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/r/conservative absolutely chimps out over Barack Obama vowing Total Rightoid Death or something like that :gigaobama: :chudtantrumgenocide:




>FOX NEWS: Obama, in 1st remarks since election, says 'a line has been crossed' if 'one side' makes certain moves

Former President Obama declared that if "one side" attempts to cement "a permanent grip on power" through "suppressing votes," "politicizing" the military or weaponizing the judiciary and criminal justice system to target opponents, "a line has been crossed."


Bring it butthole. What's he going to do overthrow the government? Sounds like an insurrection to me.


I hate him so much. :chudtantrumfaster:

He is responsible for this division. I've never seen the country this divided in my life.

"this country has never been this divided in human history" :surewalz:

"It's (D)emocracy when we do it. It's Fascist when you do it." Obama and the Democrats.

:chadyes: :chadyescapy: :queenyes: :grillcastyes:

Former President Barack Obama declared that if "one side" attempts to cement "a permanent grip on power" through "suppressing votes," "politicizing" the military or weaponizing the judiciary and criminal justice system to target opponents, "a line has been crossed."

Wow! He just described the last four plus years of the Democrats under his influence.

Don't make me tap the sign, chuds....


Jesus it really is projection at this point. They're worse than my ex...

LISTEN UP LIBTARDS.....MY WIFE LEFT ME. :marseyforeveralone:

You're too late. Many lines have already been crossed under your and Biden's administrations.

Heh.....you're too late, Barry. Tooooooooo fricking late.....we just wanted to be left alone.....and now...NOW.....THERE'S NO TURNING BACK!!!!! :shadowrage: :marseyweeb: :marseytrollgun:

Sorry to disagree. The Dear Leader's regime was simply Comrade Obama's third term working, as Comrade Pelosi said, as quickly as possible to finish implementing his agenda to fundamentally change America and ensure that the Democrat Socialist Party would remain in power for the foreseeable future.

People calling Obama communist? Brings me back to the good ol' days....I miss 2011.... :boomermonster:

Remember when their personal chef who couldn't swim somehow decided to go paddle boarding and drowned?

That vanished from the headlines didn't it?


Wishes he was still relevant.

Him and Michael need to go away.

THEY'RE STILL DOING THE MICHELLE OBAMA IS A :marseytrain: SHIT IN THE CURRENT YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024 AAAAHAHAHAH :marseylaugh: :marseyemojirofl: :marseylaughpoundfist: :dinoxd: :marseyemojilaugh: :marseytransrentfree:

FU Obama

:f: :u: :exclamationpoint:

The line that was crossed was Obummer not stayin in the shadows.

still using the phrase "Obummer" :marseygiveup:

!nonchuds Impressive how Obamna caused this much of a shitflinging in 2024 after his legacy got BTFO'd by Dangerous Donald. :gigaobama: :marseyclappingglasses:

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I give Obama credit, his mere existance triggers rightoids. :vegetakneel:

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Why do they hate him so much? He didn't seem like an especially dramatic president or anything.

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  • Weaponized the IRS against political opponents

  • Gave $400M cash to Iran

  • Funded and supplied ISIS while trying to back Syrian opposition forces

  • Fumbled the Benghazi attack response, leading to the deaths of ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and two SEALs

  • Claimed unilateral discretion to bomb and kill Americans anywhere, anytime which he did

  • Pushed Operation Fast and Furious, which supplied cartels with weapons

  • Expanded the use of digital surveillance cowtools for the NSA and other intelligence agencies

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Mad cuz that neighbor had style

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You think supplying ISIS, Iran, and the cartels with cash and weapons is good???

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Depends on your opinion of jihad.

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Imagine WPD without that cash infusion tho

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Pushed Operation Fast and Furious, which supplied cartels with weapons


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omg! !chuds what else did I miss

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you wrote it

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no i didnt :marseyderp:

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Reported by:
  • jew : killing ruskies is based
  • DickButtKiss : Those first two points are not in question - trans lives matter

Weaponized the IRS against political opponents


Gave $400M cash to Iran


Funded and supplied ISIS while trying to back Syrian opposition forces

You ladygardens loved it when Reagan gave guns to crazy Muslims to kill Ruskies but hated Obama for it.

Fumbled the Benghazi attack response, leading to the deaths of ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and two SEALs

But what about Benghazi?!?! Holy frick that shit was dumb.

Claimed unilateral discretion to bomb and kill Americans anywhere, anytime which he did

He dropped like 22,000 drone strikes which is evil but afaik they were all on third worldies. What Americans did he kill? I don't even remember this one lol.

Pushed Operation Fast and Furious, which supplied cartels with weapons

It was an r-slured operation but IDK why you think it had any real impact. How many guns did it even involve? You think cartels have a problem acquiring handguns?

Expanded the use of digital surveillance cowtools for the NSA and other intelligence agencies

Rightoids loved W for passing the Patriot act but hated Obama for doing the same shit. I would respect you a lot more if you just said "I know his politics are basically the same as Reagan and W except for gay marriage, but I hate BIPOCs."

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You ladygardens loved it when Reagan gave guns to crazy Muslims to kill Ruskies

lol who are you talking about? almost nobody here was of voting age for POTUS reagan.

Rightoids loved W for passing the Patriot act

again, who the frick are you talking about? have you ever seen anyone on here liking the patriot act?

The kind of people who in your delulu mind are Republicans, basically Peepee Cheney, those are Democrats now. Most rightoids on this website were liberals in the early 2000s.

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Most rightoids on this website were liberals in the early 2000s.

!chuds :#marseytruthnuke:

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Not giving into :marseytrain: nonsense means you're a chud according to the groomercordBIPOCs of nudrama

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Also it's not inconsistent if you're a "culture" chud who hates browbeaters. Christ cucks did it once. Wokescolds do it now. You can hate both for the same reason and receive incompatible labels for it.

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Overton Window


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So was Trump

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I'm in this picture and I'm pretty okay with it

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He promised to end all the worst things about the bush administration but actually doubled down on them. He promised to fix healthcare and banking but did nothing except slowed the increase of healthcare premium costs for one year (and they continue to lie to the american people about inflation through this same trick.)

It was pretty much lies and the democrats just ate it up since he could say a nice speech while the entire country struggled through the recession.

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What Americans did he kill? I don't even remember this one lol.


You're dumb.

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I love you too, bb.


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Rightoids loved W for passing the Patriot act

No we didnt. Nobody liked Bush. It's why Bush gave Democrats 8 years

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You ladygardens loved it when Reagan gave guns to crazy Muslims to kill Ruskies but hated Obama for it.

The afghan mujahideen was a completely different group from the taliban you fricking cretin

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Why would you say that? :marseysad:

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well the multi year long campaign in which they tried to claim he wasn't a US citizen probably has something to do with it.

also weird how they kept saying his middle name too.

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Because they are totally not racist

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Because traditionally the President retires into peaceful obscurity after his term ends, building a presidential library and working for habitat for humanity or whatever. Obama never really left the DC world and engaging with Dem party stuff and policy making, so he's still blamed for a lot when he'd otherwise be an afterthought by now.

With Biden so out of it there's also been a lot of suspicion he's even more involved in this presidency than know, but who knows.

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he's the only president :marseybiden: in recent history :marseyww1french1: who left office :marseywhiteshirt: with 50%+ approval rating. bush went into obscurity because everyone :marseynorm: hates :marseysoangry: him including his own party. biden :marseyridin: will do the same. trump :marseysnappymaga: will keep yapping :marseytalk: after his 2nd term regardless of how popular he is.

anyway if democrats listened to him more they would :marseymight: be better :marseysaulgoodman: off. he's the only the democratic candidate :marseybuttigieg: who did decently in rural :marseyfrontiersman: areas in recent history.

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  • HailVictory1776 : He's a neocon warmonger authoritarian aka a typical Dumbocrap trans lives matter

Which is crazy considering his politics. Killing shitskins. Blowing up forgien leaders. Letting bankers to do what ever they want. Frick your healthcare. CIA fanboy number 1. All he is missing is strict bortion stance

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"Strict abortion stance"

That's the only thing we really need to know. :cryingatcuteness:

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his administration turned title IX into kafka trial bullshit

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Good moids don't deserve due process

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action --> reaction

obama basically forced the american people to elect trump.

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Many Republicans don't actually like those policies, they just prioritise the things they like more.

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They just hate democrats

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>dems don't have principles and just hate repubs

>repubs don't have principles and just hate dems


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Libeterians hate those stuff. Conservatives love those stuff.

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He put kids in cages and deported more Mexicans that Trump. Obama is just black orangeman, and racists hate him for it.

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Trumps broder hitler is obamas guy

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they just can't stand when a string eloquent black man succeeds.

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So true https://media.tenor.com/umQ507uNYBoAAAAx/alzolanskii-first-lady.webp



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Forrest must be r-slurred to turn that down.

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Bailey :#marseyheart:

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Did she rope or just hit the wall?

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dress go spinny

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Lol lmao

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that must be it

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They can't get over the image of Obama's magnificent buck of a father thrusting his glistening BBC into his mother's lilly white va-jay-jay.

For that matter, neither can I.... I think i need a cold shower

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his african relatives were campaigning for trump

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obama's existence is a constant reminder of african :marseyblack2: inferiority. the first :marseywinner: black :marseybipocrentfree: president :marseykamakama: will always be a guy who was raised :marseynerd3: by azns and yts in the part of the world :marseyww1french2: of the world :marseykamikaze: as far removed from africa :marseysomali: as possible.

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He really exposed the Republicans racism, didn't he?

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They're racist? :marseysad:

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The democrats are the real racists

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Then I made a mistake this election

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You voted Republican? :marseypearlclutch:

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A republican will call you a BIPOC and call it a day.

A democrat with honeyed words as he hugs you and stabs you in he back.

Jewish lives matter.

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Racism? :marseygasp:

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Racism? :marseyscared:

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:marseysaluteusa: :girlsalute: :marseysalutepride: :platysalute:

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Giving a black man credit? In this economy? :marseysting:

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