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Remember DesmondIsAmazing? This is Xhe now!


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Bro got the face of an emaciated 40 year old crack enthusiast


Imagine your parents doing this to you for money and clout


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That's Jewish chad for Xhe

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כהת means "dimming" but without context it doesnt really mean anything

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@seal_cel all of the fricking people on this website who block/downmarsey me consistently are fricking Jewish. :marseynoooticer:

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frick i did the meme before i saw this :marseybangfast:


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Great minds :marseybigbrain#:

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This isn't even funny anymore, I just feel sad for him

Also wtf is that necklace :marseyschizowall:

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apparently it says Bride in Hebrew


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That looks like [כהת], not [כלה]. The first result on Google is some Kabbalah website claiming it's a way to "diffuse negative energy". This Facebook post is similar and says it's one of the "72 names of God". No idea if this is real Kabbalah or Madonna Kabbalah, but I'm gonna assume white woman nonsense. :marseyextinction:

I'd ping [!]jidf to ask for a translation, but they refuse to let me in their ping group. :marseyrain:

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It's real Kabbalah, assuming we have the correct characters from the necklace. !linguistics

In Hebrew, these three verses (Exodus 14:19-21) each contain 72 letters. In the Zohar (II:51b) it is stated that these three verses refer in sequence to the divine attributes of chesed, gevura, and tiferet. The harmonious blending of these three principle emotive attributes forms the basic paradigm of how G‑d relates to the world. Thus, they together form a composite name of G‑d, since a name is a means by which one is made known to others, i.e. manifests his attributes.

The fact that each verse contains 72 letters means that they can be aligned in parallel, forming 72 triplets of letters. In this configuration, the Zohar states, the first verse is to be written in its proper order, since it represents G‑d's loving-kindness, or a direct revelation of G‑d's goodness. The second verse is to be written in reverse order, from the last letter to the first, since it represents G‑d's severity, which is an indirect revelation of His goodness. Although tiferet is a blend of both chesed and gevura, the third verse is not to be written half in the proper order and half in reverse order, as one might expect. There are two reasons for this: (1) in tiferet, chesed dominates over gevura, and (2) as the ideal blend of chesed and gevura, tiferet is a direct revelation of G‑d's goodness and glory rather than an indirect one.

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Oh, I figured the word was real, I meant the "diffuses negative energy" nonsense. That seems way too New Agey to be part of anything developed in the 13th century. :marseyaleistercrowley:

Just look at this shit. :marseyreading:


"All day long your fame".

The expulsion of negative energies; neutralizing the negativity in our environment.


Diffuses negative energy. Neutralizes anger and hatred. Neutralizes pressure and emotional stress. Helps get rid of sadness, depression, hatred, fear and misery. Balances the energy that envelops the body. Encourages peace of mind and tranquility. Balances stress, frustration, aggression, fear, acute apprehension and outbursts of anger.

That all sounds exactly like an early 21st-century American white woman, and nothing at all like a late 13th-century Iberian rabbi. :marseyyass:

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Exodus 14:19-21

The angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud moved from before them, and stood behind them. It came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel; and there was the cloud and the darkness, yet gave it light by night: and the one didn't come near the other all the night. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and Tʜᴇ Lᴏʀᴅ caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all the night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.

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!jidf is this true?

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:marseysoyswitch: 420 on pings

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Are you going to be antisemitic if I let you in

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No? Not sure why you think I would be. I've said before that Jews are the only kind of white people that are occasionally almost tolerable. I mean, you're still cumskins, but you're as close to human beings as a Mayo can get. :marseyjewishpat:

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If you were to translate that into normal speak the runes basically say positive energy yall

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Good vibes only zone :marseytipp#inghand:

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!linguistics could help

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!jews someone who speaks hebrew :marseymerchantfoid: please :marseypleading2: confirm

the text is כהת which according to google :marseygetgle: seems to mean "dark" or "brunette" or something :marseysmugface: idk

without the vowels hebrew :marseyisraeliflag: is still too hard for me

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you only got the first :marseywinner: letter :marseystamp2: right :marseygroyper:

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It doesn't look anything like that though?

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Is this the groomed kid stripping and cross-dressing on stage? Cuz if so noooobody saw that coming! lmao

Also holy shit he looks fricking 40 years old. I guess gromming, drugs, and the wrong hormones can do a number on your cute twink butt. God he looks terrible. At least if you smoke and sit in the sun too much you can enjoy things.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Also holy shit he looks fricking 40 years old. I guess gromming, drugs, and the wrong hormones can do a number on your cute twink butt

Most people also don't start their "dancing around in nightclubs all night" phase pre puberty

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Is this the groomed kid stripping and cross-dressing on stage?


the wrong hormones

I don't think he's on cross-s*x hormones, he's just "NB" and grew up an emaciated skeleton for his parent's benefit.

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He has a face that only a shotgun would love. :marseydeadinside:

Remember when he was like 11 and dancing in a shady night club where he was twerking for dollars?


He's called Desmond is amazing because it's amazing nothing was done about this.

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Looks like a 45 year old man's head on a 13 year old's body :marseyyikes:

Wait you already said that, I only looked at the pictures :marseyblush:

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The inevitable result of a 13 year old's head in a 45 year old's lap

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I'm gonna guess zhe was much younger when he was r*ped sexually liberated

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How do you hit twink death before you're even of age to consent. That poor kid has had some heinous stuff done to him for sure :marseydepressed:

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>be underfed since childhood

>grow up

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only 17 years old and xhe's already experiencing twink death

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in fairness all twinks only get 10 years of sucking off older men and dancing at bars before they turn to dust, this one just started that at 7

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Darn that's a hard 17.

I periodically check the :marseykiwi: thread on this kid but haven't for like a year. It's hard to believe it'd gotten even worse.

The hope that he turns 18 and realises how fricked up his Mum was for essentially pimping him out so she can live her StragHag fantasies and going hard right gay in response seems ever so further away.

Honestly, poor kid, what kind of fricking childhood must he have had? With 0 friends your own age and surrounded by creepy old gay dudes leering and salivating while your own Mother pressures you to dance for dollars while dressed like a gaudy woman? Would not blame him for snapping and murderinging her one day.

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horrifying. how old is he now? he can't be older than 20

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>born in 2007


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darn, he's younger than the Nintendo Wii.

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frick isn't that kid in his teens??

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17 now

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thats a frickin rough 17

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!lgbt protect whatever this thing is from chud ridicule


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protect whatever this thing is from chud ridicule


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The youngest zoomers are in their mid 40s, but rdrama boomers still think of them as "young people" :marseydepressed:

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>twinkdeath at puberty

Oh jeez oh man

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This kid is a victim

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Desmond and Jazz Jennings never had a chance. If demons exist, those parents are some of them. Take them back a few thousand years and they'd be demanding their children get sacrificed for the ancient clout.

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Yea I can't even make fun of them.

Once I saw a picture of Jazz dressed in a rainbow crop top with hair like in pig tails at an age way too young for them to be feasibly picking out their own clothes or hair style. Like completely sexualized and outwardly politically trans in how he was dressed at like 3 or 4 years old.

Like that picture should be darning enough for tlc to like apologize for platforming the whole thing but people are actually cool with it.

Like people know exactly what is going on but are cool with it to try and force the Overton window left or something, I don't even know.

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A teen experiencing twink death. So sad. :marseydisagree:

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Imagine your parents doing this to you for money and clout

And they couldn't even afford to give him femboy drugs https://media.tenor.com/vEgo7w6gvRgAAAAx/shameful-angry.webp

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Yeah at least Jazz's parents pumped her so full of drugs pre puberty that her peepee never developed enough to make installing a vagina possible (legit that's what happened - he can't geta vag because purberty blockers stopped his peepee from developing enough to give the butchers gender surgeons enough to work with).

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He looks like chris katan with a wig lmao

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how does this pay the bills better than getting a job at fast food...drop the crossdressing act and become a normal wage slave...

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Same way all e-famous people do it. Product sponsorships from the 'gram following. The parents also pimp'ed him out to clubs and LGBT events before, and you know they weren't doing that shit for free. I'm sure eventually they'll hire a ghostwriter to pen an "autobiography" on how stunning and brave he was growing up/how perfect his parents always were and then probably hunt for a nice exclusive cash up-front podcast deal.

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oh i know his story...

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This is hilarious, consider the "being tranzed before puberty meme deboonked". Like this kid has been forced into a cute twink identity since he was Kindergarten age, and now that he's "trans"and on blockers, he still looks like a 45 year old drag queen.

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Groomed kid wearing necklace with hebrew writing. Is this a /pol/ psyop?

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This never happens

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Diddy would have loved xim

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humiliation ritual

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Honestly looks less haggard and strung out than I expected.

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