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  • DickButtKiss : Trackmania is the only current Ubisoft title worth a darn

700+ Ubisoft France staff walk out on a three-day strike in dispute over home working and pay :marseydeux: :transchud: :!marseyrofl: :marseyl: :chudjakdancing: :chudcelebrate:



https://i.rdrama.net/images/17272316484488177.webp !soyteens !g*mers !chuds

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I'm sure this financially failing company will respond reasonably to my 3 day walkout :marseyclueless:

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>make unplayable woke slop that nobody buys putting the company at the brink of bankruptcy

>demand raise

Yep, it's triple-A time

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The woke bullshit comes from the shotcallers, not the peons striking against this. Though, yes, theyre kinda throwing a hail mary because this is just gonna severely cripple the company worse than it already is.

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Sometimes it's from the top, but often there are true believers who come out of uni trained in how to subvert organisations. We had one who pushed hard for DEJI committees and affinity groups and shit, management caved and honestly seemed kinda of clueless about the whole thing. Luckily she left and the apparatus is toothless now, but there was a time when you couldn't do shit without DEJI being looped in and demanding veto power.

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Some modern media 'unions' seem to love protesting in favour of DEI shit and otherwise prioritise social politics. Unsure if that's relevant in this case however.

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Why not both? These companies seem rotten all the way through.

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!g*mers Total Ubisoft Death is upon us. Let us reminisce :marseybeanrelieved:

What games of theirs did you like? Which did you hate?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274905426203203.webp :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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  • DickButtKiss : Rayman 2 is goated. Frick that Rayman Rabbid bullcrap

!g*mers before I start, I will just say that I have no love for Ubisoft, and never had it since the 2000s, not because of "le woke SJWs :chudseethe:" autism, but simply because I had the displeasure of being forced to use their utter dogshit UPlay account interface/service thing that everyone also hates, and I was also forced to use their costumer service in order for me to recover my old UPlay account with all of my games.... that I had brought **on fricking STEAM, but I HAD NO ACCESS TO STEAM GAMES THAT I BROUGHT ON STEAM :soyjaktantrumfast:

Not only was it a fricking pain in the butt for me to try to contact their support (it took like 4-ish hours or more), and they also made me dox my entire Steam purchase history to prove that it was my account or something (likely just to sell my info), to make matters even worse, when I finally gained access to my old UPlay account, they had completely erased all of the progress and saves that I had accumulated in all of their games that I was playing for almost a decade!, even though the save files were very much present in my PC!, but for some reason, Ubifrogs intentionally want to make this world a worse place.

I guess that this is because in my folders, some Ubi games I pirated and others I bought, and I also put the pirated Ubislop games onto Steam, so maybe their satanic DRM entity detected pirated copies on the Ubi/Steam folder, and deleted them from existence?, I don't know, and likely never will, as I uninstalled Far Cry 3, Blood Dragon, Black Flag, and other bullshit I forgot on the same day that I "recovered" my UPlay account after spending hours having to talk to their tech support Jeets.

Ubislop can get fricked and lose all their money, just like how I lost all of my cherished vidya memories and saves from back when they had a modicum of passion in making entertainment, they have treated their costumers and workers like dogshit for far too long

What games of theirs did you like?

Rayman Raving Rabbids (was pure schizocore fun on the Wii era)

Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon (was fun, though the astroturfing of Vaas being LE HECKIN INSANE VILLAIN JUST LIKE LE JOKER :soysnoo4: was cringe and I still hate it til this day, and I fricking hate how they never made a sequel to Blood Dragon, this "ironic retro game/movie" aesthetic was still new back in 2013)

https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e6/36/b1/e636b141257d237f21316f409fb8f8f7.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/736x/06/c1/b2/06c1b2e60032a880266c4fb7c4f8b83b.jpg

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within/The Two Thrones

https://i.pinimg.com/736x/94/eb/9a/94eb9a70b083e9a6bb8fd62e7b360645.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/236x/4d/e7/82/4de782d465717494cbdbcb7cb36334a3.jpg https://preview.redd.it/oj49gat6axra1.png?width=320&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=67a0a9525105ae358b56e57b21fed11b7a491dbe https://preview.redd.it/1hrt1bq6axra1.jpg?width=320&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=e726e032b20173067ee01092761c43a07b74a369 https://preview.redd.it/rj2tu45uygbb1.jpg?width=532&auto=webp&s=138a072cc65459562e375fa258ee506b46ee310d https://media1.tenor.com/m/AQGO3DOASzMAAAAC/shahdee-prince-of-persia.gif https://i.imgur.com/s3sFRtR.gif

Prince of Persia Warrior Within & Two Thrones (had the most B V I L T sandbunnies in vidya history and also the best butt shot in vidya history as well), too bad we will likely never see something like this again in AAA Western vidya given that Evangelical puritans dyed their hair purple and became corporate HR managers !coomers

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17293026009915514.webp (remember: POP: WW was criticized for being too much overly edgy and its sandbunnies too much sexualized, and only a year later in 2005, God of War 1 got a ton of inspirations from the edgier incernation of Prince of Persia, and largely overshadowed it)

Also remember that all Persian foids are bvilt for BBC, 1200 years ago the Arabs made fun of them for it, this is literally how the 1000 Arabian Nights started:

>Know, O Sultan and head of the Jann, that this mule was my wife. Now it so happened that I went forth and was absent one whole year; and when I returned from my journey I came to her by night, and saw a black slave lying with her on the carpet bed and they were talking, and dallying, and laughing, and kissing and playing the close buttock game

!historychads tfw you realize that the greatest non-religious work of Arab literature is a pre-internet Arab vs. Iranian /pol/ spergfight where third-world brownoids call each others cucks :bruh: :chudmuslim::vs::!chudmuslim:

Which did you hate?

https://media.tenor.com/XXI6Lup352YAAAAM/literally-everything-fred-pye.gif !commenters

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Blood Dragon was amazing. The fact that they got Michael Biehn https://i.rdrama.net/images/1729326831240988.webp to play the main character was worth the price of admission. His fake bad acting was some of the best in vidya

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God that butt was something

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Was FC3 the one where you kill hundreds of tigers to make a bigger wallet and get r*ped by the hotty?

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i wanna take this time to say the ubisoft open world formula that they jsut copy/paste from game to game is awesome and i play them all :alienfinger:

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I fricking despise Uplay, only reason I didn't buy any of the newer Anno games.

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Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Don't forget the banger soundtrack !metalheads


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oh no my game saves from ten years ago aren't there anymore

Stop being a cute twink. You're a disgrace to the white race. You think any of us are crying because we can't find our PS1 memory cards? Just load a new game you dumb homo.


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>oh no my game saves from ten years ago aren't there anymore :gigachad2:



>Stop being a cute twink. :soyreddit:


>You're a disgrace to the white race. :soyjaktantrum:


>You think any of us are crying because we can't find our PS1 memory cards? :soycry:


>Just load a new game you dumb homo. :marseyseethe:

:#chadno: !downmarseyrs !g*mers !r-slurs

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Just got soft-locked out of the Code Veronica chest. Guess I'll just throw the disc in the garbage and load up Ready 2 Rumble.



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you're a disgrace to the white :marseyunico: race



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I loved FC3 back in the day. It was the first FPS I ever played :marseyzoomerpat:

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>It was the first FPS I ever played

:#zoomersoytalking: !zoomers

Nibba how old are you if a 2012 game is the first FPS game you played? :bruh: !g*mers

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Early 20s. Parents were poor back then so I didn't have access to consoles or good PCs. Just played outside :marseywhirlyhat:

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Idk. I wasn't into (non Minecraft) FPS games until I was a teen. The perspective was too scary. :marseyghost:

I had to grimace through this one bit in Banjo Tooie that forced you into it. :peekaboo:

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This is like asking Tarantino what his favourite 70s blaxploitation movie is

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Vaas was not forced, you're just overexposed to media

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Trials of the blood dragon was a thing. I guess that was a sequel

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It's tough being a gaymer.


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last actually good prince of persia game was sands of time tho

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rayman raving rabbids :#marseyeaster: raving rabbids 2 :#marseyeaster: rabbids 3 tv party :#marseyeaster: rabbids go home :#cute: rabbids travel in time :#platybunny: !g*mers also rayman 3 hoodie havoc (you get to kill klu klux krakkas) :#marseyshooting!: :#marseykkk: mario + rabbids xcom clone :#marsey40k:

WORST ubisoft games..... southhouse RPG games (ENEMIES of !familyman).... :#troll2:

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You didn't like rabbids xcom clone 2???!!!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1729306722076482.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16843536706086717r.webp

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i ahvent played that one yet :#carpchud:

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Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is prob the best 3rd person shooters I have ever played, hate that the franchise is just going to milk Siege games forever now

The Division was actually a pretty good concept and fun when it came out but they fricked that up

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they fumbled the division so hard. All they had to do was add in more varied content and balance it, would've been a tremendous MMO.

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Honestly their run from 2003-2014 was great, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Beyond Good and Evil, PoP: Sands trilogy, of course AC, Far Cry, even towards the end when they started making half baked games like WD, The Crew or AC:Unity, there were still interesting ideas in there.

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GRAW was the absolute most high of kino. Only socom came close. We have t had a game like that in 20 years. I hate AAA gaming.


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But all games need human behavior PhDs to help perfect the dopamine gameplay loop to get you to play and like it enough to buy the next one in a year.

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I liked splinter cell Pandora tomorrow mercs vs spies

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I know !chuds are r-slurred but I loved Odyssey, Malaka bitches! anyone who played as alexios, please report so I can block you. But other than that Odyssey was amazing. !g*mers

if you want to go all nostalgia ubishit its Farcry

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COUNTERPOINT: Alexios Sisters are unblockable alphas! :#carpchud: if I can't imagine SUCKING THE MAIN CHARACTERS PEEPEE, I DONT PLAY THEM !downmarseyrs MALAKILLLLLLLLLL :#anarchy:

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I also liked Oydessy because I actually :marseyakshually: know the history :marseytrump: and it was genuinely wonderful to ride around classical Greece.

Edit: and yes- only an idiot :marseyawardretard: wouldn't want to play as Kassandra. The only issue I had was that she is forced to have s*x with this:


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Rayman was the GOAT !g*mers

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Yeah I liked that movie


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Trousers :marseyjeans: were roomy in the 80s.

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That's because they were cut with fabric, not plastic.

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!coomers when are we going to get a Bubisoft studio

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We had one, but Illusion closed down this year.

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I had to Google their catalog to remember what the heck they made before they became an assassin creed factory. Apparently they made Prince of persia, so I'll go with that

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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, team multiplayer. One team has to find and murder the other team, then switch the next round. Each team picked a character model, and the NPC crowds would be made up of those two models plus a few more. Both offense and defense need to sneaky and blend in to be successful.

My all-time favourite competitive multiplayer. Offense had a very hunting feel to it, tracking prey without startling them. But Defense was amazing. You could play crazy mind games like making a crowd of NPCs look exactly you, or make an NPC suddenly run like heck as if they were an escaping player.

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Far Cry was probably my favourite series from them. 2 :marseykwanza: , 3 :marseypacificislander: , Blood Dragon :marseytrogdor: , 5 :marseyredneck: (less so 5). All good fun. Also Rainbow Six Vegas 2 . I played so much of that back on xbox. Terrorist Hunt, co-op campaign. Incredible.

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Ac3 and 4 are incredible

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I was having a good time with Rayman 2 but accidentally wiped my saves due to Dreamcast VMU data being located in the system folder in Retroarch and some r-slur including his own (or possibly some with DLC) in a big system rom folder that I dumped over mine.

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Loved the far cry games up to 4/5 (the island one)

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They all suck, but the pirate one really threatened to be a good game in between the stupid "assassin" bullshit. Nothing like getting pulled out of your pirate simulator to walk around an office and look at funko pops for 20 minutes (this actually happens in the game, I'm not exaggerating).

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I kind of liked those frogger puzzles you did on the computers.

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I thought the first Watchdogs game was pretty good. You just have to accept that for the plot to be coherent (at all), the main character is just a straight-up sociopath not some brooding hero operating outside the boundaries of the law.

On a mechanical level it was extremely solid at least.

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My favorite moment was crashing into a ballard, saying, "WHO PUT THAT THERE" and then the first person I scanned was the "urban planner" and shooting him on the spot. It was one of those too good to not be scripted moments in gaming.


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For Honor was so good

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I liked their games that had "Tom Clancy's" at the beginning of the title prior to 2016, and I enjoyed The Division series. They've lost me now.

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AC Unity is my favorite ubisop followed closely by black flag and R6 siege for a time.

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Do you also enjoy eating crayons

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O'Leary Manager 2000 for Game Boy Color

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Ubisoft will belong to China.

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what do you mean i have to actually come in to the office to work?! FRICK THAT! I'M GOING ON STRIKE! :hysterical:

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I'm honestly still surprised that Reddit can get into the "RTO is bad for business" circlejerk since basically every large company has done it. Like it's some sort of weird senior exec collective delusion that stock movements can't stop.

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unironically these are 50 % of the people calling back to office though

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But covid proved you could absolutely do that in tech. They forced the workers back into the offices anyways.

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>wfh tards can't help but brag about gooning to porn, playing video games or just fricking around on work time

>scream hysterically like wounded piggies when chad management tardwrangles them back to the office

It's been years of crybabying at this point. Why do the most spoiled c*nts in the most comfy positions moan the loudest?

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>wfh tards can't help but brag about gooning to porn, playing video games or just fricking around on work time

>scream hysterically like wounded piggies when chad management tardwrangles them back to the office


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1729303984031664.webp !anticommunists !bluecollar !g*mers !schizos



:#marseyschizowave: :#marseyschizowall:

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that game is only 9 years old. the writers of that went to college with literally the same people chuds first started calling soyboys. :marseyxd:

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They didnt predict it they were making fun of an already existing phenomenon

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GTA V had cartoons and shit?

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GTA IV did too. You could sit and watch :marseywait: TV in both games.

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I miss having an office, separating home life from work life

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I mean, where is the problem if you deliver your work in time? As long as you can deliver, the companies probably won't really care. It's just that upper management would be pretty pissed over not having to oversee its peers

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Companies do want people to spend their time after their work is done "upskilling" or "teambuilding" or thinking of new ideas, talking to coworkers, asking for more work, etc. which is part of what they pay you for.

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I really don't know or care. I just seen the most hysterical :marseyraging: for years beyond what any bait subreddit has bought in, like, it was actually unreal how long and how pathetic the whining lasted.

It could very well turn out that management are all stoopid or egregious sociopaths looking to dab on their soy workers :marseyretardchad: :!soycry:

And if so, well, deal with it sweeties! :marseynails:

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It's not like most of those people did much significant work anyways, just sitting in front of a screen, and now getting paid to do it in their homes, basically living the dream, but at that point you are just better off hiring sexy Indian dudes or some 3rd worlder to do it for you with the same quality, and a lower salary compared to 1st world standards, since in some backwater nation like Vietnam, 100k a year is more than enough. I just believe that menial work is stupid and more so if it is just to make up quotas, or to make it seem as the company is more important than it is. If you can do your work in 4 hours, there is no need to sit in your cubicle pretending to be doing something so your boss doesn't catch you slacking off

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, but at that point you are just better off hiring sexy Indian dudes or some 3rd worlder to do it for you with the same quality, and a lower salary compared to 1st world standards,

The problem is sexy Indian dudes do much worse work and are much less efficient. It's not worth hiring them.

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Which is why you hire a 3rd worlder from some eastern europe shithole, a south american, an asian, or some caucasian in a nothingburger nation. Although you can cut corners with hiring third worlders, you can't make xem sign an NDA, and could easily just infiltrate a company to steal secrets then sell it to another for more money. Look at the north koreans who applied for remote jobs by using a laptop bank (a network of laptops that you can remotely acess), and wouldn't have been caught had they actually put more effort into the ruse

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Our company has HIPAA data and the jeets have access to it even though they don't need to. :marseycry:

The estonians I worked with previously were okay. The korean women and japanese were fine but they were usually in the US and paid more than jeets.

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Most wfh tards i know spend all day on league or wow.

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Yeah it's fricking awesome. Don't be a jealous b-word since you're too stupid to study or lrn2code.

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This just proves you don't know high quality people.

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And the workers proved you couldn't do that in tech.


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yea didn't apple get fricked for trying to get people to actually do their jobs come into the office way after the plandemic

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it annoying when big tech demands their !wfhchads come back into the office because they ostensibly make the cowtools that make WFH possible.

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Ubisoft is known for hiring budget tier French programmers even here in Canada with their big Quebec HQ

I met one once and he hated his job and seemed r-slurred

They belong in an office

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If only they had just stuck to making Petz games

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French people complaining about working hard?


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It used to be that vidya game people would work for low wages because it was their passion to be part of a huge studio making a game for people to enjoy or whatever. Nowadays companies like ubisoft just churn out slop after slop, so there is not even the incentive of doing it for love. Good riddance

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The strike is only going to last 3 days? Ok cool see you guys back at work in three days. We're not changing anything by the way cause you already said you're coming back to work.

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When was the last time the French made something useful.

The French GDP grows by around 0.7-0.9% per year.

France is the capital of fashion but it should leave the creation of actual useful products to other countries that know what they are doing.

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French are such lazy BIPOCs lole i hope they relocate to some shithole that they outsource 90% of the project to

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