I won't lie I kind of like Mx. Not Me Not You clarity of vision. "Get them the frick out of here!" makes more sense then "Listen here you worthless bastards"
Chuds are also getting mad about how the Dems hate scrotes, but it's not as funny
That's the only funny chud rage.
I hit the image limit, but there's loads here
Oops forgot to link the seethe
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"How do we get their votes without doing anything for them?"
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Yeah, main issue is very simple. Young men were told for decades that progressive policy would improve life for everyone, including them. Then this turned out to be an absolute lie, and their lives continued to get worse year after year. And then they're told they should just vote to make their own lives worse and everyone else's better because "it's the right thing to do." Wow, wonder why they hate you.
It's really well-summed up by The comments under this person saying that "young men should vote left because feminism will improve their lives! Everyone keeps asking how feminism will improve their lives (it has really only harmed young men's lives for the decades and decades it's been a major societal force), and they can't really say anything other than "well, you should be happy for the women."
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"Feminism will totally improve your life, also please stop thinking about politics in terms of how it effects you"
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Also don't vote for republicans because that's against your self interest.
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The thing is that rightoids don't have a plan to make their lives better either, they just are less actively hostile to any sort of questioning .
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Rightoids at least don't have lefties' absolutely delusional ideas about violent crime, and are thus willing to realize that at some point you have to stop talking about socioeconomic factors and ACAB and you have to just send the cops in to protect people from violent psychopaths. That in itself is already a huge win for pretty much everybody except the violent psychopaths.
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Yeah, this is why I became rightoid-adjacent around 2008... the use of scorn and hatred to support obvious lies around "purely socioeconomic factors" made me extremely disaffected with the left. As a techcel the firing of James Damore was a watershed "mask off" moment where things changed from "we will tolerate you even if we disagree" to "if you disagree we will ruin you." Resenting this shit is not a strong reason to actually vote for morons like Trump, but I totally understand why protest voting against the people who have open contempt for you is appealing.
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But have you considered the violent psychopaths' feelings??
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As long as rightoids do that, they don't need a plan.
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Rightoids are basically a break from moving into the future every 5 years. People need adjustment time and that's where republicans come in. With the amount of liberal sneed I think a republican presidency might be a good break for now. ( Note I am not American so don't vote based on my opinion. Do your own research. )
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When "the future" is objectively worse it's time to go back.
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It's still the difference between, 'You're a piece of shit,' and, 'You'll manage somehow.'
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You're correct, which is why the party that isn't actively telling people that they're the problem is winning. Nobody offers any solutions, but one party's cope is "you suck and your life sucks because you suck" and the other one's is "your life sucks because of inflation/immigrants/foids/whatever." It's not surprising at all which one wins.
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i mean immigration definitely does bring down wages. its like voluntary slavery with how little they need to work
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I am happy tho, around 30 they all make the same flavor of post and it cheers me up every time.
Or they write me some shit like this
!followers sorry for the double ping, didnt want you to miss this
That was a director btw
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Woah you're based?
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Keyed my friend, keyed
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My bad, I've been locced too long
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Really, the difference between the 2 parties at this point is "unpleasant HR woman party" vs "SEC Frat Guy who inherited his Dad's earthmoving business" party.
I know who I'd get a beer with
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I have said this before but brow beating boys during school about feminism and the patriarchy does not work when primary education is pretty much the area that is most biased towards girls.
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This is also true. I've been in academia my entire life, I'm currently a PhD student. I have always worked in women-dominated fields (I did biochem in undergrad, and study breast cancer of all things) and grew up in an extremely feminist environment (PNW). I've only ever experienced female-dominated environments, so being constantly lectured on the patriarchy always felt like I was being indoctrinated with a religious creation story of original sin to excuse the current oppressive state religion.
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I think the usual cope they resort to is it will "solve the cultural need for toxic masculinity", the implication being that the male feminist ally soys they never frick will suddenly be appreciated by girls instead of those mean competitive jerks!
But most men see those same liberated feminist women fricking the most egregious cluster B abusive personalities and see through that facade. What I don't know is if the foids pushing this narrative are entirely cynical or if they have zero self awareness.
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I think they genuinely lack some self awareness. Most people prefer to view themselves as good, after all. But there's a temptation to overgeneralize one's own concerns. To portray your own preoccupations as being for the good of humanity rather than just for the good of oneself.
You see something very similar to "toxic masculinity" in the "feminine hysteria" diagnosed by the doctors of old. I don't believe those doctors wanted to harm women. I believe that mostly wanted to help—if only to retain their self pride as healers. But they were incapable of stepping outside that masculine framework and of viewing women as anything more than wifely extensions of their husbands. The temptation to treat people as instrumental is very strong.
Ironically, despite complaining about objectification for decades, feminists have fallen into this same trap of treating men as purely objects to serve women's goals rather than people in themselves. The soy guys aren't really on women's radars at all (compare and contrast feminists complaining about men overlooking ugly and old women). So when women try to "solve men", they're mostly speaking in the context of the ones they're attracted to, or of the men who are actively problems for them. Sometimes these groups overlap, and the "solution" to both is to be kinder to the woman in question. "Toxic masculinity" then becomes a way to, slightly paradoxically, carve off the aspects of masculinity they find inconvenient, while still retaining the things they like. The fact that this doesn't work too well for the majority of men (and will be completely ignored by the men it's aimed at) is not something they're even aware of.
This also probably feeds into the feminine psychosexual obsession with "taming" savage men.
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Good post
I watched some breadtoobie slop and it does seem to be genuine yeah. There were longpost video essays from women that were experts in media literacy, deconstructing Marvelslop media from the perspective of toxic masculinity, fretting over how the hunk lead was being competitive with another character and putting the woman in danger. The comparison with female hysteria is very accurate, it'd be like some /r/sigmacinema edgelord making an hour long video essay on Breaking Bad, explaining why Skylar White suffers from female hysteria because she can't handle her tard of a husband always sneaking off in season 1. Going into detail about how this controlling b-word of a wife is exhibiting behavior "harmful to not just her husband, but herself as well".
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I am confused. How is this incorrect?
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it's 100% correct, skylar is a perfect example of female hysteria. she hates her husband and holds him in contempt as a sexless blob she tolerates to exist around her, then her husband self-actualises, becomes more masculine and finds a way to provide for the family unit, making him a better provider and more sexually attractive to her, but she sabotages it because of a self-destructive female need to conform to the rules she thinks society demands of her. very female character
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Foids see the world like how you see being okay with gay s*x as a straight man. "It's okay to be gay but gay s*x just isn't for me". So when foids say good soy men they are speaking in terms of I think the world will be better in terms of more soy men around who are not a threat to women but personally, a soy man is just not for me, but it's okay to be a soy man because I am sure some foid out there will settle for him, just not me though.
Statistics are a higher species secret to the foid.
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Their way of addressing mens need is an abstract thought experiment that is supposed to in some extremely distant post everything future utopia the issues will have been resolved because they dreamed it up. In the meantime they will be the only demo only addressed in thought experiments and should shut up and listen for the next 200-5000 years.
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As always its a mix. There are foids who are aware of the obvious lies they're pushing and there are foids dumb enough to be true believers.
A portion of both groups are just subconsciously shit-testing men into raping them back into the kitchen, which perfectly explains all the voting they do to make their lives worse - at some level they know and it's to get us to man up and stop it.
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They just miscalculate their priorities, as far as dating goes. Average woman's top priorities are still that the man is good-looking, wealthy, powerful, competent, masculine, confident. A far distant priority is his position in the ongoing culture war, most would prefer to sacrifice this than something else.
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The issue isnt even positions lol, most young men are closer to democratic policy than republican.
It is completely tone.
Why on earth would men vote for people that openly hate them lol. It isn't even the politicians as they know better, it's insufferable media class foids.
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its definitely positions.
and its not the sort of top-level stuff like actual policy, where you can claim ppl are 'misinformed' or 'indoctrinated' by msnbc or fox or joe rogan
its a deep worldview misalignment
the kinds of views that inform policy beliefs.
and even below that, to the biological instincts in our mind that influence them
the dems have adopted a feminine ideology of taking and redistribution, of equity.
so the young men move to the party that promises to let them fail or succeed on their own merit, individualism and all that
men and women have different ways of thinking about and seeing the world becuaes we are different.
the assertion that we aren't has been the biggest lie of the 20st century
so as women have gained more and more power their pathologies infect politics
and the problem is that women take resources and distribute them
that's their natural role in families, in villages, and of course still built into the modern foid.
men go out and actually get the resources. they're the ones expending most of the labor and taking on almost all of the risk to do literally anything.
so when you put takers and distributors in charge of the creators and builders of wealth and resources, they invariably conspire to take more than is produced.
the productive are disincentivised by an ever increasing tax burden.
and they distribute like a mother: to those who cry the loudest. without true discernment
but welfare dependents are not innocent little children who need to be taken care of. they are the dregs of society and will abuse any system put out for their supposed benefit.
in fact the very notion about where wealth comes from is split here.
leftoids view it as something that just exists in the world, and is hoarded by those who got there first or through pure chance
because to the feminine mind all wealth comes from outside her and is to be distributed fairly
chuds understand it's something created through labor and risk. and those who expended the most effort and took the most risk deserve the rewards they reap
becuaes dudes rock and actually do things
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Jesse what the frick are you talking about??
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Someone post this to reddit .
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if we could only teach the redditors to

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They don't need our help with that. Male feminist and male feminist are synonyms for a reason.
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i mean like ideological r*pe
no fear no cowardice
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Your view would make sense if democrats actually were actually doing meaningful redistribution. Democrats are painfully far from being commies.
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They redistribute on gay race feminist grounds. It doesn't look like communism but it has a similar effect. They wouldn't talk about 'privilege' if they didn't want to disempower the 'privileged' group.
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Well yeah in the end they just distribute to themselves, Ukraine, and Israel
But it's a way of thinking and it's spread to normies who are somehow convinced they're getting their money's worth
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Are you r-slurred? Both of those are true because the first guy to the top makes a monopoly and you get the most bucks of novelty even though the second guy may make the same product a second later. At the same time you get paid for doing useful things.
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how did that guy get to the top?
by stealing or by creating?
that's the difference between commie and chud
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Anon...both are available options.
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It's not actually true that the first innovator gets the reward, in fact it's usually the opposite. The person who takes the risks and invents something new tends to be left in a weakened state which is taken advantage of by the guy behind him. The iPhone was the most popular phone of all time, the jap company that invented smartphones doesn't even exist any more. Everyone remembers Doom, barely anyone remembers Wolfenstein.
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Both Doom and Wolfenstein was made by ID Software r-slur.
Also Wolfenstein 3d was just Catacomb Abyss with monsters replaced with nazis. Again, Catacomb Abyss was made by ID Software.
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Here's an updoot to help with the cope

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It doesn't make me any less right.
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Terminal cope lmao
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The straight men are desperate for a crumb, so they do whatever their crush likes.
Their crush likes being a whore, so she votes for unlimited abortions
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Men do not want women working/voting, mass immigration, dead fetuses, no guns, and
s raping kids actually.
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Moid lust for trad wives lasts exactly as long as it takes them to think about the term "stay-at-home girlfriend" for two seconds.
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The implication is that she's raising your kids, not the public schools and daycares ran by schoolmarms practiced in Equity theory.
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Yes, an ideal tradwife is desirable in the abstract, but single-income households haven't been the norm for decades.
Demanding that women not work is both ideologically fringe and often not practically viable. Young men who grew up with working mothers will see their eventual wives contributing to the household's finances as normal, and may even have a self-interested desire to not shoulder the full economic burden of a family by themselves (even if statistically they'll account for most of it).
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You are a strag, why are you speaking as if you know what straight men want? Go be gay somewhere else.
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Friends. Do you have those? Most of my friends IRL are straight men, and we're pretty close-knit.
Have sometimes played confidant for them through a whole host of bullshit, including complaints about Der Foid and/or politics.
Even the stray praise for the local rightoid party (CHEGA) is usually about muh immigrants instead of muh foids, they'll say they don't want women with tattoos o algo, but a b-word who literally contributes no money and expects you to pay for everything is usually seen as a raw deal.
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So... Two seconds?
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the media doesnt hate all white men, just you in particular
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You know its bad when one side let's moids encourage their foids to kill the fetus and the moids are still voting for the force me to be a dad side.
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Honestly he's right. All the rightoid moids on here
about totally hollow symbolic nonissues.
If Kamala came out with a "no fat chicks in the vidya" bill, she'd win over 90% of these mouthbreathers.
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Pick one.
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I take the issue of ugly chicks in Vidya very seriously.
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Men should understand that the elections are no longer about them. Kamala is a candidate for modern audiences, not men. If you can't get over not being pandered to, stay at home, do not vote.
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Ok but for real
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Still seething about yt bois Jimmy?
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A yt boi broke my heart once, now you will all suffer for his mistake.
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If you want us to suffer post face.
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It really is over for testosteronecels when they ask anonymous women online for post face.
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That leftoids are fighting them tooth and nail over.
Kinda tell that she won't do that though.
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"how do we continue to shit on men, but also have them get on board with it as well?"
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we call them male feminists
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Continue to threaten them with loss of status and personal economic security until they fold.
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Dear subhuman filth....please join us in our effort to....
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Hitler managed it
and then
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Yeah? That's how a representative democracy works
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and even this wasnt enough to satiate twitter libs
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