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Elon Musk shared a Substack post by Tracing Woodgrains regarding corrupt Wikipedia admin David Gerard.

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@TracingWoodgrains learns the harsh lesson that words are weapons, and it matters who you are arming when you write.

So an essay about an out of control Wikipedia jannie who is restricted from writing on certain subjects, which is to say, the Wikipedia system worked well enough at keeping abusive powers mitigated, becomes "Wikipedia is controlled by far-left activists" which was never, in my view, the point of Trace's meditation on the difficulty of actuating truth.

I told ya Trace that you needed to revise that piece. It's too much grudge and too little substance.

It should hurt, Trace, because: you failed as a writer that you are being used like this.

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I mean, I could see your point if it wasn't for Gerard literally making legal threats against Wikipedia that one time. Once that card has been played, online mobs and media frenzies are literally the only countering move. I really meant to investigate that claim further though.

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  • Doc : nooo im the good guy for degrading institutions and encouraging idiocracy noooo
  • Impassionata : @Doc destroys Trace with one report holy shit
  • X : :soysnooseethetalking:
  • Balanitis : I just want to feel part of something so I'm joining the reports

The Wikipedia system has not sufficiently mitigated it; he absolutely should not be a well-respected admin there, and the site has many similar problems all in the same shape. Many controversial topics on Wikipedia are controlled by far-left activists, as a matter of simple fact, and until that changes it should be part of Wikipedia's reputation because it is true. The difficulty of actuating truth is part of the substance of my point, but not the whole of it.

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The SFBA Rationalist system has not sufficiently mitigated its embrace of neoreactionary fascism: it absolutely should not be a well-respected set of people, and the system has many similar problems all in the same shape. Many controversial topics are controlled by far-right fascists, as a matter of simple fact, and until that changes it should be part of the SFBA Rationalist reputation because it is true.

The difficulty of actuating truth is the only part of your point worth writing about. The rest is partisan nonsense which is myopic in its focus on Wikipedia at a time when a fascist is running for public office and you are propagating the fascist erosion of fact. your principled stand is just stupid.

You have picked your battles poorly. That Wikipedia incorporates far-left thought is a good thing in my view, because these are people who have a perspective and are not actively engaged in eroding public trust in the reliable sources which report on the fascism. I trust the system of Wikipedia editors more than I am interested in the fate of one specific editor you have a grudge with. If you had half the resentment towards the "post-truth"-era Trumpists that you carry with one dude who doesn't like your CULT all that much, you might merit respect as an intellectual, but you're kinda just braindead flailing and that's sad. !writecel

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You had a chance to not be completely worthless, but it looks like you threw it away. At least you're consistent.

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>fascist erosion of fact


also :marseyropeyourself:

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Wdym based? :marseysad:

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Uuuuhhh just put the frickin fries in the bag bro

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It's not "far-left". That's a fascist slander word. A more accurate term would be "correct".

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Why do you hurt me like this? :marseysad:

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is this a bit?

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Yes but it's still lame

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It's so long and boring :snooze:

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Please stop unironically using the word fascist :marseycringe:

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:#marseymegaphone: BIPOC

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So you'd be happy with some far right perspectives added too?

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leftoid thinks its good that leftoids are in control of important institutions because they are the good guysโ„ข


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How can he be a leftoid that thinks it's good that leftoids are in control of important institutions if that is simply not possible given that that would require him to be a leftoids which is impossible because there are no leftoids on rDrama? :marseyjam:

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The SFBA Rationalist system has not sufficiently mitigated its embrace of neoreactionary fascism: it absolutely should not be a well-respected set of people, and the system has many similar problems all in the same shape. Many controversial topics are controlled by far-right fascists, as a matter of simple fact, and until that changes it should be part of the SFBA Rationalist reputation because it is true.

One of the most used websites and encyclopedias used around the world and billed as being "neutral" is equal to a vague community of philosophy nerds and literal whos based in importance I guess :marseystare:

That Wikipedia incorporates far-left thought is a good thing in my view, because these are people who have a perspective and are not actively engaged in eroding public trust in the reliable sources which report on the fascism.

Holy shit, no it's not a good thing what they're doing r-slur. :ragestrangle:

They absolutely are eroding public trust on those sources you hold deep to your heart, both on and off of Wikipedia. There's a reason why commies were going ballistic when congressmen were arguing about banning TikTok or Xitter being bought by Musk, and it was not because they believe it was GOPtards disrupting civil society and politics.

I trust the system of Wikipedia editors more than I am interested in the fate of one specific editor you have a grudge with.

Trace focusing on one editor as an example rather than wordswordswordsing about a whole mass of faceless usernames and IP addresses makes it much easier for the audience to grasp the systemic problems there are on Wikipedia.

Gerard is far, far, far from being the only detrimental user on that site and blindly trusting the Wikipedia editorial process which has proven to be susceptible to ideological capture is a giga :marseysmugretard: move

If you had half the resentment towards the "post-truth"-era Trumpists that you carry with one dude who doesn't like your CULT all that much, you might merit respect as an intellectual, but you're kinda just braindead flailing and that's sad

:marseyeyeroll: the average Trumpist is still less extreme than an unironic ML style commie. But irregardless, a person like Trace taking more issue with one relatively minor individual rather than a major political-public movement and cohort does not mean he condones the latter, or that he is being irresponsible by not using his voice against Donald Trump and his supporters and allies, which would be just pissing in the wind while him writing about (actually real) commie and giga-leftoid subversion on a massively used and consulted website is novel information to most people.

Far left extremism has risen massively in the past decade, not just far right. If you actually cared about saving democratic institutions you would be condemning both and hoping that they both get sent to the dustbins of history as the former of the two very much would likes to say and be seen to you. :!marseydarkcomrade: :@impassionagenocide: :marseydarkcomrade:

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What's sfba rationalist

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I had a lot of fun at the Tel Aviv Slate Star Codex meetup a few days ago.

Trump will win btw.

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Are there any topics or pages controlled by right-wing activists with an axe to grind? Maybe stuff related to religion or military history? It would be pretty funny if true.

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Some pretty deep Christian or Muslim pages, stuff like doctrine, practices or schools of thought, seem to be written by closeted chuds but they're still patrolled by political nerds and giga-editors who lean left or neurodivergent nitpicks so they often don't fly too close to the sun.

Most historical Texas articles seem to have patriotic slant/undertones compared to most other US states and are unironically some of the older articles on the site because Texans created a Wikiproject page (basically an editorial community portal/hub created to help coordinate writing about a topic) pretty early on in Wikipedia's history. Some of them have been smoothed over but they're mostly the same as how they were first written.

Generally, history that's not about an English speaking country, especially before the modern times, is going to have some slant towards it, except ones regarding early colonial powers like Spain or Portugal or stuff like regarding the crusades, where in that case it often flip flops between oppressive colonizers to "Deus Vult" or "Viva Hispania" tier edits. Also, the articles in other languages tend to be even more slanted than the normal English ones and reading (via Google Translate) about the Spanish conquest of the Americas or the Dutch East India Company in their respective languages will often give you something completely different than what is on English Wikipedia.

I think certain hobby or science related topics might attract some chuds but since there's usually not politics to sperg about they probably go unnoticed.

Overall, there's not too many outright and open chud circles on Wikipedia, though occasionally you get weird interarticle cites to old historical race concepts like this or this or even Mongoloid, makes you feel like you're coming across the ancient remains of an older and chuddier Wikipedia :marseydetective:

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Croatian wikipedia is right-wing.

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English Wikipedia articles regarding Croatia or Croatian language Wikipedia?

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The latter.

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The military history guys tend to be a bit too sympathetic to the Nazis, but there was pushback on that after some public drama.

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At least for military history, no. There is people like this jewish chad woman named Ksenia Coffman that spends all day rules lawyering so she can delete articles about German war heroes who were awarded medals in WW2. Apparently you aren't allowed to have an article about minor historical figures if they didn't fight for the good guys in the largest conflict in human history. This in combination with the fact that some of the most no name people have Wikipedia pages on them but Chris Chan doesn't is a perfect example of how r-slurred Wikipedia is. Obviously Chris chan is not important in a classical sense but he for sure is prominent enough to deserve a Wikipedia page at this point. The only honest Wikipedia articles now are about stuff that is purely objective like the Pythagorean theorem or shit like that.

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You need some outside hobbies.

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if anything, I need to spend even more time online tbh

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@Doc Are you insulting Trace or Impassionata?

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Why? :marseyannoyed:

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cuz wikipedia is net good. its good to call out the r-slur leftie mods, but musk is just using his post to fan hate against a good institution & reduce trust in it which is net harmful for the average person. pasta calls trace out for not standing up to his blog being used in a bad way and trace responds w/ :marseycope: . i like trace tho and mostly agree with him on stuff.

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Oh no, Trace's weapons are being wielded against David Gerard and Wikipedia. This is the one thing we didn't want to happen.

Wait. No. I'm entirely comfortable with this.

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Wikipedia system worked well enough at keeping abusive powers mitigated


Imagine defending wikipedos

They deleted every update to Time Cube article because they hate the truth

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A real non-chud would not agree with that :!marseyindignant:

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No, this is unironically a good thing that is happening, the only downside of this is that wikipedos being exposed will associated with rightoid wingcucks and wrong think but at least more people will know how Wikipedia is overrun with commies, anarkiddies and obnoxious shitlibs.

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Are there heya-hoya wikijannies? :marseyquestion:

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There are several actually yes, and a good portion are part of the problem, with some approaching crypto-fascist levels of hypocrisy. :marseydisgust:

There is one who is really cool though, smallchief, who focuses more on military stuff and has a picture of him meeting with non-Taliban Afghanis prior to the 2001 invasion on his profile page.

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!friendsofsphereserf I'm amazed at his endless knowledge of the heya-hoyas down to the heya-hoya wikijannies :marseyshook:

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That's him :marseyagreefast:

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Why is it that there's so many interesting things we could talk about but you just troll me? :marseysmughipskorean:

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Wdym? :marseysad:

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You see, I don't think you answered that question in good faith. :marseysmughipskorean:

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Why do you say that? :marseyannoyed:

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It's true but the Nazi man agrees so it's actually false

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What the frick are you talking about Elon Musk literally shared the article, it didn't "become" anything.

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how many people only read headlines

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Why did you upmarsey this? :marseysad:

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I upmarsey most stuff idk


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