A council has spent more than $100,000 of ratepayer money on Welcome to Country ceremonies in the last two years. Brisbane City Council has shelled out $135,000 while other councils within Queensland have forked out tens of thousands of dollars. The ratepayers have no say in the matter, though, as it's the councils they pay their fees to that have decided to spend big on the ceremonies. The renewed attention on Welcome to Country ceremonies followed the recent AFL finals, in particular the Giants versus Lions semi-final in Sydney where Aboriginal Elder Brendan Kerin said they 'weren't to cater for white people'. 'It's a ceremony we've been doing for 250,000 years BC - and the BC stands for Before Cook,' he told the crowd, referring to Captain James Cook's arrival in Australia in 1770. But the ceremony's modern form was invented less than 50 years ago by TV personality Ernie Dingo's dance troupe. The Great Outdoors presenter and his fellow dancers came up with the impromptu routine in 1976 after an awkward stand-off with Maori and Cook Islanders who refused to perform at Perth Arts Festival until they were ceremonially welcomed. Almost 50 years on, it has reached a point where a surf club was told it would have to pay $2,000 to an Aboriginal corporation for the rights to hold surf events and a fundraising swim at a public beach.
Snip, read the rest on the website.
So far the only people I can find commenting on this are chuds sneeding. If the story makes it to mainstream Australian subs I'll append them to this post.
From the Daily Mail's comment section:
I do not respect their elders past and present as my parents were born in the UK and they certainly don't respect mine. Let's stop this divisive practice. It divides more than it unites.
I work with a lot of Aboriginal people and the more culturally knowledgeable they are - the less likely they are to be involved in political stunts as they are out doing the actual work. Lovely people. I find the ones taking advantage or policies are the last culturally knowledgeable and who didn't grow up with any culture at all but as their granny was half Aboriginal, they hang on to that ancestry and deny existence of their bulk DNA. It's absolutely garbage.
I can't accept the lack of cohesive evidence. Not when Maori speak with one voice, one language, one custom set whilst here a multiitude speak for and over others. Competing claims i.e. one demands land another claims is theirs. This article says 'we've been doing these ceremonies for 250,000 years 'before cook' (a phrase from Sam Neil's Islander doco) yet it's admitted Ernie Dingo made up the current iteration. I'm expecting that to be denied in future. I haven't forgotten lessons on the last Tasmanian Indigenous woman, taught 'we' wiped out the rest. Now we're told that's all lies, there are Tasmanian indigenous. How can we take it seriously?
Might as well take out the word 'Unite'. The only thing this unites, is our money into their grubby hands, making the exchange through corrupt, woke council's.
As far as I am aware there is no legal requirement these rituals to be performed. Why not just refuse to hold them? I'm sure the world won't end if citizens are not welcomed to their own country.
Because of the left movement and cancel culture. Now with Trump being the POTUS, maybe Australians will have some hope in rejecting the leftists' delusional rites.
Australia had a chance at the last election. Th idi ots voted in labor. Some on federal and state levels. Hope they suffer now lol.
We are living on 60,000 year of inhabited land by indigenous Australians. You would think that Welcome to Country would be respected. Then Again!
and haven't they done a lot to develop the country.... not!
A fair and reasonable price #alwayswillbe
It seems a small price to pay for stealing trillions from them.
This land we call Australia was brutally stolen from our Indigenous people. Id rather my tax dollars go towards honouring part of their culture than on corporate welfare. The multinational corporations are the 21 carat leaners in this country. They pay voluntary tax . We could use that money to invest in universal healthcare, affordable housing for people on low incomes, public education etc.
A lot of jealousy here. I mean, who doesn't get ripped off by their landlord? It's normal. Peter, the 16 foot tall albino aboriginal says... The time has come. To say fair's fair. To pay the rent. Now to pay our share
They have as much relevance to Australia as ants and we don't pay ants rent
Can we have a referendum to piss off welcum to ladygardenry?
YEs we should ........and we know what the result would be too at least 60/40 bye bye.
Could you imagine the tough spot this would put governments in if they had undeniable proof that the majority want WTC gone. On the one hand they don't want to look "racist" and on the other they want a vote winner.
They already had it yet still want to proceed with treaty in some states. $500m to ask the country a question, then ignoring the answer altogether because you didn't get the outcome you wanted.
I recon Melbourne would vote yes to keep and the rest of Australia would vote no to get rid of
The parasites sucked until the host was dry. This is the tragedy of the commons.
Referendum won't work, albo does what he likes, that's his style (Dictatorship)
Remind me again why I need to be welcomed to my own country?
People are outrages because it is not inclusive enough. Acknowledgements need to be more thorough and acknowledge people being welcomed as well, preferrably by name and with individual. Sure this would delay kick of some events but it would be well worth it.
Indigenous Australians are the most heavily funded indigenous community in the world yet its still not enough, at what point do we say the rents been well & truly fckn paid enough is enough
They at least have a Premier who is cutting spending on 1st nations rubbish now unlike the woke lunatics they had before
/r/circlejerkaustralia has some funny moments but it's being overwhelmed by seething cuddies with no humour
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Ahahahahaaha the before cook part made me legitimately laugh. Oh dear. Charming.
And 250k years? Let's subtract 1800 years for Cook, that's still 248.2k years BC (real), the Chauvet cave paintings (indicating cognitive abilities beyond mere survival) are 35,000 year old, the oldest cave painting (disputed) is in South Africa, around 164,000 years old, the oldest ritual of any kind began in Botswana around 70,000 years ago, humans migrated out of Africa around 100,000 years ago at the earliest and perhaps the funniest of them all, humans migrated to the new world and Australia only around 10,000 years ago at the earliest.
But perhaps this old chap is up to something. !r-slurs where do you think I can find premium huffing grade gasoline like these good old abbos?
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Abos have been in aus like 40-60k years
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iirc before the the lies of the internet took hold spreading fake facts, all we had was the good book which clearly depicted dinosaurs when talking about dragons.
Now all we have are well sourced circle jerks of evidence from so-called experts
who spend all their time trying to debunk a literal two hundred thousand year old book written by jesus himself sort of 
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Just in case this is serious, dragons in the Bible were unfortunately not dinosaurs.
for fellow !dinochads The relevant words here are Hebrew tannin which refers to both snakes and sea monsters getting translated in the Septuagint as drakon from which the modern etymology of dragon is formed. You can find the pertinent passages in Gen 1:21, Ex 7:9-12, Deu 32:33, Job 7:12, Psalms 74:13 91:13 148:7, Isa 27:1 51:9, Jer 51:34 and Ez 29:3 32:2 along with Revelation of course. In all of these instances they are using it metaphorically or referring to big spookies in the ocean... BUT WAIT!
Protestant !Christians may not know of the story of Bel and the Dragon in Daniel, as it was excluded from the Masoretic scrolls that formed the Hebrew canon and is considered by them 'apocryphal'.
were familiar with the story doebeit as they reference it in the Midrash saying Daniel put nails in the cakes fed to the dragon as classic Mossad subterfuge)
!Catholics know that dragons are REAL because DANIEL KILLED ONE! Right before getting thrown in the lion's den.

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I made up the part about dragons just like the bible, sorry. There's no such thing as dragons except for a
True fact
Factcheck: You really believe that shit? Lmao dumbass nigga π€£
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Why would you say that?
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Don't call me the n word.
And I explained that dragons in the Bible are all metaphorical references except for some animal(?) the Babylonians were apparently worshipping before it got killed by the chad Daniel.
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That was the computer not me
Factcheck: You really believe that shit? Lmao dumbass neighbor π€£
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I'm sorry.
Jesus forgave your sins though, have you forgiven like jesus yet and apologized?
Imagine the weight off your goldbergs I mean shoulders, just a light patsie on the back and all your sin can be washed away
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Apologized for what? Have I ever wronged you?
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Kind of like the whole lion thing with the Persians.
Poor guy had the worst luck.
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He was thrown to the lions twice?
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In the Septuagint version of the Bible this happens immediately before the lions, as in proving Bel wasn't real and killing the dragon is why the Babylonians threw him down there.
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Genesis 1:21
Exodus 7:9-12
Deuteronomy 32:33
Job 7:12
Psalms 74:13
Isaiah 27:1
Jeremiah 51:34
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Why do I feel like you don't actually believe that?
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what gave me away was it the fact that I was being obvious, or emoji air quotes, or that I referenced the bibble as being two hundred thousand years old and personally written by jewsis
please dont hurt me
but if u must
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But you do believe in the Bible right?
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I am areligious
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What's that from?
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Pi (1998)
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That means believer right?
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You're forgetting the hollow stick and the throwing stick. There's also the rock
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The ancestors of Aboriginals did migrate to Australia over 40,000 years ago or more, don't remember, but you're right about Indians in the Americas
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60,000* agree
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life pro tip if you ever have to listen to woowoo heyhowareya indians
aka not sexy Indian dudes talk at length, you can make them real mad about their heritage by saying stuff like "oh cool man so where was that written"
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