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Dramatards, no matter how hard you try with your "troll-ops" you will never reach this level. You will never be able to make AI porn of someone's dying mother to win an internet argument, and then shitpost about it online because you know your Russian funding will deal with any lawyers.



The "maga communist" pro Russian puppet rightoid Jackson Hinkle got into a millionth slapfight with Gigazion liberal Drew Pavlou. As the argument was going nowhere he decided to win in in a most reasonable way - make an ai deep fake of his sickly mother selling herself on mudslide porn website. :marseydespair:

I believe xitter jannied the post so I can't find it anymore at least. There is probably an archive somewhere tho

The happenings

Not long after the Gigalib himself took notice and asked his followerbase to mass report the post

As you can notice in replies, various groyper megachuds, muslim terrorists and progressive tankoids alike clap in unison for Hinkle's post :marsey#horseshoe:

Shortly after he makes a post saying he will seek legal action

Ultimately proving that sharing a common enemy destroys all obstacles , a rightoid republitard lawyer lends a helping hand to our gigalib demonrat :marseycomradehandsh#ake: :marseygrilli#ng2:

Shortly after Drew announces that he will be disabling his Twitter account :chadleftoidgenocide#:

How does the preparator, Jackson Hinkle, react to this development? Is he shaking in his boots over the lawyer involvement? Expressing deep regret? No, in fact, he is shitposting on his xitter :marseytroublema#ker:

And celebrating the defeat of his foe :marseypa#rty:

All while being praised by gigachuds, muslims and schizo leftoids


Now, while my personal opinion is what he did is absolutely vile, and whoever involves someone's parents in petty internet squabbles with shit like that is deranged psycho :marseypsycho: , I must admit this is one of the most dramatic actions I've seen on Twitter, especially for an account which regularly gets 50k likes on posts. All while getting away with a slap on the wrist in form of his post being removed. :marseyevilgrin:

Lastly , you are probably wondering how is Drew doing after he disabled his xitter?

You guessed it, he did not last a day :marseylaugh:


Drew evacuated to bluesky initially but got bullied out by the comparably more leftoid residents lol

Dear @markbankston.bsky.social, I really want to get in touch with you. Jackson Hinkle posted a fake porn image of my mother to his 2.8 million followers on Twitter. X wouldn't take it down for almost a full day. I live in Australia but what are our legal options? Emailed you

β€” Drew Pavlou (@drewpavlou.bsky.social) 2024-12-05T03:57:35.679Z

!grillers !jidf !anticommunists

Who will win this battle of two r-slurs fighting (if he sues him)

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Sometimes you get criticism for crossing the line but praised for blowing past the motherlover at 300 kph. This is one of those times, like, making a deep fake of the gigalib would be a shit move but deep fake of his terminally ill mother is just so egregious you can't even be upset.

Also, the use of the who must go meme is top notch, god do I love that meme

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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>god do I love that meme


That meme is the reason i stan Assad. I dont actually know anything about the war :marseyshrug:

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You have to respect someone going straight for the nuclear option, especially when it works perfectly and leads to a decisive victory :marseynukegoggles:

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Why isn't this easy to outflank by calling him pornbrained and probably trans

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The psychological damage is severe enough that all strategy goes out the window

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People will see that as pure projection :#marseyprojection: :#marseyloopy:

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I feel like it's easier to risk this when you are literally paid to troll by a foreign power but still :marseykneel:

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I wish I could be a paid Russian troll :marseygiveup: do you think they're hiring ?

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Wait for Kremlin to reach out to you, but im afraid if that happens you shall become my enemy

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do you think it would be hard to cross into kaliningrad as a foreign swarthoid?

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But you're white? :marseyconfused:

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Honestly you'd be welcomed as a savior of the Slav race

Your seed would quicken in the wombs of their women

And then you'd get used as a biodrone on the battlefield and blasted to pieces and die instantly if you're lucky

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She's a foid though

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There's no evidence of that

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Your seed would quicken in the wombs of their women


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You'd fit right in!

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No, Rossiya loves their muslims

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They do? :marseyshook:

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the payment is not getting sent to die in ukraine (and probably some worthless rubles as well) , so in order to be eligible to be hired you have to be in russia, and if you don't get hired you go to the trenches.

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ok, I will try to go to ruzzia

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If you're from a western country, there's a good chance they'll just arrest you to attempt to extract concessions, not exactly a lucrative opportunity (for you at least)

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so I can be famous AND possibly meet a hot russian guy AND get to get an authentic Russian prison tattoo :marseyblush:

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possibly meet a hot russian guy


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Unfortunately, there are no hot guys left in Russian prisons, they got poached by the army. Officers need to r*pe someone, you know. Why not the best they can get?

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Would The Hague consider photoshopping someone's dying mom into porn a war crime? :marseyhmm:

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your feelings are valid

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I agree it's so awful but it's so fricking funny how nonchalant he is about it I just had to post it

Also you forgot to upmarsey kindly reminder

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It's cartoonish supervillainy. If a lib on the boys wrote a villain that did that itd be so cringe and gay

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That's why Harris lost

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Yeah it's so evil and funny it loops back around to being completely okay

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It's such a level of sociopathy that it makes me realize how much I miss the internet of yesteryear that would have, were they able, happily done something like this. Now it's just getting scolded by some :marseychonkerfoid: or :marseytrain2: for saying literally anything

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If this is sociopathy what does that say about the fact I'm giggling that crazy? Checkmate atheist

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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>children reading Marcus Aurelius today.

>children reading Jackson Hinkle 2k years from now.

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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marcus aurelius did horrible things against innocents. His behavior would today be seen as horrible war crimes akin to Hitler. But he did write about stoicism, which you can read. he even pursecured Christians, whose rightoids look up to him now.

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I think it's an assumption he is probably going to face some consequence or at least go through legal battles over it, and also it's so bad you don't feel as required to be outraged as others will do the lifting for you.

It's like slapping him on the back as he does the walk to the electric chair

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Drew was kinda asking for it:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17334868865657523.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17334868868498855.webp

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Oh yeah that escort thing was fake so he spread fake shit so has no arguments in the court

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