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Boomer wife :oldwoman: finds out that her boomer husband :boomer: has been going to 's*x parties' for decades

I can't believe I'm writing this at age 65

i have just unearthed 20 plus years of my husbands "other life"as he calls it.

there have been many indicators over the years which I have chosen to ignore for fear of the truth. It was when the viagra tablets fell out of his pocket I knew he was up to something. A couple of weeks later he inadvertently left his WhatsApp thread up

on the home computer so all was

revealed. It seems he has been engaging in regular s*x sessions in hotels and at "flats" with numerous young girls for years. The amount of money that has gone out is also harrowing. I am so shocked and distressed I don't know what to do. If I tell the family it will break them. My kids have already survived my first marriage where I was subject to hideous domestic ,emotional and financial abuse. They all love my present husband dearly! I've confronted him and he has admitted all and says he will change and we can work it out

I have missed out a lot of detail because the above is enough. I don't know what to do.

im too old for this. I think I should leave but my kids will be devastated and I almost think I should just keep quiet for their sake and just live my own life from the same home.

Ive never posted like this before but I can't tell anyone atm if fear of others finding out

it helps a lot to write it all down

omg how could someone do something like that to their partner?

Fortunately I haven't slept with him for years since my suspected were raised

( obviously my fault that he has to go elsewhere!)

Ive kept this in my head for way too long

Oh right, that's why.

>since my suspected were raised

yes, I'm sure that's the reason :marseysurejan:

Sorry but it's not s*x parties is it? He's paying for s*x isn't he? How likely is it these girls have been trafficked and aren't willing participants?

As above , a s*x party surely willing participants swapping partners

He is paying for s*x with potentially unwilling women

can't have a foid thread without at least a bit of random speculative catastrophising

And no. It's not your fault he's had to go elsewhere. It's his. Lots of people sleep apart as they get older and it works fine for them. Lots of them also don't take viagra and have s*x with strangers

>just have a completely sexless, affectionless relationship, it's completely normal


Do what makes you happiest.

You are not obliged to have s*x when you do not wish to so it is not your fault. Sexual incompatibility is common .... most men do not resolve this with the use of prostitutes.

Men should just suffer without s*x and...and that's it :marseyindignant:

Bloody heck! 78!

So sorry you have had this happen.

Reminds me of the ''Cynthia Payne'' luncheon vouchers parties that there was a film about, and a book -

'Madame Cyn'' said she only had older men at her 's*x parties'- there was a ''Wing Commander'' and others in pics in her book- it was eye opening.

You'd think at 78 he'd have lost interest.


arrgghh why can't men turn completely asexual faster :marseyraging:

Brutal honesty?

He won't change

But if you've not had s*x for years and aren't bothered, stay, lead separate lives, do what you want when you want and hopefully he will die first and leave you all his remaining £.

How about use some of that feminine empathy to try to find out why he feels the way he does and then solve the problem together?

lol just kidding, coldly wait for him to die and then take all his money

I think the key here is that in all probability these girls are not willing participants in the activity, and likely victims of trafficking and forced into prostitution - and he will know that. And that is complicity in a crime, immoral, eeew.

>oh god please let it be r*pe so I can feel even more self righteous :marseypraying:

My 90 year old uncle still has threesomes. My aunt passed away several years ago. He wasn't faithful throughout the marriage but things sort of exploded when he turned around your husband's age @KeenLeader .

based :platyold: wrinkly s*x addict

!foidmoment !moidmoment

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You can get WhatsApp on your desktop? Boomers, man.

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Holy shit these non Telegram users lol

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Telegram is structurally incapable of hiding data from the government. Also he could just lock his computer, the 65 year old foid isn't going to hack him :marseyhacker:

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Telegrams CEO Pavel Durov recently got buck broken in France or maybe it was always the plan.

Telegram will share users' IP addresses and phone numbers" to governments when legally required.

It's not like we have any privacy anyway but it's another blow to all the drug dealers, whores and :soyjihadi: on Telegram and Pavel been outright shilling against his competitors like Signal for some time now


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Telegram isn't rly a thing in the UK for whatever reason, most people seem to use whatsapp or facebook

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I did it a few years ago, it's so much better than having to grab your phone every few minutes. It was like using ICQ again :marseyboomer:

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Basically the only reason I use Telegram is because it has a nice desktop client

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I guess she means the browser version.

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If it's not on the desktop it's not worth using.

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