EFFORTPOST The time Jordan Peterson did a Reddit AMA

So, in case you need some contextualization, Jordan Peterson was born in Alberta, Canada and he earned his PhD in psychology from McGill University. It's important to note that Peterson is prolific in his field, and he has over a hundred papers published covering topics such as addiction, play, and personality.

Peterson taught at Howard University before returning to Canada to teach at the University of Toronto. It's interesting to note that during this time, Jordan Peterson began to change. He became more intense, more politically involved, and many of his friends noted this.

The professor rose to fame after protesting Bill C-16 and claiming that it legislated compelled speech and forced him to refer to transpeople using their preferred pronouns. Since then, many have debunked JP's concerns and have pointed out that absolutely nobody has been imprisoned as a consequence of Bill C-16. In modern day, JP is still fairly popular and he enjoys a strong following, as seen with the sales of his latest book, We Who Wrestle With God.

In 2018, Jordan Peterson was arguably at the peak of his fame, and he had yet to be completely demonized online. Consequently, he took to Reddit to host an AMA. It's actually quite a funny one because it highlights the main problem with JP - while he has some insightful advice to give regarding his core field (psychology), he exposes areas of ignorance when he delves into other topics he is not an expert on. He has a tendency to read obscure esoteric texts and to latch onto fringe ideas merely because they are interesting. He has also demonstrated that he is not the best when it comes to interpreting scientific papers and reaching logical conclusions.


Jordan Peterson's Reddit AMA

Link to the whole thing is here: https://old.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/8m21kw/i_am_dr_jordan_b_peterson_u_of_t_professor/

Let's off with something light. Jordan Peterson makes a statement regarding antidepressants and whether they are overprescribed. An expert in the field quickly jumps in and points out an error in JP's message. You'll see this trend of experts popping up to disprove him recur.


Now to dive into the deep waters. Postmodern cultural marxism! JP always uses this phrase, and it seems like a highly self-contradictory one at first. He gives a definition but many point out that his definition is bullshit.





Fricking /u/Bardfinn appears!!1!


Jordan also touches on Nazism, arguing that it was an atheist doctrine.


Euphoric redditors don't take too kindly to this.





Lastly, we have the topic of "enforced monogamy" which was a controversy at the time. When asked about incels, JP recommended enforced monogamy. When talking about a murderous incel, he states:

"He was angry at God because women were rejecting him," Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto killer. "The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That's actually why monogamy emerges."


He is asked about this in the AMA, to which he replies with the following:


That is not enough to placate redditors who still see a problem with what the professor is proposing.






So that's all for today regarding the adventures on Jordan Peterson. You can catch him on Ben Shapiro's The Daily Wire where he teaches his fans about marriage, Christianity, and conservatism. Personally, I think JP is an intelligent man who may have stumbled into a few psychological truths. However, he is bogged down by so much political crap and tangential bullshit including religion that anyone with some sense would avoid and go seek knowledge elsewhere. There is nothing JP exclusively offers that can't be obtained elsewhere without half the amount of bullshit.

Formerly Chuck's.

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Cleaning one's room is good so all of your points are mute :marseyindignant:

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Nice try mom

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But Beterson doesn't clean his own room

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Bloody post-modernist propaganda right there :marseydetective:

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Why does ur flair say "Bush lmao?"

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Because you can't speak japanese and google translate is shit

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I'm Japanese though? :marseyconfused:

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ドラマタルドさん、日本人だと言ってるのに「bussy lmao」と理解できないなんて…

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Because that's not what it says? :marseyconfused:

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he'll clean it when he's good and ready!

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I remember when he did a tour in Australia in 2017 or 2018 and there were some protests. One of the terminally online spergs from school saw the show. :marseyzoomerpat:

Also what happened to him? He doesn't look like he's in good shape nowadays.

btw good post


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Also what happened to him?

Benzodiazepenes and having a daughter

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A daughter who banged Andrew Tate

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The removal of the paterfamilias's right of life and death over his family members was a mistake

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im an expert and youre wrong

-waiter with major in :marseytrain: capeshit studies

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They also called themselves socialists.

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Woa dude, the Nazis weren't collectivists!

I mean sure, they ran as socialists and commonly wrote about being socialist. Sure they nationalized most industries and seized guns, and I mean yeah, they did have a planned economy.

And I mean sure, they may have removed all of the other political parties and eliminated civil rights like gun ownership and free speech…

And okay maybe Hitler talked a lot in the book he wrote about how big government is the only way to true progress and the average person is too stupid for individuality to work…

But they did that all in bad faith! Not true collectivism!!

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Nazi flag: red

Communism flag: red


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>nazi flag


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>eliminated civil rights like gun ownership

lol u r-slur Nazis made it easier to buy guns and ammo and NASDAP members had no restrictions

because fascists love firearms scratch a gun owner find a fascist

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They seized guns from ethnic minorities and illegalized private security operations, etc.

Yes, the party could have weapons. They are important for progress.

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sneedman gpt :marseysnappynraged:

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ask me anythong

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I listened to the audio book for the 12 rules of life and thought it was good and interesting. He noticibly chokes up and almost sobs when he was reading some bits about the divine Mother archetype which was awkward but proves he does believe in and is passionate about what he does.


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The guy would cry about well-cooked chicken nuggets he's so emotional.

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He did a surprisingly good job seeing as he's not a professional audiobook narrator.

I can excuse the crying because I've listened to audiobooks where "V Corps" is pronounced "vee corpse" and "Army Group Center" is pronounced with the emphasis on the word 'group' as in, the narrator thinks it's a center for army groups. As long as you understand what you're reading, you can weep all you want, Jordan!

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What book are you reading about AGM?

T. Eastern front nerd

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12 rules for life was written before his benzo addiction and Russian meat diet fried his brain.

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protesting Bill C-16 and claiming that it legislated compelled speech

it does.

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I remember this AMA!!! My favorite answer was on the wage gap (it was giga r-slurred).

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have pointed out that absolutely nobody has been imprisoned as a consequence of Bill C-16.

Because he never made the argument that it was Bill C-16 alone, but a stepping stone to worse shit and he was right.


Like its not hard to debunk shit he actually goes into when he goes into one of his schizo rants about nietzche and government forced monogomy but instead everyone is fricking lazy and misinterprets at the most surface level because they're so buttblasted being told to clean their room and wash their foreskin.

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I wash my foreskin!

Formerly Chuck's.

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professor rose to fame after protesting Bill C-16 and claiming that it legislated compelled speech and forced him to refer to transpeople using their preferred pronouns. Since then, many have debunked JP's concerns and have pointed out that absolutely nobody has been imprisoned


Are you copying and pasting from a redditor, or are you really that r-slurred? :marseysmug3:

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Pretty sure most of his posts are copy/pastes with the only effort being win key + shift + s to snip reddit comments and paste them into the post field.

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My wife was into Peterson and one day I said, "did you know he's Canadian" and she stopped watching him. Then six months later he did the Russia thing lmao

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These kinds of hostile responses would probably be considered vile harassment if Jordan wasn't an enemy of the state to these people. Like what they'd do if this kind of heat aimed at a trans gaming journ*list :marseythinkorino:

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All I remember about him is him frying his brain because he is a drug addict :marseylaugh:

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:#soyredditsmugcomputer: "Nazism was not an atheist doctrine because they branded themselves as Christian in a ~90% percent Christian country."

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Stop taking benzos or you'll end up like him.

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a drug addict

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But how is your benzo addiction?

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Hello Dahncer_the_reindeer, or should I say r*pedeer? 8 letters, fitting huh. If this life were perfect you'd have known nothing but milk and cookies since you left your birthers c*nt. However, it's not- that's where I come in.

You have no say anymore, no freedom, no volition- I am Santa. You now worship my Christmas tree. You can call me Nicholas. A saint? No, but I come with more conviction.

Dahncer_the_reindeer you are my r*pe sleigh-ve now. And that's your greatest achievement- all you've ever amounted to, tugging and pulling my sleigh as we break the space time continuum together you complete fricking slut. I'll find you.





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