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That Thing That Didn't Happen Might Actually Be Happening - 14 Detained After "Armed Home Invasion" In Aurora Apartment Complex




Aurora police say they detained 14 people Tuesday morning in connection with an armed home invasion, stabbing and kidnapping at an apartment complex recently embroiled in national political controversy.

The latest: A preliminary investigation suggests the crime is "100% gang activity," Aurora police Chief Todd Chamberlain said Tuesday.

There is also a "high assumption" the suspects may be linked to Tren de Aragua, a Venezuelan prison gang known for human smuggling and money laundering, he said.

I like how they try to sweep "(illegal) immigrant prison gangs" under the rug with "gang activity".

Krauts have tons of illegals, but at least apartment complexes in Berlin aren't being overrun by roving gangs of illegals.


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This sort of news always gets MAGA foaming at the mouth. Meanwhile we're still dealing with legalized death panels with our healthcare system. Crickets from MAGA.

You have nothing of importance on the topic so you pick a fight with "the other side"? It's as stupid as the shit they do. Just say "well darn, I guess it was true" and move on like an adult.


I thought nothing was happening in Aurora


Oh but you were racist if you said anything about this a few months ago.

Whoa chuds settle down.

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Also legalized death panels exist in all universal health care systems...

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Chuds don't realize it's limited to a handful of apartment complexes:

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!nonchuds we were right yet again. It's literally just a hand full of apartment complexes that have been anexed by criminal immigrants. Like, just a sprinkle of them. A pinch or two. A little splash. A light dusting of foreign cartel members, barely enough to even cover the delicious pastry that is Aurora. These r-slurs love to blow everything out of proportion.

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I don't care what happens to Coloradans.

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Republitards are such cowards smdh. Like just cross the street when you walk past the cartel controlled properties if it bothers you

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Imagine for a moment that these were apartment complexes filled with CEOs.

Redditors wouldn't be able to stop cumming.

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These foreign cartels are putting good honest American gangs out of business! :chudtantrum:

Won't someone think of the Crips' turf??? :marseydisabled:

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this is more true than people realize. blacks do random violence while mexicans etc are more organized

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Venezuelans are the worst of both worlds tbh.

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This but unironically. American gangbangers make good music :marseyblack: :marseyjamming:

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Trump's claim was that the town "had been conquered": https://www.nbcnews.com/video/trump-migrants-have-invaded-and-conquered-aurora-colorado-221544517722

Nonchuds were right that the town had not been conquered.

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Chuds are emotional r-slurs that are easily driven to hysterics, more at 11

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My favorite is the "organized criminal organization of South American gangs doing home invasions " that are targeting NBA and NFL players houses while they are traveling

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Your Honor. I only killed one person. It's not like I killed 3 or 4, so can you like sweep it under the rug? Thaaaanks.


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>somehow a pr firm for a slum lord led to 14 arrests

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Reported by:

It's a handful of complexes all owned by the same company who always blame immigrant gangs for the sorry state of their properties but won't spend a dime to improve them.

The Corpo is the issue here. If they wanted, they could have a zero crime building but that costs money they could be spending on coke and accountants to help them avoid paying child support.

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The issue here is the Venezuelan gang shaking people down for money. It's got nothing to do with the landchad. What do you expect them to do other than ask the gang members to politely leave?

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Evict them? Call the cops and give permission to search the property for evidence?

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>evict the cartel


>call the cops. the cops will help you


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Surely a legal notice will stop the gang from doing gang activity :marseyclueless:

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Regular people also dislike being thrown out of their homes. Forcing people to leave their property is something landlords and sheriff's deputies are familiar with.

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Well from their public statements the sheriff's office is aware of the gang issue but has seemingly done nothing about it until now. :marseyshrug:

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All nice and legal, then. What's the problem?

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The fact the APD let Venezuelan gangs terrorize people for months unchecked. That's the problem.

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she's just doing a bit. she's just doing a bit.


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Run a background check, you cheap mother fricker.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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They aren't legal residents. They invited themselves in. With violence.

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A dozen people? Nah, something else is going on. The guy had a connection to the gang.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Yes. The gang members were gang members.

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No. The victim dummy. They only broke into one apartment and kidnapped them in another, in the same building. This isn't a robbery.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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They've been shaking down people for rent for months.

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What do you expect them to do other than ask the gang members to politely leave?

Kill them for violating the NAP. Have them trespassed by police. Spend more money on making the buildings nicer so the gangs won't be able to move in to begin with.

There's plenty of viable solutions.

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Sure. If the cops get off their asses. City officials have known more or less what's been going on for months. But we only now have a couple of arrests.

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If the cops won't do anything, then they have lost their legitimacy and have no grounds to arrest the landchad for physically removing (so to speak) the problem himself.

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It would be cool if that was how it worked

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That is how it works. Local cops aren't going to try to arrest someone who has the support of the community and is clearly willing to kill groups of men to maintain a peaceful neighbourhood.

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How recently did you watch Death Wish?

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Yeah cops never arrest people who embarras the government

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Cops have been neutered by r-slurred shortsighted city officials that thought that a short wave of social pressure was more dangerous than letting criminals do whatever they want indefinitely

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And those officials have names and addresses


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Hire magatard armed guards so you get in the news when they accidently light up a Mexican landscaper

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The buildings were not taken over by gangs. That was the slumlord's excuse for not taking care of the properties for years.

The gang members showed up a few weeks before the city finalized the condemnation of one of the company's properties last summer, the complaints from neighbors and residents (and citations from multiple city departments) date back years.

On that note, the gang members accused have all been arrested on other charges; for example, four were involved in a heist of a jewelry store. Some already had warrants out when the slumlord did their thing, the rest were all taken in within a month or so of the story breaking. All on charges that had nothing to do with "taking over" a building that didn't happen.

The slumlord used a bad thing that happened nearby in the community as a fig leaf for their own negligence and the condemnation of their property.

edit: of the three buildings that the CBZ story metastized into last summer, this is one of the same properties; that it has made the news again is not a coincidence; this company makes local news once or twice every year locally, it only went national because it landed on nationwide radar during the presidential campaign last summer.

Also: the slumlord's bullshit story was being pushed by a smear/distraction PR firm (apparently from Florida), which is why it kept shifting and kept being in headlines; who knows where it would have landed except that this story was interrupted by the "eating dogs and cats" story in Springfield, OH which was equally nonsensical and equally metasticizing from a whole lot of unrelated stories so uninteresting that they were barely making local news until some jackass with a grudge invented the "connect the dots" conspiracy-theory style bullshit and the rest of us were suddenly in the middle of a firefight that made no sense.


!commenters !r-slurs

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Don't believe your lying eyes! Believe this rando on reddit!

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Lmao @ManBearHumbug was right

The landlord is eating cats and dogs

Trans lives matter

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I can only read a few paragraphs and my eyes cross

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Thanks for the update bb but aren't you Brazilian?

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I disagwee.

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Factcheck: 14 arrest over gang members taking over an apartment complex

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Seek help.

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They did this with the BLM riots too, like "we only burned down this one block and then the police were so mean to us with spicy air for literally no reason!"

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I don't understand, the BLM rioters were Americans, not Venezuelans. :marseypregunta:

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Those people

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They weren't even supposed to be here?

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Not today, chuddies!


Lol collectivists are pathetic

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Wow that took awhile.

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Germ squealing about American politishit

Cuck :marseysmug2:

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I was born in Cleveland and live in Detroit.

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lol nevermind :marseyteehee:

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My condolences.

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I think the gold says it all really.


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You really think criminals would do that? Just go to another country and commit crimes? :marseypearlclutch:

Someone needs to pass a law to make crimes illegal!

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I always wear my anti-crime wristband, so I'm not worried.

Who wants to be remembered as the crime committing guy? Think twice, guys, for God's sake.

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This isn't the gang members fault. If we just treated them like humans and paid them they wouldn't do crimes!

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>Orange cat in profile pic


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Lmao someone ask for a source. They increased the age up to 19 to include chiraq gang bangers

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The thing that was not happening was the town being conquered by illegal immigrants. :tayaaa:

It being limited to these apartment complexes was the claim the whole time :tayaaa:


There's a large difference between controlling some apartment complexes and Colorado's 3rd largest city.

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They don't control "the city," just the people who live there.

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Maybe .05% of the people who live there, if we're generous (including with our definition of control).

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If fourteen Mexicans break into your house, 10 Mexicans should be seen running for their lives while four suck blood through gaping chest wounds.

This is America. I wish I had this problem

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Given Venezuela doesn't accept deportations from the US I'm looking forward to the MAGA cope, seethe & dilate when daddy can't do anything about them.

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doesn't accept

I'm not sure that Venezuela can stop us from returning them.

But it's cute that you think so!

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Entering airspace without permission is a crime everywhere in the world. Venezuela would just arrest the pilots when they landed. That could be even better for dramacoin.

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We tend to arm the Air Force servicemen so I'm sure the well funded and extremely functional Venezuelan police will be excited to test their field systems against the US. :marseysaluteusa: :!marseysalutebrasil:

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() {_____}
  {  `-'  } Merry Fistmas!
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>14 people hitting one spot? Looks like they were robbing the plug.


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I thought nothing was happening in Aurora

Nothing that particularly matters to anyone living outside a certain radius of this certain area of Aurora.

It doesn't matter if you live out of the way :soyjakanimeglasses:

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