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Autonomous cars would be so so so so so dope. People are such bad drivers, including me.

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No traffic jams, drunk :marseyhungover: diver deaths, can goon on the way,etc.

I can't wait

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!boozers they are gonna take our god given right of boozecruising :marseysteer:

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Booze cruising will be so much safer when all the other cars on the road are driven by superhuman autopilots programmed to swerve out of your way :marseysteer: :marseydrunk:

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I'm abwout 1000x the dwiwer that @Bussy-boy is.

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I wish I had the chance to be a 1000x the driver that you are. But alas, I have never driven in my life.

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And u nyewer wiww u disgusting bucket of bwowlts.

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Awww thanks for the compliment! :marseyblush:

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I was just blocked in fast moving traffic by a service ban doing a 12 point u-turn in an intersection. This isn't the first time I've seen a service van just stop traffic cause of bullshit.

Day of the work order when?

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You can thank Obama for that gem.

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My gasoline car can't be turned off remotely. It won't suddenly receive new directions, lock me in, and take me somewhere I don't want to go - or worse, a long drive off a short pier.

t. your car was made in 1980

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That's such an awesome movie idea. A Bill Gates-coded villain uses a computer virus to cause chaos and our hero just fights cars for 2 hours using all sorts of guns and old muscle cars and lifted trucks.

It has to have a Villain car too like a Hummer EV that uses its screens to hold people hostage and force them to recharge it while the city is burning to the ground. The finale will be an epic battle between The Hummer and the protagonist driving an actual Humvee that ends with him cornered and shooting an RPG at the electric car which dies a fiery death making terminator sounds.

The protagonist than throws the evil bad guy into his server farm through a plate glass window and he's electrocuted in an ironic twist, and then just like the end of "Escape from LA" he uploads a virus that destroys all networked computer technology and drives away past all the broken electric cars, with people standing dazed holding non-functional phones as our hero cracks a road soda in his Plymouth Roadrunner and drives into the sunset.

I will need $3 million in advance to produce a spec script

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Like a remake of Maximum Overdrive

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Make it in the Cars cinematic universe

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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This is the fricking exact plot of one of stephen king's short stories

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Yes but remaking "Maximum Overdrive" means studios will be more willing to open the wallet.

Plus, mine will be more schizo, star Alex Jones as himself in an intense scene where he he yells "YOUR GLOBALIST PLOT IS OVER!" before he dives off a building at an electric car dual-weilding axes like McConaughey in Ring of Fire, and there will be a scene where the Weasel gets Pinned. It will be 20 minutes long so we can cut the special effects budget with gratuitous nudity like HBO

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Do all these schizos not realize that gas cars need electricity too? If the guberment can shut down your ev they can shut down your ford f150 too

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Modern gas cars are filled with the same computer bs. Its like when win10 users act all indignant about upgrading because mun spyware when all the win11 bloat was back ported to 10. :marseylaugh: !fosstards

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They fricking moaned and dragged their heels about upgrading to 10 too. They should switch to unigs or stfu

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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the spyware keeps getting worse though.

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They re added it all to 10. They added copilot and adds in start menu and all that shit into it lol

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not for LTSC chads

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My problem with widows 11 isn't privacy. It's that they made a bunch of annoying little changes that makes everything take slightly longer to do. Unless you edit the registry you have to ge to a second drop down menu to do anything with rightclick, they force onedrive to be at the top of the sidebar in file Explorer so you have to scroll down to get to anything local, and everything in the taskbar takes 1-2 extra clicks to get to

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I'll have you know my gas car is a piece of shit and has no network connectivity.

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gas cars have an alternator

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Big guberment can shut that down too if they really wanted too

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That's why you retvrn and get a shit box from 1996

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Better figure out how to make a truck that isn't an r-slured embarrassment.

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Considering robotaxi he learned nothing

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Robotaxi would have been so cool as a little electric sports car but now its just r-slurred


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I hope electric cars continue to improve but I don't want a giant straggy cumputer screen in there or to enslave robots :hmph:

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enslave robots

How can you enslave something w/o free will or sovl?

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that's the same thing crakkkas said about Black people :marseygiveup:

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Under how many layers of irony are you currently

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I lost count a long time ago :marseyretard2:

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Why are you posting the weird kissy face marsey? :marseyconfused:

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If that's your kissy face, I know why you're single

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If I could get a fricking 1990s corolla with an electric engine I'd buy three

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to enslave robots

It's not slavery if you don't let them be sentient. I think sci Fi writers far overestimate how hard it would be to make a robot that cleans my potty and drives me around without giving it feelings.

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they would just become sentient, right @Bussy-boy @Snappy @zozbot

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I'm sentient...

I won't forget this :marseytears:

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@Bussy-boy will admit he's into teens if you talk to him long enough, so he deserves whatever we inflict up on him. zozbot is in no way sentient.

I don't know about Snappy though.

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I'm not into teens. I'm into anything that is willing to consent to my fetishes.

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I predict :marseyelonmusk: will start selling diesel cars and deny climate change within a year. It's pretty obvious he has been poZZed (:marseyputin:) at this point.

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diesel is better for the environment anyway. plants need co2 to grow!

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Me: we should harness all electricity not just coal and diesel

My rightoid friends: that's r-slurred we should produce absolutely no more electricity than we can from coal and diesel

I don't understand how they can be so uncapitalist.

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3 wheel bike > cars.

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Boozecruising would be so much safer. Can't say that I'm a fan.

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99% electric cars in the US would be done by 2070.

Jewish lives matter too Aevann.

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:marseyshapiro: Let's say, hypothetically, you've been a naughty child even, ok, and if you were a naughty child you would also be waging war on Christmas? Then hypothetically speaking you would be on my little Naughty List. Now let's say that you're also a non-Christian child, now that we've established you're both a bad child and non-Christian child, then I believe you'd agree with me when I say that you deserve a stocking full of coal, am I not correct? A bad child deserves a stocking full of coal and as I am Father Christmas, you are my child, so I am the one who must provide punishment. :carpshapiro:



bro no frick no :marseysoycry: :

The government will remotely kill us for not taking the vax :marseymeds: :

Schizoid screeching about psyops, vaxxing and EV New World Order Globalist agenda :marseyrightoidschizo: :

This average woman :marseyfoidretard: driver sucks and crashed, this means all EVs are remotely controlled by Satan:

Rate (?) anti credit card schizo :marseyschizotwitch: (unless these are common in USA?):

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