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  • HailVictory1776 : A fricking guinea. God darnit trans lives matter
  • eva_isaKONG : i really hope his mangionefesto mentions jews, i'll bust him out trans lives matter not

Luigi :soymario: Mangione :marseypizzaslice: ID'd as person of interest in UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson killing :marseyitsaover:


His Xitter Account






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Some BIPOC recognized him in a McDonalds and snitched on him :marseyweeping: he would've gotten away with it if that dumb skank didn't make him pull his mask down :marseycrying:

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The photo the police released of the suspect showing his face was the key to capturing Mangione, Chief Kenny says.


Straggots are unbelievable

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>arrested for murder because you were flirting with a foid

Is this the biggest !moidmoment of all time?

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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!macacos the European Latins just can't resist

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We can't be perfect 100% of the time. :marseysad: Even when doing super secret assassination missions apparently.

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they're coming for yer (ghost) guns !commenters :soyjihadi:


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Good luck with that.


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Thats not how ghost guns work at all. :marseyraging:

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:marseyindignant: Scary name gets a scary legislation.

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No but this is how they push to ban online sale of parts without tying your name to them in a database

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so that's why it jammed 3 times

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All the journ*lists lie about them. I hate journ*lists so much.

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We need Mario to come for the CEO of journ*lism

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>He was arrested in April after a girlfriend encountered the mask and a pile of ink-stained cash

never commit two crimes at once

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>a girlfriend, not his girlfriend

he was black where it counted

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no fricking way


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There's no way they didn't just pull this go over for a DWB and find the mask and go "oh shit the YT Bandit!"

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New hotep conspiracy idea

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>hero undone by a woman

feels biblical

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Greek tragedy

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Mcdonalds is a glowie honeypot

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Charging gourmet prices for the worst slop, it's a honeypot for r-slurs.

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fricking wagie snitch makes me sick

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begone, brand

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>Some BIPOC recognized him in a McDonalds


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shitalian-obliterating tanzanite

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Do Italians call themselves non-white?

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Hahahahaha awesome

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Can you blame him? Man just wanted a quick romp on that monk kitty

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Yeah we can blame you, YTA

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Darn beat me to it. I was gonna post this:

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Sorry but theirs never been a commie that looked like this

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Bet this is a psyop


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>a Master's and Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania

>They "doxxed" his Goodreads and it's just a bunch of self-help, pop science, sci-fi and also "Industrial Society and it's Future"

Ah, the genius/fuckwit combo platter! :marseymanysuchcases:

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Insane that STEMcels think they are intelligent when "ppl" like him are their best πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­

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t. psych major

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Ah frick. Him being a commie would have been way more palatable than being an "Effective Altruism" nerd.

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Oh, so the assassination was effective altruism.

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Industrial society, and it is future


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The news said he dropped out of the university, does that mean he just put BS CS in his resume like every other undergrad

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probably dropped out phd program in exchange of masters

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>and also Industrial Society and its Future

Holy :marseykneel:

Prof. K, PhD would be proud

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Someone should assassinate him for that Goodreads history :marseydisgust:

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Looks like someone that would have enjoyed cocaine

It's a darn shame that fentanyl ruined coke for the youths

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He was in NYC there is a 90% chance he did the deed while on coke, when you are white and good looking people will offer you bumps as a form of greeting

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sounds like a three letter org asset

aren't we all

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Industrial Society and it's Future

Uncle Tedbros!

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maybe he just had a vendetta?



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The banner on his twitter shows a spine with screws in it, probably has to do with thag

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You are meant to be ground into mealworms and turned into Soylent green to feed your offspring now that we don't have any convenient world wide wars to end you're genetic line with.

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people say I'm meant for this or that all the time, and those people end up disappointed. Also my genetic line is thriving and my legacy will last eternally. If you think ur meant for something good luck with that, butt life is really only ever what you make of it.



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You seem hurt not sure if you're trying to pretend you're not 67iq by using a thesaurus. But when you run into one of my comments make sure to read it and not respond with whatever the closest sheep murmured into your c*m drenched ear

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You seem hurt

hurt by what? I think ur just saying that bc thats what youre hoping to accomplish with your empty words. I also think that youd be a less miserable or at least more accurate person if you looked at the world as it is rather than how you wish it would be.



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Wow. So edgy.

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Newstrags should be forced to lurk for months before being allowed to comment so they can adapt to our culture.

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I think it might be boo but this is the first comment section I've seen that account sperg out in and I haven't seen any mentions of Jews yet.

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The first joker movie, anonymous, occupy, Arab spring, blm riots. How close we are too making sure the CEOs and the lobbyists and the deep state are held responsible not just in the after life but walk every day of their lives in fear of retribution for a lifetime of servitude to the devil is quickly approaching

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Zero. You are zero closer. You will always be zero closer. You will never be a woman.

You must define:

(1) What the term "Deep State" even means, other than "an invisible group of people that I cannot prove exists, yet I will continue to say they exist, and if you deny it I will accuse you of being one of them;" !sophistry

(2) Why you didn't mention the greatest stock market crash in United States history between 2007-2008. What is a CDO, what is a CDS, who is S&P and what do they do, who is AIG, who is Goldman-Sachs, what is a subprime tranche, and what is the acceptable risk level for the composite. !neolibs

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You will never be a proud indigenous wxman.


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asides from the stubble xhe looks like an indigenous women


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Getting cut off from the heartland seems to have very unattractive results

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>You will always be zero closer.

Sounds like cuck quitter talk !they !them

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Oh that's right. All politics can be described by Hollywood, Reddit Occupy Wall Street We Are The 99%, Muslims being violent about literally anything, and the Industrial-BLM-Complex.

You just proved that the Deep State exists.

!the_donald !project2025 !trump2024 !trump2028

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The deep state state are the woke, fascist, nazi, corporate, big government, insert buzzword, etc. etc. cabal who make it so I can't get laid, r-slur.

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In response to (1):

  • The deep state is real.

  • It's the only reason democracy works.

  • I am part of it.

  • I do not want to be held responsible for my actions.

Hope that clears things up. :marseythumbsup2:

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>What is a CDO,

Creamy dog orgasm

>what is a CDS

Creamy dog semen

>who is S&P and what do they do

Shit and piss

How did I do?

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11/10, unparalleled

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Whatdo you mean by woke?


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nah nah for real

The Dems say that the FBI is a bunch of warhawk neocons

Trump says that the FBI is a bunch of leftist commies

They can't both be true

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@Fresh_Start's point for why things are going too get worse for the capitalist elite class is different:

It is because China is successfully continuing too grow while killing its elite or beating them down.

This is the one part of Chinese culture that even the US working class approves of and is something that if it continues too succeed over the decades, would be picked up by the rest of the western world and beyond.

Jewish lives matter too Aevann.

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The term Deep State is in reference to the world wide movement for "democracy". This democracy is a false choice you have no control over your money or your future. You get to choose between two sides of the same coin. That coin is the deep state representatives giving you the illusion of choice so you don't revolt against your masters. You become the instrument of your own oppression by voting and participating. The deep state are unelected private institutions like the federal reserve whom have an unlimited charter. They are the military industrial complex. The over 500 agencies and the people paid by printed fiat to make laws and edicts that nobody wants except the oligarchs.

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How are an institutional billionaire and his institutional billionaire friends going to end the corporate control over the government?

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How is George Washington or Julius Caesar the king of the new world going to ensure that theirs true democracy? Free markets go hand in hand with democracy and in a free market the winners and losers will be laid bare. Do you think Elon is worried about not being able to compete in a free and fair market?

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My DNA is optimal for survival. My superior genetics are no longer compatible with the draconian rules of this reality

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Huge case of gay face.

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Gay men always forget that men are beautiful not because of their large peepee or ab muscles. But because they represent the drive and determination of the human spirit personified in their goodness and dedication to their bodies and their subsequent communities and society. But all you cute twinks want to do is jack off. Coomers get the rope

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We know all that you mongosperg

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Gait analysis checks out. .massive homo that couldn't even make it to Mexico

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Learn their/there/they're r-slur.


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The commie killer who got caught was a preppy rich kid who dropped out of his fancy little "prime" university

As expected

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  • HailVictory1776 : No it's based to tell crackademia to frick off trans lives matter

What a dumbass lmao way to throw away your golden ticket

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!chuds !historychads Always remember that the Preppy rich kids are the vanguards of revolution. The poor and uneducated merely follow


Can't rinse the prince

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Didn't know that redditor wrote a book

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Do you just use Redditor to

Describe everyone better than you

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You didn't know Karl Marx was a fat well off neet?

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Very common sadly

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Unlike 99% of commies he actually did something.

A waste to be sure, but I respect it

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100% the virgin rdramatard seethes at the ivy league ripped hot chad CEO shooter

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I mean we kinda already figured based on his fancy clothes

was really hoping for a sob story to back it up :marseyitsover:

Oh well, I'll settle for legit ted-pilled :marseyunabomber:

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There probably is one in his manifesto but they are gonna hide that shit guaranteed.

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He worked at an elder care facility and cites 2 grandparents experience with care. Based af

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!besties Which user stopped posting? :marseygossip: e

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:#marseymanysuchcases: limo libs are the worst

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You aren't supposed to eat the poors bait lmao

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>compsci graduate from a prestigeous university

>mogs most people lookswise

>photo outside proving that he isn't a mentally ill hermit

Why throw all of this away? For what? Dude had one chance at life and landed in the top 10%, is that really not enough for him?

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This is what top 10% performance looks like.

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Let me know when you're happy with the US healthcare system following this incredibly consequential act :marseysal:

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Because he's actually mentally ill, he's also a dumbass who fell for a foid asking to see his smile.

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Because he's actually mentally ill

Objectively, provably wrong. You want to see what real mental illness looks like? Come see me. I'm fricking schizopilled I'm versed in esoteric knowledge neighbor. This guy is peak normie success, with a few socially questionable deviations. If he killed for ideological reasons then he went off the rails recently, going through his goodreads he seems to have minor interest in psychedelics so maybe LSD fried his brain and he accidentally got MKUltra'd or something. Otherwise I think it's more likely that he had a personal reason for this, like his relative being denied insurance payment or something.

he's also a dumbass who fell for a foid asking to see his smile

Do not forget that Troy too fell due to a woman. Again, it's social r-sluration consistent with the normie mindset. A mentally ill incel would never fall for this

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If you're so crazy why didn't you go on a murder spree yet?

:#policiatalking: :#marseyglow:

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Unfortunately I cannot continue this discussion any further

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Troy fell because Paris was a pansy and :malefeminist:

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He is mentally ill if he believed that

1)killing a CEO would do anything beyond resulting in replacement and extra pay for security. Same thing with crashing planes into the IRS, a lone guy doing that every so often costs a drop to the amount made.

2) being outside doesn't make you normal, at least mentally, that's just called hiking and even if you based it all off of that he's alone in those pics

3) multiple comments in his twitter from the past year plus have been people who knew him asking where he went and why he's not talking to anybody

Sounds like he's mentally ill, hyper focused on some r-slurred greater good that he didn't use his money and influence to affect, and considering he speeded about A.I and gay shit for a graduation speech it makes sense why.

Instead of doing anything else for his cause with all he had he decided to shoot a CEO

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I know a few people that dropped one or two hits too many

All that happened to be when I got dosed too much was freak out during a buckethead show

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prison bussy lmao?


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They soy system joiner vs the chad system rejector


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Kaczynski wrote about this

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Why throw all of this away? For what? Dude had one chance at life and landed in the top 10%, is that really not enough for him?

you have internet access but surf the rdramasphere ? like

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You must not know anything about american terrorism.

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That you don't understand why is peak poor mentality.

Throughout recorded time, and probably since the end of the Neolithic Age, there have been three kinds of people in the world, the High, the Middle, and the Low. They have been subdivided in many ways, they have borne countless different names, and their relative numbers, as well as their attitude towards one another, have varied from age to age: but the essential structure of society has never altered. Even after enormous upheavals and seemingly irrevocable changes, the same pattern has always reasserted itself, just as a gyroscope will always return to equilibnum, however far it is pushed one way or the other.

The aims of these three groups are entirely irreconcilable. The aim of the High is to remain where they are. The aim of the Middle is to change places with the High. The aim of the Low, when they have an aim -for it is an abiding characteristic of the Low that they are too much crushed by drudgery to be more than intermittently conscious of anything outside their daily lives--is to abolish all distinctions and create a society in which all men shall be equal.


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What the frick kind of McDonald's cards you? https://i.rdrama.net/images/1733770157236128.webp

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I think it was that he got recognized and then presented the false identification to law enforcement.

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Maybe he was at one of the ones with a gas station attached and grabbed a six pack for the road?

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>favourite pokemon is Breloom

Absolutely based. I will stan this man to the end of his life.

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Should have stanned for Zoroark instead :zoroarkpout:

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God I wish he turns out to be a furry :marseygiveup:

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So the guy had his back fused at his L5-S1. That absolutely sucks and probably related to the slaying.

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!goyslopenjoyers We need IDs to go to McDonald's?


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mcdonalds app is a form of ID i guess

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Likelihood he was using his laptop too long and cops asked to see id

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Reported by:

The person of interest identified in the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson is an anti-capitalist former Ivy League student β€” who liked online quotes from "Unabomber'' Ted Kaczynski raging against the country's medical community.

:#carpunabomber: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337705331169994.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337709733736694.webp


it's a non chud :marseyemojilaugh: !chuds


edit: wait it's a chud or a :marseygrilling2:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337694554624484.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337700234584043.webp

https://x.com/PepMangione (Archive)

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337699088040154.webp :#marseyshook:


what a snitching b-word !commenters

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1733770359568701.webp :#marseyconfused2:

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!chuds GET IN HERE

:marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

This guy went and did a lefty wet dream. They were all dancing on the CEOs grave and celebrating this guy for "taking out one of the evil corpo overlords" when at the end of the day he's infinitely more chud adjacent than anything else.

Holy frick they're most likely celebrating the exact person they claim to hate. If this is the guy, give it 48 hours for the narrative to completely flip.

Based and Ted-pilled for sure.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1733778679581758.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337786797860188.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337786800366995.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337786802755492.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337786804062047.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337786805635438.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337786807355502.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1733778680892363.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337786811257167.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1733778681495471.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337786818301597.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337786820550015.webp

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Anti-woke successor ideology rhetoric going mainstream for Christmas.


Edit: /images/16559711171132145.webp

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Literal NPC behavior.

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>This guy went and did a lefty wet dream. They were all dancing on the CEOs grave and celebrating this guy for "taking out one of the evil corpo overlords" when at the end of the day he's infinitely more chud adjacent than anything else.

Radical centrists win again baybeeeee

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Frick there goes my bet AND my credit to leftards that one of them actually had the balls to go after the right target for once.

Once again, leave it to a rightoid to do the right thing :#marseyclueless:

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Grillpill victorious as always

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Being tedpilled seems at odds with being nonchud :hmm:

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Ted occupies the small gap between the two sides of the horseshoe.

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radical centerists rise up!

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Horseshoe theory is at its core a terminally-online meme, and as such is not Ted approved.

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Ted has a whole section dedicated to dunking on leftoids.

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From a left leaning perspective though.

He basically slams them with the lefty purity test to end all purity tests.

Converting Uncle Ted to modern online discourse; bro basically said, you'll overconsoooooom funkos, and be happy you won't ever own everything, and welcome it with open arms because your feeble minds think it's "the right side of history" or similar.

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He specifically attacks pillars of American leftoid identity politics, which has branded him a chud in many leftoid circles today.

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Being Tedpilled is post-nonchud

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This is because Marx was a cousin of Rothschild and was funded by the kings of industry and finance. You're paradigm can't accept anything beyond the false dichotomy between black and white or blue and red. In reality we are all Ted and Luigi, peasants that have had enough

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He had a data "engineering" job, those make philosophical & friendly CS majors fantasize about EMPs, butlerian jihad from dune, and natrual disasters


You have to be a blank stare warhammer collecting neurodivergent for that job, not a personable schizogenuius

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  • HailVictory1776 : Based and kalergi plan pilled holy shit trans lives matter
  • Draki_Oldtooth : Those are all reasons why Japan rules tho... - trans lives matter


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Pathetic leftoids keep trying to apply their ideological purity tests which means absolutely nothing. Oh no, he thinks a lot about masculinity, the horror!

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Bro just wants Japs to stop being weirdo libertarians who only interact with other people through paid services and leftlibtards now have to pretend to like Japan's r-slurred society because the word "birth rates" was uttered.

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That's a chud neighbor. The retweet was agreeing with Musk

You've posted two chudposts by him. Not :marseygrilling2:!!! chud+chud = CHUD

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He's a radical centrist. Cope

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Im a radical centrist also, and yet branded a chud anyway. :marseydepressed:

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!whitetrash !bumpkins

I mean I respect that he went of Did Something, but can you imagine going to MickyDs as the most wanted man in the country? I'd be hold up in a cottage somewhere

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Depends which quotes from Kaczynski he liked, tbh.

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Radical centrists are the only ones capable of being revolutionaries in modern America. Wingcucks are merely ideological tourists who are content with nothingburger expressions of discontent.

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wacky anti-establishment Kaczynski

That ol goofball, always pulling wacky stunts. :uglytongue:

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>What radicalized you?

:marseydoomer: Jira tickets

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>random tweet: ######

I hope someone starts some :marseyschizowall: shit with this


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He'd fit right in on stupidpol

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He definitely posted with those twinks

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UI intern on Civ VI :marseylaugh:

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!saved potential assassin ID?

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On the Goodreads website, Mangione's account shows quotes he particularly likes ranging from Socrates to Bruce Lee β€” to wacky anti-establishment Ted Kaczynski, the infamous "Unabomber'' who terrorized the country for nearly two decades by planting deadly bombs before he was nabbed in 1996.

Holy fricking keyed :carpletsfuckinggo:


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A take I found online that I think is interesting:

"Had the balls to recognize that peaceful protest has gotten us absolutely nowhere and at the end of the day, he's probably right. Oil barons haven't listened to any environmentalists, but they feared him.

Source: https://old.reddit.com/r/climate/comments/10j1le5/comment/j5i4x9z/?context=8

He found this take from reading /r/climate

Make of that what you will

was kinda hoping it was from /pol/ or /lit/ :marseysippingsad:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis

by J.D. Vance


Spelunky (Boss Fight Books Book 11)

by Derek Yu

:marseykey: :marseybased:

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He was a violent individual - rightfully imprisoned - who maimed innocent people.

Of course, it's better to kill them for certain :marseythumbsup:

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What a :mar#seyspecialpat: reading list

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Pretentious dribble where is philosophy is that we're all animals so it's okay to fight

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wacky anti-establishment Ted Kaczynski

That's not exactly the word I'd use LMAO

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Re: modern architecture being ugly to save money

Usually it's correct to assume that trends are not intentional, but due to grand socioeconomic factors. However, modern architecture is the exception. It is intentionally ugly.

First, if modern architecture were only ugly to save money, then why do buildings like Boston City Hall go out of their way to be ugly?


Second, if any building isn't trying to cut costs, it would be billionaire mansions, yet they look just as shit


Third, the uglification of architecture coincides with the uglification of all arts. Are people trying to save money on paintings and symphonies?

Fourth, careful study shows that ornamentation isn't even expensive.

The lesson is: architecture is ugly not to save money, but because the elites hate beauty and they hate you

!architecture !sophistry

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Lmao, Cucker saying Moscow doesn't have ugly architecture which "degrades the spirit"


Pick of the Lomonosov Library in Moscow. Not to mention all the generic modern skyscrapers in the financial downtown.


!neolibs DEPORT :marseytucker: TO RUSSIA

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>trad rightoids literally simping for bolshevik commieblocs

https://media.tenor.com/ZzkGc2hVVxsAAAAM/horse-shoe.gif https://media.tenor.com/ZzkGc2hVVxsAAAAM/horse-shoe.gif

I give 20 years til we start getting western righ:marseytrain2:s praising Chairman Mao's KEYED and TRADPILLED anti-globohomo anti-woke great proletarian cultural revolution, they spend an entire century demonizing the geopolitical and ideological system of the Soviets, only to in the end go to Moscow to suck their peepees about how great and superior to Muttmerica they are :chudsmug::heartbeat::marseymao: :marseyitsallsotiresome: !grillers

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Yeah the soviets were the fricking :marseytom: masters of brutalism and spiritually dead architecture

Look at any of their housing districts


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The commie blocks are good for cheap and efficient social housing. A bigger criticism of the Soviets to me are the public buildings in general (specifically post Stalin)

Look inside the Vernadsky Library in Kiev (built in the 1980s).


Somewhat grim atmosphere. And many of their public office buildings had that green color scheme.

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And many of their public :marseyfreedomofspeech: office :marseywhiteshirt: buildings :marseykilldozer2: had that green :marseyleaf: color :marseyracistcheck2: scheme.

Based. Green :marseysick: is the best color :marseyracistcheck2:

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I think Linus :marseypenguin: gave a room tour where he said his walls were painted that light green color for focus and calmness or something. Could be intentional.

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  • Draki_Oldtooth : You're wrong, and also the architecture affects the inside numbnuts - trans lives matter

!architecture I'm sorry but your work is only noticed in photos by people who can't afford to be tourists. The people who work inside your building don't give a shit.

Most people work indoors. This argument is as if people are commuting to work and see the facade of a building and revile in pain.

No. People who work in urban cities just point to "the brown building" "the red building" "the grey building."

Then they walk inside.

The end.

!r-slurs !neurodivergents muh construction

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I like pretty :marseyroan: buildings :marseykilldozer2: not ugly ones

If all I see is concrete/steel and glass :marseyjar: cube #456 your city us ugly and I hate it

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Ofc, but once you get that first "wowie zowie" when you first arrive, you start to learn:

subtle landmarks, crosswalk timing, jaywalking standards, red light running standards, cell phone dead spots, coffee shops, homeless corners, construction zone etiquette, etc

This takes first order as a resident over how pretty your city is.

I think St Louis is architecturally gorgeous but I would never move there under any condition.

I don't think it's pretty from photos. As I have driven by it and inside it, I really like its style.

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>I like the cut of your jib


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Are the apartments warm and cozy like Redditors claim?

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According to some architecture nerds I use to follow who've Consulted the Literature, it was basically caused by a purity spiral of marxists accusing each other of bourgeois influence in their building designs. So, yeah, basically any and all ornamentation had to go since it represented tasteless opulence. Later on that became married with utilitarian movements like brutalism that would intentionally strip designs to their basic components in order to celebrate its 'essence' without pretensions like above, and also to highlight its utility in helping da poor 'cause of low cost.

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Scott wrote another post about this recently btw: https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/book-review-from-bauhaus-to-our-house

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I really like the design of the Boston city hall and don't think its ugly at all. That being said im also quite fond of office spaces and cubicles and such. It is am aesthetic that is nice

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Lol lmao even

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