Uh oh, the hecking wholesome vegetable man supports the wrong political party. :soycry: abound!



For context Gerald is a boomer who has become popular amongst the wholesome chungus crowd for his posts about growing vegetables


But oh no 🚨🚨🚨 what's this! Gerald has been spotted at the Reform party conference, Britain's latest :chudsmug: political party headed by https://media.tenor.com/jQQM9rujPQsAAAAx/nigel-farage-and-the-brexit-party-uk-flag.webp

Some Facebook posts have also been found

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17269381700474994.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17269381703453841.webp














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I will destroy you just as our martyrs destroy the zionist invaders. Green Giant supports Hamas forever until Palestine is free!



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Muzzies and lefties when they realise the English gardener is not on their side



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I had THREE panic attacks today when I saw that britbong vegetable geezer is a heckin chud

I'm just tired y'all

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Your poor spoons, you must be out of them all.

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Hasn't he suffered enough without mentioning the dread brexit pub chain as well?

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>I had THREE panic attacks today when @BWC saw that britbong vegetable geezer is a heckin chud

>I'm just tired y'all


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17233397660673566.webp !nonchuds white extinction is long overdue

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remember self care

drink water

take your meds

eat some food today

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:k:eep calm

:y:ou-time is a must

:s:tay safe

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take your meds

eat some food today

Both are addictive and thus need no reminder

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where are my spoons? where are my spoons??

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A spoon! A spoon! My kingdom for a spoon!

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Weird how the old guys who worry about pests, disease and invasive species as a lifestyle are uberchuds :marseysmug:


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Maybe it's something you learn through being in the minority online, but I'm always shocked how quickly and completely the online left is to brand you as wholly entirely fundamentally evil the moment you disagree with them.

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It's a well-documented phenomenon that e-leftoids see the left-right political spectrum as a good-evil spectrum. For example, I've seen people argue that this or that fictional villain is right-wing because they're evil and that's what right-wing politics is about. Their conception of the world is essentially, "Left-wing is when you help people and are nice, right-wing is when you hurt people and are mean."

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This is just a :marseywingcuck: phenomenon. Terminally online rightoids think leftoids are raping children to eat their adrenochrome.

Google frazzledrip! Demonrats worship trans Satan

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Those people responding to his tweet have the emotional maturity of three year olds, and that's kind of an insult to three year olds. It's not even that they dislike his politics, it's the shocked and silly way they express it.

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Pretty much everybody who grows food for other people is a rightoid, which is kind of interesting when you think about it.

It horrifies progressive urban vegans when they think about who produces their food. The Talking Heads basically wrote a song about that back in 1978:

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Where I live farmers throw animal corpses in a pile with straw litter and stuff, it can stink for a mile away, and eventually when it's broken down, a truck takes the carcass compost to vegetable farms



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Farming is an investment. You slack off, your crop goes to waste. You're actually responsible for the results, and if you frick up nobody is there to bail you out. It's the exact opposite of the cushy desk jobs that leftist like to occupy, completely devoid of reality and a willing slave to some boss who tells you what to do and what your performance was like.

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Lol the farming sector Is One of the MOST heavily subsided by government and One of the MOST reliable of cheap labor and de facto slavery. Rightoids mythologizing "hard work" are worse than leftists with cushy desk jobs

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Your mom is one of the most heavily subsided by government sectors :marseydab:

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Uh.. wait until your hear about farm subsidies...

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Subsidies is when tomatoes come out of your butt while you lay on the couch all day long


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I'm not sure what you mean by that, but farmers get more taxpayer handouts than any other industry. They're basically welfare queens with jobs.

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That song rips


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so an old boomer who actually works for a living doesn't buy into the same things the poor, lazy, terminally online morons on social media have decide to just believe and say without questioning any of it.

did I get that right?

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Mostly correct, but you forgot to mention that he's the "selfish" one somehow.

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Lef:marseytrain2:s will never outgrow their childhood conception of the world

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Life is a battle between good and evil and you chose evil

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:carpvoldemort: :marseysoypoint:

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"noooo how come my whole gardener is aligning with a party that "checks notes* want r*pe and violence to stop!?!?!?"


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September 21, 2024:



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September 20, 2024:


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I don't know who these boat people are fricking but if the fricking bronze age taught us ANYTHING, it's that sea peoples must NOT be allowed to reach the fricking shore

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That's a lot of terrorist flags.

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American vegetable man is still on the right side of herstory


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Twittards are terminally wingbrained :marseyitsover:

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A farmer? Supporting right wing policies?

Yep, it's time to doxx and smear grandpa

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The opposite of self-centeredness is being in a political party demanding productive people's income be taken to pay you to smoke weed an goon

And more wholesome BIPOCs

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