100% phoenician™ :marseyflaglebanon: (French) Birdapp user makes the most acute observation of nigerian society in recent years. Even local nigerians :marseyflagnigeria: stare in awe at how accurately racist it is.



To the illiterate dramatards or unaware of the functions among diaspora third worlders, the graph above is meant to represent the fate of any Respectable Black Man™:

forced to give money to his (extended) family, his president, and the corrupt police. The family spends it on overpriced, low quality items. The president gives kickbacks to his family and "business partners" (extended family). The corrupt police spends it on strippers/hookers.

This sparked a wave of nigerians begrudgingly recognizing the pinpoint accuracy of his observation:




https://i.rdrama.net/images/17319360344443352.webp OP even parades over the reluctant applause of his targets.



The man did a few more infographics on other countries:

The american social contract

The Canadian social contract :!to: A bunch of feuilles sneeding in this thread

Le contrat social Québécois :!to: A bunch of leafs sneeding in this thread

And a couple of EU ones on his french alt/og account








Fun fact, OP is also the guy who made this parody tweet which baited a whole bunch of rightoids a couple of years back! Absolutely dramapilled :marseysalutearmy:


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Pretty sure Bouli isn't his alt, he's just the guy that came up with the original format. Nicolas, 30 ans was the template the others were built from

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1731974051333128.webp Darn, you're right.

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this is the best one

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Stomp Seagulls

Decapitate Seagulls

Put a Seagull in a blender

Total Seagull death NOW

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Pretty much the same everywhere

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I bet Lina gives insane head

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She can probably remove a human kidney in under three minutes.

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This image implies BaföG pays anything.

Also missing the crucial civil servant distribution, millions are being used to pay people to do nothing most of the time.

t. civil servant

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I approve of my tax money being spent on MDMA for the young. They will have life affirming experiences that will make them more productive.

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who is Lina?

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forced to give money to his (extended) family, ... the family spends it on overpriced, low quality items

In the fricking Ivory Coast, it's the fricking equivalent of something like a fricking 14% tax, and they were fricking able to encourage people to work more just by helping employees hide their income from the fricking aunties.



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In the thread itself, the guy who posted the original infographic goes into a more in-depth explanation of "black tax" which was pretty interesting. It included an actual self-help book by a black woman entrepreneur that was exclusively about "how to set boundaries with your friends & family around your money."

An interesting takeaway from the threads though, to me, was that a lot of African people realize that this exists and is r-slurred, but are forced into it by social pressure. Like, you will lose your marriageability, reputation, etc locally if you refuse to pay out to your freeloading extended family members. Obviously you don't need to care about this if you just move away, but it's massively counter-productive to those societies ever accumulating any wealth within themselves, since they socially shun anyone who has the ability to generate more wealth if they don't bog themselves down in freeloading communalism.

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To this day, I only know my "respectable" cousins, no idea how many of the "others" exist. My parents were savage.

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:marseyxd: :marseyxd:

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This just can't be real

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kunley_drukpa is a legendary troll :marseyclapping:

[trump for prison]

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It's almost certainly not real. But hopefully will be soon :marseyinshallah:

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Last tweet is an absolute banger

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!macacos em território nacional, qual seria o equivalente no Brasil?

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Not even top civil servants are making rolex money. The highest civil service pay band in BIPOCzil is just 70k per annum.

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INSS -> aposentados

Bolsa família -> Norte e Nordeste

Mercosul -> nossos países satélites

Dois homens numa moto -> Rio de Janeiro

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Drukpa is fricking great

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So it's classism, not racism, which I can get behind.

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i dont hate black people, just poor people

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That is some nice effort put into his posts. I hope he keeps going.

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>yelling BIPOC


>an indepth explanation for why your people are in the shitter that is so good they are more impressed than offended


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if you watch the documentary Eddy took the initiative to learn fluent Chinese and was a hard worker, justice for my man Eddy he doesn't deserve this slander :marseyindignant:

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Eddy is smart and hardworking. He just didn't want to admit to tiresome chinaman that half his compatriots are lazy r-slurs :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyretard4:

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The US one the SSA & Medicare arrows should be the largest of all of them. Spending on retirees is currently 85% of total federal revenue, they have been massively underpaying in to the programs for their entire life. The USAid should have farmers before it, the US subsidizes grain production (mostly corn) and then USAid buys the excess that isn't sold on the market, its social welfare for farmers with an aid output so people complain less about it. Also missing the 6 figure "public servants" like cops who "retire" after 20 years, receive a full pension and then get a cop job in a different department to double dip.

UK NHS likes killing off retirees and doesn't have a high proportion of total healthcare spend going to the near dead elderly like US does. They also don't have a universal pension like SSA in the US. Its also missing all the muslims who don't work and single mothers who have children so they don't have to work.

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>UK NHS likes killing off retirees and doesn't have a high proportion of total healthcare spend going to the near dead elderly like US does

This is why having socialized healthcare is good. The service is so shit all the boomers die early, therefore mooching off less from the system overall :marseyhesright:

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The NHS got in trouble a few years ago for financially rewarding hospitals who let old people die instead of treating them. It's where the chuds got the idea that death panels would exist if we got ACA.


They didn't actually shut it down. It just got renamed death pathway and is now part of all the trusts.

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Is this kunley drupka fella a Lebanese ?

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Not sure he ever stated it outright. But he seems to understand french (the original meme template came from french online spergs), made a few birdapp threads about Lebanese History or geography and I've seen nigerians claim he's lebanese which explains to them why is he so well-versed on nigerian social matters (lebanese are involved in a lot of businesses in West Africa)

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:derpprocessing: all those names look igbo to me but I'm going off vibes

[trump for prison]

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If you aren't Igbo or Yoruba you don't have a place in Nigerian politics. :marseyindignant:

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The Leaf one is wildly inaccurate. :marseyindignantturn:

To maintain accuracy, Indigenous And Northern Affairs should lead to fast food, cars, and church burnings. :marseythumbsup:

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Thank you, very cool twitter threads

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