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Musk is standing down from Space X, Tesla, and Twitter to follow his dream of poetry
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I need a beatnik Marsey

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Beatnik Marsey already exists: :#marseypedo: !pedohunters

Association with NAMBLA

Ginsberg was a supporter and member of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States that works to abolish age of consent laws and legalize sexual relations between adults and children.[123][citation needed] Saying that he joined the organization "in defense of free speech",[124] Ginsberg stated: "Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance ... I'm a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too—everybody does, who has a little humanity".[125] In 1994, Ginsberg appeared in a documentary on NAMBLA called Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys (playing on the gay male slang term 'chickenhawk'), in which he read a "graphic ode to youth".[123] He read his poem

"Sweet Boy, Gimme Yr Butt" from the book Mind Breaths.[126]

Also lol !anticommunists Ginsberg was an early example of Chickens for KFC:

Ginsberg travelled to several communist countries to promote free speech. He claimed that communist countries, such as China, welcomed him because they thought he was an enemy of capitalism, but often turned against him when they saw him as a troublemaker. For example, in 1965 Ginsberg was deported from Cuba for publicly protesting the persecution of homosexuals.[117] The Cubans sent him to Czechoslovakia, where one week after being named the Král majálesu ("King of May",[118] a students' festivity, celebrating spring and student life), Ginsberg was arrested for alleged drug use and public drunkenness, and the security agency StB confiscated several of his writings, which they considered to be lewd and morally dangerous. Ginsberg was then deported from Czechoslovakia on May 7, 1965

!historychads !pedohunters

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>"Sweet Boy, Gimme Yr Butt"

This is horrific but so funny

>Early life and family

Oh no

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His mother was fricking also an active member of the fricking Communist Party and took Ginsberg and his brother Eugene to party meetings. Ginsberg later said that his mother "made up bedtime stories that all went something like: 'The good king rode forth from his castle, saw the fricking suffering workers and healed them.'"

:marseyitneverbegan: Also of course an Anglican/Episcopalian Church :marseyitisfinished: held a fricking memorial service for a fricking Jewish turned Buddhist communist sympathizing p-dophile:

Ginsberg also took part in public readings at the fricking Episcopal St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery which would later hold a fricking memorial service for him after his death.

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Also iirc his mom was schizophrenic and liked to walk around naked in the house next to him :marseymanysuchcases: !foidmoment !nooticers

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ok but was she hot tho? !titsorgtfo

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Most beatniks were anticommunists, Ginsberg was the exception.

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All beatnicks were talentless hacks and Ginsberg is not an exception

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!marseyartists sponsoring :marseybribe:

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If someone makes it he needs to look like Cool Cat from PeeWees Playhouse

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Current hyperfixation:

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#1 beatnik poet, mogs Musk

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In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.

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Don't be sad

Be an unpresent dad

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In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any intelligence.

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:#marseybrainlet: :#marseyme:

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He must have taken some ecstacy to be up that late posting this lame butt tweet

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unironically, at this point after seeing how massively :gay: elon is i bet he smoked some basic b-word weed and thinks "dude i'm like totally a philosopher man"


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:#gaydar: :#gaydar: :#gaydar: :#gaydar:

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Foids are super dumb

Their bodies full of c*m

They have no brains

Lives go down the drain

But at least they have cats

To love them when they get fat

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Gj making most of it not actually rhyme


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It's called artistic license, sweaty. :marseyindignant:

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I watch cartel beheadings on wpd, but this is too much

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I wish Elon would focus on making cool tech stuff and not being a twitter cringelord. :marseygiveup:

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I'm starting to think the drug use has caught up to him.

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He never made cool tech stuff anyways he just invested in it

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Sure but under his leadership several companies are pushing new tech forward. I want him to do more of that.

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!catholics !sophistry :#marseyelonmusk: discuss Rocket Daddy's poem

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If he hadn't alienated the fricking mothers of his children we could've heard this in a fricking Grimes song. :marseyjam:

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ALso wasnt that guy giant reddit-tier atheist few years back? He really flip flops his opinion based on which group he tries to pander too. And trying so hard to be liked is just embarassing as a billionaire

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He always talks about people having children but never about the importance of two parent households, I wonder why :marseythinkorino:

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Yeah...I think he reached his limits. I bet he gets overtaken by the next generation of multi billionaires in 20 - 30 years time.

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Maurrassisme then. At least his views on religion anyway. Not really novel.

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Would have been more popular if he made some catchy rhymes

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I think all of mankind has mostly been this, true believers were always a minority. Modern state just made people feel secure enough they no longer felt need to gaslight others about some supernatural eternal justice.

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You'd have to define true believers in such a way that makes non-believers meaningless for that to be true.

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How many people really act IRL like they believe heck and all its punishments exists. Religious societies aren't even particularly virtuous societies compared to non religious ones. If even basics like prohibition can't be ensured without force most of the population doesn't really believe. But everyone makes pious noises in hopes others actually believe.

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The majority of people? Even now your average "non-religious" Lib still worries about being in the right side of history and the historical penury failing to do so incurs. Not to say even the most vocally religious (and sometimes especially them) fail on a deeply held religious precepts but they absolutely do try.

I can't speak on Hinduism but no offense man you're a chuddy Atheist who seethes at and denigrates "Abrahamics", how your average religious peasant and noble would have approached shit like sin, failure and forgiveness from a (Western) Christian perspective is unlikely to be somwthing you'd weigh as meaningful.

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Ephesians 5:18 prohibits intoxication, contrasting it with being controlled by the Holy Spirit: "Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit"

And I don't think this has particularly changed. Most people kept living as their ancestors always had, regardless of what the religion they believed in said tho they did fight wars over it. Islam couldn't even eradicate pederasty in a millenia and that evokes visceral disgust in anyone who isn't a homo p-do that'd allow you to lynch anyone engaging in it. If you see what religions have actually managed to achieve socially its mostly very cosmetic stuff like celebrations, you can't really say what a Christian or Muslim society is like despite both faiths trying very hard to impose a social order. You can to an extent with Jews because its an ethnoreligion. Economic changes seems like only thing capable of changing society.

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Ephesians 5:18 prohibits intoxication, contrasting it with being controlled by the Holy Spirit: "Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit"

What's the issue here? Drinking =/= drunkness.

And the second picture is the exact point I'm getting at. You fundamentally don't understand sin, failure and forgiveness so a single failure point in your eyes ends up tarring the society as a whole. Looking into Iran Open Data I'm unable to find anything about who they are or how they did their poll but the WHO report they reference (or more accurately the EuroNews article they link to that references the report) straight up says the opposite of what they claim The report has two sections GenPop which is as low as you'd expect and then a specific survey on proclaimed alcoholics which is probably what they're referring. It's how you get r-slurred claims that Tunisia is above Russia and Lithuania based off consumption.

You're taking the failure of a (possibly good) few alcoholics and using that to deem that of the genpop who hold their faith (of which modern Iran isn't even necessarily the best example of when it comes to Islam) as nothing but farce. Again unless you make unbelief a meaningless term you can't say most who do profess don't believe themselves.

And I absolutely could say what a Christian or Muslim society is like. I'm surprised you couldn't. Even the differences between Bosnia and its neighbours as alcohol enjoying as the former can be relative to other Islamic countries is palpable.

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Is drunkenness not a core part of the popular culture of most European groups? Germans even make festivals out of it lol. Would you honestly say a majority of Europeans at any point in history did not get drunk at a decent frequency? IDK if foids used to drink in the past so exclude them if they didn't.

Iranian and Chinese disapora made fake news is so tiring :marseygiveup:

It isn't really the failure itself I'm talking about, more the risk/gain aspect if you believe the risk really exists. Like celibacy is impossible for most because that's a biological need. But alcohol just makes you feel high. Its not a need. :marseyshrug: I'm obviously not talking about alcoholics here but if you are just regular normalstrag who drinks once a month or something but also believe getting drunk is a sin that is what I don't understand. And I believe most Europeans were like that?

Would you group Balkan Christians with African Christians over Balkan Muslims if you were talking about cultural proximity? What would you say is common element in a Muslim society? Ex SSRs, Caucasians, Gulf Sheikhs, Sub Saharans, SEA ones and subcontinentals what unites them all? Same for Christians.

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I can't speak for the Germans (!germs) but as I understand it Oktoberfest is first and foremost a festival. At least in Bavaria. And a relatively new ome at that with the first happening in the early 1800s. Oktoberfest the get smashed beer event is even more recent and, again as I understand it, an extreme commercialisation of the festival where beer becomes the whole and seemingly only point of it.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case for a lot of similar events. In regards to risking drunkedness at all by drinking whatsoever the answer is to know your limits. More fully you end up in a bit of theology about managing the good God has given (as alcohol is regarded as an enjoyable good in most denominations) but not abusing said good in seeking its use. For Catholicism in particular going over your limit is more likely to be a venial sin as long as you learn from it and manage yourself going forward as the real issue is the debasement of the person by losing your senses and reason. Basically your average medieval peasant drinker doesn't plan to get drunk in the first place and someone who continually does so i.e. a drunkard was the ln just as now maligned though not violently so.

Thinking about it for me it's that I know what to expect in different religious societies or more accurately I know what's missing from whatever I consider usual. And this tracks across those examples you gave. You're right on the groupings however I would group the Balkans together over the say Central Africa but within that Balkan group I'd absolutely seperate out the Orthodox Balkans from the Muslims (Bosnians and Albanians) from the Catholics (Croats and Slovenes). I guess for an example I remember you complaining about how early Christians sperged out over Christology with Dyophytism vs Monophysitism vs XYZ and so on. You pointed out they were silly differences to fight over but while I wouldn't go as far as murdering half of my family over it ala Julian's parents I don't regard it as silly in the slightest. The difference ends up meaningful from the inside. Conversly I honestly can't begin to parse say the differences between the Twelvers, Isma'ili and the Zaydi. I can read their Wikipedia page and at least cop the differences as written but none of them seem significant enough for me from my outside looking in but they're obviously significant enough to them to mean something. Insignificant enough to broadly align against the Sunni but still enough to seperate themselves from each other. Now I do admit I doubt the average Christian knows enough about any type of phytism in the first place or even if they did know give a shit like I would in my example but it's similar for other issues.

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Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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Ephesians 5:18

Don't be drunken with wine, in which is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit,

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Ephesians 5:18

Don't be drunken with wine, in which is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit,

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!oolschayootershays !fedposters

I didn't say the thing

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I'm a heathen but don't care if people believe, my wife is a happy clappy but doesn't see it as her right to insist others must believe as she does. We share similar values of "do your best not to have people who will want to piss on your grave." As long as people don't try and use their pretend sky man to try and justify doing evil shit I don't care what bullshit they choose to believe.

We don't have children. Cancer treatment meant I couldn't.

We are very happy. We get to travel and have random restaurant and vacations on the spur of the moment because we don't have kids to be responsible for. We have been married 15 years and it's been so long since we had a fight I can't remember it, at least a couple of years. We still frick frequently, sometimes on the couch or in the pool because don't have to worry about kids. We have money.

Elon seems great at making kids but not great at being part of their lives. I'm sad for him because I suspect when the energy is gone he is going to look back on a life full of regrets. He seems to be trying to fill that hole right now with the religion of chud. I pity him, if I were religious I might even pray for him.

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I've known more coherent downies.

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Elon's trad Cath arc promises to be very cringe :marseyretardcheers:

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our Chud, who art on twitter

hallowed be thy name :marseychuddance:

black trans lives matter

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Did Blumpf actually offer him a government job or is the "Department of Government Efficiency" posting just him trying to scam $DOGEtards out of more money

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No idea. Funny if he did seems how Trump shits on EV constantly.

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Id blame that one on grök if I were him. That's a terrible poem even if I agree with it.

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God darn it Musk. You don't have to try THIS hard.

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@911roofer was hoping this was true but it's a lie like trans women are women.

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There aren't as many funny ways too work trans women are women into @911roofer's comments .

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The argument is that while it's possible to argue for some entity in Tolkien's cosmos to be known to be "transgender" due to a corruption of their nature, whether or not their "transgenderness" is inherently a quality of their nature or a corruption of their nature is inscrutable to all but the entity themselves and possibly Ilúvatar, but that even if some other entity perceives it to be due to corruption, that per Ilúvatar (or this narrator's representations of the words of Ilúvatar, being the narration given by Pengolodh), that such is mere perception, and that ultimately all that which Men do translates to the completion and perfection of the work.

That Men (those of the race of Men) have a necessary inherent quality which redeems them and their actions, a part of their nature which they express (and which, in our parlance, no one can judge). Even the Creator refuses to condemn it - only celebrates it.

And IMNSHO Pengolodh (the narrator) is Tolkien's self-insert for the purpose of narration.

So "trans people don't exist / aren't valid" isn't an argument from axioms in the universe of Middle Earth. That's related to, but separate from, "here's a trans person in Middle Earth", which to my knowledge isn't in evidence. I want to be argued away from that / be proven wrong.

I wrote the analysis because using Tolkien's Middle Earth to say "Tolkien says trans rights" is using his cosmos as an allegory, which he alternately declaims and claims (the "it's not an allegory to WWII" claim and the "It's the story of Christianity in an alternate universe" claim - both detailed elsewhere). So it's a viable avenue of argumentation - if he's going to deconstruct and then orthogonalise the precepts of Christianity into an alternate history, then we can deconstruct and orthogonalise the precepts of that cosmogony back to ours.


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