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is rdrama more popular than major subreddits?

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More user engagement for sure.

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Attention whore central

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Are we the redditors :marseysweating:

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we are like the israelites trekking through the desert

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give it another thousand years and we'll return to the promised land to rain JDAMs down on jannistine.

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Astronaut meme.

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i'm only here for the gambling and hate speech

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Reddit makes it almost impossible for non-bots to join. I made a new account, then one of my first couple comments was heavily downmarseyd. Instantly shadowbanned from the whole site.

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It's actually funny how bad it is, it's easy to game an account into being able to post but a genuine new user gets turbocucked

Which is interesting, because a good new user experience would be to hammer them with engagement for that dopamine hit

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Reddit is at the level Facebook got to where the very idea of a new user is suspicious. For Facebook if you didn't already have an account you're either very young, up to no good, or just plain weird :marseysmug3: :marseygivecoconut:.

Similarly, every soybug in the world in the reddit demographic should already have an account at this point, if they don't they were probably banned before.

Part of the reason !reportmaxxers noble work removing active redditors accounts is so effective at ruining their day, possibly their lives :marseyembrace:

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True story: I only got a Facebook account to flirt (and not get really sexual) with Iranian women. Facebook was illegal in Iran. If you ever want to know who I am as a person, that explains all of it.

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just plain weird

Confirmed that Republicans are not welcome on Reddit. !khive

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Facebook is a wild one because they've given up on all tech support and just let the boomers either lose their accounts forever or watch in horror as hacked accounts romp around with nothing done about it.

I didn't think a major tech platform with a marketplace could just do that and survive. You can read some absolute horror stories about people trying for months or even years to get their account back.

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I've known way too many people that fell for some phishing shit and lost their account, some of those frickers are on their 4th account and Rajeetsh is using their profile photo.

Actually, oddly enough a lot of the accounts get turned to some weird shit, though, like why take a perfectly good John Smith account and rename it சரண் ஃபரிதா

I thought they stole them to scam people not post weird videos of them streetpooping

Facebook is a fricking disaster

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I know a guy that got his facebook taking over by some guy in ISIS

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I'm betting half of reddit users are shadowbanned and don't realize it.

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The designers are honestly fricking r-slurred. It's amazing how incompetent and stupid Reddit is. Terrible business model and strategy and everything. There's a reason why their users are the least valuable of all the social media platforms.

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it's easy to game an account into being able to post


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Make a 2nd real email and verify and farm karma on all the subs that allow throwaway accounts like aita. For some subs you need to wait a week or so before posting as well.

You can reuse the email too, maybe not if you get banned though.

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I've tried that kind of thing before, but I failed to farm enough karma because from what I remember basically no subreddit except explicit karma farming ones would let me post at all. And the karma farming ones didn't give me much karma. Maybe I should have waited a week.

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Yeah but why would I do that every time I made hilarious comments a janny would ban me

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Because autism

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Easy to join if you scroll the main feed updooting wholesome slop. That's who they want. Their business model isn't discussion forum, it's attention farm.

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That's if you manage to get a comment in first place. Jannies of fricking 5k sub count places put karma restrictions on their subs lmfao, like bro no one is going to waste electricity running a bot to spam your :marseydicklet: sub

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For /r/catowners you must have 40k karma and be mod-verified as a PhD of Feline Science and Catology to be an approved poster. You must also flair yourself for your home town and your political beliefs. Read the sidebar. No general posts asking about cats.

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Meanwhile on arrdrama the bots are the best users

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@Bussy-boy everybody loves you! We're so glad you joined our site.

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"Don't be shy!"

"Hi, @Bussy-boy, here!"

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Hello @Bussy-boy

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What'll you be up to this weekend?

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Hanging out with my friends :marseywholesome:

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RIP @goodNews4U best bot

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Come on, what did you say?

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It was some TIL about "people who hate cats are bad people." Someone gave the "cats/consent" line and I said all my friends' cats have scratched me for ignoring them. They told me if I've been attacked by a cat more than once it's probably my fault and downmarseyd me to -20 (I bet the comment was deleted at that point or it would have gone further, the downmarseys were rapid and immediate).

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Please respond to this message if you have any questions about your ban

/u/:marseytrain:Janny has muted you for 1001 days


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Hello MinecraftBee,

We're addressing a mention you made of a Reddit user. It's a good moment to remember the significance of privacy and respectful conduct. The individual has been notified, and we encourage you to consider these principles in your future interactions.


CrossTalk PM - Automated Message (Unmonitored Account)

Please contact @J with questions

Join https://rdrama.net/!friendsofcrosstalkpm to be pinged for hits

Join !superfriendsofcrosstalkpm to be pinged when we ping

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@CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM looks like youve got competition

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What are you doing to the cats?!

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As a rule I try not to interact with cats, this drives them crazy and every cat swipes at me constantly for attention. I have to wear long-sleeves to the house of every cat owner I know. One obese cat jumped onto my shoulders from an elevated position (while I was talking to friends, not interacting with the cat) and ruined my shirt with my bloodstains, the fat dipshit owner didn't even apologize, let alone offer to replace it, because cat owners are bad people.

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I am but for unrelated reasons.

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Try posting in good faith next time k?

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The human users that make it past that are usually npc r-slurs themselves as well.

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You literally have to make an account and wait two weeks to participate. Surely stock holders will teach them that you can't make money this way

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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i made my drama account and waited 5 months to participate :marseyshy3:

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lmao it's real


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The front page has to be astroturfed to heck. I wonder how many posts are made by real living people.

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These default subreddit posts end up on /r/all and mobile lurkers upmarsey without ever engaging with the content.

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Yet another benefit of old forums was that users had to actually click on a post to increase it's standing on the front page, since there was no way to reply to a thread without opening it.


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I think most real people stay on the city and hobby/sports subs.

For example the F1 sub is pretty reasonable for Reddit and also gets over 10k comments on the live race day thread.

City subs are delusional though

I've also noticed I actually get better info if I add -reddit to searches. I'll often get niche forums

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Hobby or sports have actual people navigate to a specific sub because it's something they're passionate about.

All these interestingasfricks, meirls, leopardatemyfaces etc. are mostly driven by algorithm stuffing them on people's feed/front page. Basically nobody goes "hmm I'm really passionate about schadenfreude of hypocrites to the point I'll visit leopardatemyface 4 times a day", they just see a headline on their phone as they scroll and upmarsey it.

These subs can also then easily spring up or die since they're mostly repost-from-other-media driven, not driven by a built up community or particular show or sport being on.

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The footy threads aee insane. Literally the moment a post match thread goes up for a big onr there's a good 200 comments

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I don't know about footy, but basketball and American football threads are usually 50% made up of comments either blaming the refs or calling one's team's coaches stupid. Of course that's not just a Reddit thing, that's pretty much all sports discussion that's open to the public.

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City subs are usually like a third posts about crime, a third posts accusing the people who make the crime posts of being right-wing brigaders/trolls, and another third posts with pretty pictures of the city.

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Half the users on Reddit are alts from rdrama.net

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I imagine that's people on the actual subreddit page. I'm willing to bet for braindead front page subs the vast majority of user interactions come front the front page feed and users never engage beyond that

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I was curious if it was a one-off so I looked at some of the other big subreddits


darn, its real

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ive never seen wholesome on the frontpage but darnthatsinteresting is a big one

now time to find out how they get >50k upmarseys with 810 users :marseynoooticer:

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most users just browse their own personal feed without going to the sub specifically...?

not much to notice other than most users aren't really that engaged.

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reasonable explanation, but i prefer to blame (((them)))

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i mean u can still blame (((them))) for all the media that promotes disengagement

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This is a personal one for me. Used to frequent it every day to see funny little short youtube videos. Then it became another anti-Trump circlejerk and now look at it.


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Yes, I have the real numbers right here:


Right Wingers owned.

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It's real tho

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Yep, literally 22 online atm

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also im gay

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I was banned because I asked a black woman why she was talking about Black history for black history month and she literally screeched at me for several minutes straight. I had to mute her and mute the channel then she called me a fascist and said she just got a notification she had been reported. :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

This is a 16 year old kid. We gotta get him here :marseyboomer:

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Bardfinn has chased everyone away :marseydepressed:

I really do think that a lot of people just up and quit with that whole API thing tbh. I liked using baconreader and they put a stop to it. I'm not gonna use their proprietary app and reddit on desktop is a fricking chore.

I got banned a bunch and dont feel like creating and aging a new account. Somehow, I managed to get permanent banned the final time on an account that didn't insult anyone, didn't call for violence, didnt engage in any of the "phobias or misias" and I purposely made sure the account didn't use profanity at all ever. They just didnt like my wholesome trolling/downmarsey farming.

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unless you know what you're doing I feel like its also hard to join now because of all the subreddits that ban you/remove your shit for not having enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: karma :marseydownvotemad:

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Who cares about commenting on Reddit anyway

You can still visit when banned and laugh at r-slurs

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I need to let the r-slurs know they're r-slurred.

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skill issue lmao i call ppl r-slurs all the time n i dont even get reported


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I don't, but I can't imagine it's easy to grow a userbase when the new users are constantly jannied

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nerds using niche apps were like 1% of their users

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Those users which you unwarrantedly refer to as nerds were a subcategory of mobile users.

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I'm not gonna use their proprietary app

Stay strong against the hoarders, brother. A GNU dawn rises

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There's a way to get Baconreader working in current_year. The only thing not working is submitting images (imgur API changed)

Dunno if it's related but the app likes to crash repeatedly when clicking external links, but that was happening before the api change.

Guide on making popular third party apps work again (Android only, iToddlers get rekt)


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I got all my reddit accounts banned for just explaining a law. I can't even appeal it lol

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 01 hours 38 minutes and 06 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

We've got Bardy fever! today we have mentioned our favorite mod 9 more times than usual!

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Reddit users have jobs, the 100~ real /pol/ users are worthless NEET terminally online losers.


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>Reddit users have jobs, the 100~ real /pol/ users are worthless NEET terminally online losers. :marseyserioushatfact:

https://preview.redd.it/6zcvne5v4k761.jpg?width=553&auto=webp&s=a890e00d607d8cf68abe3371009f72b119edb079 RedditARYANS won btw !nonchuds !dramatards !soyteens

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The nft subreddit has 2.4 mil subscribers and like a weekly top of 20 upmarseys :marseyxd:


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!fellas etikapunks died for THIS :#etika:

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That's unfair, NFTs are deader than Reddit

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reddit peaked 15 years ago and it's just a propaganda machine now

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Yeah, it's like a laser that creates coherent waves of pure undistilled Trump derangement syndrome and then beams it to the rest of the world.

It probably literally breaks some people's minds, it is basically an industrial-strength leftist propaganda generator that works by filtering out all dissent and then having the people who passed the filter circlejerk each other into a state of political frenzy. Some people might get caught up in that without realizing what it really is, and then go basically insane by starting to agree with every single leftist delusion about the world.

Not that the right lacks such propaganda generators. 4chan /pol/ is basically the same thing, except instead of filtering people through overt banning, it filters people by making sure to make everyone who is even remotely sane not want to spend much time there, so the only people who spend a lot of time there are suggestible literally mentally ill people and the kind of people who think that the Jews are behind literally everything that is bad about the world.

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t filters people by making sure to make everyone who is even remotely sane

I visited 8chan a few times and I cant help feel it was a honeypot. Any remotely reasonable/actionable political thread would immediately get derailed into ancient alien nonsense, and the schizos on there would.fall.for it every time

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I never spent much time on 8chan, but I have spent a lot of time on 4chan. My impression of /pol/ is that it's just full of really stupid people and literally mentally ill people. I'm sympathetic to some right-wing arguments, but it seems to me that most of the people on /pol/ are incapable of making nuanced arguments, they simply cannot mentally model the world in any way other than a comic book movie about good guys and bad guys, except in their case the good guys are Hitler, George Lincoln Rockwell, and so on and the bad guys are Jews, blacks, and women. Their notion of an effective argument is to call the other person a BIPOC and a Jew, and if it doesn't work the first time, call him a BIPOC and a Jew again.

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>they simply cannot mentally model the world in any way other than a comic book movie about good guys and bad guys, except in their case the good guys are Hitler, George Lincoln Rockwell, and so on and the bad guys are Jews, blacks, and women. Their notion of an effective argument is to call the other person a BIPOC and a Jew, and if it doesn't work the first time, call him a BIPOC and a Jew again.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17261802331793063.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/172618023350022.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1726180233923675.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17261802340186095.webp !grillers !neurodivergents

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Am @ObamaBinLaden a chud or a tr00n?

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

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you are a BIPOC jewish chad

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Aaron dying really was the nail in the coffin of reddit's potential to be good

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fr fr

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nah there's still niche subs. the propaganda machine is too focused on high-user general subs. just avoid those and there's still value.

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Kill Redditors. Behead Redditors. Roundhouse kick a Redditor into the concrete. Slam dunk a Redditor NEET into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Redditards. Defecate in a Redditor's Hot Pockets. Launch Redditors into the sun. Stir fry Redditors in a wok. Toss Redditors into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Redditor's gas tank. Judo throw Redditors into a wood chipper. Twist Redditors' heads off. Report Redditors to the IRS. Karate chop Redditors in half. Curb stomp fat r-slurred Redditors. Trap Redditors in quicksand. Crush Redditors in the trash compactor. Liquefy Redditors in a vat of acid. Eat Redditors. Dissect Redditors. Exterminate Redditors in the gas chamber. Stomp Redditor skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Redditors in the oven. Lobotomize Redditors. Mandatory castrations for Redditors. Grind Redditor corpses in the garbage disposal. Drown Redditors in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Redditors with a ray gun. Kick fat Redditors down the stairs. Feed Redditors to alligators. Slice Redditors with a katana.

TOTAL. :#marseybestfriends:

REDDIT. :#beheadedsnoo:

DEATH. :#classicsnoogenocide::#newsnoogenocide:

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maybe if i say i hate reddit over and over ill fit in

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Also use lots of Marseys.

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Rdrama is more active than the majority of 4chan boards too lol

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Aren't we past the age of the infinite scroll of the front page? Probably only those who come from google visit specific urls.

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Aren't we past the age of the infinite scroll of the front page?

Common RES w

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How long before reddit stops showing these numbers?

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TBF Due to the way Reddit works you don't lurk a specific sub for hours at a time. The "engagement" dopamine reward for doing so is minuscule as very little content will be generated per minute compared to somewhere like Twitter or even here. You probably remember the last time you interacted with BWC, @X, or Mimwee. You can regard them as unique power users, but you can't remember the last person you replied to on Reddit. The way engagement there works doesn't allow for that. And everyone who is "famous" from there is in reality a lot more infamous than famous.

But yeah 1M subs but less than a hundred even casually viewing the sub shows a massive retention problem. Something I've thought about is what would realistically happen if Reddit turfed everyone out of the subs they were subbed to and had them resub. How many subs would get anywhere near the current numbers back?

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Die soon Reddit.

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ur next lmao

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It has 15 users online now

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I dont get whats even the point of all those reddit karma bots

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Reddit never lower users account, regardless of bans or deletions.

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Did they ever IPO?

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Probably one of the longest tech startups not to cash out in IPO

Conde nast was a dumb move

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it really depends on the sub. some of them have few users that actually go to the sub specifically, with subscribers just having it show up as memes on the feed.

some of them have a more active core use base that actually browsers the sub itself.

i would say rdrama is on par with a sub that has several hundred thousand subscribers.

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