EFFORTPOST :marseybeanannoyed: Subhuman 9strags don't understand shit about Safrica v :marseyflagsouthafrica:

Greetings dramatards :marseywave2: I wanna post a parallel example about ragebait, to show how utterly stupid and malinfromed foreigners are about safrica :marseyflagsouthafrica:


@haggis posted earlier about a 70 year old Boomer boer having gone haywire and shot a black kid over stealing a single fruit (he waz probably a repeat thief and the boer lost his mind), which put the usual rage into the shitlibs, micks, liberals, westoids, redditors, leftists and irish who comment the usual hatred towards SA whites, and that we should all deserve to be culled like the Haiti uprising and our land disowned and the usual tired trite about 1Dimensional evil opressors



Well on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, we have the uber chuds of 9strag, filled with ultra-nationalists racial supremacists (each for their own race :chudmuslim: :marseychudindian: :marseyhitler: :asianchud: :marseymarfan: lol) , and all equally misinformed.


basically this post, and reposted copycats of it, have been making the rounds over 9gag today, as repost bots plagiarized each other, to farm ragebait upmarseys. I tried to find the other copycats - they usually had title like "Look how Safrica fairs 30 years after the hwhite rule ended!" :marseychud: :chudsmug: :chudglassesglow: or something like "Looks like africans can only tear down what the Huwhite man build!" :chudspin: and so on.

And just like the fricking rage post from @haggis, all nuance and complexity of any situation is thrown down the drain into oblivion as emotion shrouds all cognition :purerage: :marseyraging: :marseyrage: :pepereeeeee: :marseyhatium: :capysorenjump2: :chudrage:

Now often in South Africa, a lot of self destructive riots have taken place, similar to the yank Floyd riots which escalated from peaceful protests to outright mob riot induced pillaging of every nearby store. Moronic self destructive riots are common in SA, to the point where we even have a saying here in afrikaans, in that the agtergeblewenis is someone so incapable of thinking of consequences that they are the type of peeps who'll wait in line at the bus stop in the morning, waiting for the same busses he had burned down Yesterday :marseyfacepalm:

Often south african protestors had even burned down schools in their rage, or like the Zuma Riots 3 years ago in Eastern Safrica, where an entire province was set aflame by rioters.

BUT :marseyunamused:

This specific example is different

or reference, https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/protests-r33-road-kzn-service-delivery/

In all the otehr 9starg posts the racists won out, but only in this one was, the matter further clarified:


"This is an image from Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa. 4 years ago... This was a protest because of the lack of water and electricity. But they built a fancy new road to get to 4 houses up the hill"




I can't find the other copycat 9gag posts which heaved with racism and all the chuds downmarseying the explanation behind this action, so you guys will just have to take my word for it, but basically compared to the post I linked in which the most reasonable comments won ,out it was all a shitshow, which is probalby why they were deleted - even the usually lax 9strag moderators probably woke up.

But to further continue, so many many Safrican local municipalities are brokenshit corrupt, to the point where people literally don't have clean :waterjet: :marseynonpotable: drinking water (if they even have functioning non-leaking pipes) or electricity. People often strike and protest to their local municipalities and beg them for their services, but are often ignored because the local politicians have no fear of being ousted or convicted of criminality


The specific road was literally leading to the wealthiest district of that local town, and their destroying the road was the equivalent of dumping trash in front of the frontyard of the mayor of a town refusing to fix your problem, by inconveniencing or actively hurting the politicians refusing to fricking do their jobs.




The resident, who was part of the protest which saw the road being dug up, justified the action.

"We have been promised [services] for years. New villages have been provided with water and electricity, but not us. Today the police came and shot at us. If it means we have to be shot to get basic services, so be it," the resident explained.


I myself and the firm i work for had to suffer the past year against Free State province municipalities choking the life out of small towns through Regulatory Capture, because the subhuman fricks there ,refuse to approve Rezonings, subdivisions or consolidations of properties and a whole slew of Town planning shit, which basically prohibits new businesses from forming, and they fricking cant buy or open new commercial locations! all because the stupid small minded fricks want bribes, as the economy dies around them

Then these slime drive around in black-tinted BMWs obviously not bought from their meagre bureaucrat salary, and peeps can see where they live in the nicest parts of town - which is what led to the peeps chopping up that part of the road leading to the upper class homes in which the municipal high staff worked - thus forcing the frickers to listen the community

in this instance i even had compassion towards these rioters. if @sneedman was up there with a pickaxe, I'd be joining him in my fricking frustration from this choking corruption.

so all these 9strag straggots who dont know shit and usually post about comparing civilizations don't know shit about SA. and just continue empire-of-dust posting which i believe is an entirely different matter and this just placated the bias of chuds :marseychud: :marseyunpettable: :chudtantrumfaster: :chuddyhappy:




https://i.rdrama.net/images/1727809465144208.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1727809465238659.webp

just poltardia posting blablabla - it's actually miraculous that other safricans had jumped before me to demonstrate the actual happenings and clarify the complexity of the situation, and was topvoted in the comment section about this chud morons

Anyways !nonchuds to the same degree as these chuds are fools, so too to the same degree are shitlibs and libtards and leftoids and Micks misinformed and beyond capacity to understand safrica

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Yeah, but did you ever elaborate on C*rp's greentext post about the Russian guy who described SA as this walking dead city of abandoned office buildings with elevator shafts full of shit where the white people hide in reclaimed interconnected treehouse buildings like oompa loompas to avoid the ghouls or spooks or whatever that roam the streets?

I can't find it because his profile is immune to all seeing eye.

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no i forgot

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In the spirit of us racist and simperingly woke internet denizens not knowing shit about south Africa per this post, is Johannesburg a mixture of walled office park tree villages with armored SUV shuttles and dilapidated monster dungeons that roaming, revenant black people fill entire elevator shafts with human shit?

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Anonymous 08/21/14(Thu)07:16:02 No.34393400
>>34393439 >>3439344953439400023439455934395986 >>343895411
A fucking fragment from a fucking blog of a fucking Russian man who went on a fucking business trip to South Africa, translated for your convenience.
Me and my friend had to spend roughly 10 hours in Johannesburg. We asked Mikhail and he convinced some kamikaze driver to take us on a fucking tour through the fucking city center. We, the fucking two retards, thought that they were fucking exaggerating about the fucking danger just to frighten us. We thought that we'd get to the fucking center, take a fucking long good stroll through it and show everyone that Russians aren't afraid of anything.
We ended up not even coming close to doing any of these things.
Reason, bitch?
We nearly shat ourselves.

The fucking descent to Johannesburg from the fucking plateau made the fucking city look great. Beautiful, big, modern. Some skyscrapers here and there, some nice Victorian-style buildings. Green lawns, blue sky.
Upon actually entering the fucking city, the fucking picture changed drastically
It looked completely abandoned.
There was no fucking electricity.
Piles of trash just lying in the fucking streets.
Burst sewer pipes flooding several spots.
The only fucking thing clear of debris was the fucking main road, the only fucking functional electrical devices were the fucking traffic lights.
And this was the fucking city center, the fucking relatively safe part of the fucking city.
Prior to riding into the fucking city, the fucking driver appointed by Mikhail read us a fucking short "do's and don'ts" lecture. He seemed very tense, gulping often and suspiciously looking around as he spoke
"If you cunts want to survive this, do exactly as I say.
After we enter the fucking city, NO LOUD NOISES, do not ATTRACT ANY ATTENTIONI
NO FUCKING IPHONES OR CAMERAS flashing through the fucking car windows, motherfucker!
DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT with ghouls, motherfucker! (that's what he called niggers)
And no matter what happens, DO NOT OPEN THE fucking WINDOWS, motherfucker!
Because suddenly a fucking lamp post can fall and block the fucking way, and the fucking ghouls will fucking siege us.
And remember that I have kids, so at least follow these rules for my sake..."

We spent two hours riding around the fucking city center.
It was fucking quiet enough in the fucking bus to hear a fucking pin drop.
To understand what happened to the fucking city, a fucking small historical flashback is fucking needed.
After the fucking apartheid was fucking over, a fucking two-million swarm of Africans flooded the fucking city, opening the fucking era of African Reqonquista. They were not fucking natives, they just left their usual places in the fucking desert and went wherever life was fucking better. Mikhail, the fucking guy who got us the fucking driver,
lived in Johannesburg at that time and told us the fucking following:
In the fucking middle of an ordinary workday, something happened.
The fucking office center's doors opened and an unorganized crowd of several thousand blacks rushed in, carrying their belongings in huge bags. They asked us not to pay any attention to them and continue working, while they were fucking spreading around the fucking building and occupying every bit of territory that was fucking available. Armchairs, stools, sofas, restrooms and hallways - they were fucking everywhere, happily chatting and wasting no time in taking whatever shiny things the fucking building's original denizens had on them.
The fucking office became filled with commotion. Chickens were fucking butchered and gutted in the fucking hallways, tables in audience rooms turned into cooking tables,
restrooms became bathhouses.
The fucking polite question "What's going on?" was fucking answered with "This is our fucking home now"
The fucking subsequent, less polite question "What the fucking fuck?!" met a fucking reply "It will be fucking better for everyone".
Mikhail called the fucking cops.
Cops didn't come.
They apologized and explained that exactly the fucking same thing was fucking happening cross the fucking entire city.
Then, everyone who could started to quietly flee the fucking city, headed towards the fucking suburbs and Cape Town, while erecting barriers to block the fucking paths - hedges, moats, electrified fences. The fucking last district of Johannesburg where you can meet a fucking white man nowadays is the fucking Pretoria suburb.

After a fucking massive exodus, owners of the fucking buildings started thinking of what to do.
Bingo, motherfucker! They decided that if they switch off the fucking electricity, water and sewer access to the fucking buildings, the fucking ghouls will leave them and return to the fucking savannah.
So, they switched them off.
Ghouls didn't even notice.
Of course, in the fucking savannah they had neither of these modern conveniences. "Where do they shit, then?" I asked Mikhail. Mikhail replied that the fucking office owners were fucking also puzzled by this - and completely shocked after they found out.
You see, after invading the fucking buildings, none of the fucking ghouls could figure out what elevator shafts were fucking for. Once they ripped out the fucking elevator doors, they spent a fucking few days scratching heads and spitting into the fucking darkness, until it finally occured to them.
"White people are fucking geniuses when it comes to planning", thought the fucking ghouls, and the fucking shafts became both toilets and garbage dumps ever since. According to Mikhail, it takes roughly ten years for an average ghoul horde to shit up an office building to the fucking point of complete unliveability. After that, like in good old prehistoric times, the fucking horde migrates to new pastures, occupying another building.

We rode on through Johannesburg's streets, glued to the fucking car windows, devouring the fucking scenery with our eyes. Fashionable modern houses with boarded-up windows passed us by. When we came across a fucking rare open window, we could see fires burning inside, with ghouls lying or walking around them.
(Once again) According to Mikhail, a fucking new, albeit informal service appeared in Johannesburg. Bunches of tough guys go around offering to take the fucking buildings back from ghouls. It happens like this: in the fucking middle of the fucking night several trucks drive up to the fucking building, and hundred or two of armed thugs go inside. Quickly, they grab the fucking sleeping ghouls and simply start throwing them out of the fucking building, trying not to wake the fucking whole horde up. Before the fucking horde completely comes to its senses and starts expressing its displeasure, the fucking thugs weld shut all doors and windows on the fucking first floor and put up an electrified fence. After the fucking building is fucking cleaned and refurbished, it turns back into an office.
That's how the fucking remnants of Johannesburg's white population live and work. In the fucking evening and during the fucking night they keep safe behind armored doors and private guards. In the fucking morning they get into their cars and quickly, without stopping, ride outside their fortresses to work. After a fucking short ride through more-or-less safe streets, they dive into one of the fucking heavily guarded foxholes that leads to the fucking underground parking garages. And that concludes their arrival to the fucking workplace.
Another funny thing I noticed - if two "live" buildings are fucking nearby, they are fucking often connected by an aerial passage at the fucking 10th or 11th floor. So office workers can even visit each other if they want to. The only fucking trick to it is not fucking to look down. Down there is fucking ghoul territory.
Teh end.
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