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The new wanna be assassin is also a rightoid lmao

He's a former Trump voter that's super pro Ukraine and supports Haley and Vivek lmao. Amazing

There's some radical centrism mixed in here as well. Honestly you guys just have to read this dude feed because it is absolutely insane.

It seems like before Ukraine his pet project was some set of stairs(?) in Hawaii.

Dude was not well.

Real video of attempted Trump assassin choosing a political ideology:


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As soon as they said ak47 and showed the guy's face it was obvious it's a rightoid ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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Why does an AK indicate rightoid to u?

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  • HailVictory1776 : Commies buy AKs and paint "this machine kills racists" on it

At this point AK just screams "tard" since they aren't cheap anymore and are objectively worse than any AR

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Venn Diagram of rightoids vs tards:

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This is leftoid r-slur erasure. :marseyindignant:

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Cheap, mass produced, low accuracy weapon for poor losers who want to feel tough. Screams rightoid.

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Surely an AK is more likely to suggest commie larper than rightoid

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Commie larpers are scared of guns.

AK equals rightoid or muzzie

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>AK indicates rightoid

>AR indicates rightoid

>Shotgun indicates rightoid

>Bolt-action indicates rightoid

Hmm im starting to see a pattern here...

>Handgun indicates BIPOC

At last, balance is restored


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Nah. They exist. See guy who got blasted stopping that car in Austin. Check out /r/liberalgunowners if you want to see some left wing cucks

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Getting an old commie corruption kit and making it woulda been kinda cool. Gun version of a cool old car import.

Not now, those warehouses were empty way before handing what's left out to meat waves 10 km from their border

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This was already a big thing in the Vietnam War.

"Oh no, our M-16s aren't as good as this commie shit. Those pencil-pushers back home are letting us down! Also I'm a contrarian who complains about everything and I enjoy sucking peepee." :soycry:

Being right-wing is gay-coded so I assume these were all Republicans.

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journo sees a gun with wood on it and a magazine that's kinda curvy


many such cases

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If you're lucky he'll get confused and call it an AK-74 and it'll turn out that it really is one.

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there's no official sources. leftists are more likely to get aks

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I just posted the screenshots from his account. Why are you coping?


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I said nothing wrong. leftists are more likely to get aks

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Now that they're expensive because of Obama maybe. Back in the day they were just cheaper than ARs.

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>Donates to act blue

>Hates Republican canidate

>Is still republican

How does this happen bros :marseyitsover:

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And if Vivek won he'd flip a switch and say Vivek was a threat to democracy. Only "Republican" he liked was Nikki because Ukraine :marseygigaretard:

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I've been reading through more of his post history and he actually doesn't seem to have much political ideology at all besides "give Ukraine nuclear weapons so that they can flatten Moscow. Ukraine is the best. I have tens of thousands of Afghan soldiers for Ukraine. Someone listen to me".

I'm of course going to leave my post the way it is because it's inflammatory and this is rDrama after all.

Frankly, this is the best case scenario for us because it's going to cause a huge amount of infighting because you can make a case for him supporting either side.


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>no ideology just wants to see Moscow glow


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If I shoot Vladimir Putin maybe it will impress Jodie Foster and Jimie...


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"give Ukraine nuclear weapons so that they can flatten Moscow"


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I will literally vote for any candidate who runs on a platform of "nuke Moscow" and/or "nuke London."

Ball's in your court, DNC and RNC.

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Can we get Paris in there too? I really love French people and this is what most of them want.

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/r/Conspiracy's main nemesis is Ukraine; they're going to be absolutely chimping out over this. There were posts accusing the first assassination attempt on Ukraine even though there was zero connection from the teenager who did it and them.

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When does /r/conspiracy not chimp out?

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When there's actual evidence :marseyproofster: of something :marseysmugface: shady going :marseysalmaid: on, in which case they pretend nothing happened

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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Stop noticing things, citizen. If you believe you saw Bimothy you clearly were mistaken. Go on about your business.


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:marseyivorytower:s convincing wasps to shoot presidents

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You vote once for the red team and you're a rethuglican for life.

Just like if you suck one peepee as a man you're a cute twink until the day you die.

We don't make the rules.

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You vote once for the red team and you're a rethuglican for life.

He supported McCain so it wasn't once

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you don't support trump anymore after voting for him 2016?:soyjakcobson: republican card revoked!

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If you scroll back his donation history he also donated to republicans before that

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And already famous.



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This guy glows so hard.

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Yeah, there's nothing intelligence agencies love more than guys who talk a lot on youtube so their handler has to spend all day watching it to confirm he didn't give up any secrets. :marseyfacepalm:

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@The_Homocracy please pin this. I think this dude is certifiably insane

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Done. A true schizo poster


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>Not found x3


Add these as well king

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@The_Homocracy Can't you pin comments normally instead of using pin awards? :marseypin2: Or do you have enough currency that it doesn't matter? :marseycoin: :marseybux:

X (formerly Twitter) account RyanRouth is down

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These were the above 3 tweets:

@Sethrogen You and James Franco must use your status to meet with Kim Jong un and show him we are friends and we want the best for him and his people. Dennis Rodman did it. We can. 18084648342 http://[email protected] please talk to me. Let us change history.

@elonmusk I would like to buy a rocket from you. I wish to load it with a warhead for Putins Black sea mansion bunker to end him. Can you give me a price please. It can be old and used as not returning. 8084648342 http://[email protected]

#KimJungUn I would like to invite you to Hawaii for vacation. We would love to have you here and entertain you. With the current virus it is vacant and private and it would be an honor to have you at our beaches. I an a leader here and can arrange the whole trip. Please come.

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do you have enough currency that it doesn't matter?


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bro saw the interview and thought it was a great idea :marseyxd:

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I love the idea of Elon being like "yeah sure dude, sounds like a plan, I got one for $500"

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I dont know anything about this incident but considering we actually know his twitter profile and background we can certifiy this guy is actually rightoid otherwise media wouldnt tell us

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The tweets got removed. What did they say?

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Imagine if you squished both of these Marseys into one person :#marseyleftoidschizo: :#marseyrightoidschizo:


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Yes, only a rightoid could be Covid conspiracy theorist. R-slur.

Also unconfirmed identity.

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Here you go, r-slur:


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He donated to act blue in 2020 r-slur. And clearly he wasn't a fan of Trump.

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He was supporting Haley and Vivek as recently as January of this year


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Why would he support Vivek if his main obsession was Ukraine? Vivek made lots of pro Putin comments and had an r-slured peace plan

I think this guy is just a schitzo r-slur

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Why would he support Vivek if his main obsession was Ukraine?

If I may quote Detective Wagenbach on The Shield: "Ummm.... because he's mentally ill?"

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He donated to act blue in 2020 r-slur. And clearly he wasn't a fan of Trump.

reagan,bush,bush,trump, NOT TRUMP :chudseethe: ? nope, that's a demoncrat :soyjakanimeglasses:

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I voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016, therefore I am a commie

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he wasn't a fan of Trump

Which means he couldn't be right-wing? You r-slurred cute twinks have no shame about just openly saying that your only ideology is supporting Trump.

:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

I wish Ed was still around to call you people strags.

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Never said that. Jesus Christ there are more than left/right wing.

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How the frick do we have two would be Trump assassins who donated to actblue in the same year?

:marseythinkorino: :chadagent:

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This seems like a radical centrist, about time they get a notch on the chalk board

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Link the tweet cute twink. Bardfinn has told me screenshots are not to be trusted.

Also doesn't prove he's a rightoid.

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 01 hours 04 minutes and 08 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

newest bardfriend is UnholyHellbringer at 10:39 on 15-09-2024

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He's a time traveler.

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Actually, hippies, raw dieters, and real Whole Foods enjoyers are far right fascists. :marseysmoothbrain:

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All his 2020 stuff comes off centrist to me. That was when it was tutted as the trump shot.

Once Biden was in office everyone pretended it was not the trump shot and took it anyway

I literally avoided the shot BECAUSE it was fast tracked by trump.

Actual shooter btw:

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I've been reading through more of his history and you're right. It seems he supports anybody who supports Ukraine. There doesn't seem to be much political ideology there at all. He is just absolutely literally insane for Ukraine and keeps talking about how he has tens of thousands of Afghan soldiers ready to go to Ukraine and fight. It's wild. You got to read this before they take it down.


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You got to read this before they take it down.


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He got press coverage for recruiting people to fight in Ukraine including by NYT and some euro country

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This dude glows so hard lmao. What are the odds the FBI say he's "been on their radar"?

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Do tell. Explain to me why any intelligence agency would want to deal with this guy.

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Yeah that dudes last replies are... Interesting. Asking Biden and Kamala to do shit lol

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At one point he was begging both Joe Biden and Donald Trump for federal oversight of the police lmao


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He reminds me of my friend's dad who watches npr and still thinks the government is functioning normally for the people

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... it's not?

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watches npr


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I'm feeling like the overwhelming "schizo" overrides the "rightoid" or "Ukraine" hints

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the last terrorist with a logical ideology was ted k. they are all schizos otherwise. this guy was a right leaning schizo though, so :marseywinner:

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He wasn't right leaning though?

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>you are r-slurred; I will be glad when you gone.


Semicolon chad.

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The world's English teachers: "Don't even try to use a semicolon; you'll never understand how it works."

Me: "That's interesting; however suck my peepee." :marseycool2:

When you learn a little bit of other languages you realize what nonsense these rules are. In Korean they got a word that basically means semicolon and it's the most common word in their language. In ancient Greek these supposed intellectual supermen, the progenitors of our entire civilization (which got nothing from Jews, Persians, etc. it was all Greeks), they would write sentences with "and" like literally 8 times in it.

I do miss my English teachers tho. We had some fun fights over what the proper way to write is.

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/u/TaiwanForiegnLegion welcome to rdrama!

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lmao p-dophile cute twinks (aka rightoids) btfo by reality once again

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Typical rightoid infighting smh

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>dude he's a rightoid lmao

<font size="0.5">>but also he has non rightoid positions hahah and supported bernie. Clearly he needs Therapy</font>

You are a cute twink (pejorative)

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supported bernie. Clearly he needs Therapy

Where's the lie?

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hes a FORMER rightoid :marseymeds: that now supports kkkamala

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:marseypikachu2: What are the odds that somebody who thinks they can solve their political problems by buying a gun and shooting somebody in the face would be a mentally r-slurred rightoid?

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A real covid conspiracy theorist should be at least skeptical of Trump. He enabled Fauci. Didn't stop states from overreacting on lockdowns. Shut down all the ports. Facilitated the development of the vaccine with Project Warp Speed. And so on.

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repost :marseyposteditagain:

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:#marseygem: Video

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Im not sure if this is a bigger L for leftoids or rightoids

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I wonder if this would count towards the rightoid infighting bounty.

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thats awesome

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Viveks strongest soldier

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They thought "well the first attempt got a nice bump in the polls, let's go for round two"

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:marseypuke: :marseypuke: :marseypuke:

Hate boomers

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We don't have a gun problem, we have a mental health problem.

That's why we need to cut funding for mental health and divert it into metal detectors and 377 armed cops per school. Because as we all learned tragically at uvalde, the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun, is 377 good guys with guns.

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Well after 50 of them one had to end being a right winger

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