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:marseychonkerfoid: :marseyfoidretard: vs :marseychud: :marseygigachad: WAR in the comments when 100% truth is posted about women being completely and utterly boring.




Bottomless Pit of Shitposting starts another war with random screenshot from Tiktok account called "afraidof1woman" lol.

The Post:


1. :chadblack2: "This is beyond true. Stop simping"


2. :marseyindignantwoman: "date men then" :marseysmug2: "this proves you can't take a joke" :marseyindignantwoman: words, words, words


3. :pinkhairedenbie: quotes bible verses (sort of lol) :marseyhawaii: also quotes bibles verses (sort of) :pinkhairedenbie: posts link to immigrants committing lower crime :marseyconfused2:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282653730442576.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282653731770139.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282653733168077.webp

That link: https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1237103158/immigrants-are-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-us-born-americans-studies-find

4. :marseyindignantwoman: "keep your hands to yourselves, moids" :chudsmug: "women have no other purpose"


5. :marseyemo: "so men only value women for s*x? typical..." :marseytradraging: "don't ever interact with women ever, don't even look at us"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282653735696852.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282653736742551.webp

6. :gigachad2: User called Milkdrinker von Swollenflex with some Boomerbok wisdom


7. :boomer: "this is 100% truth... also, I put my peepee in a fish tank and killed all the fish"


8. :chudjakasian: "he's not wrong..." :soyjakhipster: "he's very wrong and possibly gay"


9. :marseysouthernbelle6: "women are not boring, there's more to us than that" :marseymexican: "no, you're boring"


10. :marseybabushka: "and you wonder why women can be shallow" :chudsmug: "someone come get their grandma"


11. :asiangirl: "lol, crying on the internet with minecraft uglea jaw" :chudtantrum: :windowpunch: " :chudrage:" :chadwomanasian: "calm down old man..."

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282653744347217.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282653745576947.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282653746628296.webp

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Well, he's right, but 90% of men are also boring r-slurs, so I guess women are superior company because at least they look nice :marseylaying:

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But that's still 10% of moids who are neurodivergent schizos with esoteric wisdom, or are funny. I was force to sit in and listen to my mom talk to her flock of hens for 2 hours every Saturday and Sunday from ages 12 to 17. You have no idea what kind of heck that was, 12 sentences a second, over lapping each other, interspersed with the ugliest cackles, from the mouths of the middist midwestern housewives you could imagine, and absolutely none of it meant ANYTHING.


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I do know that heck.


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:marseyhesright: but 10% > 1%

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Facebook is insane to me bc you literally have ppl with their full names and everything saying women belong in the kitchen and the nursery


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The trick is to copy the profile of someone who gave you the ick and have fun :marseytypinglaugh:

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You can say whatever you want as long as you're not a chud about it :marseyboomer:

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also would ANY of these men want to go to a party with ONLY other men?? probably not - women are a necessary fact of life, and tend to be bigger thrill-seekers than men in certain ways

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"Hey do you want to hear about the time i strag patrolled the hezbollas with drone strikes epix stile?" :#marseychadfoid: !sigmastacies

:#marseychud: "No! You're too boring! Let's talk about black co--i mean CRIME!" :#chudcheers:

!nonchuds !moidmoment this is what happens when moidcels use ruqqus for ONE DAY :#chudconcerned:

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Ruqqus and its consequences have been a disaster for the hetero dating scene.

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^ seething femoid hahaha

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No, anyone who gets into an argument in facebook comments needs to be euthanized.

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women are boring, i think as i enter my second hour of lecturing my date on star trek

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"women aren't funny" mfs after I show them hololive clips


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@BWC opinion on peepees that vtubers ride off camera?

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This is their color:

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GR47g33WQAAFj1Q?format=png !soyteens

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When confronted with a :blackpill: :marseytruthnuke: even liberal bluepilled normies will drop it and adopt redpill cope or call you gay.

Redpill is just higher strength COPE

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No ur gay :taylorlorenzcrying:

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There are several weird accounts that always comment on that groups posts. They are worth half the drama, too

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If I could get my group of mostly women friends of all ages from my k-drama times back together, I would dump you cute twinks in a heartbeat. I've had more intellectually stimulating conversations with 19-year old Muslim girls about trying to land a husband soon than you r-slurs have ever provided me.

#justSaying :marseyshrug:

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19-year old Muslim girls


have a seat over there sir.

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Yes, my gf and I were talking to her about her trying to find a Muslim man to marry because of my sexual interest in her. You caught me.

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my gf and I

!libertarianhunters I need a second scope

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tbh most people are quite boring so the fact most foids are boring isn't particularly insightful or interesting.

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