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:siren::marseyhappening: THE GREAT REDDITOR SPERGOUT OF 2024 IS HERE, 2016 PART II, LET'S FRICKING GO BABY!!!!! :marseyletsfuckinggo2::siren::marseyhappening:

CHVDS must be raiding pleddit because /r/politics is full of kino titles like this: :#marseyxd: !trolls

KAMALA WILL WIN THE BWC BUKKAKE WORLD RECORD !chuds !trump2024 !project2025

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Going to bed but I can't wait to see the ruins of Reddit in the morning

Godspeed cute twinks

Remember if you're going to OD on pills you need to pair it with an antiemetic so your body doesn't throw them up involuntarily

gg !khive

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It'll be like Christmas morning except instead of waking up to presents you're waking up to all kinds of cope. :marseybow:

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Waking up to peasants :marseysmug2:


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Sorting /r/politics by new and reading the comments is wild lmao

So much copium :#feelssogood: :#arabpepecheers: :#marseycheers2:

And there's some great front page tier cope and seethe on redscarepod as well :#mysides:

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This is so real :marseymerchantelf: :marseyrudolph:

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God, the best thing about being an Eurochad is that we just woke up and get to harvest :marseyreapangry: the seethe :marseycryinglaptop: at its root.

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Every sub that was being astroturfed 24/7 is now completely dead save for the literal MAGAts crawling in and baitposting as part of their victory lap. How pathetic.

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How much money do you think they lost? It's gotta be a few million at least.

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No refunds

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Imagine how many abortions that could have bought or how many new sneakers it could have provided some destitute inner city youths :soycry:

This is what happens when you don't have enough faith that Kamala will win :marseysad:

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Imagine being a /r/politics janny. The last 4 years started with the euphoric feeling of Seeing Trump lose his bid for reelection. Then you See him get multiple charges pressed against him and the FBI swarm Mar a Lago. But then right as you think he'll be convicted as a felon setback after setback occurs. Biden commits the same frick up you were about to imprison Trump for. Then you spend the next year of your life tirelessly feeding anti-trump slop into Reddits propaganda machine. Then the debate happens and Biden can no longer hide the fact he's a demented old man unfit to be president even though he's only a few years older than Trump. Then Trump survives a harrowing assassination attempt propelling him into a near godly symbol of patriotism. Finally you have to pin your hopes all on Kamala at the last minute. Hoping beyond hope and buying into your own propaganda thinking she could actually win, even by a landslide. Now it's the night of the election and you're sitting in your cuck cave in defeat knowing everything you did in the last 4 years was for absolutely nothing. Chuds are having their way with your precious subreddit and you've lost the ability to care.

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Trump is felon representation in politics


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If only moonmetropolis was here :marseysigh:

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Don't remind me....



Kamala will win

:#rdramajannytalking: :#marseyunamused:

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Jesse what the frick are you talking about??

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Maybe stop running women against Trump.

Or maybe third time the charm: Bring out AOC.

Attack On Trump Peepee.

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Or at the very least stop running unpopular women against Trump

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Women report consistently over the years of voting more than men.

So how could it be because of gender?

Either women are lying about voting or they're voting for Trump (which means they're MISOGYNISTS).

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>reported voting

Do men or women tend too lie more often?



Kamala will win !

:marseytranscopetalking: :marseylaughpoundfist:

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>they're females

How do they know that? :#scott:

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And then in 2028 ivanka trump came down an escalator

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when a man ran he easily beat trump, yet teice when a woman run against him she lost

men are better, as we always are

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I was wondering about if she was seething, one of the dumbest shitlibs on twitter. Ofc. she'd feel a spiritual connection to two ghoulish charisma-vacuum losers

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how are there so many pro blumpf comments on /r/politics, did all the bots break or something

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>did literally all the bots break or something

:#marseyagreefast: a mix of bots breaking :marseysoutherner: because KKKamala lost, Jannoids being away dilating :marseycopeseethedilate: their necrotic neovaginas while crying, and CHVDS taking the opportunity to brigade the sub Kamala will win the biggest BWC slut award

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Stop fetishposting about trans surgery

@Gruesy_Spoon stand with israel

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Stop larping as a foid (female)

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Fake news

@Gruesy_Spoon stand with israel

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hi grue :marseywave2:

its still possible that kamala will win

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:marseytears: how else am I supposed to cope that I'll never be able to impregnate my (hypothetical) trans wife?

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The Kamala campaign is closing up shop, and they aren't going to be paying out for shilling.

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No need to spend money Astroturfing the internet now.

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heyre going to spam the entire internet for the next 4 years

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They spent hundreds of millions for months and look at the quality they got - bunch of title repeating anti Trump pop up subs and screeching

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It was a couple of news subs but mostly it was the local subs they were clearly focusing on. Subs like /r/texas blew up literally overnight about a month before the election - gee I wonder why.

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I was just thinking i should remember my old password or something and start commenting in the first time in 12 years

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they're only getting paid too 'turf until the last polling station closes.

kamala will win anyway of course

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Not wrong. Evil.

Unironically calling everyone who disagrees with them evil. :marseyxd:

Pretty sure trump is going to implode this country but I couldnt be happier that these "people" are getting their comeuppance.

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These voters were epic saviors of democracy in 2020 and now evil in 2024 because they wouldnt carry water for an admin that hates them

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Pretty sure trump is going to implode this country but I couldnt be happier that these "people" are getting their comeuppance.

They got their comeuppance in 2016 and nothing changed. They'll forget in a week and go back to the usual doomposting and wailing.

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It makes them unhappy which makes me happy tho


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The circular firing squad from this will be a bloodbath of Kill Bill proportions.

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They will blame

  • Arabs

  • Latinx men

  • Black men

  • Low information voters

  • Men in general, let's be real

  • Rightwing rags like CNN, NPR and NYT

  • Russia

  • Netanyahu

  • Everyone but Kamala Harris

They will never admit that they ran an abortion of a campaign that was doomed to fail as soon as Biden clinched the nomination. It was really over then.

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It's a sad night for most of us. Hillary was apparently unable to hide a smile when seeing the margins.

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I think the Bidens are also quite happy

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What Jill did was so petty. I'll forgive her because what time do we really have left to hold a grudge, but such a crass move.

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They'll go after Jill Stein too. Maybe even Bernie Sanders.

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Bong Broadcucking Corporation already on the "blame men" train as of this morning

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You forgot white women!!

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I'm more interested in January and February when he either doesn't do anything he has said he is going to do or immediately gets blocked by the courts.

Ukraine war should be over by the 21st.

Triggered leftoids are boring. Cultists are way more interesting.

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f I were to bet, I'd say the Ukraine war will get a lot more boring the closer we get to the election. Just like covid.

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The election is over r-slur

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You'd think that... you'd think that.


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Time to start blaming the palestoids!!!! Or thanking them?? Who cares!! Lmfaos all around

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IM GOING :marseysal2: TO OVERDOSE :marseyjunkie2: ON REDDITOR :marseysoyjak: TEARS :marseycrysleep1:

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Posting in historic thread.


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I have not felt this sort of catharsis in a long time

I leaned towards trump purely for how funny he is but my God, the SEETHE on reddit will be fricking beautiful

God Bless America, I love you guys LMAO. :marseysaluteusa:

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AmerExit and I want out is where the vintage drama will be. R politics is just babies raging

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Politics :marseybribe: shut down the bot farms :marseykiwimom: so it's no surprise :marseyraccoonshock: chuds are suddenly the majority there :marseycheerup:

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Cant wait for Bardy's spergout later today

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 29 minutes and 11 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Top 10 bard respectors:

BardWatch: 1690

ThACAsgiving: 355

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Patsy))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))): 191

911roofer: 135

arsey: 127


FormerLurKONG: 113

UncleAbortion: 100

c*rp BIPOCHORRORist: 94

brainspotting: 81

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Interesting title. HOWEVER you used a frick ugly meme for the thread header so I'm going to kill you.

@Gruesy_Spoon stand with Israel

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Someone's cranky :#tayscrunch:

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Kill all soyteens

@Gruesy_Spoon stand with israel

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This is the election that broke me. A huge chunk of the electorate saw the possibility of our country being led by a woman, and they were so scared they voted for a convicted felon male feminist who said immigrants were eating our pets.

The very simple concept of "most people don't want to be bossed around by an unlikable woman, especially other women," seems to effortlessly elude the "smart" side of the aisle :marseysmug2:

I guess we just need to hang in there and really hope that Kamala will win :marseycope: :marseycope:

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I really hope dems continue to never self reflect

Maybe don't call Trump a lying nazi while you are actively lying about the mental state of the president

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I miss reddit. I miss antifa and chapo, I miss pinging...

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jesus just wait till you see all the neighbors on twitter or /r/suicide watch wanting to kill themsleves

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You want to leave the US? Why not head to Gaza!

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I was here :marseyprojection:

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At this time, she has all but lost. We're fricked.

This is a loss, not a defeat. We'll be fricked when they line us up against the wall and not a minute sooner.

LOL right wing death squads imminent, but this time for real guys :soycry:

None of this would have happened if more people got out there and made it clear that they believed that Kamala will win :marseykamakama:

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Even the AP isn't having it

Compare their article about this year vs when Joe Mama won

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Deep from the salt mines:

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Honestly there's so much seethe I can't properly enjoy it. It's like a buffet where every flavor sort of melds together :marseysigh:

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Hate trump and I don't get him winning even the PV but darn if this isn't good news for dramacoin

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This is amazing, TTD shall be achieved

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