Reddit_Lies on Twitter originally RT'd this tweet and now he's deleted it :marseydisintegrate:

The tweet itself was an rDrama baitpost in that it was to bait rDrama users. I gave the thread an absurd title but really it was just an /r/AmIOverreacting thread about some chick farting so much and so nastily that her boyfriend couldn't sleep. I did this because I found the actual thread to be funny and I wanted to make rDrama users laugh, and that title seemed the best way to get eyes.

Then I posted it to Twitter for similar reasons but also to bait morons who will just go by the words in the tweet (libtards are cruel and tell their moms to get r*ped) instead of the content of the thread itself (girl with nassy butt farts). Reddit_Lies (500k followers) retweeted it to this reaction:

Reddit_Lies had the tweet up for several hours but has since deleted it. There was no admission on Twitter of it being a shitpost. The "lol Reddit_lies ily but nooooo" thread was Country Club only, which had a 1,000 truescore gate to view.

From this deletion we can conclude three important things:

1. Reddit_Lies is an active user here and routinely checks the site, as he not only has sufficient TS to access Country Club but he also scrolls far enough down Hot to find aged threads. He is also probably a carp follower, as he deleted the RT long after the pins on the thread expired.

2. Even our Very Online specifically anti-Reddit-themed friends are fricking morons who accept everything at face value and can't be bothered to so much as click a single link and immediately see "MY FARTS STINK AND MY BF IS MAD" because they get so excited about the negative effort title presented and want to believe it.

3. I remain the only competent baiter here, routinely returning massively high yields with absolutely zero effort whenever I bother to cast a line. Contrast this to the meticulously planned pathetic gayops you people try to run every few weeks that always fail because you're boring, utterly average intelligence homosexuals.

Enjoy the subsequent dwindling and death of activity (again) when post-election hilarity dies off and I go inactive.

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"Do your own research" neighbors when they find out they have to click on a link before they can rage about it

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Its unironically option 2

My dumbass :marseyfuckingfunny: cant read (thanks adhd)

I know cuz I sent it to him

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>Enjoy the subsequent dwindling and death of activity (again) when post-election hilarity dies off and I go inactive.

Have you tried finding other sources of joy in your life?

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we can be friends and hang out and do things together if you want...


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Then you better take is place. :marseyindignant:

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weird, mad e me more fer tile

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Where can I find literature about this religion, I would potentially like to join

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I got some more but was afraid of getting spam filtered

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@Spiderman I think this man found one of your people


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>chud rageposter is an r-slur


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Iirc the reddit_lies bird app account is run by @PoopNeighborHitler69studios

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@PoopNeighborHitler69studios you're a kitty, you deleted the retweet and just pretended like you weren't baited and nothing happened

marley will decide your fate


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@PoopNeighborHitler69studios I hope pigs r*pe you and tear you to shreds

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I got him to respond :#marseypoggers:

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The fact I believed it says a lot about society

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This but unironically

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Something something dramafoids

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We should bring redditors here and bully them :D

I'm sooo on board with such a mischievous idea :D

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I've actually started not updooting you because DDR has got you too smug. I'll start again after you finish your cycle and start seething about some nonsense, write a bunch of increasingly erratic posts about how you actually hate each and every one of us, hibernate, and then return with this mood like you discovered benzos.

I think you'd probably give real good BPD head if you were a woman or a bottom.

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>senpai noticed me :carpblush2:

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