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ATTENTION MAGATS :siren: No, Trump Did Not Win in a Landslide—nor Did He Secure a Mandate




!trump2024 !chuds 5k updoots on /r/politics alone, read it and weep :soyjakanimeglasses:

:marseydetective: Let's check out the crossposts







Here's a hugely engaged pre-election SRD smug thread!





Remember when DARK BRANDON embarrassed rightoids lol when will they learn



Ctrl-f "weird" in this thread and take a shot every three instances of a srdine gushing about what an epic own it was and you'll still die of alcohol poisoning







Anyway back to the waxing smugological




This ran far afield of the original purpose but that SRD thread is a treasure. Have a scroll! Use crosstalk!


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We need to deport all the latinx for this VOTING INSURRECTION.




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I said as much. The best argument for winning any minority's vote is just hyping the fear that their children will be put on puberty blockers and forced to attend Gay parades and drag story hour. That's it. Dems have no clue how conservative the rest of the world is.

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Dems have no clue how conservative the rest of the world is.

They do, but they believe that their in-group represents an island of reason and intelligence in an ocean of barbarism and ignorance, their social media liberal worldview is that majority of the world is indeed conservative, racist, misogynistic, religious, and ignorant, and so it is the American coastal liberal's holy duty to perform a "civilizing mission" to evangelize and teach these bigoted religious Latinx, Africans, Arabs, Asians, and Indians to be a heckin decent human being, it's the 19th-century "white man's burden" repackaged with corporate progressive messaging, or white savior syndrome. !chuds !sophistry !historychads

See this post I made a year ago, where redditors were full-blown /pol/posting about Chinese and Koreans, and even calling them "subhumans":


Replace Uncle Sam and John BVLL with a redditor and a they/them, and change the buzzwords on the rocks with stuff such as "cisheteropatriarchy", "anti-feminism", "transphobia", "religion", and things that white shitlibs treat as their new Satan, and there you go! this decade's manifestation of the White Man's Burden and Anglo-American Imperialism and Exceptionalism!


"They're fricking nuts, retrograde, sexist, racist, and all in all, stubborn and stuck with weird traditions that don't help in modern times."

"disease-ridden subhuman nazis hellbent on spreading their CCPism throughout the rest of the world (....) China."

:#wingcucks: !commenters

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It do be like that.

!nonchuds make sure these folx arent welcome back.

!chuds look at the cope

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Should be noted that the beer trope is both racially coded and gender specific


This is why Trump won

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Kamala seems way more normal than Trump


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I want to hate frick emma vigeland so hard :marseyraging: :marseycoomer2:

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:soyjakhipster#: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17316570021563575.webp :soyjakanimeglasses#!:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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There's only one race that drinks beer?


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When I click on the twitter links, it keeps taking me to the homepage instead of the tweets.

Why is it doing that? I am going to chimp out!!! AHHHHH!!!


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Emma Vigeland is one of the dumbest leftoid youtubers ever.

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What personal values are you suggesting are virtuous in this comment, if you say that westerners teaching tribals that the concept of not throwing cute twinks off buildings is immoral !commenters

"White man's burden" of yesteryear wasn't wrong because the concept of "most people are wrong and I'm right" is immoral.

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You forgot to mention the part where we need to exterminate the savages for their own own good.

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Yeah that was probably the bad part of the concept

Just don't lift that part and it's a W

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The worst part was when the savages actually accepted the white mans burden. :marseysad:

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wasn't white man's burden mostly keeping indian women from being buried alive with their husbands?

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use the concept of "most people are wrong and

Ending slavery, education, sanitation, combating famine...

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Dry s*x

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So why was it wrong then?

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We were prolly peepees about it

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but they believe that their in-group represents an island of reason and intelligence in an ocean of barbarism and ignorance, their social media liberal worldview is that majority of the world is indeed conservative, racist, misogynistic, religious, and ignorant, and so it is the American coastal liberal's holy duty to perform a "civilizing mission" to evangelize a

I strongly disagree. The average Democrat is not progressive, but the problem with both groups is criticizing their Golden Lamb at the cost of being ostracized. When Obama decided to invade Libya, they remained quiet even though he was acting just like Bush and his warmongering. When they ran Hillary and also Kamala: same thing. These people are robotic, unfit for rule, and are generally unappealing. But don't day that, lest you cast from the social circle.

That's really all it is.

!pnw can explain. !neoliberals of the burger persuasion can also chime in. !nonchuds are r-slurred, so don't listen to them. :marseycheeky:

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When Obama decided to invade Libya, they remained quiet even though he was acting just like Bush and his warmongering.

How wingcucked do you have to be to imagine these two things are in any way comparable? Bush went into Iraq completely at will without a provocation to justify it, actually invaded, and we ended up stuck occupying it for... 21 years now. Thousands of our guys killed, tens of thousands of their guys killed, the fortune of our generation pissed away.

Obama reacted to a civil war that was already in progress by dropping a few bombs on Gaddafi's part of Libya. You remember him? All the bombings, airliners blown up, funding for dozens of terrorist groups around the world. You remember what Reagan did about it? Reagan who kept us out of wars for 8 years. You remember what he did? He dropped a few bombs on Libya.

Imagining that Obama in Libya was closer to Bush than to Reagan is the kind of shameless rewriting of history that I should expect from a wingcuck. It's like when the leftoids claim that actually :!marseytrain:s totally existed before 2014 and aren't almost entirely a product of the last decade. B-word, I was alive during this stuff and I remember what happened.

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They invaded Libya to "liberate" them. It was a "humanitarian intervention." There was zero provocation from Libya against the US. Be honest with your Democrat self.

Gaddafi was removed from the US terror list years before this war was started. Remember that?

dropping a few bombs on Gaddafi's part of Libya.

lol, just a little war, amirite? It was more than a few and there were "boots on the ground," which he also lied about.

Anything else? Please be consistent when it comes to political parties.

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There was zero provocation from Libya against the US

Lockerbie? Killing our troops in Germany?

You dumb zoomer motherlover, just because something happened before you were born doesn't mean it didn't happen.

This is literal "but what if you didn't eat breakfast today" level subhuman r-sluration.

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He planned that attack??? :marseyshook:

You can't really justify an invasion 20+ years later because terrorists used your country's airport.

Again, he was also removed from the US terrorist list, so you can't even use that excuse.

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He planned that attack???

Yes you fricking r-slur, they were literally moving bombs to their embassies in diplomatic pouches.

he was also removed from the US terrorist list, so you can't even use that excuse

That's it, isn't it? You're actually so young you have no idea about any of this. This to you is like the fricking Battle of Hastings.


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More comments

>the rest of the world

>America, Mexico and Canada

>the rest of the world

>Asia except China, Japan, Korea

>the rest of the world

>Europe except Russia

>the rest of the world

>the UK

>the rest of the world


>the rest of the world

>the Middle East

>the rest of the world

"The rest of the world" as in the worlds entire population excluding 12 of the top 15 global players.

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These liberals would have owned slaves to teach them "progressive civilizational" values

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they believe that their in-group represents an island of reason and intelligence in an ocean of barbarism and ignorance

They believe both and switch whenever it's convenient. Similar rightoid phenomena: Israel is the greatest most powerful country in the world that can do anything... but it's very existence is threatened by 40,000 Hezbollah militia. Or if they're antisemitic, Jews are subhuman but they've controlled the entire world for thousands of years. Blacks are all stupid animals (look at IQ tests!) but they've taken over our society.

Leftoids oscillate between two positions: We are under constant siege by the all-powerful forces of the fascist Christian Nationalists. They're around us all the time doing microagressions, murdering trans folx with impunity, shooting unarmed black men for sport. But everyone (except my racist grandpa) deep down really wants to just be a decent person by supporting drag queen story hour or whatever today's culture war issue is.

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It's not that easy! No one cared until :marseybane: the tax dollars for transgender prisoners ad with black people reacting in disbelief and the catchy Kamala is for they/them Trump is for you tagline. They had to pull out all the stops!

This is scientifically the biggest !truthnuke ever developed. Over 1000 Roentgens of hitler particles concentrated down to 30 seconds. Capable of turning even the brownest, welfare-consuming, burrito eating Mexilib into a !chuds Mexicaryan in a single exposure!!!!

:redlight: Watch at your own risk :redlight:

It even has it's own wiki page!


The ads, which had several different variations, aired more than 30,000 times in every swing state.[2] The Trump campaign put the ads in heavy rotation during football games

According to an analysis by Future Forward, "Kamala is for they/them" was ranked as one of Trump's most effective 30-second attack ads, shifting the race 2.7 percentage points in favor of Trump after viewers watched it.

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The impetus for Harris's support for tax-funded transitions stems from the 2015 settlement between the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and Shiloh Quine.[6][7] Harris stated: "I worked behind the scenes to not only make sure that transgender woman got the services she was deserving..." In 1981 Quine was convicted of first-degree murder, kidnapping and robbery for ransom for the kidnap and murder of 33-year-old Shahid Ali Baig, a father of three.[8]

Harris pushed for further change within the California prison system, noting that she "...made sure they changed the policy in the state of California, so every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desired and needed..." Harris stated she felt strongly about the issue, saying, "... it's a civil rights issue, it's a justice issue, and it's an issue of humanity."

:ma#rseyxd: :marseylau#gh: :marse#yemojirofl: :marseyl#aughpoundfist:

:marseyr#ofl::marse#yrofl: :marsey#rofl: :marse#yrofl: :marseyro#fl: :marsey#rofl:

>gee i wonder why I lost the election. must be the zoomer chuddies

And then the BIPOCs at reddit have not the courage, but the lack of self awareness to go ''darn but kamala didnt even say anything about trans people or anything''. Yeah neighbor sometimes you don't need to

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Capable of turning even the brownest, welfare-consuming, burrito eating Mexilib into a chud Mexicaryan in a single exposure!!!!

The @BWC brainrot virus has escaped containment in Brazil, next the world


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They played an ad that's vertical video on TV? Is this a thing now?

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Oh right lol. The only version I've seen before is this vertical one

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Dems have no clue how conservative the rest of the world is.

Yeah Blump supporters send them into a psychotic rage, but they're too r-slurred to realize 99% of the world is even chuddier.

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Be sure to ask them what kind of abortion restrictions Western Europe has.

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Abortion was a felony in Mexico until 2021. No human is illegal though, they should all move here :ramonajak:

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:#chadlatino: I care only about my children and their future

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Illegal immigrants are good for their host country :marseymexicaninv#asionlove::marseymexicaninv#asionlove::marseymexicaninv#asionlove:

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Lmao this comic looks like it was drawn by a 10 year old

Are those veins in the first panel ..?

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Cuts from the knife.

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Blood lol.

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Why does the knife have the speechbubble?

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Because he needs to talk to the white guy not the latinx

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It's Lilarcor

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They can't hide behind the popular vote and it's driving them crazy. The next year of reddit will be less hinged than the first Trump presidency.

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One of the threads says a mandate has to be above 60% or something :marseyxd:


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you need 60 seats in the senate for a mandate chud :hmph:

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WTF i hate democracy now

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I think that's hard to disagree with. At just over 50% means there's going to be lots of people that voted for Trump but don't 100% agree, and people that just didn't like Biden. I think you need like 2/3 of the population on board to just disregard the minority. There's clearly some issues that aren't as popular as other that will need comprise if Republicans want to retain majority at the midterms.

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This is true though. Why are you laughing :marseyconfused:

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felon grump only won everything ever you bigot

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Centrists blame the doctrine of "woke," with particular ire for trans Americans (we see you, New York Representative Tom Suozzi); leftists say Democrats abandoned the working class (we hear you, once again, Senator Bernie Sanders). Both positions are wrong.

:#soysnooseethetalking: :#marseycopeseethedilatetalking:

lmao :marseykneel:


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Biden feels like he did absolutely nothing for four years but blame the working class for his problems. Dude tried to get the unvaccinated fired and tried to pay off student loans. His inflation induction act did nothing and his border bill was the opposite of border security

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Remember, true left wing politics is carrying water for global finance that has hollowed out communities, national pride, and economic prosperity in favor of funneling capital to the professional managerial class while supporting consumption-based identity movements that seek to atomize individuals and separate them from any larger communal identity that could mobilize against the asset-owning class

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This but unironically

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Hey, people constantly complained about Thing for years, more and more frequently and aggressively, and voted for the guy opposed to Thing, but clearly they weren't mad about the main things they criticized us for! Let's teach these morons to do better!

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actually our current strategy of shaming voters and embracing wall street will work the next time we try it

-Charlie Brown Democrats

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I wish they embraced wall street; Lina Khan is a clown and they've been dangling nonsense wealth taxes to leftoids for years now. If Trump supports big business it'll be a W for him

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Both positions are wrong.

Both are right, r-slur. Wokeism is a way for the PMC to distinguish itself from the working class.

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Yeah I wouldn't call it a landslide

nor Did He Secure a Mandate

oh never mind they are delusional

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It's true insofar as all recent Presidents overestimate their mandates. The voters don't want chudius maximus, they just want someone to handle inflation and rough up the rowdiest migrants

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:marseycrusade#r2: :marseycrusade#r2: :marseycrus#ade: :marseycrusade!#r2: :marseycrusade!#r2:

The boys and I declaring Candidate #1 God-Emperor For Life after they CRUSHED candidate #2 by a STUNNING 50.00001% to 49.99999% margin of victory

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Never forget what burgmerica is about: Goyslop wars.



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I never knew, is kino lmao

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Lol just fighting for the love of the game.

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more dead redditors :marseyhammersrdine: pls :#marseyemptybowl:

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You know it's bad when the lead spokesperson for Hamas in the US is making fun of BlueAnon

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This is honestly worse for the Dems in 2016. That was an abberation they could blame on ebil le racist white men who were mad at 8 years of Obama.

This is the final nail in the coffin of neoliberalism. This is just as resounding as Reagan putting the New Deal- Great Society muscular Federal State in the dirt in 1980, or FDR driving a stake into the heart of the Lassiez-Faire political machines that failed to respond to the Great Depression.

Honestly it couldn't come soon enough. China will NOT grow larger, we will build things in America again, we're not going to be the piggy bank of the rest of the world and being American will be a point of pride again

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:marseyhope: It's not looking good. I'm worried it'll just take about 30 years before the next great white hope. :marseyfedoratip:

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As much as Trump is a lazy tard, if he lets his people tear up the secret police state and gives enough tariff cover and relief from regulations to kickstart manufacturing again we might have a chance this century

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I'm not holding my breath but I have that little spark of hope again. :marseyfluffy: :marseyfluffy:

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It's so wild and scary to me how Americans seem to be living in two different realities. There's the actual reality and then there's the conservative reality. I think that's why the "weird" comments seem to be working so well

Womp womp

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It was funny seeing hordes of epic redditors start saying shit like, "Why do you care if someone else's 4-year-old is on HRT? You're WEIRD my guy. So WEIRD." Insanely effective.

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I still don't understamd why dems didn't try to brand her campaign as Dark Kamala

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That'd be pretty redundant, don't you think? No one was advocating for Dark Obama, either.

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That's cause Obama was a new hope,

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get trolled :scoot:

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I've get my news exclusively from /r/politics and I'm so relieved that Kamala won


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I love seeing the [NARRATIVEUPDATE_11.24v2_LAMEDUCK.exe] push in real time

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Muh stochastic terrorism :marseypearlclutch:

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Somewhat related, but he's definitely ahead of where Silver projected things would settle (+1.5%).

If Trump stays above 50% (and even more if he stays closer to +2%) they're really going to seethe.


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Good thing the dems showed over the last four years you can attempt to enact a sweeping agenda half the country hates on the slimmest majority :marseyexcited:

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I'd argue that the single biggest problem with the Harris campaign was that it inherited a dysfunctional Biden campaign, with only 107 days to go. And even given that, there was much her campaign did right: Her ground game actually made a difference; Trump won by an average of three points in the seven battlegrounds, and seven points in states where there really was no active campaign.

This is massive copium. Every poll showed her in a dead heat after the media did the brat summer of joy thing for her. They had a billion dollars.

A 2 point trump win is a 6.5% swing in the popular vote from 2020 biden. He not only won the trifecta of presidency house senate, he also won 100% of the swing states. The electoral win is the largest of anyone since obama way back when ohio and florida were swing states.

You have to be in some pretty deep denial to not see this as a crushing victory. Which makes perusing these threads all the more wonderful, thanks for all you do.

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geez, just storm the Capitol already YOU COWARDS

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Ah guess that means all the handwringing about him ruining the US isnt true got it

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I see we've entered the bargaining stage

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I did not ready any of these posts. :marseyantiwork2:

Please sum up the r-slurred arguments they make to interpret a popular vote win, a swing state sweep and republican control of all levels of government as "not a mandate".

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Just getting the popular vote means it's a landslide for the gop anyway. The EC could have won by one point. PV is just too crazy.

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:#cgenocide: :#ogenocide: :#pgenocide: :#egenocide:

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jfc dude just screenshot the comments

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Have an upvot3

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