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  • HailVictory1776 : Where the frick is Terry when we needed him most trans lives matter

Good news everyone, a bunch of unrelated three letter agencies have all spoken in perfect unison to let you know that the drones are not real


DHS, FBI, FAA & DoD Joint Statement on Ongoing Response to Reported Drone Sightings

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

There are more than one million drones lawfully registered with the FAA in the United States and there are thousands of commercial, hobbyist and law enforcement drones lawfully in the sky on any given day. With the technology landscape evolving, we expect that number to increase over time.

FBI has received tips of more than 5,000 reported drone sightings in the last few weeks with approximately 100 leads generated, and the federal government is supporting state and local officials in investigating these reports. Consistent with each of our unique missions and authorities, we are quickly working to prioritize and follow these leads. We have sent advanced detection technology to the region. And we have sent trained visual observers.

Having closely examined the technical data and tips from concerned citizens, we assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones. We have not identified anything anomalous and do not assess the activity to date to present a national security or public safety risk over the civilian airspace in New Jersey or other states in the northeast.

That said, we recognize the concern among many communities. We continue to support state and local authorities with advanced detection technology and support of law enforcement. We urge Congress to enact counter-UAS legislation when it reconvenes that would extend and expand existing counter-drone authorities to identify and mitigate any threat that may emerge.

Additionally, there have been a limited number of visual sightings of drones over military facilities in New Jersey and elsewhere, including within restricted air space. Such sightings near or over DoD installations are not new. DoD takes unauthorized access over its airspace seriously and coordinates closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, as appropriate. Local commanders are actively engaged to ensure there are appropriate detection and mitigation measures in place.

You silly civilians confusing stars with drones :carpfacepalm:

Anyway here's 1000 Breitbart comments on the joint statement



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What's the classified briefing for then? :marseythonk:

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!commenters do you see this? This is an example of misinformation. It is fake news. Russian agitprop. Do NOT look up what the ODNI is. You're not familiar with this agency for a reason. It's probably just bureaucrats. Stay inside and do not look up.


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  • DickButtKiss : These things dont have form, their appearance is projected onto them by culture - trans lives matter
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I DON'T GET IT :marseysad:


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Chudding sphereserf isn't fair :marseysad:

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  • Do NOT look up what the ODNI is.



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>bad skin

>bad teeth

>55 years old

She's still kinda good looking. How?

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holy shit it's aliens :marseychestburster:

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remember that all nazi torture based research data was useless but apparently nazi science was good enough too revolutionize American technology.

They rewrite history within living memory too maintain their contemporary mythology turned history.

Jewish lives matter too aevann

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>feds when russian spy drone activity through the roof


>feds when ONE unlicensed drone lifts off the ground


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The type of person who works for the government is the same, regardless of if it's the DMV or the 3 letter boys. They will happily file memos and direct you to different counters if your emissions paperwork is 1 day out of date, but when something actually important happens they take a 4 hour lunch and huddle around like lemmings waiting for a memo to tell them how to file more paperwork and reference an obscure job aid so as to make your life worse

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It's about the mothership. Yes, there's a mother ship. We've known about it for over one hundred years. It's a massive burger shaped craft that stays under water around the Bermuda Triangle. It obliterates any human craft that gets near it (that's why so many things go "missing" there). It only surfaces to release or receive drones and destroy any threats.

It acts as a local manufacturing plant, producing "drones". Each drone is custom built to purpose. Some of the materials used in their construction can be found here on earth, but most can not. It produces mining drones to harvest these materials by laser.

It also produces drones that are more like buses. We think they treat the planet like a zoo and aliens come here for a safari like experience.

They are mostly harmless unless you get too close. They will try to flee or evade, but will lash out when cornered.

Their craft regularly crash and we collect and study the wreckage. We've been reversing engineering their technology for some time. Sometimes successfully, but mostly not.

Most major world powers are aware of their existence. The Chinese managed to reverse engineer a mining drone. But it exploded after a few seconds of use.

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>burger shaped craft

>Show unique interest into the burger homeland

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This is not the only one. They become more active during times of increasing tension and conflict. They do not want us to destroy their safari.

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If I live in a safari I want to be the Chad elephant that tourist watch bully beta elephants and Hyenas (the shitbull of the savannah)

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Careful what you wish for. They do occasionally perform abductions as part of some sort of fetish s*x tourism. I guess they have zoophiles too.

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Whoa is right, long post bot.

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They don't need to be on the planet to be able to observe us. They could just be in low orbit like a satellite.

Anybody who thinks aliens are real is an idiot. Aliens don't exist anywhere in the universe. Alien rumours and "appearances" are trickery by the masonic order and inner sanctum of shriners.

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It's not much of a safari from low earth orbit. They want to be up close.

Also I study them as part of my job. I've seen their craft in person.

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Where in the Bible does it mention aliens? What day did God create them in Genesis? Morons will ignore the most credible, historical source we have over a "scientific theory".

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what the frick

do these thing have the same resistance as flesh?

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Yeah, that's their whole point

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ngl i cant imagine how strong you'd have to be to do that

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That's because you never tried to ACTUALLY do it, using your real "I will kill you" strength, please keep in mind that your neck is probably one of, if not, the most fragile parts of your body too

Try to do that to a piece of uncooked chicken and you will see it wouldn't be that hard, specifically if the target wasn't fighting back in any way

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WHAT WAS THAT? :marseyscared:

I LOVE SUCKING PEEPEE :marseyadmire:

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My new favorite :mersya: response to people.

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because they're probably going to discuss the risks that amateur and hobbyist drones are capable of causing to national security

crap like "we believe that a drone of this size in this area can do XYZ boogeyman magic so we need to develop a new task force to Bla Bla Bla"

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lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones


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They won't tell you what they REALLY are

A secret race of flying reptilian jews

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I hope so :marseyembrace:

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Maybe they can fix our economy with advanced interstellar central banking policies

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Dude wtf, the family reunion was meant to be private

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if they're such a secret, why has alex jones been talking about them for 20 years? :marseyhmm:

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I DON'T GET IT :marseysad:

I LOVE SUCKING PEEPEE :marseyexcited:

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Drones enforcing interstellar law.

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  • DickButtKiss : No civilian owns SUV sized drones, so no - trans lives matter

:marseysmirk2: This article just dropped


An Atlantic City, New Jersey, man was indicted for using drones to drop food dye packs into commercial and residential swimming pools in 2023, the Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office said on Monday.

Between June 1 and Sept. 1 in 2023, Spina and another person allegedly used drones to drop dye packs into commercial and residential swimming pools, which caused the water to turn greenish/yellow and caused $2,000 or more in damage.


Guarantee it's mostly hobby drones and r-slurred burgers misidentifying planes. Maybe some glowies mixed in doing usual glowie shit. But no aliens.

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Pools closed :#marseydrone:

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In death road to Canada one of the random phrases in the car is "i bet aliens made all these zombies".

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Oh shit, if the glowies are telling us there is nothing to see, shit is about to go down :marseysweating: :marseyworried:

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The lights and rotors you saw and heard in the sky were not drones. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus. Return to your home and do not look up.


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>we assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones.

I'm sure some schizos reported a star, but it sounds like most of the drones reported are all known (or not even drones) and expected to be there?

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Yes that's what they're saying. Which is obviously true. Step outside at any given time and you're bound to see giant military-sized recreational drones that outrun and outmaneuver law enforcement drones. Drones are everywhere! It's the changing technological landscape!


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  • DickButtKiss : Based on what? People see planes and helicopters all the time, thats not it - trans lives matter

Half them are just planes and helicopters, which, yes, you expect to see. Take your meds.

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the other half are also planes and helicopters, unless the "moon" is out

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Helicopters aren't necessarily quiet


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You guys see one r-slur claiming a plane is a drone and immediately assume all reports are false. It's the same as seeing a quadcopter and thinking an Iranian mother ship is nearby.

The Smugposting MUST END!


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  • DickButtKiss : It isn't. People see airplanes everyday, its 100 percent idiotic to say that - trans lives matter

Dude go look at /r/aliens lol. Its all airplanes

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and do not look up.

That's the thing. Your average citycel doesn't. Everyone's staring at their phones all day.

R-slurred analogy, but it's like that recent article about the Michigan University DEI program. They told the kids to look for racism and bigotry. So they found it. In microagressions and misgendering and teachers reading Tom Sawyer :n: . Which caused reports to dramatically increase.

You have to understand, it takes a very low IQ to be a burger. Now these mongoloids see some schizo posts on facebook and they go outside. "Cletus, it's an alien get the recorder." B-word it's a plane.

I'm not seething btw :marseyseethe:

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Ok fed

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you used to be good luck :hmph:


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I have finite coins now so I am hoarding all the luck for myself



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where are the videos? All those people's phones were out of battery?

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there are a ton of videos. they're all hunted down and reposted to /r/aliens by hopeful zealots. i looked the other day and like 95% of them are clearly regular planes. one was an airport beacon light reflecting off of clouds. most of the rest were bokeh balls. a couple looked like they could totally be this:


which is def operated by the government

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The lights and rotors you saw and heard in the sky were not drones. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.

This but unironically. Nothing will EVER happen

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good goy


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rump was talking sober about the UFOs thas all you need o know

Jewish lives matter too Aevann

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We have not identified anything anomalous and do not assess the activity to date to present a national security or public safety risk ...Additionally, there have been a limited number of visual sightings of drones over military facilities in New Jersey and elsewhere, including within restricted air space. Such sightings near or over DoD installations are not new. DoD takes unauthorized access over its airspace seriously and coordinates closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, as appropriate.

so its not happening except when it is, butt dont worry about it bc actually its been happening a lot longer than you suspected.



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Of course we always have drones invading our military airspace!


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Nice jackpot :marseysoyhype: !slots108

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!slots 300

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just like the Hunter Biden's :marseylaptop:



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Do not post Russian malinformation here


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Holy shit is it really like that? Do you think there will be more peepee pics? Not like I'm hoping for that or anything haha

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Like the sun

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stars mistakenly reported as drones.



>Air Force explanation :marseydetective:

"there was "a certain percentage of this volume of reports that have been made by credible observers of relatively incredible things" but that none of them posed any national security threat."

Samford stated that the unknown radar contacts were not caused by solid material objects, and therefore posed no threat to national security.

sightings over Washington could be explained as misidentified aerial phenomena such as stars or meteors

Air Force Captain Harold May was in the radar center at Andrews AFB during the sightings of July 19–20. Upon hearing that National Airport's radar had picked up an unknown object heading in his direction, May stepped outside and saw "a light that was changing from red to orange to green to red again...at times it dipped suddenly and appeared to lose altitude." However, May eventually concluded that he was simply seeing a star that was distorted by the atmosphere, and that its "movement" was an illusion.

Project Blue Book would eventually label the unknown Washington radar blips as false images caused by temperature inversion, and the visual sightings as misidentified meteors, stars, and city lights.


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  • DickButtKiss : No that's r-slurred. People see planes every single day - trans lives matter

How much you want to bet that it is literally nothing other than r-slurs getting terrified by passenger planes?

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That's what /r/aviation is saying. Then again, they're redditors and I haven't looked into the drone thing for more than 30 seconds :grillmaster:

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I'm betting it's us testing our own drone systems, AA vulnerabilities, etc; we're just not gonna actually tell the public that's what's happening.

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You see it's the birds that are actually government drones

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Always has been

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:f: :o: :i: :d: :s:



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State governments should just shoot them down. They'll find out real quick who's they are and since they're the state government the only consequences will be an angry letter to stop.

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I'm beginning to buy the broken arrow/some kind of radioactive material lost in the Northeast theory more and more. That could explain the drones looking for something instead of creating a panic by doing a full-blown search.

It's hilarious though, either way.

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Aliens are not visiting our planet lmfao fricking r-slurs

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No one thinks they're aliens.


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Yeah. Sure. Nobody...


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What are they then

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:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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No one can tell you

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a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones


The average prole is a fricking r-slur, you must remember. How the frick can you mix up a fricking cessna with a drone? R-slurs forgot that shit flies overhead all the fricking time? Just look at one of the flight trackers.

I'm sure one or two are daggone ol gumbint drones or other projects but they aren't gonna tell you that.

What do people think? The drones are going to take picture of their houses like fricking they can't do that with a satellite? Like we wouldn't see Chingchongs launch 6 gorillion drones off the east coast? We could hear a tiny unlicensed sub implode near the Titanic, but we can't see massive drone launches?


Police reported that no drones were found after receiving reports that a drone crashed into a field and struck a power line near Route 206 in Hillsborough, Somerset County.

"At 12:10 p.m. all units cleared after a complete search of the area was concluded, and no down drone was recovered.

According to police, the report of a drone crash came from a Lowe's parking lot around 8:30 p.m. Thursday night.

Several firsts responders, including local and county police and fire crews, searched the area on foot and air but were unable to locate the drone. Millstone Valley Fire Department deployed drones the next morning and Somerset County Hazmat conducted another ground search, but no drones were found.


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R-slur, Ukraine just assassinated the Russian general in charge of nukes. The bases are likely under tightened security measures, including drones equiped with surveillance equipment.

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Ukraine isn't even real r-slur I can't believe you fell for the JEW psyop


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So its either people are r-slurred and it nothing or the government is lying and its something. You guys know my stance on these matters.


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Stop trying to make Aliens happen.


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The Ayy Lmaos clearly indicated their intent to plunder 3 letter Glowie bussies. Lockheed is furiously researching countermeasures for anal probing as we speak

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My completely unsupported schizo-adjacent theory is this is a psyop to get burger citizens as used to larger drone aircraft flying overhead as they are about regular aircraft flying over homeland airspace, ahead of the coming widespread adoption of drone usage for commercial, governmental, and military purposes in the near future.


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We have not identified anything anomalous and do not assess the activity to date to present a national security or public safety risk over the civilian airspace in New Jersey or other states in the northeast.

>These are ours, move along citizen

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Does anyone remember a few months ago when the government was feeding into ufo and ayyylmao conspiracies?

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You'd know this already if you followed my channel

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we assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones

At night? :marseytheorist:

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Putin hasnt yet mentioned anything :marseyno:

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DoD just wants to continue having control over airspace. Look it up.

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It's NEST right?

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