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Australian population reaches 27.2 million - r/australia has started to turn against immigration




Frick off, were full, but leave enough behind to run the 7/11s, sushi stalls and korean bbq restaurants.

… and never any serious discussion about the long term demographic, economic or environmental scenarios and implications.

My favourite bit is when new arrivals bring their conflicts over with them.

Like Brits bringing over their racism, killing indigenous people by the thousands, setting up apartheid systems and stealing their babies?

Oh and the slave labour as well. Our train network wasn't built by freemen.

I wonder if anyone ever asked them for permission before doing all of that

It's okay because they're white /s

The issue isn't the population. It's the fact that we don't build good infrastructure. We should have a good high speed rail line along the east coast at least. Instead, we subsidise Qantas, and the Melbourne-Sydney is the busiest air route in the world. Also, super expensive.

We're in a population Ponzi scheme, and only digging down further

You know something's up when even left leaning people are agreeing with the "Frick off, we're full!" people of ~10+ years ago

The ground has shifted but the political class haven't realised it yet. Labor, LNP, Greens - they're all for it. The last 4 years or so has radicalised me so much I'd vote for any party who will take a stance on this

It's surprising to see the tonal shift in /r/australia. It's not a dramatic thread, sadly.

/r/Australian Politics - Australia's population lifts to 272 million

Soft migration compared to what? Its obvious that so many of Australias problems are from rampant immigration

So, not from a decade of wage suppression?

Corporate malfeance?

Public service deterioration?

High level corruption?

Nah, it's all dem migratiants!!

Stand by and cheer on as Australia is destroyed if you must. I escaped Australia. Im sorry for the people who still have to live there. Goodluck buddy. Your going to need it as it will only get worse from here on.

You immigated because you dont like immigration. Curious.

Hard for you to understand but some people are retired.

What do you think the word immigrate means?

You escaped to Vietnam. I'll stick with Australia, any day of the week.

Can't it be from all the above?

No? People are linking things that are not related. What about getting mad at local councils for previously being so darn restrictive with their zoning for example? We're in this mess because of them after all.

Now you're just showing your bias. I agree with all your points but you're quite naive if you don't think importing 400k people isn't having any effect on house prices and rent for example.

No it is now for sure but what I'm sick of is people not blaming the root causes. Just so much easier to go after immigrants.

Having worked in different levels of government it's a lot easier to reduce migration levels than to redo zoning and build more housing. I'm sure I don't hold the same sentiment.


Wage suppression is related to population growth. Women caused wage suppression when they joined the work force en mass in the last century. Now that working women are normal and we're below replacement rate, immigrants are literally the only reason our working population goes up.

Wage suppression is today caused by immigration. So yes, immigration is still the problem.

No. Wage suppression is structured in to maxmise profits. Profits suppress wages, except management, their wages keep going up and up and up.

What you just said means literal nothing. snip

And yet the upmarseys roll in soy boy

I stand corrected. It's the migratiants AND the womens! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

1.4 million migrants is 'soft' now? Good luck getting a house.

And yet house prices are currently falling and when we blocked migration house prices ballooned.

Great, the cheapest one is only $650k

I didn't say it was cheap. People just love to hate on immigrants when the far bigger issue is investors.

No, it is immigrants.

And this is why we're fricked.

Our betters have decided this is happening, what we want doesn't matter.

Don't they realize it'll bite them on the arse eventually too

/r/australian - ABS reports 446,000 new overseas migrants in 2023-24 financial year

Australia has no official language. At any moment we could fracture our english speaking nation and descend into prime multi-racial territory. But hey every one is equal and the same when you bring them in.

Do you think if we had a official language that couldn't happen? Having a official language doesn't mean people are forced to speak it's just what the law is wrote in

Pauline Hanson speed running the vindication arc

We might not have homes to live in, but we get a great tikka masala.

Can we? I worry about hygiene standards.

Ahh casual racism. Can't wait till you YT trash become the minority in this country

The proracist enters the chat..

Shut up pinkoid 🐷

Absurd numbers. We seriously need to hit the pause button for a while on this.

We need to hit the reverse button

That's a big part of the reason why Trump won the US election, when he pledged to deport illegal immigrants. We can do our part to deport temporary visitors who wouldn't leave and are resorting to claiming asylum as a last resort to drag out their stay as long as possible.

Hit the rewind button. Several times

/r/AusEcon - Latest ABS population data shows growth despite declining birthrate

/r/AusFinance - Latest ABS population data shows growth despite declining birthrate

Linking these two for economics nerds.

It's interesting seeing the lefty-leaning subs starting to move to the anti-mass-immigration camp. Only a few years ago one would get jumped in the comments for daring to suggest it.



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I already have my PR visa, so I agree its time to shut it down :marseyjewoftheorient:

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Seems to be common. My workplace has a considerable number of PRs who want to pull the ladder up. Some of them get really pro-Aussie anything, too.


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bruh why are the aussies panicking at 27mil? my state which is of the area 112,077 sqkm has 38 mil population and still growing, Australia has 7,688,287 sq km

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don't like being too close to other ladygardens

gonna be real brief because i'm knackered. our population is highly concentrated in a hand full of cities. there are concerns about infrastructure, food and water supply. depending on the group, other concerns are environmental degradation or cultural suitability.


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Sounds like both Australia and Canada are boinked because they just won't build anything new


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Just take in immigrants from Ukraine and Mexico then.

Jewish lives matter too Aevann.

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Because it's mostly uninhabitable desert you tard.

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make it inhabitable you then!

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Most of it can't be lived in without insane investments. That's why most of the population lives on the edges of the country.

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indian "people" are physically smaller and take up less room bb

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half of aussies are chinx :marseymanlet:

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Everyday @Fresh_Start open @Fresh_Start's door and @Fresh_Start can see people far away. it's a nightmare of congested living.


Jewish lives matter too Aevann

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stop being an incel shut in and talk to people, its nice

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@Fresh_Start was doing a bit about the average Australian.

jewish lives matter too Aevann.

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then my comment applies to those incel shut in !strayans

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