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  • jew : day of the rake can't come soon enough
  • HailVictory1776 : Aren't leafs for some reason able to import terrible Chink bullpups no one wants trans lives matter
  • eletric_maniac : ^yes because we dont have coldwar era import bans. But anything fun will be banned soon

EFFORTPOST How Quebec cucked Canada | A historical tale of how some french incel irrevocably shat on gun rights and promoted the federal funding of a group of feral white women to shit on them more :francenice:

Mutts know that Canada is cucked in regards to gun ownership, but can't comprehend the actual context behind it. hopefully this helps :marseyjam:

A long standing political tradition in Canada is milking the shit out of events, the most potent of this is the Polytechnique Massacre (pictured below) which has cuckolded canadian gun owners for well over a third of a century at this point.

:marseyblops2#cel: :space::marseytradragin#g::marseytradragin#g::marseytradragin#g::marseytradragin#g::marseytradragin#g::marseytradragin#g:

(this isn't an exaggeration, the resembelance is uncanny https://i.rdrama.net/images/17335281171328301.webp )

The shooting itself wasn't anything spectacular. it was Today (happy anniversary, i wish he got them all!) :marseyexcited:, all the way back in 1989. Some incel (named marc le pine :marseyxd!: ) was beaten enough as a kid to get literal brain damage to the degree where they were refused from the army for being antisocial :chudspin:, after failing to flunk out of school despite no effort in his studies :marseybigbrain:. Let's check his suicide note for some content :marseyexcited:

Please note that if I commit suicide today 89-12-06 it is not for economic reasons (for I have waited until I exhausted all my financial means, even refusing jobs) but for political reasons. Because I have decided to send the feminists, who have always ruined my life, to their Maker. For seven years life has brought me no joy and being totally blasΓ©, I have decided to put an end to those viragos.

I tried in my youth to enter the Forces as an officer cadet, which would have allowed me possibly to get into the arsenal and precede Lortie in a raid. They refused me as [I was] asocial.


Thus it is an obvious truth that if the Olympic Games removed the Men-Women distinction, there would be women only in the graceful events. So the feminists are not fighting to remove that barrier. They are so opportunistic they [do not][note 2] neglect to profit from the knowledge accumulated by men through the ages. They always try to misrepresent them every time they can. Thus, the other day, I heard they were honoring the Canadian men and women who fought at the frontline during the world wars. How can you explain [that since][note 3] women were not authorized to go to the frontline??? Will we hear of Caesar's female legions and female galley slaves who of course took up 50% of the ranks of history, though they never existed. A real Casus Belli.


Of course, while this incel slop is innovative for the time (not really, everyone hates women), the shooting wasn't really that remarkable. It's not even the most deadly shooting in Canada, especially not nowadays. the actual impact of this is far worse: Feral white women.

And even worse: Feral french white women. Because women be crazy, and because an incel was the one shooting, Mister Mark Le Pine (:xd:) catapulted white women into relevancy. The survivors formed together like a bunch of maggots on a corpse to form PolySeSouvient, the single biggest contributor to every dogshit arbitrary gun law Canada has, up to and including reading off guns from a copy of guns and ammo to put on the list (there's a shared typo :marseyxd: )

The biggest example of this blatant foidery is Nathalie Provost, unremarkable white woman.


:marseyyikes: :marseyeggless:

She's the reason it's federally funded, as she's paid by the glowies to be on the gun advocacy board :marseydicklet: - of course, there's no conflict of interest here, and she can't be considered a lobbyist as she's not directly paid by the group she helped found :marseybigbrain:

Functionally every bill they've contributed to has been r-slurred in more ways than can be counted by man, with the literal only pushback being from the only group Canadians hold more dear than white women:

Heya Hoyas :marseycherokee#:

natives in this country LOVE huffing gas and LOVE gubmernemnt gibs, but the only thing they love more is god's chosen slav slop: the SKS, meaning that's probably the only gun Canadians will ever be allowed to have, which is for some reason considered less deadly than can plinkers like 22lr 5 rounders :marseyeyeroll:, thankfully the white women are on the case, and are going to carve out exemptions for our heya hoya friends :marseyletsgo: I love being a second class citizen! yipee!

To give context as to some r-slurred weapon bans that're explicitly named:

The Walther WA 2000: an 80k USD (so about 8 trillion CAD) semi auto rifle. there's only one in Canada and I don't think anyone was ever shot by one in north america :marseyxd:


The 22LR Kriss Vector (5 round mags :marseyxd: )


Semi Auto Conversions of the PPSH


The GSG-16


And more dumb bans :marseyexcited: Keep in mind that they previously had to fit within magazine limits (10rds for pistols, 5 for rifles) and have maximum muzzle energy capped :marseyjam:

This is also on top of the mounties calling said GSG16 a semimachine gun :marseyxd:

Remember leafs! no matter how much you hate quebec and white women it isn't enough!

dude bussy lmao

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quebec as a province is such an inherently bad idea. i said it before but, any other time, any other place, it would've been 2wo countries.

but becuaes there were like 150 people on the continent in 1790 or whenever they beccame a country, they had to stick together.

but its continual proof that diversity is no strength. :marseyindignant:

the bloc quebecois has 3rd place power in the canadian gov

a nationalist seperatist party.

a party that exists to pursue quebec's interests at the expense of everyone else.

it's no different from the inevitable Islamic parties that will rise in :marseybong: and :marseyflageu: over the coming decade

it's a racial headcount. its held together only because the fr*nch are not so different from you and me.

but the very concept of 'group rights' that emboldens these people to make gun rights exceptions only for heya hoyas,

comes from canadia's founding as a country of two 'distinct societies' who are to be treated differently under the law

Its rotten to the core and it's all the french's fault. It should always have been two countries. :marseynotes2:

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Quebec should be its own country, so Canada can invade it and supress the quebecois sentiment. Unfortunately as long as the fr*nch remain "Canadian citizens" despite their constant railing against it, the government is too kitty to do anything to them.

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Separate countries is how you deal with diversity lmao. Intra-country parallel systems never work.

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They don't. Worst case it results in genocide. Best case it results in a permanent tumor on your entire political system that requires massive amounts of gibs to keep everything together.

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