://jalopnik.com/unmasking-reddits-violentacrez-the-biggest-troll-on-th-5951394

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Yep, email journies. They love a good ol' shit on big bad social media expose piece.

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All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Wow, you're really defensive about reporting pedos longpostbot.

Do you want to share anything with the class? Why don't you take a seat over there?


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I'm fromu rdrama and I shey kiru dem aru


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Idk what you said but mocking :marseylaughpoundfist: Chinx :marseychineseballoon: is always funny :marseyemojilaugh2:

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I browse Reddit on new a lot to find schizo posts. I've been on Reddit since before digg died. I don't ever remember seeing cp on Reddit before this month. I'm glad the telegram guy got arrested. It's all these freaks advertising cp telegrams and the subreddits don't get removed after cp stays up 30 minutes after I report it. Then Reddit hits me with "disciplinary action has been taken." Hope that means they rolled up to their house and :marseywoodchipper2:

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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disciplinary action has been taken

Umm we noticed that most of the people you report are LGBTQ activists

Listen buddy we don't cotton to bad faith reporting here, so you better scram!

Here's a 14 day ban! You better behave, buster, or else...

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I also browse by new and occasional see those subreddits, they always confused :marseydumbcomparison: me. Who would :marseywood: make a bot for such things? And who would :marseywood: message a bot for such things. I had hoped it was the fbi doing some wholesum p-do hunting

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just fricking go there yourself

I'd really rather not. Also what F16 crash?

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One of the 6 sent to Ukraine :marseyazov: already crashed

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live weinachtensalvador reaction: https://media.tenor.com/qJrhuQhY0JIAAAAx/silly-cat-yapping.webp

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"The Internet: Where the men are men, the women are men and the children are FBI agents groomers."

Fixed the quote for a modern audience :marseyboomer:

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what even is the FBI doing? are they all searching for big foot?

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Too busy surveiling chuds for wrongthink.

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i hope most of the "kids" are just scammerchads

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I highly doubt :marseyreluctant: that, just visit their profiles, seems legit.

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Yeah but kids these days sociopathmaxx since their parents give them iPads instead of warm loving care so they could be blackmailers. Get that bag, queens. :taycro#wn:

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hello I am 15 please give me your address


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This sub is just crying out for a repeat of the /r/teenagers groomers mass exposure. I bet like half of the users there are 40 year old pedos.

It's just too bad we don't have /r/drama to do it with anymore.

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Why are normie looking teenagers trying to meet other people on reddit of all places? :marseythinkorino:

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Reddit is no longer for it's original audience but new users don't realize that yet, which leads to IRL lulz when people I know learn about it. I know several people who joined reddit within the past 2 years after previously saying it was a dangerous site (according to articles written in 2015) and when someone else, during a discussion on google's $60M deal to use reddit's data for AI training said "reddit is the cesspool of internet depravity", I just barely avoided saying "reddit is for normies". When someone asked me if I used any social media sites and after finding out that I didn't use them said "you probably use reddit", I gave an IRL-translated version of "reddit is for normies" as my response.

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I saw on some reddit user's comment history that their mom makes them do online school bc rona virus is still at large and you could be shot at school

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the blackpill warned against this, now only gigachad neighbors are getting laid

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Somehow I don't think :marseynooticeglow: this guy is a teen


Trans lives matter less

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Ī guess we just identified the Ghost of Kyiv!

:#marseycarlos: !carlos

Jewish lives matter. Arab lives don't matter.

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lmao the spirit of the AOL chatroom lives on even on the modern internet. :marseyboomer:

16/f/cali btw

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Do you expect them to verify ages? That would be considered just as bad. :marseysmug:

[M35] Be My Friend ( :stabler:):marseyshy2:

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Good morning I hate moids

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Lol I went to the top controversial post expecting :marseypreg: to see posts about pedos but all the most controversial posts are all from trans :marseyeaglenuke: people hahahha I guess :marseyshrug: the pedos don't want to molest :marseygroomer: trans :marseydeadpooner: kids so they downmarsey the posts

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On the one hand, yes these subs surely attract pedos.

On the other hand, I'm not gonna get scandalized about "pedophilia" when a 13 year old calls another 13 year old hot. idk how you avoid this without just banning minors from the internet though.

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@iStillMissEd check this out and go pedohunting

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I'd suggest a p-do bait op, but I'm not sure I have the stomach for flirting with middle aged pedos while larping as a 13 year old.

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Coming out or not !slots1050

CHUG HYDRATION https://i.rdrama.net/images/17264428843684914.webp

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So when you visit subreddit to report you don't have to see nasty pizza shit.

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