pack it up chuds luigi doesn't have media literacy

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"clap backs" when the guy can't respond are the gayest form of attention farming :marseyattentionseeker: and peepee sucking. :marseyselfsuck:

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Hey @mellokind you fat homo

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I hate how I met your mother

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:marseydi#sagree: Great you just triggered him to make 30 new alt accounts

Hope youre proud of yourself

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People who aren't groomercordBIPOCs don't care about some literally who schizo

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Why is Mello gone he always posted music

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He was mean to carp :marseysad:

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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That's @boo doe. Or well, both

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dude bussy lmao

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Sure is....

Hey @transb-word! Your tits werent actually all that great!

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This guy is a cute twink :marseyupmarsey:

Btw you are NOT allowed to respond to this

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you're a cute twink too :floo :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak:

dude bussy lmao

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Very interesting seeing who hates and doesnt hate this guy. Fox news and a few chud grifters hate him, normie cons seem to like him. Destiny and the dsa hate him, most normie succs like him. Stuff like this usually has hard party lines so its pretty odd and thus interesting. Cant wait for the trial (though i wouldnt be surprised if the media circus grinds to a halt when they realize they arent convincing people of anything and are instead inspiring copycats)

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i wouldnt be surprised if the media circus grinds to a halt when they realize they arent convincing people of anything and are instead inspiring copycats

Found someone who wasn't alive during Columbine. The media absolutely loves copycats. Most school shootings were done because the media hyped it up so much. Including Columbine. That f-slur in southern Oregon who killed his parents and left playing the soundtrack to the 1990s Romeo and Juliet where Romeo is twink Leonardo Decaprio, he got portrayed as someone important.

Some clever wag in /h/MNN made this up about the phenomenon:

(BTW ever since Leo has always been that little twink to me. I know he's doing a great job acting when I forget that it's him.)

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Found someone who wasn't alive during Columbine.

why you always old manning people

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It's the only thing I have.

Also it worked for Sasha.

@Rad_juju if your little b-words ever met a true disciplinarian...

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Not. A bad soundtrack

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I'd really like to see mass distributing pamphlets in the jurisdiction of the venue he'll he tried at to educate people about jury nullification

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That'd just get the jury thrown out, a new set for the trial, making it closed and whoever did it dealing with the courts trying to find anything to pin to them

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That's why the informational pamphlets also explain that they can under no circumstances say the term jury nullification

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Online radlibs fear liberals and nonstandard leftists more than they do far-right wingers because the latter group can be used to justify their existence while the former 2 push them them into irrelevance.

"Left Unity" has always been fraught with conflict because they're not willing to share power even if it would result in victory.

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It's class lines, instead of political ones.

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This terrifies the beast

It won't last though lol these cute twinks are so brainrotted with tribalism that you've got leftoids screeching because he made fun of pronouns and rightoids screeching because the 15 years of idpol has made an alarming number of them revert back to 2004-era corpo worship

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Do any of you queers have any numbers, or is this based on what y'all see in your feed? :marseyhmm:

@Enrico_HoHoHotassa @ticktockgrinch

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i got your number right here

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Where bb?


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numbers are gay

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I can't wait for the articles about how murder is bad and you're bad for enjoying it. What will true crime foids do then?

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I wish Luigi had died before being caught. He would have been an enigmatic figure for the ages.

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Destiny hates him? Lol

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Only because he knows he would never let him suck his peepee.

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Wait...why is he wrong?

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I literally have no idea

Idiocracy is a Reddit favorite for that very reason

It's a really funny movie though so it's also a carp favorite

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Redditors believe that idiocracy is about the bad people running the government.

They don't understand what "dysgenics" means or how evolution works. They're also unable to understand anyone else's point of view, and can't answer hypotheticals, so they don't realize that the regular people in idiocracy don't believe they're living in an idiocracy. This is why they say "we're living in idiocracy" every time something they don't like happens, with zero irony.

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Erm, xkcd DEBUNKED dysgenics years ago.

(Ignore the fact that the Flynn effect stopped in the 21st century.)

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Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : They're showing you the door - trans lives matter

entire comic is :#marseycope:

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On the one hand, yes.

On the other, the person being told off isn't a strawman, and it's usually being said by redditor-types or groypers, neither of whom should be listened to and, notably, are incredibly unlikely to have children themselves.

So I like it because I agree that the people quickest to Idiocracy-post are the people who should not be bringing up any kind of requirements for being a parent, as they would flunk them.

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Exactly, "idiocracy is a documentary" people are midwits who want eugenics for rednecks but oh not for them, theyre SMART. Sure they havent read a book since high school but theyve seen a lot of movies!

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holy shit this comic has so many words on it and he didn't even bother refuting the actual point

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I do think it's kind of funny how whenever you argue with someone extremely lefty but smart they'll always be the ones to hit you with 'ugh you sound like a boomer whining about the immoral youth.' whenever you bring up the fact that we probably shouldn't be teaching ebonics in school and that it's important to actually learn proper grammar if you want to be able to communicate with a wide variety of people.

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Yes. But I don't see that in this comic? Or at least I read it as making fun of people scolding 'these kids today'.

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Panel four's biascally The Bit Itself

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The delicious irony of the author invoking science like it's a religious text with no evidence needed while dunking on the strawman for being like religious zealots.

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le science says r-slurs who consume is good

-study funded by consumer corp back in 2008

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Ignore the fact that the Flynn effect stopped in the 21st century

And it's been reversing recently! I wonder why :marseyclueless:

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ok so there was no rebuttal in there of the actual point???

Jewish lives matter too Aevann

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I hate the eugenics of idiocracy but i hate this cute twink. Literally "le noticing things is worse than bad policies voted for by stupid people" and it's ironic he says that as a leftoid

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This reads like some serious :marseyseethe:

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This guy makes @kaalaaaa 's :marseytrain: toonist look like a profound artiste in comparison. To think, soylennials spent decades in the intellectual thrall of this cute twink pseud... truly, jewish lives matter

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Xkcd has some great moments.

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Jesus that might be one of the worst XKCD

he must have been going through peek /r/atheism phase during that one

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So he admits it's smart in the last panel? Idiot

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Amazing that little b-word hasn't got bored of drawing stick figures after 20 years

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Yeah I was really stumped because that was the whole point of the movie, if only trash people are breeding then we'll become a trash world.

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I want to live in idiocracy future and have Carl's Jr machines and everyone else is stupid so bad

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It's ok. You still get to be king of the r-slurs here on rdrama dot net

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Dax Shepard's character has my dream job in that movie. He's a lawyer who doesn't have to know or understand anything about the law. He just has to be "good" at arguing, which in idiocracy terms just means he has to be able to respond to basic cues as to when he should say his lines. Then he goes home and eats a bucket of crisco and masturbates all night. What is supposed to be the down side?

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just means he has to be able to respond to basic cues as to when he should say his lines.

Umm... you forgot that he has to be good calling people strags. Don't tell me this isn't a skill.

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Shut up, cute twink

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I have no idea everything about that place seemed awesome besides the grime

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Get Aevann to make you a cryogenic chamber or something.

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@Merryvann please I'll make any badge you want

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instruction unclear, Aevann built dildo maiden and locked Krampus inside

Jewish lives matter too Aevann

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It's a really funny movie though so it's also a carp favorite


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>Idiocracy is when people dumb because of conservatives


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They were just poor trash though, they weren't explicitly political.

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That doesn't matter to them, just like it doesn't matter that the commie Chinese were doing fricked up shit in the fallout universe.



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But they were coded, sweaty.


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also the poorer you become the less political you are statistically.


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Literally not. There's literally no other reading to the movie other than stupid people will outbreed if smart people aren't having kids or keeping the tards in check. Yeah sure some people will invoke "THE WORLD IS BECOMING DUMBER IDIOCRACY IS COMING TRUE!!!" but that doesn't go against the point of the movie, so... maybe the movie is right and media literacy critics are just as r-slurred as the people they claim superiority over. Funny how they're basically the same as the people they're criticizing.

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Because it's obviously mocking rightoids who are anti-science and anti-education and pro-capitalism

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Poor trash is really politics agnostic though.

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Totally, but wingcucks are defined by their inability to self reflect so media that makes them look bad is bad faith propaganda, and this leftoid likes Idiocracy, so obviously it's a movie for leftoids, just like Fight Club is a movie for fascist CHUDs despite being an anti-capitalist wet dream.

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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despite being an anti-capitalist wet dream.

It ultimately portrays anti-capitalist resistance as equally empty.

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Well sure, if you watch the whole thing.

Just like Heart of Darkness/ Apocalypse Now ultimately concludes that the Kurtz's of the world are a necessary evil forged by their experiences, not inhuman bigoted monsters-from-birth

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Apocalypse Now is just disjointed gibberish made by guys who went into the jungle and did drugs instead of fighting a war. The only thing the ending tells you is that some Filipinos had a good dinner that night. How r-slurs (yes, I mean you) imagine that it had some great meaning is baffling to me. They pretty much said all of this.

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There are all these scenes with Brando and Sheen talking philosophy when he's a captive that I find fascinating

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Neighbor please. I got some philosophy for you:


Which unironically means more than what you got out of these dopers.

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Well sure, if you watch the whole thing.

I mean, it's a movie, not Anna Karenina.

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There was a bit in Mad magazine when Inwas growing up about a neo Nazi group who loved The Rise and Fall of the Third Riech TV adaptation because they never watched the last episode, I was kind of riffing off that.

Point being that wingcucks aren't known for making well informed criticism of things they find favorable so rightoids would totally miss the ultimate message and focus on the parts that appeal to them

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Or they dont care

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Anna Karenina has had numerous film adaptations

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Well lookie here at Ms. Masterpiece Theater. What's on PBS tonight? May I put your crown on, your majesty?

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I mean the novel, to be clear. Are there people who just partly watch movies? I've only ever done that if it sucked.

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Lmao the socialism of hating poor people

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Libtards think Idiocracy is about eugenics for some reason. One of the vlog brothers was my first exposure to this take.

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It is about eugenics tho? Well, dysgenics. But they're two sides of the same coin.

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Yes a movie about heads is obviously about tails

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You're about to eat a knuckle sandwich nerd :#pepepunching:

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I went back and found the quote because I couldn't remember exactly what it was.

He thinks the movie is about poor people out breeding rich people.

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how does he have an audience? i listened for about a minute and i wanted to punch him in the face.

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lol what a tard

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I agree with a vlogbrpther dear god

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It does come up a few times. Like the guy and Maya Rudolph have a few kids and his tard vice president has 20. But it's not about that. That's more a symptom of the obvious theme of the movie: People just not giving a shit. About themselves, the future, what happens to their kids, etc.

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It's racist and eugenicist. The only appropriate way to view that movie is with an active, constant sense of SATIRE. You must ONLY be amused at the ironic exaggeration of poor, r-slurred people having too many kids and the CRITICISM of capitalism. CONSTANT. You cannot let your guard down, because it is SATIRE. Do you not understand SATIRE?

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Because they can't admit that people immediately recognize eugenics as obviously true. Eugenics is for weird chuds!

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But its A Reddit favorite

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